diff --git a/libsmtutil/CMakeLists.txt b/libsmtutil/CMakeLists.txt
index 62b52f5c6..8c8b3677d 100644
--- a/libsmtutil/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libsmtutil/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ set(sources
+ Helpers.h
if (${Z3_FOUND})
diff --git a/libsmtutil/Helpers.h b/libsmtutil/Helpers.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa6081b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsmtutil/Helpers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ This file is part of solidity.
+ solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with solidity. If not, see .
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
+#pragma once
+namespace solidity::smtutil
+/// Signed division in SMTLIB2 rounds differently than EVM.
+/// This does not check for division by zero!
+inline Expression signedDivision(Expression _left, Expression _right)
+ return Expression::ite(
+ _left >= 0,
+ Expression::ite(_right >= 0, _left / _right, 0 - (_left / (0 - _right))),
+ Expression::ite(_right >= 0, 0 - ((0 - _left) / _right), (0 - _left) / (0 - _right))
+ );
+inline Expression abs(Expression _value)
+ return Expression::ite(_value >= 0, _value, 0 - _value);
+/// Signed modulo in SMTLIB2 behaves differently with regards
+/// to the sign than EVM.
+/// This does not check for modulo by zero!
+inline Expression signedModulo(Expression _left, Expression _right)
+ return Expression::ite(
+ _left >= 0,
+ _left % _right,
+ Expression::ite(
+ (_left % _right) == 0,
+ 0,
+ (_left % _right) - abs(_right)
+ )
+ );
diff --git a/libsolidity/formal/SMTEncoder.cpp b/libsolidity/formal/SMTEncoder.cpp
index e2a35a0d8..f8a8893bd 100644
--- a/libsolidity/formal/SMTEncoder.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/formal/SMTEncoder.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
@@ -1497,11 +1498,7 @@ smtutil::Expression SMTEncoder::division(smtutil::Expression _left, smtutil::Exp
// Signed division in SMTLIB2 rounds differently for negative division.
if (_type.isSigned())
- return (smtutil::Expression::ite(
- _left >= 0,
- smtutil::Expression::ite(_right >= 0, _left / _right, 0 - (_left / (0 - _right))),
- smtutil::Expression::ite(_right >= 0, 0 - ((0 - _left) / _right), (0 - _left) / (0 - _right))
- ));
+ return signedDivision(_left, _right);
return _left / _right;
diff --git a/libyul/CMakeLists.txt b/libyul/CMakeLists.txt
index bb385c755..bbc52d8f2 100644
--- a/libyul/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libyul/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ add_library(yul
+ optimiser/ReasoningBasedSimplifier.cpp
+ optimiser/ReasoningBasedSimplifier.h
@@ -168,4 +170,5 @@ add_library(yul
-target_link_libraries(yul PUBLIC evmasm solutil langutil)
+target_link_libraries(yul PUBLIC evmasm solutil langutil smtutil)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libyul/Dialect.cpp b/libyul/Dialect.cpp
index 1003c8e44..6c498ce4c 100644
--- a/libyul/Dialect.cpp
+++ b/libyul/Dialect.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ Literal Dialect::zeroLiteralForType(solidity::yul::YulString _type) const
return {SourceLocation{}, LiteralKind::Number, "0"_yulstring, _type};
+Literal Dialect::trueLiteral() const
+ if (boolType != defaultType)
+ return {SourceLocation{}, LiteralKind::Boolean, "true"_yulstring, boolType};
+ else
+ return {SourceLocation{}, LiteralKind::Number, "1"_yulstring, defaultType};
bool Dialect::validTypeForLiteral(LiteralKind _kind, YulString, YulString _type) const
if (_kind == LiteralKind::Boolean)
diff --git a/libyul/Dialect.h b/libyul/Dialect.h
index 6634d6cfd..d47c09659 100644
--- a/libyul/Dialect.h
+++ b/libyul/Dialect.h
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ struct Dialect: boost::noncopyable
virtual bool validTypeForLiteral(LiteralKind _kind, YulString _value, YulString _type) const;
virtual Literal zeroLiteralForType(YulString _type) const;
+ virtual Literal trueLiteral() const;
virtual std::set fixedFunctionNames() const { return {}; }
diff --git a/libyul/optimiser/ReasoningBasedSimplifier.cpp b/libyul/optimiser/ReasoningBasedSimplifier.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d22e335c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libyul/optimiser/ReasoningBasedSimplifier.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ This file is part of solidity.
+ solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with solidity. If not, see .
