/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #include #endif using namespace dev; using namespace dev::solidity; using namespace dev::solidity::test; using namespace dev::formatting; using namespace std; namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; using TestCreator = TestCase::TestCaseCreator; using TestOptions = dev::test::IsolTestOptions; struct TestStats { int successCount = 0; int testCount = 0; int skippedCount = 0; operator bool() const noexcept { return successCount + skippedCount == testCount; } TestStats& operator+=(TestStats const& _other) noexcept { successCount += _other.successCount; testCount += _other.testCount; skippedCount += _other.skippedCount; return *this; } }; class TestFilter { public: explicit TestFilter(string const& _filter): m_filter(_filter) { string filter{m_filter}; boost::replace_all(filter, "/", "\\/"); boost::replace_all(filter, "*", ".*"); m_filterExpression = regex{"(" + filter + "(\\.sol|\\.yul))"}; } bool matches(string const& _name) const { return regex_match(_name, m_filterExpression); } private: string m_filter; regex m_filterExpression; }; class TestTool { public: TestTool( TestCreator _testCaseCreator, TestOptions const& _options, fs::path const& _path, string const& _name ): m_testCaseCreator(_testCaseCreator), m_options(_options), m_filter(TestFilter{_options.testFilter}), m_path(_path), m_name(_name) {} enum class Result { Success, Failure, Exception, Skipped }; Result process(); static TestStats processPath( TestCreator _testCaseCreator, TestOptions const& _options, fs::path const& _basepath, fs::path const& _path ); static string editor; private: enum class Request { Skip, Rerun, Quit }; Request handleResponse(bool _exception); TestCreator m_testCaseCreator; TestOptions const& m_options; TestFilter m_filter; fs::path const m_path; string const m_name; unique_ptr m_test; static bool m_exitRequested; }; string TestTool::editor; bool TestTool::m_exitRequested = false; TestTool::Result TestTool::process() { bool formatted{!m_options.noColor}; std::stringstream outputMessages; try { if (m_filter.matches(m_name)) { (AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD}) << m_name << ": ").flush(); m_test = m_testCaseCreator(TestCase::Config{m_path.string(), m_options.evmVersion()}); if (m_test->validateSettings(m_options.evmVersion())) switch (TestCase::TestResult result = m_test->run(outputMessages, " ", formatted)) { case TestCase::TestResult::Success: AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, GREEN}) << "OK" << endl; return Result::Success; default: AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "FAIL" << endl; AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, CYAN}) << " Contract:" << endl; m_test->printSource(cout, " ", formatted); m_test->printUpdatedSettings(cout, " ", formatted); cout << endl << outputMessages.str() << endl; return result == TestCase::TestResult::FatalError ? Result::Exception : Result::Failure; } else { AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, YELLOW}) << "NOT RUN" << endl; return Result::Skipped; } } else return Result::Skipped; } catch (boost::exception const& _e) { AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "Exception during test: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_e) << endl; return Result::Exception; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "Exception during test" << (_e.what() ? ": " + string(_e.what()) : ".") << endl; return Result::Exception; } catch (...) { AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "Unknown exception during test." << endl; return Result::Exception; } } TestTool::Request TestTool::handleResponse(bool _exception) { if (_exception) cout << "(e)dit/(s)kip/(q)uit? "; else cout << "(e)dit/(u)pdate expectations/(s)kip/(q)uit? "; cout.flush(); while (true) { switch(readStandardInputChar()) { case 's': cout << endl; return Request::Skip; case 'u': if (_exception) break; else { cout << endl; ofstream file(m_path.string(), ios::trunc); m_test->printSource(file); m_test->printUpdatedSettings(file); file << "// ----" << endl; m_test->printUpdatedExpectations(file, "// "); return Request::Rerun; } case 'e': cout << endl << endl; if (system((TestTool::editor + " \"" + m_path.string() + "\"").c_str())) cerr << "Error running editor command." << endl << endl; return Request::Rerun; case 'q': cout << endl; return Request::Quit; default: break; } } } TestStats TestTool::processPath( TestCreator _testCaseCreator, TestOptions const& _options, fs::path const& _basepath, fs::path const& _path ) { std::queue paths; paths.push(_path); int successCount = 0; int testCount = 0; int skippedCount = 0; while (!paths.empty()) { auto currentPath = paths.front(); fs::path fullpath = _basepath / currentPath; if (fs::is_directory(fullpath)) { paths.pop(); for (auto const& entry: boost::iterator_range( fs::directory_iterator(fullpath), fs::directory_iterator() )) if (fs::is_directory(entry.path()) || TestCase::isTestFilename(entry.path().filename())) paths.push(currentPath / entry.path().filename()); } else if (m_exitRequested) { ++testCount; paths.pop(); } else { ++testCount; TestTool testTool( _testCaseCreator, _options, fullpath, currentPath.generic_path().string() ); auto result = testTool.process(); switch(result) { case Result::Failure: case Result::Exception: switch(testTool.handleResponse(result == Result::Exception)) { case Request::Quit: paths.pop(); m_exitRequested = true; break; case Request::Rerun: cout << "Re-running test case..." << endl; --testCount; break; case Request::Skip: paths.pop(); ++skippedCount; break; } break; case Result::Success: paths.pop(); ++successCount; break; case Result::Skipped: paths.pop(); ++skippedCount; break; } } } return { successCount, testCount, skippedCount }; } namespace { void setupTerminal() { #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING) // Set output mode to handle virtual terminal (ANSI escape sequences) // ignore any error, as this is just a "nice-to-have" // only windows needs to be taken care of, as other platforms (Linux/OSX) support them natively. HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; DWORD dwMode = 0; if (!GetConsoleMode(hOut, &dwMode)) return; dwMode |= ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING; if (!SetConsoleMode(hOut, dwMode)) return; #endif } std::optional runTestSuite( TestCreator _testCaseCreator, TestOptions const& _options, fs::path const& _basePath, fs::path const& _subdirectory, string const& _name ) { fs::path testPath{_basePath / _subdirectory}; bool formatted{!_options.noColor}; if (!fs::exists(testPath) || !fs::is_directory(testPath)) { cerr << _name << " tests not found. Use the --testpath argument." << endl; return std::nullopt; } TestStats stats = TestTool::processPath( _testCaseCreator, _options, _basePath, _subdirectory ); if (stats.skippedCount != stats.testCount) { cout << endl << _name << " Test Summary: "; AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, stats ? GREEN : RED}) << stats.successCount << "/" << stats.testCount; cout << " tests successful"; if (stats.skippedCount > 0) { cout << " ("; AnsiColorized(cout, formatted, {BOLD, YELLOW}) << stats.skippedCount; cout<< " tests skipped)"; } cout << "." << endl << endl; } return stats; } } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { setupTerminal(); dev::test::IsolTestOptions options(&TestTool::editor); try { if (options.parse(argc, argv)) options.validate(); else return 1; } catch (std::exception const& _exception) { cerr << _exception.what() << endl; return 1; } bool disableSemantics = !dev::test::EVMHost::getVM(options.evmonePath.string()); if (disableSemantics) { cout << "Unable to find " << dev::test::evmoneFilename << ". Please provide the path using --evmonepath ." << endl; cout << "You can download it at" << endl; cout << dev::test::evmoneDownloadLink << endl; cout << endl << "--- SKIPPING ALL SEMANTICS TESTS ---" << endl << endl; } TestStats global_stats{0, 0}; cout << "Running tests..." << endl << endl; // Actually run the tests. // Interactive tests are added in InteractiveTests.h for (auto const& ts: g_interactiveTestsuites) { if (ts.needsVM && disableSemantics) continue; if (ts.smt && options.disableSMT) continue; auto stats = runTestSuite( ts.testCaseCreator, options, options.testPath / ts.path, ts.subpath, ts.title ); if (stats) global_stats += *stats; else return 1; } cout << endl << "Summary: "; AnsiColorized(cout, !options.noColor, {BOLD, global_stats ? GREEN : RED}) << global_stats.successCount << "/" << global_stats.testCount; cout << " tests successful"; if (global_stats.skippedCount > 0) { cout << " ("; AnsiColorized(cout, !options.noColor, {BOLD, YELLOW}) << global_stats.skippedCount; cout << " tests skipped)"; } cout << "." << endl; if (disableSemantics) cout << "\nNOTE: Skipped semantics tests because " << dev::test::evmoneFilename << " could not be found.\n" << endl; return global_stats ? 0 : 1; }