Add control flow graph.

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kirchner 2018-05-04 15:58:10 +02:00
parent ab63ab1cbb
commit 995623f0fa
5 changed files with 806 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
#include <libsolidity/analysis/ControlFlowBuilder.h>
using namespace dev;
using namespace solidity;
using namespace std;
ControlFlowBuilder::ControlFlowBuilder(CFG::NodeContainer& _nodeContainer, FunctionFlow const& _functionFlow):
m_nodeContainer(_nodeContainer), m_currentFunctionFlow(_functionFlow), m_currentNode(_functionFlow.entry)
unique_ptr<FunctionFlow> ControlFlowBuilder::createFunctionFlow(
CFG::NodeContainer& _nodeContainer,
FunctionDefinition const& _function
auto functionFlow = unique_ptr<FunctionFlow>(new FunctionFlow());
functionFlow->entry = _nodeContainer.newNode();
functionFlow->exit = _nodeContainer.newNode();
functionFlow->revert = _nodeContainer.newNode();
ControlFlowBuilder builder(_nodeContainer, *functionFlow);
connect(builder.m_currentNode, functionFlow->exit);
return functionFlow;
unique_ptr<ModifierFlow> ControlFlowBuilder::createModifierFlow(
CFG::NodeContainer& _nodeContainer,
ModifierDefinition const& _modifier
auto modifierFlow = unique_ptr<ModifierFlow>(new ModifierFlow());
modifierFlow->entry = _nodeContainer.newNode();
modifierFlow->exit = _nodeContainer.newNode();
modifierFlow->revert = _nodeContainer.newNode();
modifierFlow->placeholderEntry = _nodeContainer.newNode();
modifierFlow->placeholderExit = _nodeContainer.newNode();
ControlFlowBuilder builder(_nodeContainer, *modifierFlow);
connect(builder.m_currentNode, modifierFlow->exit);
return modifierFlow;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(BinaryOperation const& _operation)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
case Token::Or:
case Token::And:
auto nodes = splitFlow<2>();
nodes[0] = createFlow(nodes[0], _operation.rightExpression());
mergeFlow(nodes, nodes[1]);
return false;
return ASTConstVisitor::visit(_operation);
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(Conditional const& _conditional)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
auto nodes = splitFlow<2>();
nodes[0] = createFlow(nodes[0], _conditional.trueExpression());
nodes[1] = createFlow(nodes[1], _conditional.falseExpression());
return false;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(IfStatement const& _ifStatement)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
auto nodes = splitFlow<2>();
nodes[0] = createFlow(nodes[0], _ifStatement.trueStatement());
if (_ifStatement.falseStatement())
nodes[1] = createFlow(nodes[1], *_ifStatement.falseStatement());
mergeFlow(nodes, nodes[1]);
return false;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(ForStatement const& _forStatement)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
if (_forStatement.initializationExpression())
auto condition = createLabelHere();
if (_forStatement.condition())
auto loopExpression = newLabel();
auto nodes = splitFlow<2>();
auto afterFor = nodes[1];
m_currentNode = nodes[0];
BreakContinueScope scope(*this, afterFor, loopExpression);
if (auto expression = _forStatement.loopExpression())
connect(m_currentNode, condition);
m_currentNode = afterFor;
return false;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(WhileStatement const& _whileStatement)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
if (_whileStatement.isDoWhile())
auto afterWhile = newLabel();
auto whileBody = createLabelHere();
// Note that "continue" in this case currently indeed jumps to whileBody
// and not to the condition. This is inconsistent with JavaScript and C and
// therefore a bug. This will be fixed in the future (planned for 0.5.0)
// and the Control Flow Graph will have to be adjusted accordingly.
