contract C { // If these two functions are identical, the optimiser // on the old codegen path can deduplicate them, and breaking the test. function internal1() internal pure returns (bool) { return true; } function internal2() internal pure returns (bool) { return false; } function equal() public pure returns (bool same, bool diff, bool inv) { function() internal pure returns (bool) invalid; delete invalid; same = internal1 == internal1; diff = internal1 == internal2; inv = internal1 == invalid; } function unequal() public pure returns (bool same, bool diff, bool inv) { function() internal pure returns (bool) invalid; delete invalid; same = internal1 != internal1; diff = internal1 != internal2; inv = internal1 != invalid; } } // ==== // compileViaYul: also // compileToEwasm: also // ---- // equal() -> true, false, false // unequal() -> false, true, true