mirror of
synced 2023-10-03 13:03:40 +00:00
Merge pull request #8918 from ethereum/wasmBr
Binary transform for br and br_if.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Language Features:
Compiler Features:
* Commandline Interface: Don't ignore `--yul-optimizations` in assembly mode.
* Allow using abi encoding functions for calldata array slices without explicit casts.
* Wasm binary output: Implement ``br`` and ``br_if``.
@ -358,13 +358,13 @@ bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(If const& _if)
toBytes(Opcode::If) +
result += visit(_if.statements);
if (_if.elseStatements)
result += toBytes(Opcode::Else) + visit(*_if.elseStatements);
result += toBytes(Opcode::End);
return result;
@ -374,26 +374,24 @@ bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(Loop const& _loop)
bytes result = toBytes(Opcode::Loop) + toBytes(ValueType::Void);
result += visit(_loop.statements);
result += toBytes(Opcode::End);
return result;
bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(Break const&)
bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(Break const& _break)
yulAssert(false, "br not yet implemented.");
// TODO the index is just the nesting depth.
return {};
return toBytes(Opcode::Br) + encodeLabelIdx(_break.label.name);
bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(BreakIf const&)
bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(BreakIf const& _breakIf)
yulAssert(false, "br_if not yet implemented.");
// TODO the index is just the nesting depth.
return {};
bytes result = std::visit(*this, *_breakIf.condition);
result += toBytes(Opcode::BrIf) + encodeLabelIdx(_breakIf.label.name);
return result;
bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(Return const&)
@ -403,11 +401,14 @@ bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(Return const&)
bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(Block const& _block)
bytes result =
toBytes(Opcode::Block) +
toBytes(ValueType::Void) +
visit(_block.statements) +
return result;
bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
@ -427,9 +428,13 @@ bytes BinaryTransform::operator()(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
for (size_t i = 0; i < _function.locals.size(); ++i)
m_locals[_function.locals[i].variableName] = varIdx++;
yulAssert(m_labels.empty(), "Stray labels.");
ret += visit(_function.body);
ret += toBytes(Opcode::End);
yulAssert(m_labels.empty(), "Stray labels.");
return prefixSize(std::move(ret));
@ -581,6 +586,18 @@ bytes BinaryTransform::visitReversed(vector<Expression> const& _expressions)
return result;
bytes BinaryTransform::encodeLabelIdx(string const& _label) const
yulAssert(!_label.empty(), "Empty label.");
size_t depth = 0;
for (string const& label: m_labels | boost::adaptors::reversed)
if (label == _label)
return lebEncode(depth);
yulAssert(false, "Label not found.");
bytes BinaryTransform::encodeName(std::string const& _name)
// UTF-8 is allowed here by the Wasm spec, but since all names here should stem from
@ -77,13 +77,15 @@ private:
bytes visit(std::vector<wasm::Expression> const& _expressions);
bytes visitReversed(std::vector<wasm::Expression> const& _expressions);
bytes encodeLabelIdx(std::string const& _label) const;
static bytes encodeName(std::string const& _name);
std::map<std::string, size_t> m_locals;
std::map<std::string, size_t> m_globals;
std::map<std::string, size_t> m_functions;
std::map<std::string, size_t> m_functionTypes;
std::stack<std::string> m_labels;
std::vector<std::string> m_labels;
std::map<std::string, std::pair<size_t, size_t>> m_subModulePosAndSize;
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ string TextTransform::operator()(wasm::Loop const& _loop)
string TextTransform::operator()(wasm::Break const& _break)
return "(break $" + _break.label.name + ")\n";
return "(br $" + _break.label.name + ")\n";
string TextTransform::operator()(wasm::BreakIf const& _break)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
--assemble --optimize --yul-dialect evm --machine ewasm
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Warning: Yul is still experimental. Please use the output with care.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
let x := calldataload(0)
for { } lt(x, 10) { x := add(x, 1) } {
if eq(x, 2) { break }
if eq(x, 4) { continue }
sstore(0, x)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
======= evm_to_wasm_break/input.sol (Ewasm) =======
Pretty printed source:
object "object" {
code {
let x := calldataload(0)
