mirror of
synced 2023-10-03 13:03:40 +00:00
Merge pull request #10727 from ethereum/smt_cex_internal_calls
[SMTChecker] Report internal calls in CHC transaction trace
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Compiler Features:
* SMTChecker: Use checked arithmetic by default and support ``unchecked`` blocks.
* SMTChecker: Show contract name in counterexample function call.
* SMTChecker: Support try/catch statements.
* SMTChecker: Output internal and trusted external function calls in a counterexample's transaction trace.
* Code Generator: Fix length check when decoding malformed error data in catch clause.
@ -1072,12 +1072,12 @@ Predicate const* CHC::createBlock(ASTNode const* _node, PredicateType _predType,
return block;
Predicate const* CHC::createSummaryBlock(FunctionDefinition const& _function, ContractDefinition const& _contract)
Predicate const* CHC::createSummaryBlock(FunctionDefinition const& _function, ContractDefinition const& _contract, PredicateType _type)
return createSymbolicBlock(
functionSort(_function, &_contract, state()),
"summary_" + uniquePrefix() + "_" + predicateName(&_function, &_contract),
@ -1179,6 +1179,8 @@ smtutil::Expression CHC::predicate(Predicate const& _block)
case PredicateType::ConstructorSummary:
return constructor(_block, m_context);
case PredicateType::FunctionSummary:
case PredicateType::InternalCall:
case PredicateType::ExternalCall:
return smt::function(_block, m_currentContract, m_context);
case PredicateType::FunctionBlock:
solAssert(m_currentFunction, "");
@ -1250,7 +1252,17 @@ smtutil::Expression CHC::predicate(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
return (*m_summaries.at(calledContract).at(function))(args);
Predicate const& summary = *m_summaries.at(calledContract).at(function);
auto from = smt::function(summary, calledContract, m_context);
Predicate const& callPredicate = *createSummaryBlock(
kind == FunctionType::Kind::Internal ? PredicateType::InternalCall : PredicateType::ExternalCall
auto to = smt::function(callPredicate, calledContract, m_context);
addRule(smtutil::Expression::implies(from, to), to.name);
return callPredicate(args);
void CHC::addRule(smtutil::Expression const& _rule, string const& _ruleName)
@ -1506,6 +1518,9 @@ optional<string> CHC::generateCounterexample(CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph const&
auto callGraph = summaryCalls(_graph, *rootId);
auto nodePred = [&](auto _node) { return Predicate::predicate(_graph.nodes.at(_node).name); };
auto nodeArgs = [&](auto _node) { return _graph.nodes.at(_node).arguments; };
bool first = true;
for (auto summaryId: callGraph.at(*rootId))
@ -1518,8 +1533,6 @@ optional<string> CHC::generateCounterexample(CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph const&
auto stateValues = summaryPredicate->summaryStateValues(summaryArgs);
solAssert(stateValues.size() == stateVars->size(), "");
string txCex = summaryPredicate->formatSummaryCall(summaryArgs);
if (first)
first = false;
@ -1529,10 +1542,12 @@ optional<string> CHC::generateCounterexample(CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph const&
auto inValues = summaryPredicate->summaryPostInputValues(summaryArgs);
auto const& inParams = calledFun->parameters();
localState += formatVariableModel(inParams, inValues, "\n") + "\n";
if (auto inStr = formatVariableModel(inParams, inValues, "\n"); !inStr.empty())
localState += inStr + "\n";
auto outValues = summaryPredicate->summaryPostOutputValues(summaryArgs);
auto const& outParams = calledFun->returnParameters();
localState += formatVariableModel(outParams, outValues, "\n") + "\n";
if (auto outStr = formatVariableModel(outParams, outValues, "\n"); !outStr.empty())
localState += outStr + "\n";
@ -1544,7 +1559,23 @@ optional<string> CHC::generateCounterexample(CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph const&
path.emplace_back("State: " + modelMsg);
