/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** @file GasMeter.cpp * @author Christian * @date 2015 */ #include "GasMeter.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::eth; GasMeter::GasConsumption& GasMeter::GasConsumption::operator+=(GasConsumption const& _other) { if (_other.isInfinite && !isInfinite) *this = infinite(); if (isInfinite) return *this; bigint v = bigint(value) + _other.value; if (v > numeric_limits::max()) *this = infinite(); else value = u256(v); return *this; } GasMeter::GasConsumption GasMeter::estimateMax(AssemblyItem const& _item) { GasConsumption gas; switch (_item.type()) { case Push: case PushTag: case PushData: case PushString: case PushSub: case PushSubSize: case PushProgramSize: case PushLibraryAddress: gas = runGas(Instruction::PUSH1); break; case Tag: gas = runGas(Instruction::JUMPDEST); break; case Operation: { ExpressionClasses& classes = m_state->expressionClasses(); gas = runGas(_item.instruction()); switch (_item.instruction()) { case Instruction::SSTORE: { ExpressionClasses::Id slot = m_state->relativeStackElement(0); ExpressionClasses::Id value = m_state->relativeStackElement(-1); if (classes.knownZero(value) || ( m_state->storageContent().count(slot) && classes.knownNonZero(m_state->storageContent().at(slot)) )) gas += m_schedule.sstoreResetGas; //@todo take refunds into account else gas += m_schedule.sstoreSetGas; break; } case Instruction::SLOAD: gas += m_schedule.sloadGas; break; case Instruction::RETURN: gas += memoryGas(0, -1); break; case Instruction::MLOAD: case Instruction::MSTORE: gas += memoryGas(classes.find(eth::Instruction::ADD, { m_state->relativeStackElement(0), classes.find(AssemblyItem(32)) })); break; case Instruction::MSTORE8: gas += memoryGas(classes.find(eth::Instruction::ADD, { m_state->relativeStackElement(0), classes.find(AssemblyItem(1)) })); break; case Instruction::SHA3: gas = m_schedule.sha3Gas; gas += wordGas(m_schedule.sha3WordGas, m_state->relativeStackElement(-1)); gas += memoryGas(0, -1); break; case Instruction::CALLDATACOPY: case Instruction::CODECOPY: gas += memoryGas(0, -2); gas += wordGas(m_schedule.copyGas, m_state->relativeStackElement(-2)); break; case Instruction::EXTCODECOPY: gas += memoryGas(-1, -3); gas += wordGas(m_schedule.copyGas, m_state->relativeStackElement(-3)); break; case Instruction::LOG0: case Instruction::LOG1: case Instruction::LOG2: case Instruction::LOG3: case Instruction::LOG4: { unsigned n = unsigned(_item.instruction()) - unsigned(Instruction::LOG0); gas = m_schedule.logGas + m_schedule.logTopicGas * n; gas += memoryGas(0, -1); if (u256 const* value = classes.knownConstant(m_state->relativeStackElement(-1))) gas += m_schedule.logDataGas * (*value); else gas = GasConsumption::infinite(); break; } case Instruction::CALL: case Instruction::CALLCODE: gas = m_schedule.callGas; if (u256 const* value = classes.knownConstant(m_state->relativeStackElement(0))) gas += (*value); else gas = GasConsumption::infinite(); if (_item.instruction() != Instruction::CALLCODE) gas += m_schedule.callNewAccountGas; // We very rarely know whether the address exists. if (!classes.knownZero(m_state->relativeStackElement(-2))) gas += m_schedule.callValueTransferGas; gas += memoryGas(-3, -4); gas += memoryGas(-5, -6); break; case Instruction::CREATE: gas = m_schedule.createGas; gas += memoryGas(-1, -2); break; case Instruction::EXP: gas = m_schedule.expGas; if (u256 const* value = classes.knownConstant(m_state->relativeStackElement(-1))) gas += m_schedule.expByteGas * (32 - (h256(*value).firstBitSet() / 8)); else gas += m_schedule.expByteGas * 32; break; default: break; } break; } default: gas = GasConsumption::infinite(); break; } m_state->feedItem(_item); return gas; } GasMeter::GasConsumption GasMeter::wordGas(u256 const& _multiplier, ExpressionClasses::Id _position) { u256 const* value = m_state->expressionClasses().knownConstant(_position); if (!value) return GasConsumption::infinite(); return GasConsumption(_multiplier * ((*value + 31) / 32)); } GasMeter::GasConsumption GasMeter::memoryGas(ExpressionClasses::Id _position) { u256 const* value = m_state->expressionClasses().knownConstant(_position); if (!value) return GasConsumption::infinite(); if (*value < m_largestMemoryAccess) return GasConsumption(u256(0)); u256 previous = m_largestMemoryAccess; m_largestMemoryAccess = *value; auto memGas = [=](u256 const& pos) -> u256 { u256 size = (pos + 31) / 32; return m_schedule.memoryGas * size + size * size / m_schedule.quadCoeffDiv; }; return memGas(*value) - memGas(previous); } GasMeter::GasConsumption GasMeter::memoryGas(int _stackPosOffset, int _stackPosSize) { ExpressionClasses& classes = m_state->expressionClasses(); if (classes.knownZero(m_state->relativeStackElement(_stackPosSize))) return GasConsumption(0); else return memoryGas(classes.find(eth::Instruction::ADD, { m_state->relativeStackElement(_stackPosOffset), m_state->relativeStackElement(_stackPosSize) })); } u256 GasMeter::runGas(Instruction _instruction, EVMSchedule const& _es) { if (_instruction == Instruction::JUMPDEST) return 1; int tier = instructionInfo(_instruction).gasPriceTier; assertThrow(tier != InvalidTier, OptimizerException, "Invalid gas tier."); return _es.tierStepGas[tier]; }