#!/usr/bin/env bash # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This file is part of solidity. # # solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with solidity. If not, see # # (c) 2022 solidity contributors. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set -e source scripts/common.sh source test/externalTests/common.sh REPO_ROOT=$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")/../..") verify_input "$@" BINARY_TYPE="$1" BINARY_PATH="$2" SELECTED_PRESETS="$3" function compile_fn { npm run build; } function test_fn { npm run test; } function elementfi_test { local repo="https://github.com/element-fi/elf-contracts" local ref_type=branch local ref=main local config_file="hardhat.config.ts" local config_var=config local compile_only_presets=() local settings_presets=( "${compile_only_presets[@]}" #ir-no-optimize # Compilation fails with "YulException: Variable var_amount_9311 is 10 slot(s) too deep inside the stack." #ir-optimize-evm-only # Compilation fails with "YulException: Variable var_amount_9311 is 10 slot(s) too deep inside the stack." ir-optimize-evm+yul legacy-no-optimize legacy-optimize-evm-only legacy-optimize-evm+yul ) [[ $SELECTED_PRESETS != "" ]] || SELECTED_PRESETS=$(circleci_select_steps_multiarg "${settings_presets[@]}") print_presets_or_exit "$SELECTED_PRESETS" setup_solc "$DIR" "$BINARY_TYPE" "$BINARY_PATH" download_project "$repo" "$ref_type" "$ref" "$DIR" chmod +x scripts/load-balancer-contracts.sh scripts/load-balancer-contracts.sh # Balancer contracts require 0.7.x. Patch them for 0.8.x. pushd contracts/balancer-core-v2 sed -i 's|uint256(address(this))|uint256(uint160(address(this)))|g' test/MockPoolFactory.sol sed -i 's|uint256(address(this))|uint256(uint160(address(this)))|g' vault/ProtocolFeesCollector.sol sed -i 's|uint256(address(this))|uint256(uint160(address(this)))|g' vault/VaultAuthorization.sol sed -i 's|msg\.sender\.sendValue(excess)|payable(msg.sender).sendValue(excess)|g' vault/AssetTransfersHandler.sol sed -i 's|msg\.sender\.transfer(wad)|payable(msg.sender).transfer(wad)|g' test/WETH.sol sed -i 's|int256(-amountsOut\[i\])|-int256(amountsOut[i])|g' test/MockVault.sol sed -i 's|int256(-amount)|-int256(amount)|g' vault/AssetManagers.sol sed -i 's|uint256(-1)|type(uint256).max|g' pools/BalancerPoolToken.sol sed -i 's|uint256(-1)|type(uint256).max|g' test/WETH.sol sed -i 's|IERC20(0)|IERC20(address(0))|g' pools/BasePool.sol sed -i 's|IERC20(0)|IERC20(address(0))|g' vault/balances/TwoTokenPoolsBalance.sol sed -i 's|IERC20(0)|IERC20(address(0))|g' vault/FlashLoans.sol sed -i 's|IERC20(0)|IERC20(address(0))|g' vault/PoolTokens.sol sed -i 's|uint256(msg\.sender)|uint256(uint160(msg.sender))|g' pools/BasePool.sol sed -i 's|uint256(msg\.sender)|uint256(uint160(msg.sender))|g' pools/weighted/WeightedPool2Tokens.sol sed -i 's|address(uint256(_data))|address(uint160(uint256(_data)))|g' lib/openzeppelin/Create2.sol sed -i 's|address(uint256(poolId) >> (12 \* 8))|address(uint160(uint256(poolId) >> (12 * 8)))|g' vault/PoolRegistry.sol sed -i 's|bytes32(uint256(pool))|bytes32(uint256(uint160(pool)))|g' vault/PoolRegistry.sol popd # The test suite uses forked mainnet and an expiration period that's too short. # TODO: Remove when https://github.com/element-fi/elf-contracts/issues/243 is fixed. sed -i 's|^\s*require(_expiration - block\.timestamp < _unitSeconds);\s*$||g' contracts/ConvergentCurvePool.sol # Disable tests that won't pass on the ir presets due to Hardhat heuristics. Note that this also disables # them for other presets but that's fine - we want same code run for benchmarks to be comparable. # TODO: Remove this when Hardhat adjusts heuristics for IR (https://github.com/nomiclabs/hardhat/issues/2115). sed -i 's|it(\("fails to withdraw more shares than in balance"\)|it.skip(\1|g' test/compoundAssetProxyTest.ts sed -i 's|it(\("should prevent withdrawal of Principal Tokens and Interest Tokens before the tranche expires "\)|it.skip(\1|g' test/trancheTest.ts sed -i 's|it(\("should prevent withdrawal of more Principal Tokens and Interest Tokens than the user has"\)|it.skip(\1|g' test/trancheTest.ts # This test file is very flaky. There's one particular cases that fails randomly (see # https://github.com/element-fi/elf-contracts/issues/240) but some others also depends on an external # service which makes tests time out when that service is down. # "ProviderError: Too Many Requests error received from eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io" rm test/mockERC20YearnVaultTest.ts # Several tests fail unless we use the exact versions hard-coded in package-lock.json #neutralize_package_lock neutralize_package_json_hooks force_hardhat_compiler_binary "$config_file" "$BINARY_TYPE" "$BINARY_PATH" force_hardhat_compiler_settings "$config_file" "$(first_word "$SELECTED_PRESETS")" "$config_var" force_hardhat_unlimited_contract_size "$config_file" "$config_var" npm install replace_version_pragmas for preset in $SELECTED_PRESETS; do hardhat_run_test "$config_file" "$preset" "${compile_only_presets[*]}" compile_fn test_fn "$config_var" store_benchmark_report hardhat elementfi "$repo" "$preset" done } external_test ElementFi elementfi_test