mirror of
synced 2023-10-03 13:03:40 +00:00
Add support for parsing invariants
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,7 +106,10 @@ std::tuple<CheckResult, Expression, CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph> CHCSmtLib2Inte
CheckResult result;
// TODO proper parsing
if (boost::starts_with(response, "sat"))
result = CheckResult::UNSATISFIABLE;
return {result, invariantsFromSMTLib(response), {}};
else if (boost::starts_with(response, "unsat"))
result = CheckResult::SATISFIABLE;
@ -199,7 +202,9 @@ std::string CHCSmtLib2Interface::querySolver(std::string const& _input)
return "z3 rlimit=1000000 fp.spacer.q3.use_qgen=true fp.spacer.mbqi=false fp.spacer.ground_pobs=false";
return "";
auto result = m_smtCallback(ReadCallback::kindString(ReadCallback::Kind::SMTQuery) + " " + solverBinary, _input);
std::string z3Input = _input + "(get-model)\n";
auto const& query = boost::starts_with(solverBinary, "z3") ? z3Input : _input;
auto result = m_smtCallback(ReadCallback::kindString(ReadCallback::Kind::SMTQuery) + " " + solverBinary, query);
if (result.success)
if (m_enabledSolvers.z3 and boost::starts_with(result.responseOrErrorMessage, "unsat"))
@ -293,104 +298,6 @@ namespace
return std::get<SMTLib2Expression::args_t>(expr.data);
class SMTLibTranslationContext
SMTLib2Interface const& m_smtlib2Interface;
SMTLibTranslationContext(SMTLib2Interface const& _smtlib2Interface) : m_smtlib2Interface(_smtlib2Interface) {}
std::optional<SortPointer> lookupKnownTupleSort(std::string const& name) {
std::string quotedName = "|" + name + "|";
auto it = ranges::find_if(m_smtlib2Interface.sortNames(), [&](auto const& entry) {
return entry.second == name || entry.second == quotedName;
if (it != m_smtlib2Interface.sortNames().end() && it->first->kind == Kind::Tuple)
auto tupleSort = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TupleSort>(it->first);
return tupleSort;
return {};
SortPointer toSort(SMTLib2Expression const& expr)
if (isAtom(expr))
auto const& name = asAtom(expr);
if (name == "Int")
return SortProvider::sintSort;
if (name == "Bool")
return SortProvider::boolSort;
auto tupleSort = lookupKnownTupleSort(name);
if (tupleSort)
return tupleSort.value();
} else {
auto const& args = asSubExpressions(expr);
if (asAtom(args[0]) == "Array")
assert(args.size() == 3);
auto domainSort = toSort(args[1]);
auto codomainSort = toSort(args[2]);
return std::make_shared<ArraySort>(std::move(domainSort), std::move(codomainSort));
smtAssert(false, "Unknown sort encountered");
smtutil::Expression toSMTUtilExpression(SMTLib2Expression const& _expr)
return std::visit(GenericVisitor{
[&](std::string const& _atom) {
if (_atom == "true" || _atom == "false")
return smtutil::Expression(_atom == "true");
else if (isNumber(_atom))
return smtutil::Expression(_atom, {}, SortProvider::sintSort);
return smtutil::Expression(_atom, {}, SortProvider::boolSort);
[&](std::vector<SMTLib2Expression> const& _subExpr) {
SortPointer sort;
std::vector<smtutil::Expression> arguments;
if (isAtom(_subExpr.front()))
for (size_t i = 1; i < _subExpr.size(); i++)
std::string const& op = asAtom(_subExpr.front());
if (auto tupleSort = lookupKnownTupleSort(op); tupleSort)
auto sortSort = std::make_shared<SortSort>(tupleSort.value());
return Expression::tuple_constructor(Expression(sortSort), arguments);
} else {
std::set<std::string> boolOperators{"and", "or", "not", "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=",
sort = contains(boolOperators, op) ? SortProvider::boolSort : arguments.back().sort;
return smtutil::Expression(op, std::move(arguments), std::move(sort));
smtAssert(false, "Unhandled case in expression conversion");
} else {
// check for const array
if (_subExpr.size() == 2 and !isAtom(_subExpr[0]))
auto const& typeArgs = asSubExpressions(_subExpr.front());