BreakContinueScope scope(*this, afterWhile, whileBody);
connect(m_currentNode, whileBody);
auto whileCondition = createLabelHere();
auto nodes = splitFlow<2>();
auto whileBody = nodes[0];
auto afterWhile = nodes[1];
m_currentNode = whileBody;
BreakContinueScope scope(*this, afterWhile, whileCondition);
connect(m_currentNode, whileCondition);
m_currentNode = afterWhile;
return false;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(Break const&)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
solAssert(!!m_breakJump, "");
connect(m_currentNode, m_breakJump);
m_currentNode = newLabel();
return false;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(Continue const&)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
solAssert(!!m_continueJump, "");
connect(m_currentNode, m_continueJump);
m_currentNode = newLabel();
return false;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(Throw const&)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
solAssert(!!m_currentFunctionFlow.revert, "");
connect(m_currentNode, m_currentFunctionFlow.revert);
m_currentNode = newLabel();
return false;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(Block const&)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
return true;
void ControlFlowBuilder::endVisit(Block const&)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(Return const& _return)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
solAssert(!!m_currentFunctionFlow.exit, "");
solAssert(!m_currentNode->block.returnStatement, "");
m_currentNode->block.returnStatement = &_return;
connect(m_currentNode, m_currentFunctionFlow.exit);
m_currentNode = newLabel();
return true;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(PlaceholderStatement const&)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
auto modifierFlow = dynamic_cast<ModifierFlow const*>(&m_currentFunctionFlow);
solAssert(!!modifierFlow, "");
connect(m_currentNode, modifierFlow->placeholderEntry);
m_currentNode = newLabel();
connect(modifierFlow->placeholderExit, m_currentNode);
return false;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visitNode(ASTNode const& node)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
if (auto const* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression const*>(&node))
else if (auto const* variableDeclaration = dynamic_cast<VariableDeclaration const*>(&node))
else if (auto const* assembly = dynamic_cast<InlineAssembly const*>(&node))
return true;
bool ControlFlowBuilder::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
solAssert(!!m_currentNode, "");
solAssert(!!_functionCall.expression().annotation().type, "");
if (auto functionType = dynamic_pointer_cast<FunctionType const>(_functionCall.expression().annotation().type))
switch (functionType->kind())
case FunctionType::Kind::Revert:
solAssert(!!m_currentFunctionFlow.revert, "");
ASTNode::listAccept(_functionCall.arguments(), *this);
connect(m_currentNode, m_currentFunctionFlow.revert);
m_currentNode = newLabel();
return false;
case FunctionType::Kind::Require:
case FunctionType::Kind::Assert:
solAssert(!!m_currentFunctionFlow.revert, "");
ASTNode::listAccept(_functionCall.arguments(), *this);
connect(m_currentNode, m_currentFunctionFlow.revert);
auto nextNode = newLabel();
connect(m_currentNode, nextNode);
m_currentNode = nextNode;
return false;
return ASTConstVisitor::visit(_functionCall);
void ControlFlowBuilder::appendControlFlow(ASTNode const& _node)
CFGNode* ControlFlowBuilder::createFlow(CFGNode* _entry, ASTNode const& _node)
auto oldCurrentNode = m_currentNode;
m_currentNode = _entry;
auto endNode = m_currentNode;
m_currentNode = oldCurrentNode;
return endNode;
void ControlFlowBuilder::connect(CFGNode* _from, CFGNode* _to)
solAssert(_from, "");
solAssert(_to, "");
CFGNode* ControlFlowBuilder::newLabel()
return m_nodeContainer.newNode();
CFGNode* ControlFlowBuilder::createLabelHere()
auto label = m_nodeContainer.newNode();
connect(m_currentNode, label);
m_currentNode = label;
return label;
void ControlFlowBuilder::placeAndConnectLabel(CFGNode* _node)
connect(m_currentNode, _node);
m_currentNode = _node;
ControlFlowBuilder& _parser,
CFGNode* _breakJump,
CFGNode* _continueJump
): m_parser(_parser), m_origBreakJump(_parser.m_breakJump), m_origContinueJump(_parser.m_continueJump)
m_parser.m_breakJump = _breakJump;
m_parser.m_continueJump = _continueJump;
m_parser.m_breakJump = m_origBreakJump;
m_parser.m_continueJump = m_origContinueJump;

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <libsolidity/analysis/ControlFlowGraph.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/ASTVisitor.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
namespace dev {
namespace solidity {
/** Helper class that builds the control flow of a function or modifier.
