# vim:ts=2:sw=2:et # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prefixes used in order to keep CircleCI workflow overview more readable: # - b: build # - t: test # - ubu: ubuntu # - ems: Emscripten version: 2 defaults: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build Templates - setup_prerelease_commit_hash: &setup_prerelease_commit_hash name: Store commit hash and prerelease command: | if [ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" = release -o -n "$CIRCLE_TAG" ]; then echo -n > prerelease.txt; else date -u +"nightly.%Y.%-m.%-d" > prerelease.txt; fi echo -n "$CIRCLE_SHA1" > commit_hash.txt - run_build: &run_build name: Build command: | set -ex if [ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" = release -o -n "$CIRCLE_TAG" -o -n "$FORCE_RELEASE" ]; then echo -n > prerelease.txt; else date -u +"nightly.%Y.%-m.%-d" > prerelease.txt; fi echo -n "$CIRCLE_SHA1" > commit_hash.txt mkdir -p build cd build [ -n "$COVERAGE" -a "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" != release -a -z "$CIRCLE_TAG" ] && CMAKE_OPTIONS="$CMAKE_OPTIONS -DCOVERAGE=ON" cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:-Release} $CMAKE_OPTIONS -G "Unix Makefiles" make -j4 - run_build_ossfuzz: &run_build_ossfuzz name: Build_ossfuzz command: | mkdir -p build cd build protoc --proto_path=../test/tools/ossfuzz yulProto.proto --cpp_out=../test/tools/ossfuzz protoc --proto_path=../test/tools/ossfuzz abiV2Proto.proto --cpp_out=../test/tools/ossfuzz cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:-Release} $CMAKE_OPTIONS make ossfuzz ossfuzz_proto ossfuzz_abiv2 -j4 - run_proofs: &run_proofs name: Correctness proofs for optimization rules command: scripts/run_proofs.sh # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Artifacts Templates # the whole build directory - artifacts_build_dir: &artifacts_build_dir root: build paths: - "*" # compiled solc executable target - artifacts_solc: &artifacts_solc path: build/solc/solc destination: solc # compiled executable targets - artifacts_executables: &artifacts_executables root: build paths: - solc/solc - test/soltest - test/tools/solfuzzer # compiled OSSFUZZ targets - artifacts_executables_ossfuzz: &artifacts_executables_ossfuzz root: build paths: - test/tools/ossfuzz/abiv2_proto_ossfuzz - test/tools/ossfuzz/const_opt_ossfuzz - test/tools/ossfuzz/solc_noopt_ossfuzz - test/tools/ossfuzz/solc_opt_ossfuzz - test/tools/ossfuzz/strictasm_assembly_ossfuzz - test/tools/ossfuzz/strictasm_diff_ossfuzz - test/tools/ossfuzz/strictasm_opt_ossfuzz - test/tools/ossfuzz/yul_proto_diff_ossfuzz - test/tools/ossfuzz/yul_proto_ossfuzz # test result output directory - artifacts_test_results: &artifacts_test_results path: test_results/ destination: test_results/ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests Templates # store_test_results helper - store_test_results: &store_test_results path: test_results/ - run_soltest: &run_soltest name: soltest command: ./.circleci/soltest.sh - run_soltest_all: &run_soltest_all name: soltest_all command: ./.circleci/soltest_all.sh - run_cmdline_tests: &run_cmdline_tests name: command line tests command: ./test/cmdlineTests.sh - test_ubuntu1904: &test_ubuntu1904 docker: - image: ethereum/solidity-buildpack-deps:ubuntu1904 steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: *run_soltest - store_test_results: *store_test_results - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results - test_ubuntu1904_clang: &test_ubuntu1904_clang docker: - image: ethereum/solidity-buildpack-deps:ubuntu1904-clang steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: *run_soltest - store_test_results: *store_test_results - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results - test_ubuntu1904_all: &test_ubuntu1904 docker: - image: ethereum/solidity-buildpack-deps:ubuntu1904 steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: *run_soltest_all - store_test_results: *store_test_results - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results - test_asan: &test_asan <<: *test_ubuntu1904 steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: <<: *run_soltest no_output_timeout: 30m - store_test_results: *store_test_results - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Workflow Templates - workflow_trigger_on_tags: &workflow_trigger_on_tags filters: tags: only: /.