/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** * @date 2017 * Metadata processing helpers. */ #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <libsolutil/Assertions.h> #include <libsolutil/CommonData.h> #include <test/Metadata.h> using namespace std; namespace solidity::test { bytes onlyMetadata(bytes const& _bytecode) { size_t size = _bytecode.size(); if (size < 5) return bytes{}; size_t metadataSize = (static_cast<size_t>(_bytecode[size - 2]) << 8ul) + static_cast<size_t>(_bytecode[size - 1]); if (size < (metadataSize + 2)) return bytes{}; // Sanity check: assume the first byte is a fixed-size CBOR array with 1, 2 or 3 entries unsigned char firstByte = _bytecode[size - metadataSize - 2]; if (firstByte != 0xa1 && firstByte != 0xa2 && firstByte != 0xa3) return bytes{}; return bytes(_bytecode.end() - static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(metadataSize) - 2, _bytecode.end() - 2); } bytes bytecodeSansMetadata(bytes const& _bytecode) { size_t metadataSize = onlyMetadata(_bytecode).size(); if (metadataSize == 0) return bytes{}; return bytes(_bytecode.begin(), _bytecode.end() - static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(metadataSize) - 2); } string bytecodeSansMetadata(string const& _bytecode) { return util::toHex(bytecodeSansMetadata(fromHex(_bytecode, util::WhenError::Throw))); } DEV_SIMPLE_EXCEPTION(CBORException); class TinyCBORParser { public: explicit TinyCBORParser(bytes const& _metadata): m_pos(0), m_metadata(_metadata) { assertThrow((m_pos + 1) < _metadata.size(), CBORException, "Input too short."); } unsigned mapItemCount() { assertThrow(nextType() == MajorType::Map, CBORException, "Fixed-length map expected."); return readLength(); } string readKey() { return readString(); } string readValue() { switch(nextType()) { case MajorType::ByteString: return util::toHex(readBytes(readLength())); case MajorType::TextString: return readString(); case MajorType::SimpleData: { unsigned value = nextImmediate(); m_pos++; if (value == 20) return "false"; else if (value == 21) return "true"; else { assertThrow(false, CBORException, "Unsupported simple value (not a boolean)."); return ""; // unreachable, but prevents compiler warning. } } default: assertThrow(false, CBORException, "Unsupported value type."); } } private: enum class MajorType { ByteString, TextString, Map, SimpleData }; MajorType nextType() const { unsigned value = (m_metadata.at(m_pos) >> 5) & 0x7; switch (value) { case 2: return MajorType::ByteString; case 3: return MajorType::TextString; case 5: return MajorType::Map; case 7: return MajorType::SimpleData; default: assertThrow(false, CBORException, "Unsupported major type."); } } unsigned nextImmediate() const { return m_metadata.at(m_pos) & 0x1f; } unsigned readLength() { unsigned length = m_metadata.at(m_pos++) & 0x1f; if (length < 24) return length; if (length == 24) return m_metadata.at(m_pos++); // Unsupported length kind. (Only by this parser.) assertThrow(false, CBORException, string("Unsupported length ") + to_string(length)); } bytes readBytes(unsigned length) { bytes ret{m_metadata.begin() + static_cast<int>(m_pos), m_metadata.begin() + static_cast<int>(m_pos + length)}; m_pos += length; return ret; } string readString() { // Expect a text string. assertThrow(nextType() == MajorType::TextString, CBORException, "String expected."); bytes tmp{readBytes(readLength())}; return string{tmp.begin(), tmp.end()}; } unsigned m_pos; bytes const& m_metadata; }; std::optional<map<string, string>> parseCBORMetadata(bytes const& _metadata) { try { TinyCBORParser parser(_metadata); map<string, string> ret; unsigned count = parser.mapItemCount(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { string key = parser.readKey(); string value = parser.readValue(); ret[std::move(key)] = std::move(value); } return ret; } catch (CBORException const&) { return {}; } } bool isValidMetadata(string const& _serialisedMetadata) { Json::Value metadata; if (!util::jsonParseStrict(_serialisedMetadata, metadata)) return false; return isValidMetadata(metadata); } bool isValidMetadata(Json::Value const& _metadata) { if ( !_metadata.isObject() || !_metadata.isMember("version") || !_metadata.isMember("language") || !_metadata.isMember("compiler") || !_metadata.isMember("settings") || !_metadata.isMember("sources") || !_metadata.isMember("output") || !_metadata["settings"].isMember("evmVersion") || !_metadata["settings"].isMember("metadata") || !_metadata["settings"]["metadata"].isMember("bytecodeHash") ) return false; if (!_metadata["version"].isNumeric() || _metadata["version"] != 1) return false; if (!_metadata["language"].isString() || _metadata["language"].asString() != "Solidity") return false; /// @TODO add more strict checks return true; } } // end namespaces