Fix OpenZeppelin external tests to actually use Hardhat and the binary built in CI

This commit is contained in:
Kamil Śliwak 2021-10-26 15:49:00 +02:00
parent 674b1ecf3f
commit 9f59d1746b
3 changed files with 103 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1223,7 +1223,6 @@ workflows:
name: t_ems_compile_ext_zeppelin
project: zeppelin
compile_only: 1
nodejs_version: '14'
- t_ems_ext:
<<: *workflow_emscripten
name: t_ems_compile_ext_ens
@ -1250,7 +1249,8 @@ workflows:
<<: *workflow_emscripten
name: t_ems_test_ext_zeppelin
project: zeppelin
nodejs_version: '14'
# NOTE: Tests crash on nodejs 17: "Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported"
nodejs_version: '16'
- t_ems_ext:
<<: *workflow_emscripten
name: t_ems_test_ext_ens

View File

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ function setup_solcjs
npm install
cp "$soljson" soljson.js
SOLCVERSION=$(./solcjs --version)
SOLCVERSION_SHORT=$(echo "$SOLCVERSION" | sed -En 's/^([0-9.]+).*\+commit\.[0-9a-f]+.*$/\1/p')
printLog "Using solcjs version $SOLCVERSION"
cd ..
@ -161,6 +162,40 @@ function force_truffle_compiler_settings
echo "module.exports['compilers'] = $(truffle_compiler_settings "$solc_path" "$level" "$evm_version");" >> "$config_file"
function force_hardhat_compiler_binary
local config_file="$1"
local solc_path="$2"
printLog "Configuring Hardhat..."
echo "-------------------------------------"
echo "Config file: ${config_file}"
echo "Compiler path: ${solc_path}"
hardhat_solc_build_subtask "$SOLCVERSION_SHORT" "$SOLCVERSION" "$solc_path" >> "$config_file"
function force_hardhat_compiler_settings
local config_file="$1"
local level="$2"
local evm_version="${3:-"$CURRENT_EVM_VERSION"}"
printLog "Configuring Hardhat..."
echo "-------------------------------------"
echo "Config file: ${config_file}"
echo "Optimization level: ${level}"
echo "Optimizer settings: $(optimizer_settings_for_level "$level")"
echo "EVM version: ${evm_version}"
echo "Compiler version: ${SOLCVERSION_SHORT}"
echo "Compiler version (full): ${SOLCVERSION}"
echo "-------------------------------------"
echo -n 'module.exports["solidity"] = '
hardhat_compiler_settings "$SOLCVERSION_SHORT" "$level" "$evm_version"
} >> "$config_file"
function truffle_verify_compiler_version
local solc_version="$1"
@ -170,11 +205,26 @@ function truffle_verify_compiler_version
grep "$full_solc_version" --with-filename --recursive build/contracts || fail "Wrong compiler version detected."
function hardhat_verify_compiler_version
local solc_version="$1"
local full_solc_version="$2"
printLog "Verify that the correct version (${solc_version}/${full_solc_version}) of the compiler was used to compile the contracts..."
grep '"solcVersion": "'"${solc_version}"'"' --with-filename artifacts/build-info/*.json || fail "Wrong compiler version detected."
grep '"solcLongVersion": "'"${full_solc_version}"'"' --with-filename artifacts/build-info/*.json || fail "Wrong compiler version detected."
function truffle_clean
rm -rf build/
function hardhat_clean
rm -rf artifacts/ cache/
function run_test
local compile_fn="$1"
@ -221,6 +271,39 @@ function truffle_compiler_settings
echo "}"
function hardhat_solc_build_subtask {
local solc_version="$1"
local full_solc_version="$2"
local solc_path="$3"
echo "const {TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_SOLC_BUILD} = require('hardhat/builtin-tasks/task-names');"
echo "const assert = require('assert');"
echo "subtask(TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_SOLC_BUILD, async (args, hre, runSuper) => {"
echo " assert(args.solcVersion == '${solc_version}', 'Unexpected solc version: ' + args.solcVersion)"
echo " return {"
echo " compilerPath: '$(realpath "$solc_path")',"
echo " isSolcJs: true,"
echo " version: args.solcVersion,"
echo " longVersion: '${full_solc_version}'"
echo " }"
echo "})"
function hardhat_compiler_settings {
local solc_version="$1"
local level="$2"
local evm_version="$3"
echo "{"
echo " version: '${solc_version}',"
echo " settings: {"
echo " optimizer: $(optimizer_settings_for_level "$level"),"
echo " evmVersion: '${evm_version}'"
echo " }"
echo "}"
function compile_and_run_test
local compile_fn="$1"
@ -252,6 +335,18 @@ function truffle_run_test
compile_and_run_test compile_fn test_fn truffle_verify_compiler_version
function hardhat_run_test
local config_file="$1"
local optimizer_level="$2"
local compile_fn="$3"
local test_fn="$4"
force_hardhat_compiler_settings "$config_file" "$optimizer_level"
compile_and_run_test compile_fn test_fn hardhat_verify_compiler_version
function external_test
local name="$1"

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@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ source test/externalTests/
verify_input "$1"
function compile_fn { npx truffle compile; }
function test_fn { npm run test; }
function compile_fn { npm run compile; }
function test_fn { npm test; }
function zeppelin_test
local repo=""
local branch=master
local config_file="truffle-config.js"
local config_file="hardhat.config.js"
local min_optimizer_level=1
local max_optimizer_level=3
@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ function zeppelin_test
download_project "$repo" "$branch" "$DIR"
force_truffle_compiler_settings "$config_file" "${DIR}/solc" "$min_optimizer_level"
force_hardhat_compiler_binary "$config_file" "$SOLJSON"
force_hardhat_compiler_settings "$config_file" "$min_optimizer_level"
npm install
force_solc_modules "${DIR}/solc"
for level in $selected_optimizer_levels; do
truffle_run_test "$config_file" "${DIR}/solc" "$level" compile_fn test_fn
hardhat_run_test "$config_file" "$level" compile_fn test_fn