
This commit is contained in:
chriseth 2016-11-23 19:04:57 +01:00
parent 659b635b2d
commit 9b46752cc2

View File

@ -232,6 +232,125 @@ Either add ``--libraries "Math:0x12345678901234567890 Heap:0xabcdef0123456"`` to
If ``solc`` is called with the option ``--link``, all input files are interpreted to be unlinked binaries (hex-encoded) in the ``__LibraryName____``-format given above and are linked in-place (if the input is read from stdin, it is written to stdout). All options except ``--libraries`` are ignored (including ``-o``) in this case.
Contract Metadata
The Solidity compiler automatically generates an internal json file, the
contract metadata, that contains information about the current contract.
It can be used to query the compiler version, the sourcecode, the ABI
and NatSpec documentation in order to more safely interact with the contract
and to verify its source code.
The compiler inserts a swarm hash of that file into the bytecode of each
contract, so that you can retrieve the file in an authenticated way
without having to resort to a centralized data provider.
Specifically, the runtime code for a contract always starts with
``push32 <metadata hash> pop``, so you can take a look at the 32 bytes starting at
the second byte of the code of a contract.
Of course, you have to publish the metadata file to swarm (or some other service)
so that others can access it. The file can be output by using ``solc --metadata``.
It will contain swarm references to the source code, so you have to upload
all source files and the metadata.
The metadata file has the following format. The example below is presented in a
human-readable way. Properly formatted metadata should use quotes correctly,
reduce whitespace to a minimum and sort the keys of all objects to arrive at a
unique formatting.
Comments are of course also not permitted and used here only for explanatory purposes.
// Required: The version of the metadata format
version: "1",
// Required: Source code language, basically selects a "sub-version"
// of the specification
language: "Solidity",
// Required: Details about the compiler, contents are specific
// to the language.
compiler: {
// Required for Solidity: Version of the compiler
version: "0.4.6+commit.2dabbdf0.Emscripten.clang",
// Optional: Hash of the compiler binary which produced this output
keccak256: "0x123..."
// Required: Compilation source files/source units, keys are file names
"myFile.sol": {
// Required: keccak256 hash of the source file
"keccak256": "0x123...",
// Required (unless "content" is used, see below): URL to the
// source file, protocol is more or less arbitrary, but a swarm
// URL is recommended
"url": "bzzr://56ab..."
"mortal": {
"keccak256": "0x123...",
// Required (unless "url" is used): literal contents of the source file
"content": "contract mortal is owned { function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner); } }"
// Required: Compiler settings
// Required for Solidity: Sorted list of remappings
remappings: [":g/dir"],
// Optional: Optimizer settings (enabled defaults to false)
optimizer: {enabled: true, runs: 500},
// Required for Solidity: File and name of the contract or library this
// metadata is created for.
compilationTarget: {
"myFile.sol": "MyContract"
// Required for Solidity: Addresses for libraries
libraries: {
"MyLib": "0x123123..."
// Required: Generated information about the contract.
// Required: ABI definition of the contract
abi: [ ... ],
// Required: NatSpec user documentation of the contract
userdoc: [ ... ],
// Required: NatSpec developer documentation of the contract
devdoc: [ ... ],
Usage for Automatic Interface Generation and NatSpec
The metadata is used in the following way: A component that wants to interact
with a contract (e.g. mist) retrieves the code of the contract
and from that the first 33 bytes. If the first byte decodes into a PUSH32
instruction, the other 32 bytes are interpreted as the swarm hash of
a file which is then retrieved.
That file is JSON-decoded into a structure like above.
The component can then use the abi to automatically generate a rudimentary
user interface for the contract.
Furthermore, mist can use the userdoc to display a confirmation message to the user
whenever they interact with the contract.
Usage for Source Code Verification
In order to verify the compilation, sources can be retrieved from swarm
via the link in the metadata file.
The compiler of the correct version (which is checked to be part of the "official" compilers)
is invoked on that input with the specified settings. The resulting
bytecode is compared to the data of the creation transaction or CREATE opcode data.
This automatically verifies the metadata since
its hash is part of the bytecode.
Excess data is constructor input data which should be decoded
according to the interface and presented to the user.
Tips and Tricks