corrected intends in solidityExecutionFramwork.h

This commit is contained in:
Liana Husikyan 2015-06-01 13:03:29 +02:00
parent 945418cc10
commit d863c8d088

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@ -40,157 +40,157 @@ namespace test
class ExecutionFramework
ExecutionFramework() { g_logVerbosity = 0; }
ExecutionFramework() { g_logVerbosity = 0; }
bytes const& execute(std::string const& _sourceCode, u256 const& _value = 0, std::string const& _contractName = "")
m_compiler.reset(false, m_addStandardSources);
m_compiler.addSource("", _sourceCode);
ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(m_compiler.compile(m_optimize), "Compiling contract failed");
bytes code = m_compiler.getBytecode(_contractName);
sendMessage(code, true, _value);
return m_output;
bytes const& execute(std::string const& _sourceCode, u256 const& _value = 0, std::string const& _contractName = "")
m_compiler.reset(false, m_addStandardSources);
m_compiler.addSource("", _sourceCode);
ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(m_compiler.compile(m_optimize), "Compiling contract failed");
bytes code = m_compiler.getBytecode(_contractName);
sendMessage(code, true, _value);
return m_output;
bytes const& compileAndRun(std::string const& _sourceCode, u256 const& _value = 0, std::string const& _contractName = "")
execute(_sourceCode, _value, _contractName);
return m_output;
bytes const& compileAndRun(std::string const& _sourceCode, u256 const& _value = 0, std::string const& _contractName = "")
execute(_sourceCode, _value, _contractName);
return m_output;
template <class... Args>
bytes const& callContractFunctionWithValue(std::string _sig, u256 const& _value, Args const&... _arguments)
FixedHash<4> hash(dev::sha3(_sig));
sendMessage(hash.asBytes() + encodeArgs(_arguments...), false, _value);
return m_output;
template <class... Args>
bytes const& callContractFunctionWithValue(std::string _sig, u256 const& _value, Args const&... _arguments)
FixedHash<4> hash(dev::sha3(_sig));
sendMessage(hash.asBytes() + encodeArgs(_arguments...), false, _value);
return m_output;
template <class... Args>
bytes const& callContractFunction(std::string _sig, Args const&... _arguments)
return callContractFunctionWithValue(_sig, 0, _arguments...);
template <class... Args>
bytes const& callContractFunction(std::string _sig, Args const&... _arguments)
return callContractFunctionWithValue(_sig, 0, _arguments...);
template <class CppFunction, class... Args>
void testSolidityAgainstCpp(std::string _sig, CppFunction const& _cppFunction, Args const&... _arguments)
bytes solidityResult = callContractFunction(_sig, _arguments...);
bytes cppResult = callCppAndEncodeResult(_cppFunction, _arguments...);
solidityResult == cppResult,
"Computed values do not match.\nSolidity: " +
toHex(solidityResult) +
"\nC++: " +
template <class CppFunction, class... Args>
void testSolidityAgainstCpp(std::string _sig, CppFunction const& _cppFunction, Args const&... _arguments)
bytes solidityResult = callContractFunction(_sig, _arguments...);
bytes cppResult = callCppAndEncodeResult(_cppFunction, _arguments...);
solidityResult == cppResult,
"Computed values do not match.\nSolidity: " +
toHex(solidityResult) +
"\nC++: " +
template <class CppFunction, class... Args>
void testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange(std::string _sig, CppFunction const& _cppFunction, u256 const& _rangeStart, u256 const& _rangeEnd)
for (u256 argument = _rangeStart; argument < _rangeEnd; ++argument)
bytes solidityResult = callContractFunction(_sig, argument);
bytes cppResult = callCppAndEncodeResult(_cppFunction, argument);
solidityResult == cppResult,
"Computed values do not match.\nSolidity: " +
toHex(solidityResult) +
"\nC++: " +
toHex(cppResult) +
"\nArgument: " +
template <class CppFunction, class... Args>
void testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange(std::string _sig, CppFunction const& _cppFunction, u256 const& _rangeStart, u256 const& _rangeEnd)
for (u256 argument = _rangeStart; argument < _rangeEnd; ++argument)
bytes solidityResult = callContractFunction(_sig, argument);
bytes cppResult = callCppAndEncodeResult(_cppFunction, argument);
solidityResult == cppResult,
"Computed values do not match.\nSolidity: " +
toHex(solidityResult) +
"\nC++: " +
toHex(cppResult) +
"\nArgument: " +
static bytes encode(bool _value) { return encode(byte(_value)); }
static bytes encode(int _value) { return encode(u256(_value)); }
static bytes encode(char const* _value) { return encode(std::string(_value)); }
static bytes encode(byte _value) { return bytes(31, 0) + bytes{_value}; }
static bytes encode(u256 const& _value) { return toBigEndian(_value); }
static bytes encode(h256 const& _value) { return _value.asBytes(); }
static bytes encode(bytes const& _value, bool _padLeft = true)