string txCex = summaryPredicate->formatSummaryCall(summaryArgs);
list<string> calls;
auto dfs = [&](unsigned node, unsigned depth, auto&& _dfs) -> void {
auto pred = nodePred(node);
solAssert(pred && pred->isSummary(), "");
if (!pred->isConstructorSummary())
for (unsigned v: callGraph[node])
_dfs(v, depth + 1, _dfs);
calls.push_front(string(depth * 2, ' ') + pred->formatSummaryCall(nodeArgs(node)));
if (pred->isInternalCall())
calls.front() += " -- internal call";
else if (pred->isExternalCall())
calls.front() += " -- external call";
dfs(summaryId, 0, dfs);
path.emplace_back(boost::algorithm::join(calls, "\n"));
return localState + "\nTransaction trace:\n" + boost::algorithm::join(boost::adaptors::reverse(path), "\n");
@ -1554,16 +1585,27 @@ map<unsigned, vector<unsigned>> CHC::summaryCalls(CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph c
map<unsigned, vector<unsigned>> calls;
solidity::util::BreadthFirstSearch<pair<unsigned, unsigned>>{{{_root, _root}}}.run([&](auto info, auto&& _addChild) {
auto [node, root] = info;
if (Predicate::predicate(_graph.nodes.at(node).name)->isSummary())
auto compare = [&](unsigned _a, unsigned _b) {
return _graph.nodes.at(_a).name > _graph.nodes.at(_b).name;
queue<pair<unsigned, unsigned>> q;
q.push({_root, _root});
while (!q.empty())
auto [node, root] = q.front();
Predicate const* nodePred = Predicate::predicate(_graph.nodes.at(node).name);
if (nodePred->isSummary() && (_root == root || nodePred->isInternalCall() || nodePred->isExternalCall()))
root = node;
for (auto v: _graph.edges.at(node))
_addChild({v, root});
auto const& edges = _graph.edges.at(node);
for (unsigned v: set<unsigned, decltype(compare)>(begin(edges), end(edges), compare))
q.push({v, root});
return calls;
@ -147,7 +147,13 @@ private:
Predicate const* createBlock(ASTNode const* _node, PredicateType _predType, std::string const& _prefix = "");
/// Creates a call block for the given function _function from contract _contract.
/// The contract is needed here because of inheritance.
Predicate const* createSummaryBlock(FunctionDefinition const& _function, ContractDefinition const& _contract);
/// There are different types of summaries, where the most common is FunctionSummary,
/// but other summaries are also used for internal and external function calls.
Predicate const* createSummaryBlock(
FunctionDefinition const& _function,
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
PredicateType _type = PredicateType::FunctionSummary
/// @returns a block related to @a _contract's constructor.
Predicate const* createConstructorBlock(ContractDefinition const& _contract, std::string const& _prefix);
@ -141,7 +141,22 @@ optional<vector<VariableDeclaration const*>> Predicate::stateVariables() const
bool Predicate::isSummary() const
return m_type == PredicateType::ConstructorSummary || m_type == PredicateType::FunctionSummary;
return m_type == PredicateType::ConstructorSummary || m_type == PredicateType::FunctionSummary || m_type == PredicateType::InternalCall || m_type == PredicateType::ExternalCall;
bool Predicate::isFunctionSummary() const
return m_type == PredicateType::FunctionSummary;
bool Predicate::isInternalCall() const
return m_type == PredicateType::InternalCall;
bool Predicate::isExternalCall() const
return m_type == PredicateType::ExternalCall;
bool Predicate::isConstructorSummary() const
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ enum class PredicateType
@ -98,6 +100,15 @@ public:
/// @returns true if this predicate represents a summary.
bool isSummary() const;
/// @returns true if this predicate represents a function summary.
bool isFunctionSummary() const;
/// @returns true if this predicate represents an internal function call.
bool isInternalCall() const;
/// @returns true if this predicate represents an external function call.
bool isExternalCall() const;
/// @returns true if this predicate represents a constructor summary.