+using namespace std;
+using namespace solidity;
+using namespace solidity::util;
+using namespace solidity::yul;
+using namespace solidity::smtutil;
+void ReasoningBasedSimplifier::run(OptimiserStepContext& _context, Block& _ast)
+ set ssaVars = SSAValueTracker::ssaVariables(_ast);
+ ReasoningBasedSimplifier{_context.dialect, ssaVars}(_ast);
+void ReasoningBasedSimplifier::operator()(VariableDeclaration& _varDecl)
+ if (_varDecl.variables.size() != 1 || !_varDecl.value)
+ return;
+ YulString varName = _varDecl.variables.front().name;
+ if (!m_ssaVariables.count(varName))
+ return;
+ bool const inserted = m_variables.insert({varName, m_solver->newVariable("yul_" + varName.str(), defaultSort())}).second;
+ yulAssert(inserted, "");
+ m_solver->addAssertion(m_variables.at(varName) == encodeExpression(*_varDecl.value));
+void ReasoningBasedSimplifier::operator()(If& _if)
+ if (!SideEffectsCollector{m_dialect, *_if.condition}.movable())
+ return;
+ smtutil::Expression condition = encodeExpression(*_if.condition);
+ m_solver->push();
+ m_solver->addAssertion(condition == constantValue(0));
+ CheckResult result = m_solver->check({}).first;
+ m_solver->pop();
+ if (result == CheckResult::UNSATISFIABLE)
+ {
+ Literal trueCondition = m_dialect.trueLiteral();
+ trueCondition.location = locationOf(*_if.condition);
+ _if.condition = make_unique(move(trueCondition));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_solver->push();
+ m_solver->addAssertion(condition != constantValue(0));
+ CheckResult result2 = m_solver->check({}).first;
+ m_solver->pop();
+ if (result2 == CheckResult::UNSATISFIABLE)
+ {
+ Literal falseCondition = m_dialect.zeroLiteralForType(m_dialect.boolType);
+ falseCondition.location = locationOf(*_if.condition);
+ _if.condition = make_unique(move(falseCondition));
+ _if.body = yul::Block{};
+ // Nothing left to be done.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ m_solver->push();
+ m_solver->addAssertion(condition != constantValue(0));
+ ASTModifier::operator()(_if.body);
+ m_solver->pop();
+ Dialect const& _dialect,
+ set const& _ssaVariables
+ m_dialect(_dialect),
+ m_ssaVariables(_ssaVariables),
+ m_solver(make_unique())
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::encodeExpression(yul::Expression const& _expression)
+ return std::visit(GenericVisitor{
+ [&](FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
+ {
+ if (auto const* dialect = dynamic_cast(&m_dialect))
+ if (auto const* builtin = dialect->builtin(_functionCall.functionName.name))
+ if (builtin->instruction)
+ return encodeEVMBuiltin(*builtin->instruction, _functionCall.arguments);
+ return newRestrictedVariable();
+ },
+ [&](Identifier const& _identifier)
+ {
+ if (
+ m_ssaVariables.count(_identifier.name) &&
+ m_variables.count(_identifier.name)
+ )
+ return m_variables.at(_identifier.name);
+ else
+ return newRestrictedVariable();
+ },
+ [&](Literal const& _literal)
+ {
+ return literalValue(_literal);
+ }
+ }, _expression);
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::encodeEVMBuiltin(
+ evmasm::Instruction _instruction,
+ vector const& _arguments
+ vector arguments = applyMap(
+ _arguments,
+ [this](yul::Expression const& _expr) { return encodeExpression(_expr); }
+ );
+ switch (_instruction)
+ {
+ case evmasm::Instruction::ADD:
+ return wrap(arguments.at(0) + arguments.at(1));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::MUL:
+ return wrap(arguments.at(0) * arguments.at(1));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::SUB:
+ return wrap(arguments.at(0) - arguments.at(1));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::DIV:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(1) == constantValue(0),
+ constantValue(0),
+ arguments.at(0) / arguments.at(1)
+ );
+ case evmasm::Instruction::SDIV:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(1) == constantValue(0),
+ constantValue(0),
+ // No `wrap()` needed here, because -2**255 / -1 results
+ // in 2**255 which is "converted" to its two's complement
+ // representation 2**255 in `signedToUnsigned`
+ signedToUnsigned(smtutil::signedDivision(
+ unsignedToSigned(arguments.at(0)),
+ unsignedToSigned(arguments.at(1))
+ ))
+ );
+ break;
+ case evmasm::Instruction::MOD:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(1) == constantValue(0),
+ constantValue(0),
+ arguments.at(0) % arguments.at(1)
+ );
+ case evmasm::Instruction::SMOD:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(1) == constantValue(0),
+ constantValue(0),
+ signedToUnsigned(signedModulo(
+ unsignedToSigned(arguments.at(0)),
+ unsignedToSigned(arguments.at(1))
+ ))
+ );
+ break;
+ case evmasm::Instruction::LT:
+ return booleanValue(arguments.at(0) < arguments.at(1));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::SLT:
+ return booleanValue(unsignedToSigned(arguments.at(0)) < unsignedToSigned(arguments.at(1)));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::GT:
