{ "errors": [ { "component": "general", "errorCode": "2788", "formattedMessage": "Warning: BMC: 1 verification condition(s) could not be proved. Enable the model checker option \"show unproved\" to see all of them. Consider choosing a specific contract to be verified in order to reduce the solving problems. Consider increasing the timeout per query. ", "message": "BMC: 1 verification condition(s) could not be proved. Enable the model checker option \"show unproved\" to see all of them. Consider choosing a specific contract to be verified in order to reduce the solving problems. Consider increasing the timeout per query.", "severity": "warning", "type": "Warning" }, { "component": "general", "errorCode": "6002", "formattedMessage": "Info: BMC: 4 verification condition(s) proved safe! Enable the model checker option \"show proved safe\" to see all of them. ", "message": "BMC: 4 verification condition(s) proved safe! Enable the model checker option \"show proved safe\" to see all of them.", "severity": "info", "type": "Info" } ], "sources": { "A": { "id": 0 } } }