#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu ERROR_LOG="$(mktemp -t check_style_XXXXXX.log)" EXCLUDE_FILES=( # The line below is left unquoted to allow the shell globbing path expansion test/cmdlineTests/*/{err,output} "libsolutil/picosha2.h" "test/cmdlineTests/strict_asm_only_cr/input.yul" "test/libsolutil/UTF8.cpp" "test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/license/license_cr_endings.sol" "test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/license/license_crlf_endings.sol" "test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/license/license_whitespace_trailing.sol" "test/scripts/fixtures/smt_contract_with_crlf_newlines.sol" "test/scripts/fixtures/smt_contract_with_cr_newlines.sol" "test/scripts/fixtures/smt_contract_with_mixed_newlines.sol" ) EXCLUDE_FILES_JOINED=$(printf "%s\|" "${EXCLUDE_FILES[@]}") EXCLUDE_FILES_JOINED=${EXCLUDE_FILES_JOINED%??} NAMESPACE_STD_FREE_FILES=( libevmasm/* liblangutil/* libsmtutil/* libsolc/* libsolidity/analysis/* libsolidity/ast/* libsolidity/codegen/ir/* libsolidity/codegen/* libsolidity/experimental/* libsolidity/formal/* libsolidity/interface/* libsolidity/lsp/* libsolidity/parsing/* libsolutil/* libyul/* libyul/backends/evm/* libyul/optimiser/* solc/* test/contracts/* test/libevmasm/* test/liblangutil/* test/libsolutil/* test/libsolidity/* test/libsolidity/analysis/* test/libsolidity/interface/* ) ( REPO_ROOT="$(dirname "$0")"/.. cd "$REPO_ROOT" || exit 1 WHITESPACE=$(git grep -n -I -E "^.*[[:space:]]+$" | grep -v "test/libsolidity/ASTJSON\|test/compilationTests/zeppelin/LICENSE\|${EXCLUDE_FILES_JOINED}" || true ) if [[ "$WHITESPACE" != "" ]] then echo "Error: Trailing whitespace found:" | tee -a "$ERROR_LOG" echo "$WHITESPACE" | tee -a "$ERROR_LOG" scripts/ci/post_style_errors_on_github.sh "$ERROR_LOG" exit 1 fi function preparedGrep { git grep -nIE "$1" -- '*.h' '*.cpp' | grep -v "${EXCLUDE_FILES_JOINED}" return $? } FORMATERROR=$( ( preparedGrep "#include \"" | grep -E -v -e "license.h" -e "BuildInfo.h" # Use include with <> characters preparedGrep "\<(if|for|while|switch)\(" # no space after "if", "for", "while" or "switch" preparedGrep "\\s*\([^=]*\>\s:\s.*\)" # no space before range based for-loop preparedGrep "\\s*\(.*\)\s*\{\s*$" # "{\n" on same line as "if" preparedGrep "namespace .*\{" preparedGrep "[,\(<]\s*const " # const on left side of type preparedGrep "^\s*(static)?\s*const " # const on left side of type (beginning of line) preparedGrep "^ [^*]|[^*] | [^*]" # uses spaces for indentation or mixes spaces and tabs preparedGrep "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\s*[&][a-zA-Z_]" | grep -E -v "return [&]" # right-aligned reference ampersand (needs to exclude return) # right-aligned reference pointer star (needs to exclude return and comments) preparedGrep "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\s*[*][a-zA-Z_]" | grep -E -v -e "return [*]" -e "^* [*]" -e "^*//.*" # unqualified move()/forward() checks, i.e. make sure that std::move() and std::forward() are used instead of move() and forward() preparedGrep "move\(.+\)" | grep -v "std::move" | grep -E "[^a-z]move" preparedGrep "forward\(.+\)" | grep -v "std::forward" | grep -E "[^a-z]forward" # make sure `using namespace std` is not used in INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES # shellcheck disable=SC2068,SC2068 grep -nIE -d skip "using namespace std;" ${NAMESPACE_STD_FREE_FILES[@]} ) | grep -E -v -e "^[a-zA-Z\./]*:[0-9]*:\s*\/(\/|\*)" -e "^test/" || true ) if [[ "$FORMATERROR" != "" ]] then echo "Coding style error:" | tee -a "$ERROR_LOG" echo "$FORMATERROR" | tee -a "$ERROR_LOG" scripts/ci/post_style_errors_on_github.sh "$ERROR_LOG" exit 1 fi )