/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * Analyzer part of inline assembly. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::yul; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace solidity::langutil; bool AsmAnalyzer::analyze(Block const& _block) { m_success = true; try { if (!(ScopeFiller(m_info, m_errorReporter))(_block)) return false; (*this)(_block); if (!m_success) yulAssert(m_errorReporter.hasErrors(), "No success but no error."); } catch (FatalError const&) { // This FatalError con occur if the errorReporter has too many errors. yulAssert(!m_errorReporter.errors().empty(), "Fatal error detected, but no error is reported."); } return m_success && !m_errorReporter.hasErrors(); } AsmAnalysisInfo AsmAnalyzer::analyzeStrictAssertCorrect(Dialect const& _dialect, Object const& _object) { ErrorList errorList; langutil::ErrorReporter errors(errorList); AsmAnalysisInfo analysisInfo; bool success = yul::AsmAnalyzer( analysisInfo, errors, _dialect, {}, _object.dataNames() ).analyze(*_object.code); yulAssert(success && errorList.empty(), "Invalid assembly/yul code."); return analysisInfo; } vector AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Literal const& _literal) { expectValidType(_literal.type, _literal.location); if (_literal.kind == LiteralKind::String && _literal.value.str().size() > 32) typeError( _literal.location, "String literal too long (" + to_string(_literal.value.str().size()) + " > 32)" ); else if (_literal.kind == LiteralKind::Number && bigint(_literal.value.str()) > u256(-1)) typeError(_literal.location, "Number literal too large (> 256 bits)"); else if (_literal.kind == LiteralKind::Boolean) yulAssert(_literal.value == "true"_yulstring || _literal.value == "false"_yulstring, ""); if (!m_dialect.validTypeForLiteral(_literal.kind, _literal.value, _literal.type)) typeError( _literal.location, "Invalid type \"" + _literal.type.str() + "\" for literal \"" + _literal.value.str() + "\"." ); return {_literal.type}; } vector AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Identifier const& _identifier) { yulAssert(!_identifier.name.empty(), ""); size_t numErrorsBefore = m_errorReporter.errors().size(); YulString type = m_dialect.defaultType; if (m_currentScope->lookup(_identifier.name, GenericVisitor{ [&](Scope::Variable const& _var) { if (!m_activeVariables.count(&_var)) declarationError( _identifier.location, "Variable " + _identifier.name.str() + " used before it was declared." ); type = _var.type; }, [&](Scope::Function const&) { typeError( _identifier.location, "Function " + _identifier.name.str() + " used without being called." ); } })) { } else { bool found = false; if (m_resolver) { bool insideFunction = m_currentScope->insideFunction(); size_t stackSize = m_resolver(_identifier, yul::IdentifierContext::RValue, insideFunction); if (stackSize != size_t(-1)) { found = true; yulAssert(stackSize == 1, "Invalid stack size of external reference."); } } if (!found) { // Only add an error message if the callback did not do it. if (numErrorsBefore == m_errorReporter.errors().size()) declarationError(_identifier.location, "Identifier not found."); m_success = false; } } return {type}; } void AsmAnalyzer::operator()(ExpressionStatement const& _statement) { vector types = std::visit(*this, _statement.expression); if (m_success && !types.empty()) typeError(_statement.location, "Top-level expressions are not supposed to return values (this expression returns " + to_string(types.size()) + " value" + (types.size() == 1 ? "" : "s") + "). Use ``pop()`` or assign them." ); } void AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Assignment const& _assignment) { yulAssert(_assignment.value, ""); size_t const numVariables = _assignment.variableNames.size(); yulAssert(numVariables >= 1, ""); vector types = std::visit(*this, *_assignment.value); if (types.size() != numVariables) declarationError( _assignment.location, "Variable