Some eWasm boilerplate code.

This commit is contained in:
chriseth 2019-06-19 18:17:50 +02:00
parent ee89a0353e
commit b704abdd75

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@ -34,9 +34,18 @@ string EWasmToText::run(
vector<wasm::FunctionDefinition> const& _functions
string ret = "(module\n\n";
string ret = "(module\n";
// TODO Add all the interface functions:
// ret += " (import \"ethereum\" \"getBalance\" (func $getBalance (param i32 i32)))\n";
// allocate one 64k page of memory and make it available to the Ethereum client
ret += " (memory $memory (export \"memory\") 1)\n";
// export the main function
ret += " (export \"main\" (func $main))\n";
for (auto const& g: _globals)
ret += " (global $" + g.variableName + " (mut i64) (i64.const 0))\n";
ret += "\n";
for (auto const& f: _functions)
ret += transform(f) + "\n";
return move(ret) + ")\n";