Fix BMCs constraints on internal functions

This commit is contained in:
Leo Alt 2021-09-07 00:14:28 +02:00
parent ea2386adb1
commit b731957e65
11 changed files with 246 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Bugfixes:
* SMTChecker: Fix false negative caused by ``push`` on storage array references returned by internal functions.
* SMTChecker: Fix false positive in external calls from constructors.
* SMTChecker: Fix internal error on some multi-source uses of ``abi.*``, cryptographic functions and constants.
* SMTChecker: Fix BMC's constraints regarding internal functions.
* Type Checker: Disallow modifier declarations and definitions in interfaces.
* Yul Optimizer: Fix a crash in LoadResolver, when ``keccak256`` has particular non-identifier arguments.

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@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ bool BMC::visit(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
m_context.addAssertion(state().txTypeConstraints() && state().txFunctionConstraints(_function));
if (_function.isConstructor() || _function.isPublic())
m_context.addAssertion(state().txTypeConstraints() && state().txFunctionConstraints(_function));

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
contract C {
function g() external {
function h() external payable {
function f() internal {
require(msg.value == 0);
// ====
// SMTEngine: all

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
contract C {
function g() external {
function g2() external payable {
function f() internal {
require(msg.value == 0);
function h() internal {
assert(msg.value == 0); // should hold
function i() internal {
assert(msg.value == 0); // should fail
// ====
// SMTEngine: all
// ----
// Warning 6328: (261-283): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nC.g2(){ value: 35 }\n C.i(){ value: 35 } -- internal call

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
contract C {
address coin;
uint dif;
uint gas;
uint number;
uint timestamp;
function f() public {
coin = block.coinbase;
dif = block.difficulty;
gas = block.gaslimit;
number = block.number;
timestamp = block.timestamp;
function g() internal view {
assert(uint160(coin) >= 0); // should hold
assert(dif >= 0); // should hold
assert(gas >= 0); // should hold
assert(number >= 0); // should hold
assert(timestamp >= 0); // should hold
assert(coin == block.coinbase); // should fail with BMC
assert(dif == block.difficulty); // should fail with BMC
assert(gas == block.gaslimit); // should fail with BMC
assert(number == block.number); // should fail with BMC
assert(timestamp == block.timestamp); // should fail with BMC
// ====
// SMTEngine: bmc
// ----
// Warning 4661: (473-503): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (531-562): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (590-619): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (647-677): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (705-741): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
contract C {
address coin;
uint dif;
uint gas;
uint number;
uint timestamp;
function f() public {
coin = block.coinbase;
dif = block.difficulty;
gas = block.gaslimit;
number = block.number;
timestamp = block.timestamp;
function g() internal view {
assert(uint160(coin) >= 0); // should hold
assert(dif >= 0); // should hold
assert(gas >= 0); // should hold
assert(number >= 0); // should hold
assert(timestamp >= 0); // should hold
assert(coin == block.coinbase); // should hold with CHC
assert(dif == block.difficulty); // should hold with CHC
assert(gas == block.gaslimit); // should hold with CHC
assert(number == block.number); // should hold with CHC
assert(timestamp == block.timestamp); // should hold with CHC
// ====
// SMTEngine: chc
// ----

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
contract C
function f() public payable {
function g() internal {
assert(msg.sender == block.coinbase);
assert(block.difficulty == block.gaslimit);
assert(block.number == block.timestamp);
assert(tx.gasprice == msg.value);
assert(tx.origin == msg.sender);
uint x = block.number;
unchecked { x += 2; }
assert(x > block.number);
assert(block.timestamp > 10);
assert(gasleft() > 100);
// ====
// SMTEngine: all
// SMTIgnoreCex: yes
// ----
// Warning 6328: (81-117): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (121-163): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (167-206): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (210-242): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (246-277): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (330-354): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (358-386): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (390-413): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
contract C {
bytes data;
address sender;
bytes4 sig;
uint value;
function f() public payable {
data =;
sender = msg.sender;
sig = msg.sig;
value = msg.value;
function g() internal view {
assert(data.length >= 0); // should hold
assert(uint160(sender) >= 0); // should hold
assert(uint32(sig) >= 0); // should hold
assert(value >= 0); // should hold
assert(data.length ==; // should fail with BMC
assert(sender == msg.sender); // should fail with BMC
assert(sig == msg.sig); // should fail with BMC
assert(value == msg.value); // should fail with BMC
// ====
// SMTEngine: bmc
// ----
// Warning 4661: (394-432): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (460-488): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (516-538): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (566-592): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
contract C {
bytes data;
address sender;
bytes4 sig;
uint value;
function f() public payable {
data =;
sender = msg.sender;
sig = msg.sig;
value = msg.value;
function g() internal view {
assert(data.length >= 0); // should hold
assert(uint160(sender) >= 0); // should hold
assert(uint32(sig) >= 0); // should hold
assert(value >= 0); // should hold
assert(data.length ==; // should hold with CHC
assert(sender == msg.sender); // should hold with CHC
assert(sig == msg.sig); // should hold with CHC
assert(value == msg.value); // should hold with CHC
// ====
// SMTEngine: chc
// ----

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
contract C {
uint gas;
address origin;
function f() public {
gas = tx.gasprice;
origin = tx.origin;
function g() internal view {
assert(gas >= 0); // should hold
assert(uint160(origin) >= 0); // should hold
assert(gas == tx.gasprice); // should fail with BMC
assert(origin == tx.origin); // should fail with BMC
// ====
// SMTEngine: bmc
// ----
// Warning 4661: (233-259): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (287-314): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
contract C {
uint gas;
address origin;
function f() public {
gas = tx.gasprice;
origin = tx.origin;
function g() internal view {
assert(gas >= 0); // should hold
assert(uint160(origin) >= 0); // should hold
assert(gas == tx.gasprice); // should hold with CHC
assert(origin == tx.origin); // should hold with CHC
// ====
// SMTEngine: chc
// ----