bool isConstructorSummary() const;
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Counterexample:
x = 0
Transaction trace:
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Counterexample:
x = 0
Transaction trace:
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Counterexample:
x = 0
Transaction trace:
@ -17,7 +16,6 @@ Counterexample:
x = 0
Transaction trace:
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Counterexample:
x = 0
Transaction trace:
@ -17,7 +16,6 @@ Counterexample:
x = 0
Transaction trace:
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (93-100): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (93-100): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (94-101): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (94-101): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (122-129): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (122-129): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (127-134): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (127-134): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (153-176): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (153-176): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = []\nC.f()
@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (198-224): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (228-254): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (258-281): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (198-224): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (228-254): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (258-281): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (222-248): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (252-278): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (282-305): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (309-335): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (222-248): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (252-278): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (282-305): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (309-335): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narr = [], arr2 = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: arr = [], arr2 = []\nC.f()
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (82-89): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (111-121): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = [[0]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 2529: (111-121): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = [[0]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (76-83): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()
// Warning 2529: (76-83): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 2529: (150-157): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\nl = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f(0)
// Warning 2529: (150-157): CHC: Empty array "pop" happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = []\nl = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f(0)
@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (232-262): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [1]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (232-262): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [1]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.g()
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (395-453): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nc = [[2]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: c = []\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (395-453): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nc = [[2]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: c = []\nC.g()
@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (570-625): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nc = [[[2]]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: c = []\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (570-625): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nc = [[[2]]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: c = []\nC.g()
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (237-263): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [0, 0]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (237-263): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [0, 0]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.f()
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (317-343): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [[0], [0]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (317-343): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [[0], [0]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.f()
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (236-277): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [0, 0]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (236-277): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [0, 0]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.f()
@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (298-343): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [1]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (298-343): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nb = [1]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: b = []\nC.g()
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (468-541): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nc = [[2]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: c = []\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (468-541): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nc = [[2]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: c = []\nC.g()
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (113-139): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[0]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (143-189): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[0]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (113-139): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[0]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (143-189): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[0]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (122-148): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[[0]]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (202-218): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[[0]]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (222-278): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[[0]]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (122-148): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[[0]]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (202-218): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[[0]]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (222-278): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[[0]]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (167-188): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (167-188): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (193-217): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = [], c = [], d = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (193-217): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = [], c = [], d = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (309-333): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (111-144): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = [[0]]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (111-144): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = [[0]]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (94-124): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = [0]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (94-124): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = [0]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = []\nC.f()
@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (184-213): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[], [], []]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()
// Warning 6328: (184-213): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\narray2d = [[], [], []]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: array2d = []\nC.l()\n C.s() -- internal call
@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (199-234): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\na = 21238\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(21238)
// Warning 6328: (199-234): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\na = 21238\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(21238)
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (359-373): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 7\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (359-373): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 7\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()\n C.f() -- internal call
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (365-379): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 3\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (365-379): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 3\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()\n C.f() -- internal call
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (358-372): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 3\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (358-372): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 3\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()\n C.f() -- internal call
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (365-379): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 7\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (365-379): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 7\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()\n C.f() -- internal call
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (103-117): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.test()
// Warning 6328: (103-117): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.test()
@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (288-302): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.test()
// Warning 6328: (535-552): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.set(1)\nState: x = 1\nC.test()
// Warning 6328: (648-662): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.set(10)\nState: x = 10\nC.test()
// Warning 6328: (288-302): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.test()\n C.reset_if_overflow() -- internal call
// Warning 6328: (535-552): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.set(1)\nState: x = 1\nC.test()\n C.reset_if_overflow() -- internal call
// Warning 6328: (648-662): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.set(10)\nState: x = 10\nC.test()\n C.reset_if_overflow() -- internal call
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ contract C is B {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (330-344): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ny = 2, x = (- 1)\na = 1\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (422-445): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ny = 2, x = (- 1)\na = 1\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (522-546): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ny = 4, x = 0\na = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (566-579): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ny = 4, x = 0\na = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (330-344): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ny = 2, x = (- 1)\na = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (422-445): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ny = 2, x = (- 1)\na = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (522-546): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ny = 4, x = 0\na = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (566-579): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ny = 4, x = 0\na = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(0)
@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ contract D is C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (319-333): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\na = 1\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (319-333): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\na = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nD.constructor(1)
@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ contract D4 is B, C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (370-384): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 1, y = 1, x = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD1.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (403-418): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 1, y = 1, x = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD1.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (493-507): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 2, y = 1, x = (- 1)\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD2.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (526-540): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 2, y = 1, x = (- 1)\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD2.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (703-717): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 1, y = 2, x = 1\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD3.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (769-784): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 1, y = 2, x = 1\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD3.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (860-874): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 2, y = 2, x = (- 1)\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD4.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (893-907): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 2, y = 2, x = (- 1)\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD4.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (370-384): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 1, y = 1, x = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nD1.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (403-418): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 1, y = 1, x = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nD1.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (493-507): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 2, y = 1, x = (- 1)\n\nTransaction trace:\nD2.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (526-540): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 2, y = 1, x = (- 1)\n\nTransaction trace:\nD2.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (703-717): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 1, y = 2, x = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nD3.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (769-784): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 1, y = 2, x = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nD3.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (860-874): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 2, y = 2, x = (- 1)\n\nTransaction trace:\nD4.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (893-907): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nz = 2, y = 2, x = (- 1)\n\nTransaction trace:\nD4.constructor()
@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ contract C is B {
// ----
// Warning 5740: (152-157): Unreachable code.
