diff --git a/test/tools/yulInterpreter/CMakeLists.txt b/test/tools/yulInterpreter/CMakeLists.txt
index 52fe0e3c6..02d53d697 100644
--- a/test/tools/yulInterpreter/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/tools/yulInterpreter/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+ EWasmBuiltinInterpreter.h
+ EWasmBuiltinInterpreter.cpp
diff --git a/test/tools/yulInterpreter/EWasmBuiltinInterpreter.cpp b/test/tools/yulInterpreter/EWasmBuiltinInterpreter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c52ee7e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tools/yulInterpreter/EWasmBuiltinInterpreter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ This file is part of solidity.
+ solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with solidity. If not, see .
+ * Yul interpreter module that evaluates EWasm builtins.
+ */
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace yul;
+using namespace yul::test;
+/// Copy @a _size bytes of @a _source at offset @a _sourceOffset to
+/// @a _target at offset @a _targetOffset. Behaves as if @a _source would
+/// continue with an infinite sequence of zero bytes beyond its end.
+void copyZeroExtended(
+ map& _target, bytes const& _source,
+ size_t _targetOffset, size_t _sourceOffset, size_t _size
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; ++i)
+ _target[_targetOffset + i] = _sourceOffset + i < _source.size() ? _source[_sourceOffset + i] : 0;
+using u512 = boost::multiprecision::number>;
+u256 EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::evalBuiltin(YulString _fun, vector const& _arguments)
+ vector arg;
+ for (u256 const& a: _arguments)
+ arg.emplace_back(uint64_t(a & uint64_t(-1)));
+ if (_fun == "datasize"_yulstring)
+ return u256(keccak256(h256(_arguments.at(0)))) & 0xfff;
+ else if (_fun == "dataoffset"_yulstring)
+ return u256(keccak256(h256(_arguments.at(0) + 2))) & 0xfff;
+ else if (_fun == "datacopy"_yulstring)
+ {
+ // This is identical to codecopy.
+ if (accessMemory(_arguments.at(0), _arguments.at(2)))
+ copyZeroExtended(
+ m_state.memory,
+ m_state.code,
+ size_t(_arguments.at(0)),
+ size_t(_arguments.at(1) & size_t(-1)),
+ size_t(_arguments.at(2))
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "drop"_yulstring)
+ return {};
+ else if (_fun == "unreachable"_yulstring)
+ throw ExplicitlyTerminated();
+ else if (_fun == "i64.add"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] + arg[1];
+ else if (_fun == "i64.sub"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] - arg[1];
+ else if (_fun == "i64.mul"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] * arg[1];
+ else if (_fun == "i64.div_u"_yulstring)
+ {
+ if (arg[1] == 0)
+ throw ExplicitlyTerminated();
+ else
+ return arg[0] / arg[1];
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "i64.rem_u"_yulstring)
+ {
+ if (arg[1] == 0)
+ throw ExplicitlyTerminated();
+ else
+ return arg[0] % arg[1];
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "i64.and"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] & arg[1];
+ else if (_fun == "i64.or"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] | arg[1];
+ else if (_fun == "i64.xor"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] ^ arg[1];
+ else if (_fun == "i64.shl"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] << arg[1];
+ else if (_fun == "i64.shr_u"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] >> arg[1];
+ else if (_fun == "i64.eq"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] == arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
+ else if (_fun == "i64.ne"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] != arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
+ else if (_fun == "i64.eqz"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ else if (_fun == "i64.lt_u"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] < arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
+ else if (_fun == "i64.gt_u"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] > arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
+ else if (_fun == "i64.le_u"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] <= arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
+ else if (_fun == "i64.ge_u"_yulstring)
+ return arg[0] >= arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
+ else if (_fun == "i64.store"_yulstring)
+ {
+ accessMemory(arg[0], 8);
+ writeMemoryWord(arg[0], arg[1]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "i64.load"_yulstring)
+ {
+ accessMemory(arg[0], 8);
+ return readMemoryWord(arg[0]);
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getAddress"_yulstring)
+ return writeAddress(arg[0], m_state.address);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getExternalBalance"_yulstring)
+ // TODO this does not read the address, but is consistent with
+ // EVM interpreter implementation.
