contract C { function k(bytes memory b0, bytes memory b1) public pure { bytes32 k0 = keccak256(b0); bytes32 k1 = keccak256(b1); assert(k0 == k1); } function s(bytes memory b0, bytes memory b1) public pure { bytes32 s0 = sha256(b0); bytes32 s1 = sha256(b1); // Disabled because of Spacer nondeterminism. //assert(s0 == s1); } function r(bytes memory b0, bytes memory b1) public pure { bytes32 r0 = ripemd160(b0); bytes32 r1 = ripemd160(b1); // Disabled because of Spacer nondeterminism. //assert(r0 == r1); } function e(bytes32 h0, uint8 v0, bytes32 r0, bytes32 s0, bytes32 h1, uint8 v1, bytes32 r1, bytes32 s1) public pure { address a0 = ecrecover(h0, v0, r0, s0); address a1 = ecrecover(h1, v1, r1, s1); // Disabled because of Spacer nondeterminism. //assert(a0 == a1); } } // ==== // SMTEngine: all // SMTIgnoreCex: yes // ---- // Warning 2072: (218-228): Unused local variable. // Warning 2072: (245-255): Unused local variable. // Warning 2072: (405-415): Unused local variable. // Warning 2072: (435-445): Unused local variable. // Warning 2072: (656-666): Unused local variable. // Warning 2072: (698-708): Unused local variable. // Warning 6328: (135-151): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.