/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 // windows #include #define isatty _isatty #define fileno _fileno #else // unix #include #endif namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::langutil; using namespace solidity::tools; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace solidity::frontend; using namespace std; static string const g_argHelp = "help"; static string const g_argVersion = "version"; static string const g_argInputFile = "input-file"; static string const g_argModules = "modules"; static string const g_argDryRun = "dry-run"; static string const g_argUnsafe = "unsafe"; static string const g_argVerbose = "verbose"; static string const g_argIgnoreMissingFiles = "ignore-missing"; static string const g_argAllowPaths = "allow-paths"; namespace { ostream& out() { return cout; } AnsiColorized log() { return AnsiColorized(cout, true, {}); } AnsiColorized success() { return AnsiColorized(cout, true, {formatting::CYAN}); } AnsiColorized warning() { return AnsiColorized(cout, true, {formatting::YELLOW}); } AnsiColorized error() { return AnsiColorized(cout, true, {formatting::MAGENTA}); } void logVersion() { /// TODO Replace by variable that can be set during build. out() << "0.1.0" << endl; } void logProgress() { out() << "."; out().flush(); } } bool SourceUpgrade::parseArguments(int _argc, char** _argv) { po::options_description desc(R"(solidity-upgrade, the Solidity upgrade assistant. The solidity-upgrade tool can help upgrade smart contracts to breaking language features. It does not support all breaking changes for each version, but will hopefully assist upgrading your contracts to the desired Solidity version. solidity-upgrade is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please be careful when running upgrades on your contracts. Usage: solidity-upgrade [options] contract.sol Allowed options)", po::options_description::m_default_line_length, po::options_description::m_default_line_length - 23 ); desc.add_options() (g_argHelp.c_str(), "Show help message and exit.") (g_argVersion.c_str(), "Show version and exit.") ( g_argAllowPaths.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("path(s)"), "Allow a given path for imports. A list of paths can be supplied by separating them " "with a comma." ) (g_argIgnoreMissingFiles.c_str(), "Ignore missing files.") ( g_argModules.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("module(s)"), "Only activate a specific upgrade module. A list of " "modules can be supplied by separating them with a comma." ) (g_argDryRun.c_str(), "Apply changes in-memory only and don't write to input file.") (g_argVerbose.c_str(), "Print logs, errors and changes. Shortens output of upgrade patches.") (g_argUnsafe.c_str(), "Accept *unsafe* changes."); po::options_description allOptions = desc; allOptions.add_options()("input-file", po::value>(), "input file"); po::positional_options_description filesPositions; filesPositions.add("input-file", -1); // parse the compiler arguments try { po::command_line_parser cmdLineParser(_argc, _argv); cmdLineParser.style( po::command_line_style::default_style & (~po::command_line_style::allow_guessing) ); cmdLineParser.options(allOptions).positional(filesPositions); po::store(cmdLineParser.run(), m_args); } catch (po::error const& _exception) { error() << _exception.what() << endl; return false; } if (m_args.count(g_argHelp) || (isatty(fileno(stdin)) && _argc == 1)) { out() << endl; log() << desc; return false; } if (m_args.count(g_argVersion)) { logVersion(); return false; } if (m_args.count(g_argModules)) { vector moduleArgs; auto modules = boost::split( moduleArgs, m_args[g_argModules].as(), boost::is_any_of(",") ); /// All modules are activated by default. Clear them before activating single ones. m_suite.deactivateModules(); for (string const& module: modules) { if (module == "constructor") m_suite.activateModule(Module::ConstructorKeyword); else if (module == "visibility") m_suite.activateModule(Module::VisibilitySpecifier); else if (module == "abstract") m_suite.activateModule(Module::AbstractContract); else if (module == "override") m_suite.activateModule(Module::OverridingFunction); else if (module == "virtual") m_suite.activateModule(Module::VirtualFunction); else if (module == "dotsyntax") m_suite.activateModule(Module::DotSyntax); else if (module == "now") m_suite.activateModule(Module::NowKeyword); else { error() << "Unknown upgrade module \"" + module + "\"" << endl; return false; } } } /// TODO Share with solc commandline interface. if (m_args.count(g_argAllowPaths)) { vector paths; auto allowedPaths = boost::split( paths, m_args[g_argAllowPaths].as(), boost::is_any_of(",") ); for (string const& path: allowedPaths) { auto filesystem_path = boost::filesystem::path(path); /// If the given path had a trailing slash, the Boost filesystem /// path will have it's last component set to '.'