// Warning 6328: (310-324): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\na = 1\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (343-357): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\na = 1\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (376-390): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\na = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (310-324): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\na = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (343-357): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\na = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(1)
// Warning 6328: (376-390): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\na = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor(0)
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (147-174): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\na = 0\nb = 2\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.test(0, 2)
// Warning 6328: (147-174): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\na = 0\nb = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.test(0, 2)\n C.nested_if(0, 2) -- internal call\n C.nested_if(0, 2) -- internal call
// Warning 6838: (332-348): BMC: Condition is always false.
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (89-114): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\na = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.test(0)
// Warning 6328: (89-114): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\na = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.test(0)\n C.simple_if(0) -- internal call
@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (205-222): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = [0, 0]\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = [0, 0]\nC.check()
// Warning 6328: (205-222): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = [0, 0]\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: a = [0, 0]\nC.check()\n C.conditional_store() -- internal call
@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (132-146): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.check()
// Warning 6328: (132-146): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.check()\n C.conditional_increment() -- internal call
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (156-172): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ns = {x: 0}\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: s = {x: 0}\nC.check()
// Warning 6328: (156-172): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ns = {x: 0}\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: s = {x: 0}\nC.check()\n C.conditional_increment() -- internal call
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (156-172): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ns = {x: 0}\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: s = {x: 0}\nC.check()
// Warning 6328: (156-172): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ns = {x: 0}\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: s = {x: 0}\nC.check()\n C.conditional_increment() -- internal call
@ -23,5 +23,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (160-174): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2, y = 2\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0, y = 0\nC.check()
// Warning 6328: (194-208): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2, y = 2\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0, y = 0\nC.check()
// Warning 6328: (160-174): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2, y = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0, y = 0\nC.check()\n C.conditional_increment() -- internal call
// Warning 6328: (194-208): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2, y = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0, y = 0\nC.check()\n C.conditional_increment() -- internal call
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6321: (429-442): Unnamed return variable can remain unassigned. Add an explicit return with value to all non-reverting code paths or name the variable.
// Warning 6328: (448-465): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = true\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = false\nC.i()
// Warning 6328: (448-465): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = true\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = false\nC.i()\n C.m() -- internal call
@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ contract C {
// Warning 5740: (116-129): Unreachable code.
// Warning 5740: (221-234): Unreachable code.
// Warning 6321: (408-421): Unnamed return variable can remain unassigned. Add an explicit return with value to all non-reverting code paths or name the variable.
// Warning 6328: (427-444): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = true\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = false\nC.i()
// Warning 6328: (427-444): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = true\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = false\nC.i()\n C.m() -- internal call
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (183-197): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nb = false\na = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(false, 0)
// Warning 6328: (183-197): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nb = false\na = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(false, 0)
// Warning 6838: (155-156): BMC: Condition is always false.
