/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** * Unit tests for Solidity's ABI decoder. */ #include <functional> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> #include <liblangutil/Exceptions.h> #include <test/libsolidity/SolidityExecutionFramework.h> #include <test/libsolidity/ABITestsCommon.h> using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; using namespace solidity::test; namespace solidity::frontend::test { BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(ABIDecoderTest, SolidityExecutionFramework) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(value_types) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint a, uint16 b, uint24 c, int24 d, bytes3 x, bool e, C g) public returns (uint) { if (a != 1) return 1; if (b != 2) return 2; if (c != 3) return 3; if (d != 4) return 4; if (x != "abc") return 5; if (e != true) return 6; if (g != this) return 7; return 20; } } )"; BOTH_ENCODERS( compileAndRun(sourceCode); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction( "f(uint256,uint16,uint24,int24,bytes3,bool,address)", 1, 2, 3, 4, string("abc"), true, m_contractAddress ), encodeArgs(u256(20))); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(decode_from_memory_simple) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { uint public _a; uint[] public _b; constructor(uint a, uint[] memory b) { _a = a; _b = b; } } )"; BOTH_ENCODERS( compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", encodeArgs( 7, 0x40, // b 3, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23 )); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_a()"), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_b(uint256)", 0), encodeArgs(0x21)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_b(uint256)", 1), encodeArgs(0x22)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_b(uint256)", 2), encodeArgs(0x23)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_b(uint256)", 3), encodeArgs()); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(decode_function_type) { string sourceCode = R"( contract D { function () external returns (uint) public _a; constructor(function () external returns (uint) a) { _a = a; } } contract C { function f() public returns (uint) { return 3; } function g(function () external returns (uint) _f) public returns (uint) { return _f(); } // uses "decode from memory" function test1() public returns (uint) { D d = new D(this.f); return d._a()(); } // uses "decode from calldata" function test2() public returns (uint) { return this.g(this.f); } } )"; BOTH_ENCODERS( compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C"); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("test1()"), encodeArgs(3)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("test2()"), encodeArgs(3)); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(decode_function_type_array) { string sourceCode = R"( contract D { function () external returns (uint)[] public _a; constructor(function () external returns (uint)[] memory a) { _a = a; } } contract E { function () external returns (uint)[3] public _a; constructor(function () external returns (uint)[3] memory a) { _a = a; } } contract C { function f1() public returns (uint) { return 1; } function f2() public returns (uint) { return 2; } function f3() public returns (uint) { return 3; } function g(function () external returns (uint)[] memory _f, uint i) public returns (uint) { return _f[i](); } function h(function () external returns (uint)[3] memory _f, uint i) public returns (uint) { return _f[i](); } // uses "decode from memory" function test1_dynamic() public returns (uint) { function () external returns (uint)[] memory x = new function() external returns (uint)[](4); x[0] = this.f1; x[1] = this.f2; x[2] = this.f3; D d = new D(x); return d._a(2)(); } function test1_static() public returns (uint) { E e = new E([this.f1, this.f2, this.f3]); return e._a(2)(); } // uses "decode from calldata" function test2_dynamic() public returns (uint) { function () external returns (uint)[] memory x = new function() external returns (uint)[](3); x[0] = this.f1; x[1] = this.f2; x[2] = this.f3; return this.g(x, 0); } function test2_static() public returns (uint) { return this.h([this.f1, this.f2, this.f3], 0); } } )"; BOTH_ENCODERS( compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C"); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("test1_static()"), encodeArgs(3)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("test1_dynamic()"), encodeArgs(3)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("test2_static()"), encodeArgs(1)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("test2_dynamic()"), encodeArgs(1)); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(decode_from_memory_complex) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { uint public _a; uint[] public _b; bytes[2] public _c; constructor(uint a, uint[] memory b, bytes[2] memory c) { _a = a; _b = b; _c = c; } } )"; NEW_ENCODER( compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", encodeArgs( 7, 0x60, 7 * 0x20, // b 3, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, // c 0x40, 0x80, 8, string("abcdefgh"), 52, string("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") )); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_a()"), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_b(uint256)", 0), encodeArgs(0x21)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_b(uint256)", 1), encodeArgs(0x22)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_b(uint256)", 2), encodeArgs(0x23)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_b(uint256)", 3), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_c(uint256)", 0), encodeArgs(0x20, 8, string("abcdefgh"))); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_c(uint256)", 1), encodeArgs(0x20, 52, string("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"))); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("_c(uint256)", 2), encodeArgs()); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(short_input_value_type) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint) { return a; } } )"; BOTH_ENCODERS( compileAndRun(sourceCode); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256,uint256)", 1, 2), encodeArgs(1)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(uint256,uint256)", bytes(64, 0)), encodeArgs(0)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(uint256,uint256)", bytes(63, 0)), encodeArgs()); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(short_input_array) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint[] memory a) public pure returns (uint) { return 7; } } )"; BOTH_ENCODERS( compileAndRun(sourceCode); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(uint256[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 0)), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(uint256[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 