bytes padding = bytes((32 - _value.size() % 32) % 32, 0);
return _padLeft ? padding + _value : _value + padding;
static bytes encode(std::string const& _value) { return encode(asBytes(_value), false); }
static bytes encode(bool _value) { return encode(byte(_value)); }
static bytes encode(int _value) { return encode(u256(_value)); }
static bytes encode(char const* _value) { return encode(std::string(_value)); }
static bytes encode(byte _value) { return bytes(31, 0) + bytes{_value}; }
static bytes encode(u256 const& _value) { return toBigEndian(_value); }
static bytes encode(h256 const& _value) { return _value.asBytes(); }
static bytes encode(bytes const& _value, bool _padLeft = true)
bytes padding = bytes((32 - _value.size() % 32) % 32, 0);
return _padLeft ? padding + _value : _value + padding;
static bytes encode(std::string const& _value) { return encode(asBytes(_value), false); }
template <class FirstArg, class... Args>
static bytes encodeArgs(FirstArg const& _firstArg, Args const&... _followingArgs)
return encode(_firstArg) + encodeArgs(_followingArgs...);
static bytes encodeArgs()
return bytes();
template <class FirstArg, class... Args>
static bytes encodeArgs(FirstArg const& _firstArg, Args const&... _followingArgs)
return encode(_firstArg) + encodeArgs(_followingArgs...);
static bytes encodeArgs()
return bytes();
template <class CppFunction, class... Args>
auto callCppAndEncodeResult(CppFunction const& _cppFunction, Args const&... _arguments)
-> typename std::enable_if<std::is_void<decltype(_cppFunction(_arguments...))>::value, bytes>::type
return bytes();
template <class CppFunction, class... Args>
auto callCppAndEncodeResult(CppFunction const& _cppFunction, Args const&... _arguments)
-> typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<decltype(_cppFunction(_arguments...))>::value, bytes>::type
return encode(_cppFunction(_arguments...));
template <class CppFunction, class... Args>
auto callCppAndEncodeResult(CppFunction const& _cppFunction, Args const&... _arguments)
-> typename std::enable_if<std::is_void<decltype(_cppFunction(_arguments...))>::value, bytes>::type
return bytes();
template <class CppFunction, class... Args>
auto callCppAndEncodeResult(CppFunction const& _cppFunction, Args const&... _arguments)
-> typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<decltype(_cppFunction(_arguments...))>::value, bytes>::type
return encode(_cppFunction(_arguments...));
void sendMessage(bytes const& _data, bool _isCreation, u256 const& _value = 0)
m_state.addBalance(m_sender, _value); // just in case
eth::Executive executive(m_state, eth::LastHashes(), 0);
eth::Transaction t =
_isCreation ?
eth::Transaction(_value, m_gasPrice, m_gas, _data, 0, KeyPair::create().sec()) :
eth::Transaction(_value, m_gasPrice, m_gas, m_contractAddress, _data, 0, KeyPair::create().sec());
bytes transactionRLP = t.rlp();
// this will throw since the transaction is invalid, but it should nevertheless store the transaction
catch (...) {}
if (_isCreation)
BOOST_REQUIRE(!executive.create(m_sender, _value, m_gasPrice, m_gas, &_data, m_sender));
m_contractAddress = executive.newAddress();
BOOST_REQUIRE(!, m_contractAddress, m_sender, _value, m_gasPrice, &_data, m_gas, m_sender));
m_gasUsed = executive.gasUsed();
m_output = executive.out().toVector();
m_logs = executive.logs();
void sendMessage(bytes const& _data, bool _isCreation, u256 const& _value = 0)
m_state.addBalance(m_sender, _value); // just in case
eth::Executive executive(m_state, eth::LastHashes(), 0);
eth::Transaction t =
_isCreation ?
eth::Transaction(_value, m_gasPrice, m_gas, _data, 0, KeyPair::create().sec()) :
eth::Transaction(_value, m_gasPrice, m_gas, m_contractAddress, _data, 0, KeyPair::create().sec());
bytes transactionRLP = t.rlp();
// this will throw since the transaction is invalid, but it should nevertheless store the transaction
catch (...) {}
if (_isCreation)
BOOST_REQUIRE(!executive.create(m_sender, _value, m_gasPrice, m_gas, &_data, m_sender));
m_contractAddress = executive.newAddress();
BOOST_REQUIRE(!, m_contractAddress, m_sender, _value, m_gasPrice, &_data, m_gas, m_sender));
m_gasUsed = executive.gasUsed();
m_output = executive.out().toVector();
m_logs = executive.logs();
bool m_optimize = false;
bool m_addStandardSources = false;
dev::solidity::CompilerStack m_compiler;
Address m_sender;
Address m_contractAddress;
eth::State m_state;
u256 const m_gasPrice = 100 * eth::szabo;
u256 const m_gas = 100000000;
bytes m_output;
eth::LogEntries m_logs;
u256 m_gasUsed;
bool m_optimize = false;
bool m_addStandardSources = false;
dev::solidity::CompilerStack m_compiler;
Address m_sender;
Address m_contractAddress;
eth::State m_state;
u256 const m_gasPrice = 100 * eth::szabo;
u256 const m_gas = 100000000;
bytes m_output;
eth::LogEntries m_logs;
u256 m_gasUsed;