More helpful error messages for linker.

This commit is contained in:
chriseth 2018-10-08 22:31:08 +02:00
parent 26c693aa92
commit 95d3e7feb3

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@ -482,9 +482,23 @@ bool CommandLineInterface::parseLibraryOption(string const& _input)
string addrString(lib.begin() + colon + 1, lib.end());
if (addrString.substr(0, 2) == "0x")
addrString = addrString.substr(2);
if (addrString.empty())
cerr << "Empty address provided for library \"" << libName << "\": " << endl;
cerr << "Note that there should not be any whitespace after the colon." << endl;
return false;
else if (addrString.length() != 40)
cerr << "Invalid length for address for library \"" << libName << "\": " << addrString.length() << " instead of 40 characters." << endl;
return false;
if (!passesAddressChecksum(addrString, false))
cerr << "Invalid checksum on library address \"" << libName << "\": " << addrString << endl;
cerr << "Invalid checksum on address for library \"" << libName << "\": " << addrString << endl;
cerr << "The correct checksum is " << dev::getChecksummedAddress(addrString) << endl;
return false;
bytes binAddr = fromHex(addrString);
@ -569,7 +583,7 @@ Allowed options)",
"Direct string or file containing library addresses. Syntax: "
"<libraryName>: <address> [, or whitespace] ...\n"
"<libraryName>:<address> [, or whitespace] ...\n"
"Address is interpreted as a hex string optionally prefixed by 0x."