count does not match number of values (" + to_string(numVariables) + " vs. " + to_string(types.size()) + ")" ); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVariables; ++i) if (i < types.size()) checkAssignment(_assignment.variableNames[i], types[i]); } void AsmAnalyzer::operator()(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl) { size_t const numVariables = _varDecl.variables.size(); if (m_resolver) for (auto const& variable: _varDecl.variables) // Call the resolver for variable declarations to allow it to raise errors on shadowing. m_resolver( yul::Identifier{variable.location, variable.name}, yul::IdentifierContext::VariableDeclaration, m_currentScope->insideFunction() ); for (auto const& variable: _varDecl.variables) expectValidType(variable.type, variable.location); if (_varDecl.value) { vector types = std::visit(*this, *_varDecl.value); if (types.size() != numVariables) declarationError(_varDecl.location, "Variable count mismatch: " + to_string(numVariables) + " variables and " + to_string(types.size()) + " values." ); for (size_t i = 0; i < _varDecl.variables.size(); ++i) { YulString givenType = m_dialect.defaultType; if (i < types.size()) givenType = types[i]; TypedName const& variable = _varDecl.variables[i]; if (variable.type != givenType) typeError( variable.location, "Assigning value of type \"" + givenType.str() + "\" to variable of type \"" + variable.type.str() + "." ); } } for (TypedName const& variable: _varDecl.variables) m_activeVariables.insert(&std::get( m_currentScope->identifiers.at(variable.name)) ); } void AsmAnalyzer::operator()(FunctionDefinition const& _funDef) { yulAssert(!_funDef.name.empty(), ""); Block const* virtualBlock = m_info.virtualBlocks.at(&_funDef).get(); yulAssert(virtualBlock, ""); Scope& varScope = scope(virtualBlock); for (auto const& var: _funDef.parameters + _funDef.returnVariables) { expectValidType(var.type, var.location); m_activeVariables.insert(&std::get(varScope.identifiers.at(var.name))); } (*this)(_funDef.body); } vector AsmAnalyzer::operator()(FunctionCall const& _funCall) { yulAssert(!_funCall.functionName.name.empty(), ""); vector const* parameterTypes = nullptr; vector const* returnTypes = nullptr; vector const* needsLiteralArguments = nullptr; if (BuiltinFunction const* f = m_dialect.builtin(_funCall.functionName.name)) { parameterTypes = &f->parameters; returnTypes = &f->returns; if (f->literalArguments) needsLiteralArguments = &f->literalArguments.value(); } else if (!m_currentScope->lookup(_funCall.functionName.name, GenericVisitor{ [&](Scope::Variable const&) { typeError( _funCall.functionName.location, "Attempt to call variable instead of function." ); }, [&](Scope::Function const& _fun) { parameterTypes = &_fun.arguments; returnTypes = &_fun.returns; } })) { if (!warnOnInstructions(_funCall.functionName.name.str(), _funCall.functionName.location)) declarationError(_funCall.functionName.location, "Function not found."); m_success = false; } if (parameterTypes && _funCall.arguments.size() != parameterTypes->size()) typeError( _funCall.functionName.location, "Function expects " + to_string(parameterTypes->size()) + " arguments but got " + to_string(_funCall.arguments.size()) + "." ); vector argTypes; for (size_t i = _funCall.arguments.size(); i > 0; i--) { Expression const& arg = _funCall.arguments[i - 1]; argTypes.emplace_back(expectExpression(arg)); if (needsLiteralArguments && (*needsLiteralArguments)[i - 1]) { if (!holds_alternative(arg)) typeError( _funCall.functionName.location, "Function expects direct literals as arguments." ); else if ( _funCall.functionName.name.str() == "datasize" || _funCall.functionName.name.str() == "dataoffset" ) if (!m_dataNames.count(std::get(arg).value)) typeError( _funCall.functionName.location, "Unknown data object \"" + std::get(arg).value.str() + "\"." ); } } std::reverse(argTypes.begin(), argTypes.end()); if (parameterTypes && parameterTypes->size() == argTypes.size()) for (size_t i = 0; i < parameterTypes->size(); ++i) expectType((*parameterTypes)[i], argTypes[i], locationOf(_funCall.arguments[i])); if (m_success) { yulAssert(parameterTypes && parameterTypes->size() == argTypes.size(), ""); yulAssert(returnTypes, ""); return *returnTypes; } else if (returnTypes) return vector(returnTypes->size(), m_dialect.defaultType); else return {}; } void AsmAnalyzer::operator()(If const& _if) { expectBoolExpression(*_if.condition); (*this)(_if.body); } void AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Switch const& _switch) { yulAssert(_switch.expression, ""); YulString valueType = expectExpression(*_switch.expression); set cases; for (auto const& _case: _switch.cases) { if (_case.value) { expectType(valueType, _case.value->type, _case.value->location); // We cannot use "expectExpression" here because *_case.value is not an // Expression and would be converted to an Expression otherwise. (*this)(*_case.value); /// Note: the parser ensures there is only one default case if (m_success && !cases.insert(valueOfLiteral(*_case.value)).second) declarationError(_case.location, "Duplicate case defined."); } (*this)(_case.body); } } void AsmAnalyzer::operator()(ForLoop const& _for) { yulAssert(_for.condition, ""); Scope* outerScope = m_currentScope; (*this)(_for.pre); // The block was closed already, but we re-open it again and stuff the // condition, the body and the post part inside. m_currentScope = &scope(&_for.pre); expectBoolExpression(*_for.condition); // backup outer for-loop & create new state auto outerForLoop = m_currentForLoop; m_currentForLoop = &_for; (*this)(_for.body); (*this)(_for.post); m_currentScope = outerScope; m_currentForLoop = outerForLoop; } void AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Block const& _block) { auto previousScope = m_currentScope; m_currentScope = &scope(&_block); for (auto const& s: _block.statements) std::visit(*this, s); m_currentScope = previousScope; } YulString AsmAnalyzer::expectExpression(Expression const& _expr) { vector types = std::visit(*this, _expr); if (types.size() != 1) typeError( locationOf(_expr), "Expected expression to evaluate to one value, but got " + to_string(types.size()) + " values instead." ); return types.empty() ? m_dialect.defaultType : types.front(); } void AsmAnalyzer::expectBoolExpression(Expression const& _expr) { YulString type = expectExpression(_expr); if (type != m_dialect.boolType) typeError(locationOf(_expr), "Expected a value of boolean type \"" + m_dialect.boolType.str() + "\" but got \"" + type.str() + "\"" ); } void AsmAnalyzer::checkAssignment(Identifier const& _variable, YulString _valueType) { yulAssert(!_variable.name.empty(), ""); size_t numErrorsBefore = m_errorReporter.errors().size(); YulString const* variableType = nullptr; bool found = false; if (Scope::Identifier const* var = m_currentScope->lookup(_variable.name)) { // Check that it is a variable if (!holds_alternative(*var)) typeError(_variable.location, "Assignment requires variable."); else if (!m_activeVariables.count(&std::get(*var))) declarationError( _variable.location, "Variable " + _variable.name.str() + " used before it was declared." ); else variableType = &std::get(*var).type; found = true; } else if (m_resolver) { bool insideFunction = m_currentScope->insideFunction(); size_t variableSize = m_resolver(_variable, yul::IdentifierContext::LValue, insideFunction); if (variableSize != size_t(-1)) { found = true; variableType = &m_dialect.defaultType; yulAssert(variableSize == 1, "Invalid stack size of external reference."); } } if (!found) { m_success = false; // Only add message if the callback did not. if (numErrorsBefore == m_errorReporter.errors().size()) declarationError(_variable.location, "Variable not found or variable not lvalue."); } if (variableType && *variableType != _valueType) typeError(_variable.location, "Assigning a value of type \"" + _valueType.str() + "\" to a variable of type \"" + variableType->str() + "\"." ); if (m_success) yulAssert(variableType, ""); } Scope& AsmAnalyzer::scope(Block const* _block) { yulAssert(m_info.scopes.count(_block) == 1, "Scope requested but not present."); auto scopePtr = m_info.scopes.at(_block); yulAssert(scopePtr, "Scope requested but not present."); return *scopePtr; } void AsmAnalyzer::expectValidType(YulString _type, SourceLocation const& _location) { if (!m_dialect.types.count(_type)) typeError( _location, "\"" + _type.str() + "\" is not a valid type (user defined types are not yet supported)." ); } void AsmAnalyzer::expectType(YulString _expectedType, YulString _givenType, SourceLocation const& _location) { if (_expectedType != _givenType) typeError(_location, "Expected a value of type \"" + _expectedType.str() + "\" but got \"" + _givenType.str() + "\"" ); } bool AsmAnalyzer::warnOnInstructions(std::string const& _instructionIdentifier, langutil::SourceLocation const& _location) { auto const builtin = EVMDialect::strictAssemblyForEVM(EVMVersion{}).builtin(YulString(_instructionIdentifier)); if (builtin) return warnOnInstructions(builtin->instruction.value(), _location); else return false; } bool AsmAnalyzer::warnOnInstructions(evmasm::Instruction _instr, SourceLocation const& _location) { // We assume that returndatacopy, returndatasize and staticcall are either all available // or all not available. yulAssert(m_evmVersion.supportsReturndata() == m_evmVersion.hasStaticCall(), ""); // Similarly we assume bitwise shifting and create2 go together. yulAssert(m_evmVersion.hasBitwiseShifting() == m_evmVersion.hasCreate2(), ""); auto errorForVM = [&](string const& vmKindMessage) { typeError( _location, "The \"" + boost::to_lower_copy(instructionInfo(_instr).name) + "\" instruction is " + vmKindMessage + " VMs " + " (you are currently compiling for \"" + m_evmVersion.name() + "\")." ); }; if (( _instr == evmasm::Instruction::RETURNDATACOPY || _instr == evmasm::Instruction::RETURNDATASIZE ) && !m_evmVersion.supportsReturndata()) { errorForVM("only available for Byzantium-compatible"); } else if (_instr == evmasm::Instruction::STATICCALL && !m_evmVersion.hasStaticCall()) { errorForVM("only available for Byzantium-compatible"); } else if (( _instr == evmasm::Instruction::SHL || _instr == evmasm::Instruction::SHR || _instr == evmasm::Instruction::SAR ) && !m_evmVersion.hasBitwiseShifting()) { errorForVM("only available for Constantinople-compatible"); } else if (_instr == evmasm::Instruction::CREATE2 && !m_evmVersion.hasCreate2()) { errorForVM("only available for Constantinople-compatible"); } else if (_instr == evmasm::Instruction::EXTCODEHASH && !m_evmVersion.hasExtCodeHash()) { errorForVM("only available for Constantinople-compatible"); } else if (_instr == evmasm::Instruction::CHAINID && !m_evmVersion.hasChainID()) { errorForVM("only available for Istanbul-compatible"); } else if (_instr == evmasm::Instruction::SELFBALANCE && !m_evmVersion.hasSelfBalance()) { errorForVM("only available for Istanbul-compatible"); } else if ( _instr == evmasm::Instruction::JUMP || _instr == evmasm::Instruction::JUMPI || _instr == evmasm::Instruction::JUMPDEST ) { m_errorReporter.error( 4316_error, Error::Type::SyntaxError, _location, "Jump instructions and labels are low-level EVM features that can lead to " "incorrect stack access. Because of that they are disallowed in strict assembly. " "Use functions, \"switch\", \"if\" or \"for\" statements instead." ); m_success = false; } else return false; return true; } void AsmAnalyzer::typeError(SourceLocation const& _location, string const& _description) { m_errorReporter.typeError(7569_error, _location, _description); m_success = false; } void AsmAnalyzer::declarationError(SourceLocation const& _location, string const& _description) { m_errorReporter.declarationError(9595_error, _location, _description); m_success = false; }