for { } lt(x, 10) { x := add(x, 1) }
if eq(x, 2) { break }
if eq(x, 4) { continue }
sstore(0, x)
Translated source:
object "object" {
code {
function main()
let _1 := 0
let x, x_1, x_2, x_3 := calldataload(_1, _1, _1, _1)
let x_4 := x
let x_5 := x_1
let x_6 := x_2
let x_7 := x_3
let _2 := 1
let _3:i32 := i32.eqz(i32.eqz(i64.eqz(i64.or(i64.or(_1, _1), i64.or(_1, _2)))))
for { }
let x_8, x_9, x_10, x_11 := add(x_4, x_5, x_6, x_7, _1, _1, _1, _2)
x_4 := x_8
x_5 := x_9
x_6 := x_10
x_7 := x_11
let _4, _5, _6, _7 := lt(x_4, x_5, x_6, x_7, _1, _1, _1, 10)
let _8, _9, _10, _11 := iszero(_4, _5, _6, _7)
if i32.eqz(i64.eqz(i64.or(i64.or(_8, _9), i64.or(_10, _11)))) { break }
let _12, _13, _14, _15 := eq(x_4, x_5, x_6, x_7, _1, _1, _1, 2)
if i32.eqz(i64.eqz(i64.or(i64.or(_12, _13), i64.or(_14, _15)))) { break }
let _16, _17, _18, _19 := eq(x_4, x_5, x_6, x_7, _1, _1, _1, 4)
if i32.eqz(i64.eqz(i64.or(i64.or(_16, _17), i64.or(_18, _19)))) { continue }
sstore(_1, _1, _1, _1, x_4, x_5, x_6, x_7)
function add_carry(x, y, c) -> r, r_c
let t := i64.add(x, y)
r := i64.add(t, c)
r_c := i64.extend_i32_u(i32.or(i64.lt_u(t, x), i64.lt_u(r, t)))
function add(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4) -> r1, r2, r3, r4
let t := i64.add(x4, y4)
r4 := i64.add(t, 0)
let r3_1, carry := add_carry(x3, y3, i64.extend_i32_u(i32.or(i64.lt_u(t, x4), i64.lt_u(r4, t))))
r3 := r3_1
let r2_1, carry_1 := add_carry(x2, y2, carry)
r2 := r2_1
let r1_1, carry_2 := add_carry(x1, y1, carry_1)
r1 := r1_1
function iszero(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> r1, r2, r3, r4
r4 := i64.extend_i32_u(i64.eqz(i64.or(i64.or(x1, x2), i64.or(x3, x4))))
function eq(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4) -> r1, r2, r3, r4
if i64.eq(x1, y1)
if i64.eq(x2, y2)
if i64.eq(x3, y3) { if i64.eq(x4, y4) { r4 := 1 } }
function cmp(a, b) -> r:i32
switch i64.lt_u(a, b)
case 1:i32 { r := 0xffffffff:i32 }
default { r := i64.ne(a, b) }
function lt(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4) -> z1, z2, z3, z4
let z:i32 := false
switch cmp(x1, y1)
case 0:i32 {
switch cmp(x2, y2)
case 0:i32 {
switch cmp(x3, y3)
case 0:i32 { z := i64.lt_u(x4, y4) }
case 1:i32 { z := 0:i32 }
default { z := 1:i32 }
case 1:i32 { z := 0:i32 }
default { z := 1:i32 }
case 1:i32 { z := 0:i32 }
default { z := 1:i32 }
z4 := i64.extend_i32_u(z)
function calldataload(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> z1, z2, z3, z4
if i64.ne(0, i64.or(i64.or(x1, x2), x3)) { unreachable() }
if i64.ne(0, i64.shr_u(x4, 32)) { unreachable() }
eth.callDataCopy(0:i32, i32.wrap_i64(x4), 32:i32)
let z1_1 := endian_swap(i64.load(0:i32))
let z2_1 := endian_swap(i64.load(i32.add(0:i32, 8:i32)))
let z3_1 := endian_swap(i64.load(i32.add(0:i32, 16:i32)))
let z4_1 := endian_swap(i64.load(i32.add(0:i32, 24:i32)))
z1 := z1_1
z2 := z2_1
z3 := z3_1
z4 := z4_1
function endian_swap_16(x) -> y
y := i64.or(i64.and(i64.shl(x, 8), 0xff00), i64.and(i64.shr_u(x, 8), 0xff))
function endian_swap_32(x) -> y
let hi := i64.shl(endian_swap_16(x), 16)
y := i64.or(hi, endian_swap_16(i64.shr_u(x, 16)))
function endian_swap(x) -> y
let hi := i64.shl(endian_swap_32(x), 32)
y := i64.or(hi, endian_swap_32(i64.shr_u(x, 32)))
function mstore_internal(pos:i32, y1, y2, y3, y4)
i64.store(pos, endian_swap(y1))
i64.store(i32.add(pos, 8:i32), endian_swap(y2))
i64.store(i32.add(pos, 16:i32), endian_swap(y3))
i64.store(i32.add(pos, 24:i32), endian_swap(y4))
function sstore(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4)
mstore_internal(0:i32, x1, x2, x3, x4)
mstore_internal(32:i32, y1, y2, y3, y4)
eth.storageStore(0:i32, 32:i32)
Binary representation:
Text representation:
(import "ethereum" "storageStore" (func $eth.storageStore (param i32 i32)))
(import "ethereum" "callDataCopy" (func $eth.callDataCopy (param i32 i32 i32)))
(memory $memory (export "memory") 1)
(export "main" (func $main))
(global $global_ (mut i64) (i64.const 0))
(global $global__1 (mut i64) (i64.const 0))
(global $global__2 (mut i64) (i64.const 0))
(func $main
(local $_1 i64)
(local $x i64)
(local $x_1 i64)
(local $x_2 i64)
(local $x_3 i64)
(local $x_4 i64)
(local $x_5 i64)
(local $x_6 i64)
(local $x_7 i64)
(local $_2 i64)
(local $_3 i64)
(local $_4 i64)
(local $_5 i64)
(local $_6 i64)
(local $_7 i64)
(local $_8 i64)
(local $_9 i64)
(local $_10 i64)
(local $_11 i64)
(local $_12 i64)
(local $_13 i64)
(local $_14 i64)
(local $_15 i64)
(local $_16 i64)
(local $_17 i64)
(local $_18 i64)
(local $_19 i64)
(local $x_8 i64)
(local $x_9 i64)