if (typeArgs.size() == 3 && typeArgs[0].toString() == "as" && typeArgs[1].toString() == "const")
auto arraySort = toSort(typeArgs[2]);
auto sortSort = std::make_shared<SortSort>(arraySort);
return smtutil::Expression::const_array(Expression(sortSort), toSMTUtilExpression(_subExpr[1]));
smtAssert(false, "Unhandled case in expression conversion");
}, _expr.data);
class SMTLib2Parser
@ -476,6 +383,213 @@ namespace
char m_token = 0;
class SMTLibTranslationContext
SMTLib2Interface const& m_smtlib2Interface;
std::map<std::string, SortPointer> knownVariables;
SMTLibTranslationContext(SMTLib2Interface const& _smtlib2Interface) : m_smtlib2Interface(_smtlib2Interface)
// fill user defined sorts and constructors
auto const& userSorts = _smtlib2Interface.userSorts(); // TODO: It would be better to remember userSorts as SortPointers
for (auto const& [_, definition] : userSorts)
std::stringstream ss(definition);
SMTLib2Parser parser(ss);
auto expr = parser.parseExpression();
auto const& args = asSubExpressions(expr);
solAssert(args.size() == 3);
solAssert(isAtom(args[0]) && asAtom(args[0]) == "declare-datatypes");
// args[1] is the name of the type
// args[2] is the constructor with the members
solAssert(!isAtom(args[2]) && asSubExpressions(args[2]).size() == 1 && !isAtom(asSubExpressions(args[2])[0]));
auto const& constructors = asSubExpressions(asSubExpressions(args[2])[0]);
solAssert(constructors.size() == 1);
auto const& constructor = constructors[0];
// constructor is a list: name + members
auto const& constructorArgs = asSubExpressions(constructor);
for (unsigned i = 1u; i < constructorArgs.size(); ++i)
auto const& carg = constructorArgs[i];
solAssert(!isAtom(carg) && asSubExpressions(carg).size() == 2);
auto const& nameSortPair = asSubExpressions(carg);
knownVariables.insert({asAtom(nameSortPair[0]), toSort(nameSortPair[1])});
void addVariableDeclaration(std::string name, SortPointer sort)
solAssert(knownVariables.find(name) == knownVariables.end());
knownVariables.insert({std::move(name), std::move(sort)});
std::optional<SortPointer> lookupKnownTupleSort(std::string const& name) {
std::string quotedName = "|" + name + "|";
auto it = ranges::find_if(m_smtlib2Interface.sortNames(), [&](auto const& entry) {
return entry.second == name || entry.second == quotedName;
if (it != m_smtlib2Interface.sortNames().end() && it->first->kind == Kind::Tuple)
auto tupleSort = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TupleSort>(it->first);
return tupleSort;
return {};
SortPointer toSort(SMTLib2Expression const& expr)
if (isAtom(expr))
auto const& name = asAtom(expr);
if (name == "Int")
return SortProvider::sintSort;
if (name == "Bool")
return SortProvider::boolSort;
auto tupleSort = lookupKnownTupleSort(name);
if (tupleSort)
return tupleSort.value();
} else {
auto const& args = asSubExpressions(expr);
if (asAtom(args[0]) == "Array")
assert(args.size() == 3);
auto domainSort = toSort(args[1]);
auto codomainSort = toSort(args[2]);
return std::make_shared<ArraySort>(std::move(domainSort), std::move(codomainSort));
if (args.size() == 3 && isAtom(args[0]) && asAtom(args[0]) == "_" && isAtom(args[1]) && asAtom(args[1]) == "int2bv")
return std::make_shared<BitVectorSort>(std::stoul(asAtom(args[2])));
smtAssert(false, "Unknown sort encountered");
smtutil::Expression parseQuantifier(
std::string const& quantifierName,
std::vector<SMTLib2Expression> const& varList,
SMTLib2Expression const& coreExpression
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, SortPointer>> boundVariables;
for (auto const& sortedVar: varList)
auto varSortPair = asSubExpressions(sortedVar);
solAssert(varSortPair.size() == 2);
boundVariables.emplace_back(asAtom(varSortPair[0]), toSort(varSortPair[1]));
for (auto const& [var, sort] : boundVariables)
solAssert(knownVariables.find(var) == knownVariables.end()); // TODO: deal with shadowing?