+ return booleanValue(arguments.at(0) > arguments.at(1));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::SGT:
+ return booleanValue(unsignedToSigned(arguments.at(0)) > unsignedToSigned(arguments.at(1)));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::EQ:
+ return booleanValue(arguments.at(0) == arguments.at(1));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::ISZERO:
+ return booleanValue(arguments.at(0) == constantValue(0));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::AND:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ (arguments.at(0) == 0 || arguments.at(0) == 1) &&
+ (arguments.at(1) == 0 || arguments.at(1) == 1),
+ booleanValue(arguments.at(0) == 1 && arguments.at(1) == 1),
+ bv2int(int2bv(arguments.at(0)) & int2bv(arguments.at(1)))
+ );
+ case evmasm::Instruction::OR:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ (arguments.at(0) == 0 || arguments.at(0) == 1) &&
+ (arguments.at(1) == 0 || arguments.at(1) == 1),
+ booleanValue(arguments.at(0) == 1 || arguments.at(1) == 1),
+ bv2int(int2bv(arguments.at(0)) | int2bv(arguments.at(1)))
+ );
+ case evmasm::Instruction::XOR:
+ return bv2int(int2bv(arguments.at(0)) ^ int2bv(arguments.at(1)));
+ case evmasm::Instruction::NOT:
+ return smtutil::Expression(u256(-1)) - arguments.at(0);
+ case evmasm::Instruction::SHL:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(0) > 255,
+ constantValue(0),
+ bv2int(int2bv(arguments.at(1)) << int2bv(arguments.at(0)))
+ );
+ case evmasm::Instruction::SHR:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(0) > 255,
+ constantValue(0),
+ bv2int(int2bv(arguments.at(1)) >> int2bv(arguments.at(0)))
+ );
+ case evmasm::Instruction::SAR:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(0) > 255,
+ constantValue(0),
+ bv2int(smtutil::Expression::ashr(int2bv(arguments.at(1)), int2bv(arguments.at(0))))
+ );
+ case evmasm::Instruction::ADDMOD:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(2) == constantValue(0),
+ constantValue(0),
+ (arguments.at(0) + arguments.at(1)) % arguments.at(2)
+ );
+ case evmasm::Instruction::MULMOD:
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ arguments.at(2) == constantValue(0),
+ constantValue(0),
+ (arguments.at(0) * arguments.at(1)) % arguments.at(2)
+ );
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return newRestrictedVariable();
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::int2bv(smtutil::Expression _arg) const
+ return smtutil::Expression::int2bv(std::move(_arg), 256);
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::bv2int(smtutil::Expression _arg) const
+ return smtutil::Expression::bv2int(std::move(_arg));
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::newVariable()
+ return m_solver->newVariable(uniqueName(), defaultSort());
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::newRestrictedVariable()
+ smtutil::Expression var = newVariable();
+ m_solver->addAssertion(0 <= var && var < smtutil::Expression(bigint(1) << 256));
+ return var;
+string ReasoningBasedSimplifier::uniqueName()
+ return "expr_" + to_string(m_varCounter++);
+shared_ptr ReasoningBasedSimplifier::defaultSort() const
+ return SortProvider::intSort();
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::booleanValue(smtutil::Expression _value) const
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(_value, constantValue(1), constantValue(0));
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::constantValue(size_t _value) const
+ return _value;
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::literalValue(Literal const& _literal) const
+ return smtutil::Expression(valueOfLiteral(_literal));
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::unsignedToSigned(smtutil::Expression _value)
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ _value < smtutil::Expression(bigint(1) << 255),
+ _value,
+ _value - smtutil::Expression(bigint(1) << 256)
+ );
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::signedToUnsigned(smtutil::Expression _value)
+ return smtutil::Expression::ite(
+ _value >= 0,
+ _value,
+ _value + smtutil::Expression(bigint(1) << 256)
+ );
+smtutil::Expression ReasoningBasedSimplifier::wrap(smtutil::Expression _value)
+ smtutil::Expression rest = newRestrictedVariable();
+ smtutil::Expression multiplier = newVariable();
+ m_solver->addAssertion(_value == multiplier * smtutil::Expression(bigint(1) << 256) + rest);
+ return rest;
diff --git a/libyul/optimiser/ReasoningBasedSimplifier.h b/libyul/optimiser/ReasoningBasedSimplifier.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..904828bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libyul/optimiser/ReasoningBasedSimplifier.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ This file is part of solidity.
+ solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with solidity. If not, see .
+#pragma once
+// because of instruction