Provide fall-back method for contract lookup

Properly, contracts are now looked up via <source>:<contract> identifiers
called "fully qualified names."  As a modicum of backward-compatibility,
failure on a lookup is now backed up by seeing if the ":" exists at all,
and if it doesn't, then the known contracts are scanned for any matching
contract name.
This commit is contained in:
Rhett Aultman 2017-01-16 23:47:04 -05:00
parent 88a2ac25e5
commit 94b092d87c

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@ -677,8 +677,25 @@ CompilerStack::Contract const& CompilerStack::contract(string const& _contractNa
if (auto contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(node.get()))
contractName = contract->fullyQualifiedName();
auto it = m_contracts.find(contractName);
if (it == m_contracts.end())
// To provide a measure of backward-compatibility, if a contract is not located by its
// fully-qualified name, a lookup will be attempted purely on the contract's name to see
// if anything will satisfy.
if (it == m_contracts.end() && contractName.find(":") == string::npos)
for (auto const& contractEntry: m_contracts)
stringstream ss;
// All entries are <source>:<contract>
string source;
string foundName;
getline(ss, source, ':');
getline(ss, foundName, ':');
if (foundName == contractName) return contractEntry.second;
// If we get here, both lookup methods failed.
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Contract " + _contractName + " not found."));
return it->second;