contract C { function h() internal pure returns (uint, uint, uint) { return (1, 2, 4); } function g(uint x) internal pure returns (uint) { return x; } function f() internal pure { var i = 31415; var t = "string"; var g2 = g; var myblockhash = block.blockhash; var (a, b) = (2, "troi"); var (x,, z) = h(); } } // ---- // SyntaxError: (224-237): Use of the "var" keyword is disallowed. Use explicit declaration `uint16 i = ...´ instead. // SyntaxError: (247-263): Use of the "var" keyword is disallowed. Use explicit declaration `string memory t = ...´ instead. // SyntaxError: (273-283): Use of the "var" keyword is disallowed. Use explicit declaration `function (uint256) pure returns (uint256) g2 = ...´ instead. // SyntaxError: (293-326): Use of the "var" keyword is disallowed. Type cannot be expressed in syntax. // SyntaxError: (336-360): Use of the "var" keyword is disallowed. Use explicit declaration `(uint8 a, string memory b) = ...´ instead. // SyntaxError: (370-387): Use of the "var" keyword is disallowed. Use explicit declaration `(uint256 x, , uint256 z) = ...´ instead.