@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ contract c {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (227-236): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\n\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()
// Warning 6328: (227-236): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()\n c.f() -- internal call\n c.f() -- internal call
@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ contract c {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (202-218): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 101\n\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()
// Warning 6328: (242-252): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 101\n\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()
// Warning 6328: (202-218): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 101\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()\n c.f() -- internal call
// Warning 6328: (242-252): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 101\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()\n c.f() -- internal call
@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ contract c {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (225-235): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()
// Warning 6328: (225-235): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()\n c.f() -- internal call\n c.f() -- internal call
@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ contract c {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (225-235): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\n\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()
// Warning 6328: (225-235): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()\n c.f() -- internal call\n c.f() -- internal call
@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ contract c {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (360-370): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 102\na = false\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g(false)
// Warning 6328: (360-370): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 102\na = false\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g(false)\n c.f() -- internal call\n c.f() -- internal call
@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ contract c {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (225-235): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()
// Warning 6328: (225-235): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nc.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nc.g()\n c.f() -- internal call\n c.f() -- internal call
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (159-173): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nx = 11\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(11)
// Warning 6328: (159-173): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nx = 11\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(11)
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (159-173): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nx = 11\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(11)
// Warning 6328: (159-173): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nx = 11\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(11)
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (161-175): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nx = 11\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(11)
// Warning 6328: (161-175): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nx = 11\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(11)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ contract C {
// Warning 6328: (305-321): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 1218: (448-464): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 6328: (448-464): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (673-689): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nh0 = 21238\nv0 = 173\nr0 = 30612\ns0 = 32285\nh1 = 7719\nv1 = 21\nr1 = 10450\ns1 = 8855\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.e(21238, 173, 30612, 32285, 7719, 21, 10450, 8855)
// Warning 6328: (673-689): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nh0 = 21238\nv0 = 173\nr0 = 30612\ns0 = 32285\nh1 = 7719\nv1 = 21\nr1 = 10450\ns1 = 8855\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.e(21238, 173, 30612, 32285, 7719, 21, 10450, 8855)
// Warning 4661: (168-184): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (305-321): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (448-464): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (229-243): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(data)
// Warning 6328: (229-243): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(data)\n C.fi(data, 2437) -- internal call
@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (528-565): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nowner = 1, y = 0, z = 0, s = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: owner = 1, y = 0, z = 0, s = 0\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (528-565): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nowner = 1, y = 0, z = 0, s = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: owner = 1, y = 0, z = 0, s = 0\nC.f()
@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (299-313): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nowner = 0, y = 0, s = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: owner = 0, y = 0, s = 0\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (299-313): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nowner = 0, y = 0, s = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: owner = 0, y = 0, s = 0\nC.f()
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (239-253): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nlocked = false\ntarget = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: locked = true\nC.call(0)
// Warning 6328: (239-253): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nlocked = false\ntarget = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: locked = true\nC.call(0)
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (150-164): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nlocked = false\ntarget = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: locked = true\nC.call(0)
// Warning 6328: (150-164): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nlocked = false\ntarget = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: locked = true\nC.call(0)
@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ contract C is A {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (187-201): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nA.f()
// Warning 6328: (385-399): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\nd = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 1\nC.call(0)
// Warning 6328: (187-201): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nA.f()
// Warning 6328: (385-399): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\nd = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 1\nC.call(0)
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (307-321): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1, d = 0, lock = false\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0, d = 0, lock = false\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (307-321): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1, d = 0, lock = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0, d = 0, lock = false\nC.f()
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6031: (261-267): Internal error: Expression undefined for SMT solver.
// Warning 7650: (284-296): Assertion checker does not yet support this expression.
// Warning 6328: (470-495): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.check()
// Warning 6328: (540-565): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.check()
// Warning 6328: (470-495): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.check()\n C.f() -- internal call\n C.g() -- internal call
// Warning 6328: (540-565): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.check()\n C.f() -- internal call\n C.g() -- internal call\n C.i() -- internal call\n C.i() -- internal call
// Warning 6031: (261-267): Internal error: Expression undefined for SMT solver.
// Warning 7650: (284-296): Assertion checker does not yet support this expression.
// Warning 7650: (284-296): Assertion checker does not yet support this expression.