1)), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(uint256[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 1) + bytes(31, 0)), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(uint256[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 1) + bytes(32, 0)), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(uint256[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 2, 5, 6)), encodeArgs(7)); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(short_dynamic_input_array) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(bytes[1] memory a) public pure returns (uint) { return 7; } } )"; NEW_ENCODER( compileAndRun(sourceCode); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(bytes[1])", encodeArgs(0x20)), encodeArgs()); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(short_input_bytes) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { function e(bytes memory a) public pure returns (uint) { return 7; } function f(bytes[] memory a) public pure returns (uint) { return 7; } } )"; NEW_ENCODER( compileAndRun(sourceCode); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("e(bytes)", encodeArgs(0x20, 7) + bytes(5, 0)), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("e(bytes)", encodeArgs(0x20, 7) + bytes(6, 0)), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("e(bytes)", encodeArgs(0x20, 7) + bytes(7, 0)), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("e(bytes)", encodeArgs(0x20, 7) + bytes(8, 0)), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(bytes[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 1, 0x20, 7) + bytes(5, 0)), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(bytes[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 1, 0x20, 7) + bytes(6, 0)), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(bytes[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 1, 0x20, 7) + bytes(7, 0)), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f(bytes[])", encodeArgs(0x20, 1, 0x20, 7) + bytes(8, 0)), encodeArgs(7)); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(validation_int_inside_arrays) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { enum E { A, B } function f(uint16[] memory a) public pure returns (uint r) { assembly { r := mload(add(a, 0x20)) } } function g(int16[] memory a) public pure returns (uint r) { assembly { r := mload(add(a, 0x20)) } } function h(E[] memory a) public pure returns (uint r) { assembly { r := mload(add(a, 0x20)) } } } )"; NEW_ENCODER( compileAndRun(sourceCode); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint16[])", 0x20, 1, 7), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("g(int16[])", 0x20, 1, 7), encodeArgs(7)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint16[])", 0x20, 1, u256("0xffff")), encodeArgs(u256("0xffff"))); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("g(int16[])", 0x20, 1, u256("0xffff")), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint16[])", 0x20, 1, u256("0x1ffff")), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("g(int16[])", 0x20, 1, u256("0x10fff")), encodeArgs()); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("h(uint8[])", 0x20, 1, 0), encodeArgs(u256(0))); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("h(uint8[])", 0x20, 1, 1), encodeArgs(u256(1))); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("h(uint8[])", 0x20, 1, 2), encodeArgs()); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(validation_function_type) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(function () external) public pure returns (uint r) { r = 1; } function g(function () external[] memory) public pure returns (uint r) { r = 2; } function h(function () external[] calldata) external pure returns (uint r) { r = 3; } function i(function () external[] calldata a) external pure returns (uint r) { a[0]; r = 4; } } )"; bool newDecoder = false; string validFun{"01234567890123456789abcd"}; string invalidFun{"01234567890123456789abcdX"}; BOTH_ENCODERS( compileAndRun(sourceCode); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(function)", validFun), encodeArgs(1)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(function)", invalidFun), newDecoder ? bytes{} : encodeArgs(1)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("g(function[])", 0x20, 1, validFun), encodeArgs(2)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("g(function[])", 0x20, 1, invalidFun), newDecoder ? bytes{} : encodeArgs(2)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("h(function[])", 0x20, 1, validFun), encodeArgs(3)); // No failure because the data is not accessed. ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("h(function[])", 0x20, 1, invalidFun), encodeArgs(3)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("i(function[])", 0x20, 1, validFun), encodeArgs(4)); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("i(function[])", 0x20, 1, invalidFun), newDecoder ? bytes{} : encodeArgs(4)); newDecoder = true; ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_short) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { struct S { int a; uint b; bytes16 c; } function f(S memory s) public pure returns (S memory q) { q = s; } } )"; NEW_ENCODER( compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C"); ABI_CHECK( callContractFunction("f((int256,uint256,bytes16))", 0xff010, 0xff0002, "abcd"), encodeArgs(0xff010, 0xff0002, "abcd") ); ABI_CHECK( callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f((int256,uint256,bytes16))", encodeArgs(0xff010, 0xff0002) + bytes(32, 0)), encodeArgs(0xff010, 0xff0002, 0) ); ABI_CHECK( callContractFunctionNoEncoding("f((int256,uint256,bytes16))", encodeArgs(0xff010, 0xff0002) + bytes(31, 0)), encodeArgs() ); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(complex_struct) { string sourceCode = R"( contract C { enum E {A, B, C} struct T { uint x; E e; uint8 y; } struct S { C c; T[] t;} function f(uint a, S[2] memory s1, S[] memory s2, uint b) public returns (uint r1, C r2, uint r3, uint r4, C r5, uint r6, E r7, uint8 r8) { r1 = a; r2 = s1[0].c; r3 = b; r4 = s2.length; r5 = s2[1].c; r6 = s2[1].t.length; r7 = s2[1].t[1].e; r8 = s2[1].t[1].y; } } )"; NEW_ENCODER( compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C"); string sig = "f(uint256,(address,(uint256,uint8,uint8)[])[2],(address,(uint256,uint8,uint8)[])[],uint256)"; bytes args = encodeArgs( 7, 0x80, 0x1e0, 8, // S[2] s1 0x40, 0x100, // S s1[0] m_contractAddress, 0x40, // T s1[0].t 1, // length // s1[0].t[0] 0x11, 1, 0x12, // S s1[1] 0, 0x40, // T s1[1].t 0, // S[] s2 (0x1e0) 2, // length 0x40, 0xa0, // S s2[0] 0, 0x40, 0, // S s2[1] 0x1234, 0x40, // s2[1].t 3, // length 0, 0, 0, 0x21, 2, 0x22, 0, 0, 0 ); ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction(sig, args), encodeArgs(7, m_contractAddress, 8, 2, 0x1234, 3, 2, 0x22)); // invalid enum value args.data()[0x20 * 28] = 3; ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction(sig, args), encodeArgs()); ) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() } // end namespaces