/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #ifdef HAVE_Z3 #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_Z3_DLOPEN #include #endif #if defined(__linux) || defined(__APPLE__) #include #endif #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace solidity::langutil; using namespace solidity::frontend; using namespace solidity::smtutil; ModelChecker::ModelChecker( ErrorReporter& _errorReporter, langutil::CharStreamProvider const& _charStreamProvider, map const& _smtlib2Responses, ModelCheckerSettings _settings, ReadCallback::Callback const& _smtCallback ): m_errorReporter(_errorReporter), m_settings(std::move(_settings)), m_context(), m_bmc(m_context, m_uniqueErrorReporter, _smtlib2Responses, _smtCallback, m_settings, _charStreamProvider), m_chc(m_context, m_uniqueErrorReporter, _smtlib2Responses, _smtCallback, m_settings, _charStreamProvider) { } // TODO This should be removed for 0.9.0. bool ModelChecker::isPragmaPresent(vector> const& _sources) { return ranges::any_of(_sources, [](auto _source) { return _source && _source->annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeature::SMTChecker); }); } void ModelChecker::checkRequestedSourcesAndContracts(vector> const& _sources) { map> exist; for (auto const& source: _sources) for (auto node: source->nodes()) if (auto contract = dynamic_pointer_cast(node)) exist[contract->sourceUnitName()].insert(contract->name()); // Requested sources for (auto const& sourceName: m_settings.contracts.contracts | ranges::views::keys) { if (!exist.count(sourceName)) { m_uniqueErrorReporter.warning( 9134_error, SourceLocation(), "Requested source \"" + sourceName + "\" does not exist." ); continue; } auto const& source = exist.at(sourceName); // Requested contracts in source `s`. for (auto const& contract: m_settings.contracts.contracts.at(sourceName)) if (!source.count(contract)) m_uniqueErrorReporter.warning( 7400_error, SourceLocation(), "Requested contract \"" + contract + "\" does not exist in source \"" + sourceName + "\"." ); } } void ModelChecker::analyze(SourceUnit const& _source) { // TODO This should be removed for 0.9.0. if (_source.annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeature::SMTChecker)) { PragmaDirective const* smtPragma = nullptr; for (auto node: _source.nodes()) if (auto pragma = dynamic_pointer_cast(node)) if ( pragma->literals().size() >= 2 && pragma->literals().at(1) == "SMTChecker" ) { smtPragma = pragma.get(); break; } solAssert(smtPragma, ""); m_uniqueErrorReporter.warning( 5523_error, smtPragma->location(), "The SMTChecker pragma has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. " "Please use the \"model checker engine\" compiler setting to activate the SMTChecker instead. " "If the pragma is enabled, all engines will be used." ); } if (m_settings.engine.none()) return; if (m_settings.engine.chc) m_chc.analyze(_source); auto solvedTargets = m_chc.safeTargets(); for (auto const& [node, targets]: m_chc.unsafeTargets()) solvedTargets[node] += targets | ranges::views::keys; if (m_settings.engine.bmc) m_bmc.analyze(_source, solvedTargets); m_errorReporter.append(m_uniqueErrorReporter.errors()); m_uniqueErrorReporter.clear(); } vector ModelChecker::unhandledQueries() { return m_bmc.unhandledQueries() + m_chc.unhandledQueries(); } SMTSolverChoice ModelChecker::availableSolvers() { smtutil::SMTSolverChoice available = smtutil::SMTSolverChoice::SMTLIB2(); #if defined(__linux) || defined(__APPLE__) available.eld = !boost::process::search_path("eld").empty(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_Z3 available.z3 = solidity::smtutil::Z3Interface::available(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_CVC4 available.cvc4 = true; #endif return available; } SMTSolverChoice ModelChecker::checkRequestedSolvers(SMTSolverChoice _enabled, ErrorReporter& _errorReporter) { SMTSolverChoice availableSolvers{ModelChecker::availableSolvers()}; if (_enabled.cvc4 && !availableSolvers.cvc4) { _enabled.cvc4 = false; _errorReporter.warning( 4902_error, SourceLocation(), "Solver CVC4 was selected for SMTChecker but it is not available." ); } if (_enabled.eld && !availableSolvers.eld) { _enabled.eld = false; _errorReporter.warning( 4458_error, SourceLocation(), #if defined(__linux) || defined(__APPLE__) "Solver Eldarica was selected for SMTChecker but it was not found in the system." #else "Solver Eldarica was selected for SMTChecker but it is only supported on Linux and MacOS." #endif ); } if (_enabled.z3 && !availableSolvers.z3) { _enabled.z3 = false; _errorReporter.warning( 8158_error, SourceLocation(), "Solver z3 was selected for SMTChecker but it is not available." #ifdef HAVE_Z3_DLOPEN " libz3.so." + to_string(Z3_MAJOR_VERSION) + "." + to_string(Z3_MINOR_VERSION) + " was not found." #endif ); } return _enabled; }