uint constant this = 1; uint constant super = 2; uint constant _ = 3; contract C { address this; int super; mapping (address => address) _; } contract D { address[] this; struct _ { uint super; } } // ---- // DeclarationError 3726: (0-22): The name "this" is reserved. // DeclarationError 3726: (24-47): The name "super" is reserved. // DeclarationError 3726: (49-68): The name "_" is reserved. // DeclarationError 3726: (84-96): The name "this" is reserved. // DeclarationError 3726: (99-108): The name "super" is reserved. // DeclarationError 3726: (111-141): The name "_" is reserved. // DeclarationError 3726: (160-174): The name "this" is reserved. // DeclarationError 3726: (177-201): The name "_" is reserved. // DeclarationError 3726: (188-198): The name "super" is reserved. // Warning 2519: (84-96): This declaration shadows an existing declaration. // Warning 2519: (99-108): This declaration shadows an existing declaration. // Warning 2519: (111-141): This declaration shadows an existing declaration. // Warning 2519: (160-174): This declaration shadows an existing declaration. // Warning 2519: (177-201): This declaration shadows an existing declaration. // Warning 2319: (0-22): This declaration shadows a builtin symbol. // Warning 2319: (24-47): This declaration shadows a builtin symbol.