ecdsa tests

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subtly 2014-10-27 04:17:03 +01:00
parent a7cd35f4f9
commit d710736000

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@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(common_encrypt_decrypt)
KeyPair k = KeyPair::create();
bytes cipher;
encrypt(, bcr, cipher);
assert(cipher != asBytes(message) && cipher.size() > 0);
BOOST_REQUIRE(cipher != asBytes(message) && cipher.size() > 0);
bytes plain;
decrypt(k.sec(), bytesConstRef(&cipher), plain);
assert(asString(plain) == message);
assert(plain == asBytes(message));
BOOST_REQUIRE(asString(plain) == message);
BOOST_REQUIRE(plain == asBytes(message));
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cryptopp_vs_secp256k1)
Public p;
pp::exportPublicKey(e.GetKey(), p);
assert(dev::toAddress(s) == right160(dev::sha3(p.ref())));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::toAddress(s) == right160(dev::sha3(p.ref())));
Secret previous = s;
for (auto i = 0; i < 30; i++)
@ -77,45 +77,88 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cryptopp_vs_secp256k1)
Secret s;
pp::exportPrivateKey(d.GetKey(), s);
assert(s != previous);
BOOST_REQUIRE(s != previous);
Public p;
pp::exportPublicKey(e.GetKey(), p);
assert(dev::toAddress(s) == right160(dev::sha3(p.ref())));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::toAddress(s) == right160(dev::sha3(p.ref())));
KeyPair k = KeyPair::create();
Secret s = k.sec();
string emptystr(""), msgstr("test");
bytesConstRef empty(emptystr), msg(msgstr);
// cryptopp integer encoding
Integer nHex("f2ee15ea639b73fa3db9b34a245bdfa015c260c598b211bf05a1ecc4b3e3b4f2H");
Integer nB(fromHex("f2ee15ea639b73fa3db9b34a245bdfa015c260c598b211bf05a1ecc4b3e3b4f2").data(), 32);
// sha3 output of strings are the same
h256 hashpp;
sha3mac(empty, msg, hashpp.ref());
assert(sha3(msg) == hashpp);
// cryptopp sign and verify
Signature sigpp = crypto::sign(s, msg);
cout << std::hex << sigpp << endl;
bytes sbytes(fromHex("0x01"));
Secret secret(sha3(sbytes)); // 5fe7f977e71dba2ea1a68e21057beebb9be2ac30c6410aa38d4f3fbe41dcffd2
KeyPair key(secret);
bytes m(fromHex("0x02"));
h256 hm(sha3(m)); // f2ee15ea639b73fa3db9b34a245bdfa015c260c598b211bf05a1ecc4b3e3b4f2
Integer hInt("f2ee15ea639b73fa3db9b34a245bdfa015c260c598b211bf05a1ecc4b3e3b4f2H"); // 32b msg hash
h256 k(hm ^ key.sec());
Integer kInt(k.asBytes().data(), 32);
// raw sign w/cryptopp (doesn't pass through cryptopp hash filter)
ECDSA<ECP, SHA3_256>::Signer signer;
pp::initializeSigner(key.sec(), signer);
Integer r, s;
signer.RawSign(kInt, hInt, r, s);
cout << "cryptopp-raw r, s: " << endl << r << endl << s << endl;
// verify cryptopp raw-signature w/cryptopp
ECDSA<ECP, SHA3_256>::Verifier verifier;
pp::initializeVerifier(, verifier);
assert(verifier.VerifyMessage(, msgstr.size(),, sizeof(Signature)));
pp::initializeVerifier(, verifier);
Signature sigppraw;
r.Encode(, 32);
s.Encode(, 32);
BOOST_REQUIRE(verifier.VerifyMessage(, m.size(),, 64));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::recover(sigppraw, hm) ==;
// sign with sec256lib, verify with cryptopp
Signature seclibsig(dev::sign(key.sec(), hm));
r.Decode(, 32);
s.Decode(, 32);
cout << "sec256lib r, s: " << endl << r << endl << s << endl;
BOOST_REQUIRE(verifier.VerifyMessage(, m.size(),, 64));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::recover(seclibsig, hm) ==;
// seckp256k1lib sign and verify
h256 hashed(sha3(h256().asBytes()));
Signature sig = dev::sign(s, hashed);
Public recoveredp = dev::recover(sig, hashed);
bool result = dev::verify(, sig, hashed);
// assert(result);
// sign with cryptopp (w/hash filter?), verify with cryptopp
bytes sigppb(signer.MaxSignatureLength());
size_t ssz = signer.SignMessage(pp::PRNG,, m.size(),;
r.Decode(, 32);
s.Decode(, 32);
cout << "cryptopp-signmsg r, s: " << endl << r << endl << s << endl;
BOOST_REQUIRE(verifier.VerifyMessage(, m.size(),, ssz));
// this has a 25% of failing
Signature sigpp;
r.Encode(, 32);
s.Encode(, 32);
BOOST_WARN(dev::recover(sigpp, hm) ==;
// sign with stringsource
string sigstr;
StringSource ssrc(asString(m), true, new SignerFilter(pp::PRNG, signer, new StringSink(sigstr)));
FixedHash<sizeof(Signature)> retsig((byte const*), Signature::ConstructFromPointer);
BOOST_REQUIRE(verifier.VerifyMessage(, m.size(),, 64));
// need to serialize signature for secp256k1lib to verify compact sig, then
// test if secp256k1lib can verify cryptopp sigs
// byte dersig[70];
// DSAConvertSignatureFormat(dersig, 70, DSA_DER,, 64, DSA_P1363);
// byte encpub[65] = {0x04};
// memcpy(&encpub[1],, 64);
// int r = secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(, msg.size(), dersig, 70, encpub, 65);
// assert(r);