* Modifiers are not yet applied to the functions. This is done in a second
* step in the CFG class.
class ControlFlowBuilder: private ASTConstVisitor
static std::unique_ptr<FunctionFlow> createFunctionFlow(
CFG::NodeContainer& _nodeContainer,
FunctionDefinition const& _function
static std::unique_ptr<ModifierFlow> createModifierFlow(
CFG::NodeContainer& _nodeContainer,
ModifierDefinition const& _modifier
explicit ControlFlowBuilder(CFG::NodeContainer& _nodeContainer, FunctionFlow const& _functionFlow);
virtual bool visit(BinaryOperation const& _operation) override;
virtual bool visit(Conditional const& _conditional) override;
virtual bool visit(IfStatement const& _ifStatement) override;
virtual bool visit(ForStatement const& _forStatement) override;
virtual bool visit(WhileStatement const& _whileStatement) override;
virtual bool visit(Break const&) override;
virtual bool visit(Continue const&) override;
virtual bool visit(Throw const&) override;
virtual bool visit(Block const&) override;
virtual void endVisit(Block const&) override;
virtual bool visit(Return const& _return) override;
virtual bool visit(PlaceholderStatement const&) override;
virtual bool visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall) override;
/// Appends the control flow of @a _node to the current control flow.
void appendControlFlow(ASTNode const& _node);
/// Starts at @a _entry and parses the control flow of @a _node.
/// @returns The node at which the parsed control flow ends.
/// m_currentNode is not affected (it is saved and restored).
CFGNode* createFlow(CFGNode* _entry, ASTNode const& _node);
/// Creates an arc from @a _from to @a _to.
static void connect(CFGNode* _from, CFGNode* _to);
virtual bool visitNode(ASTNode const& node) override;
/// Splits the control flow starting at the current node into n paths.
/// m_currentNode is set to nullptr and has to be set manually or
/// using mergeFlow later.
template<size_t n>
std::array<CFGNode*, n> splitFlow()
std::array<CFGNode*, n> result;
for (auto& node: result)
node = m_nodeContainer.newNode();
connect(m_currentNode, node);
m_currentNode = nullptr;
return result;
/// Merges the control flow of @a _nodes to @a _endNode.
/// If @a _endNode is nullptr, a new node is creates and used as end node.
/// Sets the merge destination as current node.
/// Note: @a _endNode may be one of the nodes in @a _nodes.
template<size_t n>
void mergeFlow(std::array<CFGNode*, n> const& _nodes, CFGNode* _endNode = nullptr)
CFGNode* mergeDestination = (_endNode == nullptr) ? m_nodeContainer.newNode() : _endNode;
for (auto& node: _nodes)
if (node != mergeDestination)
connect(node, mergeDestination);
m_currentNode = mergeDestination;
CFGNode* newLabel();
CFGNode* createLabelHere();
void placeAndConnectLabel(CFGNode *_node);
CFG::NodeContainer& m_nodeContainer;
/// The control flow of the function that is currently parsed.
/// Note: this can also be a ModifierFlow
FunctionFlow const& m_currentFunctionFlow;
CFGNode* m_currentNode = nullptr;
/// The current jump destination of break Statements.
CFGNode* m_breakJump = nullptr;
/// The current jump destination of continue Statements.