(local $x_10 i64)
(local $x_11 i64)
(local.set $_1 (i64.const 0))
(local.set $x (call $calldataload (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1)))
(local.set $x_1 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $x_2 (global.get $global__1))
(local.set $x_3 (global.get $global__2))
(local.set $x_4 (local.get $x))
(local.set $x_5 (local.get $x_1))
(local.set $x_6 (local.get $x_2))
(local.set $x_7 (local.get $x_3))
(local.set $_2 (i64.const 1))
(local.set $_3 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.eqz (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.eqz (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eqz (i64.or (i64.or (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1)) (i64.or (local.get $_1) (local.get $_2))))))))))))
(block $label_
(br_if $label_ (i64.eqz (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.eqz (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $_3))))))
(block $label__3
(local.set $_4 (call $lt (local.get $x_4) (local.get $x_5) (local.get $x_6) (local.get $x_7) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (i64.const 10)))
(local.set $_5 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $_6 (global.get $global__1))
(local.set $_7 (global.get $global__2))
(local.set $_8 (call $iszero (local.get $_4) (local.get $_5) (local.get $_6) (local.get $_7)))
(local.set $_9 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $_10 (global.get $global__1))
(local.set $_11 (global.get $global__2))
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.eqz (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eqz (i64.or (i64.or (local.get $_8) (local.get $_9)) (i64.or (local.get $_10) (local.get $_11)))))))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(br $label_)
(local.set $_12 (call $eq (local.get $x_4) (local.get $x_5) (local.get $x_6) (local.get $x_7) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (i64.const 2)))
(local.set $_13 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $_14 (global.get $global__1))
(local.set $_15 (global.get $global__2))
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.eqz (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eqz (i64.or (i64.or (local.get $_12) (local.get $_13)) (i64.or (local.get $_14) (local.get $_15)))))))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(br $label_)
(local.set $_16 (call $eq (local.get $x_4) (local.get $x_5) (local.get $x_6) (local.get $x_7) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (i64.const 4)))
(local.set $_17 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $_18 (global.get $global__1))
(local.set $_19 (global.get $global__2))
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.eqz (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eqz (i64.or (i64.or (local.get $_16) (local.get $_17)) (i64.or (local.get $_18) (local.get $_19)))))))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(br $label__3)
(local.set $x_8 (call $add (local.get $x_4) (local.get $x_5) (local.get $x_6) (local.get $x_7) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_2)))
(local.set $x_9 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $x_10 (global.get $global__1))
(local.set $x_11 (global.get $global__2))
(local.set $x_4 (local.get $x_8))
(local.set $x_5 (local.get $x_9))
(local.set $x_6 (local.get $x_10))
(local.set $x_7 (local.get $x_11))
(call $sstore (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $x_4) (local.get $x_5) (local.get $x_6) (local.get $x_7))
(func $add_carry
(param $x i64)
(param $y i64)
(param $c i64)
(result i64)
(local $r i64)
(local $r_c i64)
(local $t i64)
(local.set $t (i64.add (local.get $x) (local.get $y)))
(local.set $r (i64.add (local.get $t) (local.get $c)))
(local.set $r_c (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.or (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.lt_u (local.get $t) (local.get $x)))) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.lt_u (local.get $r) (local.get $t)))))))))
(global.set $global_ (local.get $r_c))
(local.get $r)
(func $add
(param $x1 i64)
(param $x2 i64)
(param $x3 i64)
(param $x4 i64)
(param $y1 i64)
(param $y2 i64)
(param $y3 i64)
(param $y4 i64)
(result i64)
(local $r1 i64)
(local $r2 i64)
(local $r3 i64)
(local $r4 i64)
(local $t i64)
(local $r3_1 i64)
(local $carry i64)
(local $r2_1 i64)
(local $carry_1 i64)
(local $r1_1 i64)
(local $carry_2 i64)
(local.set $t (i64.add (local.get $x4) (local.get $y4)))
(local.set $r4 (i64.add (local.get $t) (i64.const 0)))