@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ contract Homer is ERC165, Simpson {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (1373-1428): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nHomer.constructor()\nHomer.check()
// Warning 6328: (1373-1428): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nHomer.constructor()\nHomer.check()\n Homer.supportsInterface(1941353618) -- internal call\n Homer.supportsInterface(33540519) -- internal call\n Homer.supportsInterface(2342435274) -- internal call
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (125-159): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (125-159): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f()
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (175-217): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0, y = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0, y = 0\nC.f()
// Warning 6328: (175-217): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0, y = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0, y = 0\nC.f()
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ contract A is C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (152-166): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (152-166): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ contract A is C { constructor() C(2) { assert(a == 2); } }
contract B is C { constructor() C(3) { assert(a == 3); } }
contract J is C { constructor() C(3) { assert(a == 4); } }
// ----
// Warning 6328: (243-257): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 3\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nJ.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (243-257): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 3\n\nTransaction trace:\nJ.constructor()
@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ contract A is B {
// ----
// Warning 4984: (207-212): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 0\nx = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935)
// Warning 4984: (198-203): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 0\nx = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639934\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639934)
// Warning 4984: (207-212): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 0\nx = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935)
// Warning 4984: (198-203): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 0\nx = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639934\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639934)
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ contract A is B, B2 {
// ----
// Warning 5667: (164-170): Unused function parameter. Remove or comment out the variable name to silence this warning.
// Warning 6328: (194-208): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\nx = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (194-208): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ contract A is B {
// ----
// Warning 5667: (194-200): Unused function parameter. Remove or comment out the variable name to silence this warning.
// Warning 6328: (224-238): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\nx = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (224-238): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ contract A is B {
// ----
// Warning 5667: (138-144): Unused function parameter. Remove or comment out the variable name to silence this warning.
// Warning 6328: (172-186): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\nx = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (172-186): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ contract A is B {
// ----
// Warning 5667: (138-144): Unused function parameter. Remove or comment out the variable name to silence this warning.
// Warning 6328: (150-164): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\nx = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (150-164): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ contract A is B {
// ----
// Warning 5667: (254-260): Unused function parameter. Remove or comment out the variable name to silence this warning.
// Warning 6328: (284-298): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 4\nx = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (284-298): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 4\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ contract A is B {
// ----
// Warning 5667: (296-302): Unused function parameter. Remove or comment out the variable name to silence this warning.
// Warning 6328: (357-372): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 4\nx = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
// Warning 6328: (357-372): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 4\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor(0)
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ contract B is C {
contract A is B {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (266-280): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 3\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nB.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (266-280): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 3\n\nTransaction trace:\nB.constructor()
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ contract A is C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (188-202): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 7\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (188-202): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 7\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ contract A is C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (134-148): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (152-168): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (134-148): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()
// Warning 6328: (152-168): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\na = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (145-159): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 10\ny = 11\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 10\nC.f(11)
// Warning 6328: (145-159): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 10\ny = 11\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 10\nC.f(11)
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ contract C
// ----
// Warning 6328: (209-223): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\nb = true\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g(true)
// Warning 6328: (209-223): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\nb = true\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g(true)\n C.f() -- internal call
@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ contract C
// ----
// Warning 6328: (209-223): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\nb = true\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g(true)
// Warning 6328: (321-335): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\nb = false\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.h(false)
// Warning 6328: (209-223): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\nb = true\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g(true)\n C.f() -- internal call
// Warning 6328: (321-335): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 1\nb = false\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.h(false)\n C.f() -- internal call
@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ contract C
// ----
// Warning 6328: (261-277): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nx = 1\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(1)
// Warning 6328: (261-277): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nx = 1\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.f(1)\n L.add(1, 999) -- internal call
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ contract D
// ----
// Warning 6328: (191-206): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nc = 0\n_y = 0\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nD.constructor()\nState: c = 0\nD.g(0)
// Warning 6328: (191-206): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nc = 0\n_y = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nD.constructor()\nState: c = 0\nD.g(0)
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ contract C
// ----
// Warning 6328: (161-174): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (161-174): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.g()\n C.h(0) -- internal call
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ contract C
// ----
// Warning 6328: (229-242): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (229-242): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.g()\n C.h(0) -- internal call\n C.k(0) -- internal call
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ contract C
// ----
// Warning 6328: (163-176): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.g()
// Warning 6328: (163-176): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.g()\n C.h(0) -- internal call
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