+ // If we take the address into account, this needs to use readAddress.
+ return writeU128(arg[0], m_state.balance);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getBlockHash"_yulstring)
+ {
+ if (arg[0] >= m_state.blockNumber || arg[0] + 256 < m_state.blockNumber)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return writeU256(arg[1], 0xaaaaaaaa + u256(arg[0] - m_state.blockNumber - 256));
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.call"_yulstring)
+ {
+ // TODO read args from memory
+ // TODO use readAddress to read address.
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::CALL, {});
+ return arg[0] & 1;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.callDataCopy"_yulstring)
+ {
+ if (arg[1] + arg[2] < arg[1] || arg[1] + arg[2] > m_state.calldata.size())
+ throw ExplicitlyTerminated();
+ if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[2]))
+ copyZeroExtended(
+ m_state.memory, m_state.calldata,
+ size_t(arg[0]), size_t(arg[1]), size_t(arg[2])
+ );
+ return {};
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getCallDataSize"_yulstring)
+ return m_state.calldata.size();
+ else if (_fun == "eth.callCode"_yulstring)
+ {
+ // TODO read args from memory
+ // TODO use readAddress to read address.
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::CALLCODE, {});
+ return arg[0] & 1;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.callDelegate"_yulstring)
+ {
+ // TODO read args from memory
+ // TODO use readAddress to read address.
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::DELEGATECALL, {});
+ return arg[0] & 1;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.callStatic"_yulstring)
+ {
+ // TODO read args from memory
+ // TODO use readAddress to read address.
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::STATICCALL, {});
+ return arg[0] & 1;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.storageStore"_yulstring)
+ {
+ m_state.storage[h256(readU256(arg[0]))] = readU256((arg[1]));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.storageLoad"_yulstring)
+ return writeU256(arg[1], m_state.storage[h256(readU256(arg[0]))]);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getCaller"_yulstring)
+ // TODO should this only write 20 bytes?
+ return writeAddress(arg[0], m_state.caller);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getCallValue"_yulstring)
+ return writeU128(arg[0], m_state.callvalue);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.codeCopy"_yulstring)
+ {
+ if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[2]))
+ copyZeroExtended(
+ m_state.memory, m_state.code,
+ size_t(arg[0]), size_t(arg[1]), size_t(arg[2])
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getCodeSize"_yulstring)
+ return writeU256(arg[0], m_state.code.size());
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getBlockCoinbase"_yulstring)
+ return writeAddress(arg[0], m_state.coinbase);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.create"_yulstring)
+ {
+ // TODO access memory
+ // TODO use writeAddress to store resulting address
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::CREATE, {});
+ return 0xcccccc + arg[1];
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getBlockDifficulty"_yulstring)
+ return writeU256(arg[0], m_state.difficulty);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.externalCodeCopy"_yulstring)
+ {
+ // TODO use readAddress to read address.
+ if (accessMemory(arg[1], arg[3]))
+ // TODO this way extcodecopy and codecopy do the same thing.
+ copyZeroExtended(
+ m_state.memory, m_state.code,
+ size_t(arg[1]), size_t(arg[2]), size_t(arg[3])
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getExternalCodeSize"_yulstring)
+ return u256(keccak256(h256(readAddress(arg[0])))) & 0xffffff;
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getGasLeft"_yulstring)
+ return 0x99;
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getBlockGasLimit"_yulstring)
+ return uint64_t(m_state.gaslimit);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getTxGasPrice"_yulstring)
+ return writeU128(arg[0], m_state.gasprice);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.log"_yulstring)
+ {
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::LOG0, {});
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getBlockNumber"_yulstring)
+ return m_state.blockNumber;
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getTxOrigin"_yulstring)
+ return writeAddress(arg[0], m_state.origin);
+ else if (_fun == "eth.finish"_yulstring)
+ {
+ bytes data;
+ if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]))
+ data = readMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::RETURN, {}, data);
+ throw ExplicitlyTerminated();
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.revert"_yulstring)
+ {
+ bytes data;
+ if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]))
+ data = readMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::REVERT, {}, data);
+ throw ExplicitlyTerminated();
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getReturnDataSize"_yulstring)
+ return m_state.returndata.size();
+ else if (_fun == "eth.returnDataCopy"_yulstring)
+ {
+ if (arg[1] + arg[2] < arg[1] || arg[1] + arg[2] > m_state.returndata.size())
+ throw ExplicitlyTerminated();
+ if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[2]))
+ copyZeroExtended(
+ m_state.memory, m_state.calldata,
+ size_t(arg[0]), size_t(arg[1]), size_t(arg[2])
+ );
+ return {};
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.selfDestruct"_yulstring)
+ {
+ // TODO use readAddress to read address.