(local.set $r3_1 (call $add_carry (local.get $x3) (local.get $y3) (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.or (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.lt_u (local.get $t) (local.get $x4)))) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.lt_u (local.get $r4) (local.get $t))))))))))
(local.set $carry (global.get $global_))
(local.set $r3 (local.get $r3_1))
(local.set $r2_1 (call $add_carry (local.get $x2) (local.get $y2) (local.get $carry)))
(local.set $carry_1 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $r2 (local.get $r2_1))
(local.set $r1_1 (call $add_carry (local.get $x1) (local.get $y1) (local.get $carry_1)))
(local.set $carry_2 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $r1 (local.get $r1_1))
(global.set $global_ (local.get $r2))
(global.set $global__1 (local.get $r3))
(global.set $global__2 (local.get $r4))
(local.get $r1)
(func $iszero
(param $x1 i64)
(param $x2 i64)
(param $x3 i64)
(param $x4 i64)
(result i64)
(local $r1 i64)
(local $r2 i64)
(local $r3 i64)
(local $r4 i64)
(local.set $r4 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eqz (i64.or (i64.or (local.get $x1) (local.get $x2)) (i64.or (local.get $x3) (local.get $x4))))))))
(global.set $global_ (local.get $r2))
(global.set $global__1 (local.get $r3))
(global.set $global__2 (local.get $r4))
(local.get $r1)
(func $eq
(param $x1 i64)
(param $x2 i64)
(param $x3 i64)
(param $x4 i64)
(param $y1 i64)
(param $y2 i64)
(param $y3 i64)
(param $y4 i64)
(result i64)
(local $r1 i64)
(local $r2 i64)
(local $r3 i64)
(local $r4 i64)
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eq (local.get $x1) (local.get $y1))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eq (local.get $x2) (local.get $y2))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eq (local.get $x3) (local.get $y3))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.eq (local.get $x4) (local.get $y4))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(local.set $r4 (i64.const 1))
(global.set $global_ (local.get $r2))
(global.set $global__1 (local.get $r3))
(global.set $global__2 (local.get $r4))
(local.get $r1)
(func $cmp
(param $a i64)
(param $b i64)
(result i64)
(local $r i64)
(local $condition i64)
(local.set $condition (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.lt_u (local.get $a) (local.get $b))))
(if (i64.eq (local.get $condition) (i64.const 1)) (then
(local.set $r (i64.const 4294967295))
(local.set $r (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.ne (local.get $a) (local.get $b))))
(local.get $r)
(func $lt
(param $x1 i64)
(param $x2 i64)
(param $x3 i64)
(param $x4 i64)
(param $y1 i64)
(param $y2 i64)
(param $y3 i64)
(param $y4 i64)
(result i64)
(local $z1 i64)
(local $z2 i64)
(local $z3 i64)
(local $z4 i64)
(local $z i64)
(local $condition_4 i64)
(local $condition_5 i64)
(local $condition_6 i64)
(local.set $z (i64.const 0))
(local.set $condition_4 (call $cmp (local.get $x1) (local.get $y1)))
(if (i64.eq (local.get $condition_4) (i64.const 0)) (then
(local.set $condition_5 (call $cmp (local.get $x2) (local.get $y2)))
(if (i64.eq (local.get $condition_5) (i64.const 0)) (then
(local.set $condition_6 (call $cmp (local.get $x3) (local.get $y3)))
(if (i64.eq (local.get $condition_6) (i64.const 0)) (then
(local.set $z (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.lt_u (local.get $x4) (local.get $y4))))
(if (i64.eq (local.get $condition_6) (i64.const 1)) (then
(local.set $z (i64.const 0))
(local.set $z (i64.const 1))
(if (i64.eq (local.get $condition_5) (i64.const 1)) (then
(local.set $z (i64.const 0))
(local.set $z (i64.const 1))
(if (i64.eq (local.get $condition_4) (i64.const 1)) (then
(local.set $z (i64.const 0))
(local.set $z (i64.const 1))
(local.set $z4 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $z))))
(global.set $global_ (local.get $z2))
(global.set $global__1 (local.get $z3))
(global.set $global__2 (local.get $z4))
(local.get $z1)
(func $calldataload
(param $x1 i64)
(param $x2 i64)
(param $x3 i64)
(param $x4 i64)
(result i64)
(local $z1 i64)
(local $z2 i64)
(local $z3 i64)
(local $z4 i64)
(local $z1_1 i64)
(local $z2_1 i64)
(local $z3_1 i64)
(local $z4_1 i64)
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.ne (i64.const 0) (i64.or (i64.or (local.get $x1) (local.get $x2)) (local.get $x3)))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(if (i64.ne (i64.extend_i32_u (i64.ne (i64.const 0) (i64.shr_u (local.get $x4) (i64.const 32)))) (i64.const 0)) (then