. This breaks /// path comparison in later parts of the code, so we need to strip /// it. if (filesystem_path.filename() == ".") filesystem_path.remove_filename(); m_allowedDirectories.push_back(filesystem_path); } } return true; } void SourceUpgrade::printPrologue() { out() << endl; out() << endl; log() << "solidity-upgrade does not support all breaking changes for each version." << endl << "Please run `solidity-upgrade --help` and get a list of implemented upgrades." << endl << endl; log() << "Running analysis (and upgrade) on given source files." << endl; } bool SourceUpgrade::processInput() { if (!readInputFiles()) return false; resetCompiler(fileReader()); tryCompile(); runUpgrade(); printStatistics(); return true; } void SourceUpgrade::tryCompile() const { bool verbose = m_args.count(g_argVerbose); if (verbose) log() << "Running compilation phases." << endl << endl; else logProgress(); try { if (m_compiler->parse()) { if (m_compiler->analyze()) m_compiler->compile(); else if (verbose) { error() << "Compilation errors that solidity-upgrade may resolve occurred." << endl << endl; printErrors(); } } else if (verbose) { error() << "Compilation errors that solidity-upgrade cannot resolve occurred." << endl << endl; printErrors(); } } catch (Exception const& _exception) { error() << "Exception during compilation: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception) << endl; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { error() << (_e.what() ? ": " + string(_e.what()) : ".") << endl; } catch (...) { error() << "Unknown exception during compilation." << endl; } } void SourceUpgrade::runUpgrade() { bool recompile = true; while (recompile && !m_compiler->errors().empty()) { for (auto& sourceCode: m_sourceCodes) { recompile = analyzeAndUpgrade(sourceCode); if (recompile) break; } if (recompile) { m_suite.reset(); resetCompiler(); tryCompile(); } } } bool SourceUpgrade::analyzeAndUpgrade(pair const& _sourceCode) { bool applyUnsafe = m_args.count(g_argUnsafe); bool verbose = m_args.count(g_argVerbose); if (verbose) log() << "Analyzing and upgrading " << _sourceCode.first << "." << endl; if (m_compiler->state() >= CompilerStack::State::AnalysisPerformed) m_suite.analyze(m_compiler->ast(_sourceCode.first)); if (!m_suite.changes().empty()) { auto& change = m_suite.changes().front(); if (verbose) change.log(true); if (change.level() == UpgradeChange::Level::Safe) { applyChange(_sourceCode, change); return true; } else if (change.level() == UpgradeChange::Level::Unsafe) { if (applyUnsafe) { applyChange(_sourceCode, change); return true; } } } return false; } void SourceUpgrade::applyChange( pair const& _sourceCode, UpgradeChange& _change ) { bool dryRun = m_args.count(g_argDryRun); bool verbose = m_args.count(g_argVerbose); if (verbose) { log() << "Applying change to " << _sourceCode.first << endl << endl; log() << _change.patch(); } _change.apply(); m_sourceCodes[_sourceCode.first] = _change.source(); if (!dryRun) writeInputFile(_sourceCode.first, _change.source()); } void SourceUpgrade::printErrors() const { auto formatter = make_unique(cout, true); for (auto const& error: m_compiler->errors()) if (error->type() != langutil::Error::Type::Warning) formatter->printErrorInformation(*error); } void SourceUpgrade::printStatistics() const { out() << endl; out() << endl; out() << "After upgrade:" << endl; out() << endl; error() << "Found " << m_compiler->errors().size() << " errors." << endl; success() << "Found " << m_suite.changes().size() << " upgrades." << endl; } bool SourceUpgrade::readInputFiles() { bool ignoreMissing = m_args.count(g_argIgnoreMissingFiles); /// TODO Share with solc commandline interface. if (m_args.count(g_argInputFile)) for (string path: m_args[g_argInputFile].as>()) { auto infile = boost::filesystem::path(path); if (!boost::filesystem::exists(infile)) { if (!ignoreMissing) { error() << infile << " is not found." << endl; return false; } else error() << infile << " is not found. Skipping." << endl; continue; } if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(infile)) { if (!ignoreMissing) { error() << infile << " is not a valid file." << endl; return false; } else error() << infile << " is not a valid file. Skipping." << endl; continue; } m_sourceCodes[infile.generic_string()] = readFileAsString(infile.string()); path = boost::filesystem::canonical(infile).string(); } if (m_sourceCodes.size() == 0) { warning() << "No input files given. If you wish to use the standard input please specify \"-\" explicitly." << endl; return false; } return true; } bool SourceUpgrade::writeInputFile(string const& _path, string const& _source) { bool verbose = m_args.count(g_argVerbose); if (verbose) { out() << endl; log() << "Writing to input file " << _path << "." << endl; } ofstream file(_path, ios::trunc); file << _source; return true; } ReadCallback::Callback SourceUpgrade::fileReader() { /// TODO Share with solc commandline interface. ReadCallback::Callback fileReader = [this](string const&, string const& _path) { try { auto path = boost::filesystem::path(_path); auto canonicalPath = boost::filesystem::weakly_canonical(path); bool isAllowed = false; for (auto const& allowedDir: m_allowedDirectories) { // If dir is a prefix of boostPath, we are fine. if ( std::distance(allowedDir.begin(), allowedDir.end()) <= std::distance(canonicalPath.begin(), canonicalPath.end()) && std::equal(allowedDir.begin(), allowedDir.end(), canonicalPath.begin()) ) { isAllowed = true; break; } } if (!isAllowed) return ReadCallback::Result{false, "File outside of allowed directories."}; if (!boost::filesystem::exists(canonicalPath)) return ReadCallback::Result{false, "File not found."}; if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(canonicalPath)) return ReadCallback::Result{false, "Not a valid file."}; auto contents = readFileAsString(canonicalPath.string()); m_sourceCodes[path.generic_string()] = contents; return ReadCallback::Result{true, contents}; } catch (Exception const& _exception) { return ReadCallback::Result{false, "Exception in read callback: " + boost::diagnostic_information(_exception)}; } catch (...) { return ReadCallback::Result{false, "Unknown exception in read callback."}; } }; return fileReader; } void SourceUpgrade::resetCompiler() { m_compiler->reset(); m_compiler->setSources(m_sourceCodes); m_compiler->setParserErrorRecovery(true); } void SourceUpgrade::resetCompiler(ReadCallback::Callback const& _callback) { m_compiler.reset(new CompilerStack(_callback)); m_compiler->setSources(m_sourceCodes); m_compiler->setParserErrorRecovery(true); }