pragma experimental SMTChecker; pragma experimental "ABIEncoderV2"; contract C { struct S { uint x; uint[] b; } function f() public pure returns (S memory, bytes memory, uint[][2] memory) { return abi.decode("abc", (S, bytes, uint[][2])); } } // ---- // Warning 8364: (221-222): Assertion checker does not yet implement type type(struct C.S storage pointer) // Warning 8364: (231-237): Assertion checker does not yet implement type type(uint256[] memory) // Warning 8364: (231-240): Assertion checker does not yet implement type type(uint256[] memory[2] memory) // Warning 4588: (202-242): Assertion checker does not yet implement this type of function call. // Warning 8364: (221-222): Assertion checker does not yet implement type type(struct C.S storage pointer) // Warning 8364: (231-237): Assertion checker does not yet implement type type(uint256[] memory) // Warning 8364: (231-240): Assertion checker does not yet implement type type(uint256[] memory[2] memory) // Warning 4588: (202-242): Assertion checker does not yet implement this type of function call.