+ logTrace(eth::Instruction::SELFDESTRUCT, {});
+ throw ExplicitlyTerminated();
+ }
+ else if (_fun == "eth.getBlockTimestamp"_yulstring)
+ return m_state.timestamp;
+ yulAssert(false, "Unknown builtin: " + _fun.str() + " (or implementation did not return)");
+ return 0;
+bool EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::accessMemory(u256 const& _offset, u256 const& _size)
+ if (((_offset + _size) >= _offset) && ((_offset + _size + 0x1f) >= (_offset + _size)))
+ {
+ u256 newSize = (_offset + _size + 0x1f) & ~u256(0x1f);
+ m_state.msize = max(m_state.msize, newSize);
+ return _size <= 0xffff;
+ }
+ else
+ m_state.msize = u256(-1);
+ return false;
+bytes EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::readMemory(uint64_t _offset, uint64_t _size)
+ yulAssert(_size <= 0xffff, "Too large read.");
+ bytes data(size_t(_size), uint8_t(0));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
+ data[i] = m_state.memory[_offset + i];
+ return data;
+uint64_t EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::readMemoryWord(uint64_t _offset)
+ uint64_t r = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ r |= uint64_t(m_state.memory[_offset + i]) << (i * 8);
+ return r;
+void EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::writeMemoryWord(uint64_t _offset, uint64_t _value)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ m_state.memory[_offset + i] = uint8_t((_value >> (i * 8)) & 0xff);
+u256 EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::writeU256(uint64_t _offset, u256 _value, size_t _croppedTo)
+ accessMemory(_offset, _croppedTo);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _croppedTo; i++)
+ {
+ m_state.memory[_offset + _croppedTo - 1 - i] = uint8_t(_value & 0xff);
+ _value >>= 8;
+ }
+ return {};
+u256 EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::readU256(uint64_t _offset, size_t _croppedTo)
+ accessMemory(_offset, _croppedTo);
+ u256 value;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _croppedTo; i++)
+ value = (value << 8) | m_state.memory[_offset + i];
+ return value;
+void EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::logTrace(dev::eth::Instruction _instruction, std::vector const& _arguments, bytes const& _data)
+ logTrace(dev::eth::instructionInfo(_instruction).name, _arguments, _data);
+void EWasmBuiltinInterpreter::logTrace(std::string const& _pseudoInstruction, std::vector const& _arguments, bytes const& _data)
+ string message = _pseudoInstruction + "(";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _arguments.size(); ++i)
+ message += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + formatNumber(_arguments[i]);
+ message += ")";
+ if (!_data.empty())
+ message += " [" + toHex(_data) + "]";
+ m_state.trace.emplace_back(std::move(message));
+ if (m_state.maxTraceSize > 0 && m_state.trace.size() >= m_state.maxTraceSize)
+ {
+ m_state.trace.emplace_back("Trace size limit reached.");
+ throw TraceLimitReached();
+ }
diff --git a/test/tools/yulInterpreter/EWasmBuiltinInterpreter.h b/test/tools/yulInterpreter/EWasmBuiltinInterpreter.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e96cbbae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tools/yulInterpreter/EWasmBuiltinInterpreter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ This file is part of solidity.
+ solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with solidity. If not, see .
+ * Yul interpreter module that evaluates EWasm builtins.
+ */
+#pragma once
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+enum class Instruction: uint8_t;
+namespace yul
+class YulString;
+struct BuiltinFunctionForEVM;
+namespace test
+struct InterpreterState;
+ * Interprets EWasm builtins based on the current state and logs instructions with
+ * side-effects.
