/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::langutil; using namespace solidity::frontend; using namespace solidity::frontend::test; SMTCheckerTest::SMTCheckerTest(string const& _filename): SyntaxTest(_filename, EVMVersion{}) { auto contract = m_reader.stringSetting("SMTContract", ""); if (!contract.empty()) m_modelCheckerSettings.contracts.contracts[""] = {contract}; auto extCallsMode = ModelCheckerExtCalls::fromString(m_reader.stringSetting("SMTExtCalls", "untrusted")); if (extCallsMode) m_modelCheckerSettings.externalCalls = *extCallsMode; else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid SMT external calls mode.")); auto const& showUnproved = m_reader.stringSetting("SMTShowUnproved", "yes"); if (showUnproved == "no") m_modelCheckerSettings.showUnproved = false; else if (showUnproved == "yes") m_modelCheckerSettings.showUnproved = true; else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid SMT \"show unproved\" choice.")); auto const& showUnsupported = m_reader.stringSetting("SMTShowUnsupported", "yes"); if (showUnsupported == "no") m_modelCheckerSettings.showUnsupported = false; else if (showUnsupported == "yes") m_modelCheckerSettings.showUnsupported = true; else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid SMT \"show unsupported\" choice.")); m_modelCheckerSettings.solvers = smtutil::SMTSolverChoice::None(); auto const& choice = m_reader.stringSetting("SMTSolvers", "z3"); if (choice == "none") m_modelCheckerSettings.solvers = smtutil::SMTSolverChoice::None(); else if (!m_modelCheckerSettings.solvers.setSolver(choice)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid SMT solver choice.")); m_modelCheckerSettings.solvers &= ModelChecker::availableSolvers(); /// Underflow and Overflow are not enabled by default for Solidity >=0.8.7, /// so we explicitly enable all targets for the tests, /// if the targets were not explicitly set by the test. auto targets = ModelCheckerTargets::fromString(m_reader.stringSetting("SMTTargets", "all")); if (targets) m_modelCheckerSettings.targets = *targets; else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid SMT targets.")); auto engine = ModelCheckerEngine::fromString(m_reader.stringSetting("SMTEngine", "all")); if (engine) m_modelCheckerSettings.engine = *engine; else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid SMT engine choice.")); if (m_modelCheckerSettings.solvers.none() || m_modelCheckerSettings.engine.none()) m_shouldRun = false; auto const& ignoreCex = m_reader.stringSetting("SMTIgnoreCex", "yes"); if (ignoreCex == "no") m_ignoreCex = false; else if (ignoreCex == "yes") m_ignoreCex = true; else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid SMT counterexample choice.")); static auto removeInv = [](vector&& errors) { vector filtered; for (auto&& e: errors) if (e.errorId != 1180_error) filtered.emplace_back(e); return filtered; }; if (m_modelCheckerSettings.invariants.invariants.empty()) m_expectations = removeInv(std::move(m_expectations)); auto const& ignoreInv = m_reader.stringSetting("SMTIgnoreInv", "yes"); if (ignoreInv == "no") m_modelCheckerSettings.invariants = ModelCheckerInvariants::All(); else if (ignoreInv == "yes") m_modelCheckerSettings.invariants = ModelCheckerInvariants::None(); else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid SMT invariant choice.")); auto const& ignoreOSSetting = m_reader.stringSetting("SMTIgnoreOS", "none"); for (string const& os: ignoreOSSetting | ranges::views::split(',') | ranges::to>()) { #ifdef __APPLE__ if (os == "macos") m_shouldRun = false; #elif _WIN32 if (os == "windows") m_shouldRun = false; #elif __linux__ if (os == "linux") m_shouldRun = false; #endif } auto const& bmcLoopIterations = m_reader.sizetSetting("BMCLoopIterations", 1); m_modelCheckerSettings.bmcLoopIterations = std::optional{bmcLoopIterations}; } TestCase::TestResult SMTCheckerTest::run(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) { setupCompiler(); compiler().setModelCheckerSettings(m_modelCheckerSettings); parseAndAnalyze(); filterObtainedErrors(); return conclude(_stream, _linePrefix, _formatted); } void SMTCheckerTest::filterObtainedErrors() { SyntaxTest::filterObtainedErrors(); static auto removeCex = [](vector& errors) { for (auto& e: errors) if ( auto cexPos = e.message.find("\\nCounterexample"); cexPos != string::npos ) e.message = e.message.substr(0, cexPos); }; if (m_ignoreCex) { removeCex(m_expectations); removeCex(m_errorList); } }