*/ - workflow_ubuntu1904: &workflow_ubuntu1904 <<: *workflow_trigger_on_tags requires: - b_ubu - workflow_ubuntu1904_clang: &workflow_ubuntu1904_clang <<: *workflow_trigger_on_tags requires: - b_ubu_clang - workflow_ubuntu1904_release: &workflow_ubuntu1904_release <<: *workflow_trigger_on_tags requires: - b_ubu_release - workflow_ubuntu1904_codecov: &workflow_ubuntu1904_codecov <<: *workflow_trigger_on_tags requires: - b_ubu_codecov - workflow_osx: &workflow_osx <<: *workflow_trigger_on_tags requires: - b_osx - workflow_ubuntu1904_asan: &workflow_ubuntu1904_asan <<: *workflow_trigger_on_tags requires: - b_ubu_asan - workflow_emscripten: &workflow_emscripten <<: *workflow_trigger_on_tags requires: - b_ems - workflow_ubuntu1904_ossfuzz: &workflow_ubuntu1904_ossfuzz <<: *workflow_trigger_on_tags requires: - b_ubu_ossfuzz # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Notification Templates - gitter_notify_failure: &gitter_notify_failure name: Gitter notify failure command: >- curl -X POST -i -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITTER_API_TOKEN" "https://api.gitter.im/v1/rooms/$GITTER_NOTIFY_ROOM_ID/chatMessages" -d '{"text":" ❌ Nightly job **'$CIRCLE_JOB'** failed on **'$CIRCLE_BRANCH'**. Please see '$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL' for details."}' when: on_fail - gitter_notify_success: &gitter_notify_success name: Gitter notify success command: >- curl -X POST -i -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITTER_API_TOKEN" "https://api.gitter.im/v1/rooms/$GITTER_NOTIFY_ROOM_ID/chatMessages" -d '{"text":" ✅ Nightly job **'$CIRCLE_JOB'** succeeded on **'$CIRCLE_BRANCH'**. Please see '$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL' for details."}' when: on_success # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jobs: chk_spelling: docker: - image: circleci/python:3.6 environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: name: Install dependencies command: | pip install --user codespell - run: name: Check spelling command: ~/.local/bin/codespell -S "*.enc,.git,Dockerfile*" -I ./scripts/codespell_whitelist.txt chk_docs_examples: docker: - image: circleci/node environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: name: JS deps command: sudo npm install -g solhint - run: name: Test Docs examples command: ./test/docsCodeStyle.sh chk_coding_style: docker: - image: buildpack-deps:disco steps: - checkout - run: name: Check for C++ coding style command: ./scripts/check_style.sh chk_buglist: docker: - image: circleci/node environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - run: name: JS deps command: | npm install download npm install JSONPath npm install mktemp - run: name: Test buglist command: ./test/buglistTests.js chk_proofs: docker: - image: buildpack-deps:disco environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - run: name: Z3 python deps command: | apt-get -qq update apt-get -qy install python-pip pip install --user z3-solver - run: *run_proofs b_ubu_clang: &build_ubuntu1904_clang docker: - image: ethereum/solidity-buildpack-deps:ubuntu1904-clang environment: CC: clang CXX: clang++ steps: - checkout - run: *run_build - store_artifacts: *artifacts_solc - persist_to_workspace: *artifacts_executables b_ubu: &build_ubuntu1904 docker: - image: ethereum/solidity-buildpack-deps:ubuntu1904 steps: - checkout - run: *run_build - store_artifacts: *artifacts_solc - persist_to_workspace: *artifacts_executables b_ubu_release: &build_ubuntu1904_release <<: *build_ubuntu1904 environment: FORCE_RELEASE: ON b_ubu18: &build_ubuntu1804 docker: - image: ethereum/solidity-buildpack-deps:ubuntu1804 environment: CMAKE_OPTIONS: -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-O2 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: RelWithDebugInfo steps: - checkout - run: *run_build - store_artifacts: *artifacts_solc - persist_to_workspace: *artifacts_executables b_ubu_codecov: <<: *build_ubuntu1904 environment: COVERAGE: ON CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug steps: - checkout - run: *run_build - persist_to_workspace: *artifacts_build_dir t_ubu_codecov: <<: *test_ubuntu1904 environment: EVM: constantinople OPTIMIZE: 1 steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: name: "soltest: Syntax Tests" command: build/test/soltest -t 'syntaxTest*' -- --testpath test - run: name: "Code Coverage: Syntax Tests" command: codecov --flags syntax --gcov-root build - run: *run_soltest - run: name: "Coverage: All" command: codecov --flags all --gcov-root build - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results # Builds in C++20 mode and uses debug build in order to speed up. # Do *NOT* store any artifacts or workspace as we don't run tests on this build. b_ubu_cxx20: <<: *build_ubuntu1904 environment: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug CMAKE_OPTIONS: -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchains/cxx20.cmake -DUSE_CVC4=OFF steps: - checkout - run: *run_build b_ubu_ossfuzz: <<: *build_ubuntu1904_clang environment: TERM: xterm CC: clang CXX: clang++ CMAKE_OPTIONS: -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchains/libfuzzer.cmake steps: - checkout - run: *setup_prerelease_commit_hash - run: *run_build_ossfuzz - persist_to_workspace: *artifacts_executables_ossfuzz t_ubu_ossfuzz: &t_ubu_ossfuzz <<: *test_ubuntu1904_clang steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: name: Regression tests command: | mkdir -p test_results export ASAN_OPTIONS="check_initialization_order=true:detect_stack_use_after_return=true:strict_init_order=true:strict_string_checks=true:detect_invalid_pointer_pairs=2" scripts/regressions.py -o test_results - run: *gitter_notify_failure - run: *gitter_notify_success - store_test_results: *store_test_results - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results b_archlinux: docker: - image: archlinux/base environment: TERM: xterm steps: - run: name: Install build dependencies command: | pacman --noconfirm -Syu --noprogressbar --needed base-devel boost cmake z3 cvc4 git openssh tar - checkout - run: *run_build - store_artifacts: *artifacts_solc - persist_to_workspace: *artifacts_executables b_osx: macos: xcode: "11.0.0" environment: TERM: xterm CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug CMAKE_OPTIONS: -DLLL=ON steps: - checkout - run: name: Install build dependencies command: | brew unlink python brew install z3 brew install boost brew install cmake brew install wget ./scripts/install_obsolete_jsoncpp_1_7_4.sh - run: *run_build - store_artifacts: *artifacts_solc - persist_to_workspace: *artifacts_executables t_osx_cli: macos: xcode: "11.0.0" environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: name: Install dependencies command: | brew unlink python brew install z3 - run: *run_cmdline_tests - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results b_ems: docker: - image: trzeci/emscripten:sdk-tag-1.38.22-64bit environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - restore_cache: name: Restore Boost build key: &boost-cache-key emscripten-boost-{{ checksum "scripts/travis-emscripten/install_deps.sh" }}{{ checksum "scripts/build_emscripten.sh" }}{{ checksum "scripts/travis-emscripten/build_emscripten.sh" }} - run: name: Bootstrap Boost command: | scripts/travis-emscripten/install_deps.sh - run: name: Build command: | scripts/travis-emscripten/build_emscripten.sh - save_cache: name: Save Boost build key: *boost-cache-key paths: - boost_1_70_0_install - store_artifacts: path: emscripten_build/libsolc/soljson.js destination: soljson.js - run: mkdir -p workspace - run: cp emscripten_build/libsolc/soljson.js workspace/soljson.js - run: scripts/get_version.sh > workspace/version.txt - persist_to_workspace: root: workspace paths: - soljson.js - version.txt # x64 ASAN build, for testing for memory related bugs b_ubu_asan: &b_ubu_asan <<: *build_ubuntu1904 environment: CMAKE_OPTIONS: -DSANITIZE=address CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Release steps: - checkout - run: *run_build - store_artifacts: *artifacts_solc - persist_to_workspace: *artifacts_executables b_docs: docker: - image: ethereum/solidity-buildpack-deps:ubuntu1904 steps: - checkout - run: *setup_prerelease_commit_hash - run: name: Build documentation command: ./scripts/docs.sh - store_artifacts: path: docs/_build/html/ destination: docs-html t_ubu_soltest: &t_ubu_soltest <<: *test_ubuntu1904 t_ubu_clang_soltest: &t_ubu_clang_soltest <<: *test_ubuntu1904_clang environment: EVM: constantinople OPTIMIZE: 0 t_ubu_release_soltest: &t_ubu_release_soltest <<: *t_ubu_soltest t_ubu_cli: &t_ubu_cli docker: - image: ethereum/solidity-buildpack-deps:ubuntu1904 environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: *run_cmdline_tests - store_test_results: *store_test_results - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results t_ubu_release_cli: &t_ubu_release_cli <<: *t_ubu_cli t_ubu_asan_cli: <<: *t_ubu_cli environment: TERM: xterm ASAN_OPTIONS: check_initialization_order=true:detect_stack_use_after_return=true:strict_init_order=true:strict_string_checks=true:detect_invalid_pointer_pairs=2 steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: build - run: <<: *run_cmdline_tests no_output_timeout: 30m - store_test_results: *store_test_results - store_artifacts: *artifacts_test_results t_ubu_asan_constantinople: <<: *test_asan environment: EVM: constantinople OPTIMIZE: 0 SOLTEST_FLAGS: --no-smt ASAN_OPTIONS: check_initialization_order=true:detect_stack_use_after_return=true:strict_init_order=true:strict_string_checks=true:detect_invalid_pointer_pairs=2 t_ems_solcjs: docker: - image: circleci/node:10 environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - run: name: Test solcjs command: | node --version npm --version test/solcjsTests.sh /tmp/workspace/soljson.js $(cat /tmp/workspace/version.txt) t_ems_external_gnosis: docker: - image: circleci/node:10 environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - run: name: External GnosisSafe tests command: | test/externalTests/gnosis.sh /tmp/workspace/soljson.js || test/externalTests/gnosis.sh /tmp/workspace/soljson.js - run: *gitter_notify_failure - run: *gitter_notify_success t_ems_external_zeppelin: docker: - image: circleci/node:10 environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - run: name: External Zeppelin tests command: | test/externalTests/zeppelin.sh /tmp/workspace/soljson.js || test/externalTests/zeppelin.sh /tmp/workspace/soljson.js - run: *gitter_notify_failure - run: *gitter_notify_success t_ems_external_colony: docker: - image: circleci/node:10 environment: TERM: xterm steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - run: name: Install test dependencies command: | sudo apt-get -qy install lsof - run: name: External ColonyNetworks tests command: | test/externalTests/colony.sh /tmp/workspace/soljson.js || test/externalTests/colony.sh /tmp/workspace/soljson.js - run: *gitter_notify_failure - run: *gitter_notify_success workflows: version: 2 main: jobs: # basic checks - chk_spelling: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - chk_coding_style: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - chk_docs_examples: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - chk_buglist: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - chk_proofs: *workflow_trigger_on_tags # build-only - b_docs: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - b_archlinux: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - b_ubu_cxx20: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - b_ubu_ossfuzz: *workflow_trigger_on_tags # OS/X build and tests - b_osx: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_osx_cli: *workflow_osx # Ubuntu build and tests - b_ubu: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - b_ubu18: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_ubu_cli: *workflow_ubuntu1904 - t_ubu_soltest: *workflow_ubuntu1904 - b_ubu_clang: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_ubu_clang_soltest: *workflow_ubuntu1904_clang # Ubuntu fake release build and tests - b_ubu_release: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_ubu_release_cli: *workflow_ubuntu1904_release - t_ubu_release_soltest: *workflow_ubuntu1904_release # ASan build and tests - b_ubu_asan: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_ubu_asan_constantinople: *workflow_ubuntu1904_asan - t_ubu_asan_cli: *workflow_ubuntu1904_asan # Emscripten build and selected tests - b_ems: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_ems_solcjs: *workflow_emscripten nightly: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 0 * * *" filters: branches: only: - develop - develop_060 jobs: # Emscripten builds and external tests - b_ems: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_ems_external_zeppelin: *workflow_emscripten - t_ems_external_gnosis: *workflow_emscripten - t_ems_external_colony: *workflow_emscripten # OSSFUZZ builds and (regression) tests - b_ubu_ossfuzz: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_ubu_ossfuzz: *workflow_ubuntu1904_ossfuzz # Code Coverage enabled build and tests - b_ubu_codecov: *workflow_trigger_on_tags - t_ubu_codecov: *workflow_ubuntu1904_codecov