+ *
+ * Since this is mainly meant to be used for differential fuzz testing, it is focused
+ * on a single contract only, does not do any gas counting and differs from the correct
+ * implementation in many ways:
+ *
+ * - If memory access to a "large" memory position is performed, a deterministic
+ * value is returned. Data that is stored in a "large" memory position is not
+ * retained.
+ * - The blockhash instruction returns a fixed value if the argument is in range.
+ * - Extcodesize returns a deterministic value depending on the address.
+ * - Extcodecopy copies a deterministic value depending on the address.
+ * - And many other things
+ *
+ * The main focus is that the generated execution trace is the same for equivalent executions
+ * and likely to be different for non-equivalent executions.
+ */
+class EWasmBuiltinInterpreter
+ explicit EWasmBuiltinInterpreter(InterpreterState& _state):
+ m_state(_state)
+ {}
+ /// Evaluate builtin function
+ dev::u256 evalBuiltin(YulString _fun, std::vector const& _arguments);
+ /// Checks if the memory access is not too large for the interpreter and adjusts
+ /// msize accordingly.
+ /// @returns false if the amount of bytes read is lager than 0xffff
+ bool accessMemory(dev::u256 const& _offset, dev::u256 const& _size = 32);
+ /// @returns the memory contents at the provided address.
+ /// Does not adjust msize, use @a accessMemory for that
+ dev::bytes readMemory(uint64_t _offset, uint64_t _size = 32);
+ /// @returns the memory contents at the provided address (little-endian).
+ /// Does not adjust msize, use @a accessMemory for that
+ uint64_t readMemoryWord(uint64_t _offset);
+ /// Writes a word to memory (little-endian)
+ /// Does not adjust msize, use @a accessMemory for that
+ void writeMemoryWord(uint64_t _offset, uint64_t _value);
+ /// Helper for eth.* builtins. Writes to memory (big-endian) and always returns zero.
+ dev::u256 writeU256(uint64_t _offset, dev::u256 _value, size_t _croppedTo = 32);
+ dev::u256 writeU128(uint64_t _offset, dev::u256 _value) { return writeU256(_offset, std::move(_value), 16); }
+ dev::u256 writeAddress(uint64_t _offset, dev::u256 _value) { return writeU256(_offset, std::move(_value), 20); }
+ /// Helper for eth.* builtins. Reads from memory (big-endian) and returns the value;
+ dev::u256 readU256(uint64_t _offset, size_t _croppedTo = 32);
+ dev::u256 readU128(uint64_t _offset) { return readU256(_offset, 16); }
+ dev::u256 readAddress(uint64_t _offset) { return readU256(_offset, 20); }
+ void logTrace(dev::eth::Instruction _instruction, std::vector const& _arguments = {}, dev::bytes const& _data = {});
+ /// Appends a log to the trace representing an instruction or similar operation by string,
+ /// with arguments and auxiliary data (if nonempty).
+ void logTrace(std::string const& _pseudoInstruction, std::vector const& _arguments = {}, dev::bytes const& _data = {});
+ InterpreterState& m_state;
diff --git a/test/tools/yulInterpreter/Interpreter.cpp b/test/tools/yulInterpreter/Interpreter.cpp
index d1b361c4e..93eee5f80 100644
--- a/test/tools/yulInterpreter/Interpreter.cpp
+++ b/test/tools/yulInterpreter/Interpreter.cpp
@@ -21,11 +21,13 @@
@@ -229,12 +231,21 @@ void ExpressionEvaluator::operator()(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
if (EVMDialect const* dialect = dynamic_cast(&m_dialect))
+ {
if (BuiltinFunctionForEVM const* fun = dialect->builtin(_funCall.functionName.name))
EVMInstructionInterpreter interpreter(m_state);
setValue(interpreter.evalBuiltin(*fun, values()));
+ }
+ else if (WasmDialect const* dialect = dynamic_cast(&m_dialect))
+ if (dialect->builtin(_funCall.functionName.name))
+ {
+ EWasmBuiltinInterpreter interpreter(m_state);
+ setValue(interpreter.evalBuiltin(_funCall.functionName.name, values()));
+ return;
+ }
auto [functionScopes, fun] = findFunctionAndScope(_funCall.functionName.name);