(call $eth.callDataCopy (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 0)) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $x4)))) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 32)))
(local.set $z1_1 (call $endian_swap (i64.load (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 0)))))
(local.set $z2_1 (call $endian_swap (i64.load (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.add (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 0)) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 8))))))))
(local.set $z3_1 (call $endian_swap (i64.load (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.add (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 0)) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 16))))))))
(local.set $z4_1 (call $endian_swap (i64.load (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.add (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 0)) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 24))))))))
(local.set $z1 (local.get $z1_1))
(local.set $z2 (local.get $z2_1))
(local.set $z3 (local.get $z3_1))
(local.set $z4 (local.get $z4_1))
(global.set $global_ (local.get $z2))
(global.set $global__1 (local.get $z3))
(global.set $global__2 (local.get $z4))
(local.get $z1)
(func $endian_swap_16
(param $x i64)
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(local.set $y (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (local.get $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 65280)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))))
(local.get $y)
(func $endian_swap_32
(param $x i64)
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(local $hi i64)
(local.set $hi (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_16 (local.get $x)) (i64.const 16)))
(local.set $y (i64.or (local.get $hi) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 16)))))
(local.get $y)
(func $endian_swap
(param $x i64)
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(local $hi i64)
(local.set $hi (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_32 (local.get $x)) (i64.const 32)))
(local.set $y (i64.or (local.get $hi) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 32)))))
(local.get $y)
(func $mstore_internal
(param $pos i64)
(param $y1 i64)
(param $y2 i64)
(param $y3 i64)
(param $y4 i64)
(i64.store (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $pos)) (call $endian_swap (local.get $y1)))
(i64.store (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.add (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $pos)) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 8))))) (call $endian_swap (local.get $y2)))
(i64.store (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.add (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $pos)) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 16))))) (call $endian_swap (local.get $y3)))
(i64.store (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.add (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $pos)) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 24))))) (call $endian_swap (local.get $y4)))
(func $sstore
(param $x1 i64)
(param $x2 i64)
(param $x3 i64)
(param $x4 i64)
(param $y1 i64)
(param $y2 i64)
(param $y3 i64)
(param $y4 i64)
(call $mstore_internal (i64.const 0) (local.get $x1) (local.get $x2) (local.get $x3) (local.get $x4))
(call $mstore_internal (i64.const 32) (local.get $y1) (local.get $y2) (local.get $y3) (local.get $y4))
(call $eth.storageStore (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 0)) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.const 32)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
let i := 0
for { } lt(i, 10) { i := add(i, 1) } {
if eq(i, 3) { break }
sstore(0, i)
// ----
// Trace:
// Memory dump:
// 20: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003
// Storage dump:
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
let i := 0
for { } lt(i, 10) { i := add(i, 1) } {
if eq(i, 3) { continue }
sstore(add(i, 0x10), i)
sstore(0, i)
// ----
// Trace:
// Memory dump:
// 20: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a
// Storage dump:
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000014: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000017: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000018: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008
// 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000019: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009
Reference in New Issue
Block a user