knownVariables.insert({var, sort});
auto core = toSMTUtilExpression(coreExpression);
for (auto const& [var, sort] : boundVariables)
solAssert(knownVariables.find(var) != knownVariables.end());
return Expression(quantifierName, {core}, SortProvider::boolSort); // TODO: what about the bound variables?
smtutil::Expression toSMTUtilExpression(SMTLib2Expression const& _expr)
return std::visit(GenericVisitor{
[&](std::string const& _atom) {
if (_atom == "true" || _atom == "false")
return smtutil::Expression(_atom == "true");
else if (isNumber(_atom))
return smtutil::Expression(_atom, {}, SortProvider::sintSort);
else if (knownVariables.find(_atom) != knownVariables.end())
return smtutil::Expression(_atom, {}, knownVariables.at(_atom));
else // assume this is a predicate, so has sort bool; TODO: Context should be aware of the predicates!
return smtutil::Expression(_atom, {}, SortProvider::boolSort);
[&](std::vector<SMTLib2Expression> const& _subExpr) {
SortPointer sort;
std::vector<smtutil::Expression> arguments;
if (isAtom(_subExpr.front()))
std::string const& op = asAtom(_subExpr.front());
if (op == "!")
// named term, we ignore the name
solAssert(_subExpr.size() > 2);
return toSMTUtilExpression(_subExpr[1]);
if (op == "exists" || op == "forall")
solAssert(_subExpr.size() == 3);
return parseQuantifier(op, asSubExpressions(_subExpr[1]), _subExpr[2]);
for (size_t i = 1; i < _subExpr.size(); i++)
if (auto tupleSort = lookupKnownTupleSort(op); tupleSort)
auto sortSort = std::make_shared<SortSort>(tupleSort.value());
return Expression::tuple_constructor(Expression(sortSort), arguments);
if (knownVariables.find(op) != knownVariables.end())
return smtutil::Expression(op, std::move(arguments), knownVariables.at(op));
else {
std::set<std::string> boolOperators{"and", "or", "not", "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=",
sort = contains(boolOperators, op) ? SortProvider::boolSort : arguments.back().sort;
return smtutil::Expression(op, std::move(arguments), std::move(sort));
smtAssert(false, "Unhandled case in expression conversion");
} else {
// check for const array
if (_subExpr.size() == 2 and !isAtom(_subExpr[0]))
auto const& typeArgs = asSubExpressions(_subExpr.front());
if (typeArgs.size() == 3 && typeArgs[0].toString() == "as" && typeArgs[1].toString() == "const")
auto arraySort = toSort(typeArgs[2]);
auto sortSort = std::make_shared<SortSort>(arraySort);
return smtutil::Expression::const_array(Expression(sortSort), toSMTUtilExpression(_subExpr[1]));
if (typeArgs.size() == 3 && typeArgs[0].toString() == "_" && typeArgs[1].toString() == "int2bv")
auto bvSort = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<BitVectorSort>(toSort(_subExpr[0]));
return smtutil::Expression::int2bv(toSMTUtilExpression(_subExpr[1]), bvSort->size);
if (typeArgs.size() == 4 && typeArgs[0].toString() == "_")
if (typeArgs[1].toString() == "extract")
return smtutil::Expression(
{toSMTUtilExpression(typeArgs[2]), toSMTUtilExpression(typeArgs[3])},
SortProvider::bitVectorSort // TODO: Compute bit size properly?