CFGNode* m_continueJump = nullptr;
/// Helper class that replaces the break and continue jump destinations for the
/// current scope and restores the originals at the end of the scope.
class BreakContinueScope
BreakContinueScope(ControlFlowBuilder& _parser, CFGNode* _breakJump, CFGNode* _continueJump);
ControlFlowBuilder& m_parser;
CFGNode* m_origBreakJump;
CFGNode* m_origContinueJump;

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
#include <libsolidity/analysis/ControlFlowGraph.h>
#include <libsolidity/analysis/ControlFlowBuilder.h>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
using namespace dev::solidity;
bool CFG::constructFlow(ASTNode const& _astRoot)
return Error::containsOnlyWarnings(m_errorReporter.errors());
bool CFG::visit(ModifierDefinition const& _modifier)
m_modifierControlFlow[&_modifier] = ControlFlowBuilder::createModifierFlow(m_nodeContainer, _modifier);
return false;
bool CFG::visit(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
m_functionControlFlow[&_function] = ControlFlowBuilder::createFunctionFlow(m_nodeContainer, _function);
return false;
FunctionFlow const& CFG::functionFlow(FunctionDefinition const& _function) const
solAssert(m_functionControlFlow.count(&_function), "");
return *m_functionControlFlow.find(&_function)->second;
CFGNode* CFG::NodeContainer::newNode()
m_nodes.emplace_back(new CFGNode());
return m_nodes.back().get();
void CFG::applyModifiers()
for (auto const& function: m_functionControlFlow)
for (auto const& modifierInvocation: boost::adaptors::reverse(function.first->modifiers()))
if (auto modifierDefinition = dynamic_cast<ModifierDefinition const*>(
solAssert(m_modifierControlFlow.count(modifierDefinition), "");
applyModifierFlowToFunctionFlow(*m_modifierControlFlow[modifierDefinition], function.second.get());
void CFG::applyModifierFlowToFunctionFlow(
ModifierFlow const& _modifierFlow,
FunctionFlow* _functionFlow
solAssert(!!_functionFlow, "");
map<CFGNode*, CFGNode*> copySrcToCopyDst;
// inherit the revert node of the function
copySrcToCopyDst[_modifierFlow.revert] = _functionFlow->revert;
// replace the placeholder nodes by the function entry and exit
copySrcToCopyDst[_modifierFlow.placeholderEntry] = _functionFlow->entry;
copySrcToCopyDst[_modifierFlow.placeholderExit] = _functionFlow->exit;
stack<CFGNode*> nodesToCopy;
// map the modifier entry to a new node that will become the new function entry
copySrcToCopyDst[_modifierFlow.entry] = m_nodeContainer.newNode();
while (!nodesToCopy.empty())
CFGNode* copySrcNode =;
solAssert(copySrcToCopyDst.count(copySrcNode), "");
CFGNode* copyDstNode = copySrcToCopyDst[copySrcNode];
copyDstNode->block = copySrcNode->block;
for (auto const& entry: copySrcNode->entries)
if (!copySrcToCopyDst.count(entry))
copySrcToCopyDst[entry] = m_nodeContainer.newNode();
for (auto const& exit: copySrcNode->exits)
if (!copySrcToCopyDst.count(exit))
copySrcToCopyDst[exit] = m_nodeContainer.newNode();
// if the modifier control flow never reached its exit node,
// we need to create a new (disconnected) exit node now
if (!copySrcToCopyDst.count(_modifierFlow.exit))
copySrcToCopyDst[_modifierFlow.exit] = m_nodeContainer.newNode();
_functionFlow->entry = copySrcToCopyDst[_modifierFlow.entry];
_functionFlow->exit = copySrcToCopyDst[_modifierFlow.exit];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/ASTVisitor.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/ErrorReporter.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
namespace dev
namespace solidity
/** Basic Control Flow Block.
* Basic block of control flow. Consists of a set of (unordered) AST nodes
* for which control flow is always linear. A basic control flow block
* encompasses at most one scope. Reverts are considered to break the control
* flow.
* @todo Handle function calls correctly. So far function calls are not considered
* to change the control flow.
struct ControlFlowBlock
/// All variable declarations inside this control flow block.
std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> variableDeclarations;
/// All expressions inside this control flow block (this includes all subexpressions!).
std::vector<Expression const*> expressions;
/// All inline assembly statements inside in this control flow block.
std::vector<InlineAssembly const*> inlineAssemblyStatements;
/// If control flow returns in this node, the return statement is stored in returnStatement,
/// otherwise returnStatement is nullptr.
