version: 2 jobs: build_emscripten: docker: - image: trzeci/emscripten:sdk-tag-1.37.21-64bit steps: - checkout - run: name: Init submodules command: | git submodule update --init - restore_cache: name: Restore Boost build key: &boost-cache-key emscripten-boost-{{ checksum "scripts/travis-emscripten/" }}{{ checksum "scripts/travis-emscripten/" }} - run: name: Bootstrap Boost command: | scripts/travis-emscripten/ - run: name: Build command: | scripts/travis-emscripten/ - save_cache: name: Save Boost build key: *boost-cache-key paths: - boost_1_57_0 - store_artifacts: path: build/libsolc/soljson.js destination: soljson.js - run: mkdir -p workspace - run: cp build/libsolc/soljson.js workspace/soljson.js - run: scripts/ > workspace/version.txt - persist_to_workspace: root: workspace paths: - soljson.js - version.txt test_emscripten_solcjs: docker: - image: trzeci/emscripten:sdk-tag-1.37.21-64bit steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - run: name: Install external tests deps command: | apt-get -qq update apt-get -qy install netcat curl curl -o- | NVM_DIR=/usr/local/nvm bash export NVM_DIR="/usr/local/nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm nvm --version nvm install 6 node --version npm --version - run: name: Test solcjs command: | . /usr/local/nvm/ test/ /tmp/workspace/soljson.js $(cat /tmp/workspace/version.txt) test_emscripten_external: docker: - image: trzeci/emscripten:sdk-tag-1.37.21-64bit steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - run: name: Install external tests deps command: | apt-get -qq update apt-get -qy install netcat curl curl -o- | NVM_DIR=/usr/local/nvm bash export NVM_DIR="/usr/local/nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm nvm --version nvm install 7 node --version npm --version - run: name: External tests command: | . /usr/local/nvm/ test/ /tmp/workspace/soljson.js || test/ /tmp/workspace/soljson.js build_x86: docker: - image: buildpack-deps:artful steps: - checkout - run: name: Install build dependencies command: | apt-get -qq update apt-get -qy install ccache cmake libboost-all-dev libz3-dev - run: name: Init submodules command: | git submodule update --init - run: name: Store commit hash and prerelease command: | if [ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" = release -o -n "$CIRCLE_TAG" ]; then echo -n > prerelease.txt; else date -u +"nightly.%Y.%-m.%-d" > prerelease.txt; fi echo -n "$CIRCLE_SHA1" > commit_hash.txt - restore_cache: key: ccache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }} key: ccache-{{ arch }} key: ccache - run: name: Build command: ./scripts/ RelWithDebInfo - save_cache: key: ccache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }} paths: - ~/.ccache - run: name: Commandline tests command: test/ - run: mkdir -p test_results - run: name: Test without optimizer (exclude IPC tests) command: build/test/soltest --logger=JUNIT,test_suite,test_results/no_opt.xml -- --no-ipc - run: name: Test with optimizer (exclude IPC tests) command: build/test/soltest --logger=JUNIT,test_suite,test_results/opt.xml -- --optimize --no-ipc - store_test_results: path: test_results/ - store_artifacts: path: build/solc/solc destination: solc docs: docker: - image: buildpack-deps:artful steps: - checkout - run: name: Install build dependencies command: | apt-get -qq update apt-get -qy install python-sphinx - run: name: Store commit hash and prerelease command: | if [ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" = release -o -n "$CIRCLE_TAG" ]; then echo -n > prerelease.txt; else date -u +"nightly.%Y.%-m.%-d" > prerelease.txt; fi echo -n "$CIRCLE_SHA1" > commit_hash.txt - run: name: Build documentation command: ./scripts/ - store_artifacts: path: docs/_build/html/ destination: docs-html workflows: version: 2 build_all: jobs: - build_emscripten - test_emscripten_solcjs: requires: - build_emscripten - test_emscripten_external: requires: - build_emscripten - build_x86 - docs