smtAssert(false, "Unhandled case in expression conversion");
}, _expr.data);
struct LetBindings {
using BindingRecord = std::vector<SMTLib2Expression>;
std::unordered_map<std::string, BindingRecord> bindings;
@ -592,91 +706,92 @@ namespace
return asSubExpressions(_node).back();
CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph CHCSmtLib2Interface::graphFromSMTLib2Expression(SMTLib2Expression const& _proof)
auto const& args = asSubExpressions(_proof);
smtAssert(args.size() == 2);
smtAssert(isAtom(args.at(0)) && asAtom(args.at(0)) == "proof");
auto const& proofNode = args.at(1);
auto derivedFact = fact(proofNode);
if (isAtom(proofNode) || !isAtom(derivedFact) || asAtom(derivedFact) != "false")
return {};
CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph graph;
SMTLibTranslationContext context(*m_smtlib2);
std::stack<SMTLib2Expression const*> proofStack;
std::map<SMTLib2Expression const*, unsigned> visitedIds;
unsigned nextId = 0;
auto const* root = proofStack.top();
auto const& derivedRootFact = fact(*root);
visitedIds.insert({root, nextId++});
graph.nodes.emplace(visitedIds.at(root), context.toSMTUtilExpression(derivedRootFact));
auto isHyperRes = [](SMTLib2Expression const& expr) {
if (isAtom(expr)) return false;
auto const& subExprs = asSubExpressions(expr);
auto const& op = subExprs.at(0);
if (isAtom(op)) return false;
auto const& opExprs = asSubExpressions(op);
if (opExprs.size() < 2) return false;
auto const& ruleName = opExprs.at(1);
return isAtom(ruleName) && asAtom(ruleName) == "hyper-res";
while (!proofStack.empty())
CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph graphFromSMTLib2Expression(SMTLib2Expression const& _proof, SMTLibTranslationContext & context)
auto const* proofNode = proofStack.top();
smtAssert(visitedIds.find(proofNode) != visitedIds.end(), "");
auto id = visitedIds.at(proofNode);
smtAssert(graph.nodes.count(id), "");
auto const& args = asSubExpressions(_proof);
smtAssert(args.size() == 2);
smtAssert(isAtom(args.at(0)) && asAtom(args.at(0)) == "proof");
auto const& proofNode = args.at(1);
auto derivedFact = fact(proofNode);
if (isAtom(proofNode) || !isAtom(derivedFact) || asAtom(derivedFact) != "false")
return {};
if (isHyperRes(*proofNode))
CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph graph;
std::stack<SMTLib2Expression const*> proofStack;
std::map<SMTLib2Expression const*, unsigned> visitedIds;
unsigned nextId = 0;
auto const* root = proofStack.top();
auto const& derivedRootFact = fact(*root);
visitedIds.insert({root, nextId++});
graph.nodes.emplace(visitedIds.at(root), context.toSMTUtilExpression(derivedRootFact));
auto isHyperRes = [](SMTLib2Expression const& expr) {
if (isAtom(expr)) return false;
auto const& subExprs = asSubExpressions(expr);
auto const& op = subExprs.at(0);
if (isAtom(op)) return false;
auto const& opExprs = asSubExpressions(op);
if (opExprs.size() < 2) return false;
auto const& ruleName = opExprs.at(1);
return isAtom(ruleName) && asAtom(ruleName) == "hyper-res";
while (!proofStack.empty())
auto const& args = asSubExpressions(*proofNode);
smtAssert(args.size() > 1, "");
// args[0] is the name of the rule
// args[1] is the clause used
// last argument is the derived fact
// the arguments in the middle are the facts where we need to recurse
for (unsigned i = 2; i < args.size() - 1; ++i)
auto const* proofNode = proofStack.top();
smtAssert(visitedIds.find(proofNode) != visitedIds.end(), "");
auto id = visitedIds.at(proofNode);
smtAssert(graph.nodes.count(id), "");
if (isHyperRes(*proofNode))
auto const* child = &args[i];
if (!visitedIds.count(child))
auto const& args = asSubExpressions(*proofNode);
smtAssert(args.size() > 1, "");
// args[0] is the name of the rule
// args[1] is the clause used
// last argument is the derived fact
// the arguments in the middle are the facts where we need to recurse
for (unsigned i = 2; i < args.size() - 1; ++i)
visitedIds.insert({child, nextId++});
auto const* child = &args[i];