Return const* returnStatement = nullptr;
/** Node of the Control Flow Graph.
* The control flow is a directed graph connecting control flow blocks.
* An arc between two nodes indicates that the control flow can possibly
* move from its start node to its end node during execution.
struct CFGNode
/// Entry nodes. All CFG nodes from which control flow may move into this node.
std::vector<CFGNode*> entries;
/// Exit nodes. All CFG nodes to which control flow may continue after this node.
std::vector<CFGNode*> exits;
/// Control flow in the node.
ControlFlowBlock block;
/** Describes the control flow of a function. */
struct FunctionFlow
virtual ~FunctionFlow() {}
/// Entry node. Control flow of the function starts here.
/// This node is empty and does not have any entries.
CFGNode* entry = nullptr;
/// Exit node. All non-reverting control flow of the function ends here.
/// This node is empty and does not have any exits, but may have multiple entries
/// (e.g. all return statements of the function).
CFGNode* exit = nullptr;
/// Revert node. Control flow of the function in case of revert.
/// This node is empty does not have any exits, but may have multiple entries
/// (e.g. all assert, require, revert and throw statements).
CFGNode* revert = nullptr;
/** Describes the control flow of a modifier.
* Every placeholder breaks the control flow. The node preceding the
* placeholder is assigned placeholderEntry as exit and the node
* following the placeholder is assigned placeholderExit as entry.
struct ModifierFlow: FunctionFlow
/// Control flow leading towards a placeholder exit in placeholderEntry.
CFGNode* placeholderEntry = nullptr;
/// Control flow coming from a placeholder enter from placeholderExit.
CFGNode* placeholderExit = nullptr;
class CFG: private ASTConstVisitor
explicit CFG(ErrorReporter& _errorReporter): m_errorReporter(_errorReporter) {}
bool constructFlow(ASTNode const& _astRoot);
virtual bool visit(ModifierDefinition const& _modifier) override;
virtual bool visit(FunctionDefinition const& _function) override;
FunctionFlow const& functionFlow(FunctionDefinition const& _function) const;
class NodeContainer
CFGNode* newNode();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CFGNode>> m_nodes;
/// Initially the control flow for all functions *ignoring* modifiers and for
/// all modifiers is constructed. Afterwards the control flow of functions
/// is adjusted by applying all modifiers.
void applyModifiers();
/// Creates a copy of the modifier flow @a _modifierFlow, while replacing the
/// placeholder entry and exit with the function entry and exit, as well as
/// replacing the modifier revert node with the function's revert node.
/// The resulting control flow is the new function flow with the modifier applied.
/// @a _functionFlow is updated in-place.
void applyModifierFlowToFunctionFlow(
ModifierFlow const& _modifierFlow,
FunctionFlow* _functionFlow
ErrorReporter& m_errorReporter;
/// Node container.
/// All nodes allocated during the construction of the control flow graph
/// are owned by the CFG class and stored in this container.
NodeContainer m_nodeContainer;
std::map<FunctionDefinition const*, std::unique_ptr<FunctionFlow>> m_functionControlFlow;
std::map<ModifierDefinition const*, std::unique_ptr<ModifierFlow>> m_modifierControlFlow;

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>
#include <libsolidity/parsing/Scanner.h>
#include <libsolidity/parsing/Parser.h>
#include <libsolidity/analysis/ControlFlowGraph.h>
#include <libsolidity/analysis/GlobalContext.h>
#include <libsolidity/analysis/NameAndTypeResolver.h>
#include <libsolidity/analysis/TypeChecker.h>
@ -222,6 +223,14 @@ bool CompilerStack::analyze()
noErrors = false;
if (noErrors)
CFG cfg(m_errorReporter);
for (Source const* source: m_sourceOrder)
if (!cfg.constructFlow(*source->ast))
noErrors = false;
if (noErrors)
StaticAnalyzer staticAnalyzer(m_errorReporter);