contract C { struct s1 { uint x; } s1 struct_x; s1 struct_y; function fun_x() public {} function fun_y() public {} enum small { A, B, C, D } mapping(uint8 => uint8) table1; mapping(uint8 => uint8) table2; function f() public { // integers uint x; uint y; uint g = true ? x : y; g += 1; // Avoid unused var warning // integer constants uint h = true ? 1 : 3; h += 1; // Avoid unused var warning // string literal var i = true ? "hello" : "world"; i = "used"; //Avoid unused var warning } function f2() public { // bool bool j = true ? true : false; j = j && true; // Avoid unused var warning // real is not there yet. // array byte[2] memory a; byte[2] memory b; var k = true ? a : b; k[0] = byte(0); //Avoid unused var warning bytes memory e; bytes memory f; var l = true ? e : f; l[0] = byte(0); // Avoid unused var warning // fixed bytes bytes2 c; bytes2 d; var m = true ? c : d; m &= m; } function f3() public { // contract doesn't fit in here // struct struct_x = true ? struct_x : struct_y; // function var r = true ? fun_x : fun_y; r(); // Avoid unused var warning // enum small enum_x; small enum_y; enum_x = true ? enum_x : enum_y; // tuple var (n, o) = true ? (1, 2) : (3, 4); (n, o) = (o, n); // Avoid unused var warning // mapping var p = true ? table1 : table2; p[0] = 0; // Avoid unused var warning // typetype var q = true ? uint32(1) : uint32(2); q += 1; // Avoid unused var warning // modifier doesn't fit in here // magic doesn't fit in here // module doesn't fit in here } } // ---- // Warning: (546-551): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (878-883): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (1008-1013): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (1150-1155): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (1357-1362): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (1560-1561): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (1563-1564): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (1672-1677): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (1778-1783): Use of the "var" keyword is deprecated. // Warning: (984-998): This declaration shadows an existing declaration. // Warning: (90-116): Function state mutability can be restricted to pure // Warning: (121-147): Function state mutability can be restricted to pure // Warning: (257-632): Function state mutability can be restricted to pure // Warning: (637-1194): Function state mutability can be restricted to pure