if (!visitedIds.count(child))
visitedIds.insert({child, nextId++});
auto childId = visitedIds.at(child);
if (!graph.nodes.count(childId))
graph.nodes.emplace(childId, context.toSMTUtilExpression(fact(*child)));
graph.edges[childId] = {};
auto childId = visitedIds.at(child);
if (!graph.nodes.count(childId))
graph.nodes.emplace(childId, context.toSMTUtilExpression(fact(*child)));
graph.edges[childId] = {};
return graph;
return graph;
CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph CHCSmtLib2Interface::graphFromZ3Proof(std::string const& _proof)
std::stringstream ss(_proof);
std::string answer;
ss >> answer;
solAssert(answer == "unsat");
SMTLib2Parser parser(ss);
if (parser.isEOF()) // No proof from Z3
return {};
@ -685,19 +800,87 @@ CHCSolverInterface::CexGraph CHCSmtLib2Interface::graphFromZ3Proof(std::string c
auto& commands = std::get<SMTLib2Expression::args_t>(all.data);
for (auto& command: commands) {
// std::cout << command.toString() << '\n' << std::endl;
if (!isAtom(command))
SMTLibTranslationContext context(*m_smtlib2);
for (auto& command: commands)
if (isAtom(command))
auto const& args = asSubExpressions(command);
auto const& head = args[0];
if (!isAtom(head))
if (asAtom(head) == "declare-fun")
solAssert(args.size() == 4);
auto const& name = args[1];
auto const& domainSorts = args[2];
auto const& codomainSort = args[3];
context.addVariableDeclaration(asAtom(name), context.toSort(codomainSort));
else if (asAtom(head) == "proof")
auto const& head = std::get<SMTLib2Expression::args_t>(command.data)[0];
if (isAtom(head) && std::get<std::string>(head.data) == "proof")
// std::cout << "Proof expression!\n" << command.toString() << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Cleaned Proof expression!\n" << command.toString() << std::endl;
return graphFromSMTLib2Expression(command);
return graphFromSMTLib2Expression(command, context);
return {};
smtutil::Expression CHCSmtLib2Interface::invariantsFromSMTLib(std::string const& _invariants) {
std::stringstream ss(_invariants);
std::string answer;
ss >> answer;
solAssert(answer == "sat");
SMTLib2Parser parser(ss);
if (parser.isEOF()) // No model
return Expression(true);
// For some reason Z3 outputs everything as a single s-expression
auto all = parser.parseExpression();
auto& commands = std::get<SMTLib2Expression::args_t>(all.data);
std::vector<Expression> definitions;
for (auto& command: commands)
auto& args = asSubExpressions(command);
solAssert(args.size() == 5);
// args[0] = "define-fun"
// args[1] = predicate name
// args[2] = formal arguments of the predicate
// args[3] = return sort
// args[4] = body of the predicate's interpretation
solAssert(isAtom(args[0]) && asAtom(args[0]) == "define-fun");
solAssert(isAtom(args[3]) && asAtom(args[3]) == "Bool");
auto& interpretation = args[4];
SMTLibTranslationContext context(*m_smtlib2);
auto const& formalArguments = asSubExpressions(args[2]);
std::vector<Expression> predicateArgs;
for (auto const& formalArgument: formalArguments)
auto const& nameSortPair = asSubExpressions(formalArgument);
solAssert(nameSortPair.size() == 2);
SortPointer varSort = context.toSort(nameSortPair[1]);
context.addVariableDeclaration(asAtom(nameSortPair[0]), varSort);
Expression arg = context.toSMTUtilExpression(nameSortPair[0]);
auto parsedInterpretation = context.toSMTUtilExpression(interpretation);
Expression predicate(asAtom(args[1]), predicateArgs, SortProvider::boolSort);
definitions.push_back(predicate == parsedInterpretation);
return Expression::mkAnd(std::move(definitions));
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ private:
CexGraph graphFromZ3Proof(std::string const& _proof);
CexGraph graphFromSMTLib2Expression(SMTLib2Expression const& _proof);
smtutil::Expression invariantsFromSMTLib(std::string const& _invariants);
/// Used to access toSmtLibSort, SExpr, and handle variables.
std::unique_ptr<SMTLib2Interface> m_smtlib2;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user