FROM alpine AS build MAINTAINER chriseth <> #Official solidity docker image #Establish working directory as solidity WORKDIR /solidity # Build dependencies ADD /scripts/ /solidity/scripts/ RUN ./scripts/ #Copy working directory on travis to the image COPY / $WORKDIR # Number of parallel jobs during build # or 0 for auto-computing (max(1, CPU_core_count * 2/3), a greedy value) ARG BUILD_CONCURRENCY="0" #Install dependencies, eliminate annoying warnings RUN sed -i -E -e 's/include <sys\/poll.h>/include <poll.h>/' /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp RUN cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DTESTS=0 -DSOLC_LINK_STATIC=1 RUN make solc \ -j$(awk "BEGIN { \ if (${BUILD_CONCURRENCY} != 0) { \ print(${BUILD_CONCURRENCY}); \ } else { \ x=($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) * 2/3); \ if (x > 1) { \ printf(\"%d\n\", x); \ } else { \ print(1); \ } \ } \ }") RUN strip solc/solc FROM scratch COPY --from=build /solidity/solc/solc /usr/bin/solc ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/solc"]