/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ /** @file trie.cpp * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 * Trie test functions. */ #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace eth; int trieTest() { { BasicMap m; GenericTrieDB t(&m); t.init(); // initialise as empty tree. cout << t; cout << m; cout << t.root() << endl; cout << hash256(StringMap()) << endl; t.insert(string("tesz"), string("test")); cout << t; cout << m; cout << t.root() << endl; cout << hash256({{"test", "test"}}) << endl; t.insert(string("tesa"), string("testy")); cout << t; cout << m; cout << t.root() << endl; cout << hash256({{"test", "test"}, {"te", "testy"}}) << endl; cout << t.at(string("test")) << endl; cout << t.at(string("te")) << endl; cout << t.at(string("t")) << endl; t.remove(string("te")); cout << m; cout << t.root() << endl; cout << hash256({{"test", "test"}}) << endl; t.remove(string("test")); cout << m; cout << t.root() << endl; cout << hash256(StringMap()) << endl; } { BasicMap m; GenericTrieDB t(&m); t.init(); // initialise as empty tree. t.insert(string("a"), string("A")); t.insert(string("b"), string("B")); cout << t; cout << m; cout << t.root() << endl; cout << hash256({{"b", "B"}, {"a", "A"}}) << endl; cout << RLP(rlp256({{"b", "B"}, {"a", "A"}})) << endl; } { MemTrie t; t.insert("dog", "puppy"); cout << hex << t.hash256() << endl; cout << RLP(t.rlp()) << endl; } { MemTrie t; t.insert("bed", "d"); t.insert("be", "e"); cout << hex << t.hash256() << endl; cout << RLP(t.rlp()) << endl; } { cout << hex << hash256({{"dog", "puppy"}, {"doe", "reindeer"}}) << endl; MemTrie t; t.insert("dog", "puppy"); t.insert("doe", "reindeer"); cout << hex << t.hash256() << endl; cout << RLP(t.rlp()) << endl; cout << asHex(t.rlp()) << endl; } { BasicMap m; GenericTrieDB d(&m); d.init(); // initialise as empty tree. MemTrie t; StringMap s; auto add = [&](char const* a, char const* b) { d.insert(string(a), string(b)); t.insert(a, b); s[a] = b; cout << endl << "-------------------------------" << endl; cout << a << " -> " << b << endl; cout << d; cout << m; cout << d.root() << endl; cout << hash256(s) << endl; assert(t.hash256() == hash256(s)); assert(d.root() == hash256(s)); for (auto const& i: s) { (void)i; assert(t.at(i.first) == i.second); assert(d.at(i.first) == i.second); } }; auto remove = [&](char const* a) { s.erase(a); t.remove(a); d.remove(string(a)); cout << endl << "-------------------------------" << endl; cout << "X " << a << endl; cout << d; cout << m; cout << d.root() << endl; cout << hash256(s) << endl; assert(t.at(a).empty()); assert(d.at(string(a)).empty()); assert(t.hash256() == hash256(s)); assert(d.root() == hash256(s)); for (auto const& i: s) { (void)i; assert(t.at(i.first) == i.second); assert(d.at(i.first) == i.second); } }; add("dogglesworth", "cat"); add("doe", "reindeer"); remove("dogglesworth"); add("horse", "stallion"); add("do", "verb"); add("doge", "coin"); remove("horse"); remove("do"); remove("doge"); remove("doe"); for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) { StringMap m; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { auto k = randomWord(); auto v = toString(i); m.insert(make_pair(k, v)); t.insert(k, v); d.insert(k, v); assert(hash256(m) == t.hash256()); assert(hash256(m) == d.root()); } while (!m.empty()) { auto k = m.begin()->first; d.remove(k); t.remove(k); m.erase(k); assert(hash256(m) == t.hash256()); assert(hash256(m) == d.root()); } } } return 0; }