ABIv2 proto fuzzer implementation for a limited set of value and non-value types (arrays included).

This commit is contained in:
Bhargava Shastry 2019-05-15 21:09:44 +02:00
parent 04bad01ab1
commit 5bc1a68b40
6 changed files with 1316 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/abiV2FuzzerCommon.h>
using namespace dev::test::abiv2fuzzer;
SolidityCompilationFramework::SolidityCompilationFramework(langutil::EVMVersion _evmVersion)
m_evmVersion = _evmVersion;
dev::bytes SolidityCompilationFramework::compileContract(
std::string const& _sourceCode,
std::string const& _contractName
std::string sourceCode = _sourceCode;
m_compiler.setSources({{"", sourceCode}});
if (!m_compiler.compile())
langutil::SourceReferenceFormatter formatter(std::cerr);
for (auto const& error: m_compiler.errors())
std::cerr << "Compiling contract failed" << std::endl;
dev::eth::LinkerObject obj = m_compiler.runtimeObject(
_contractName.empty() ?
m_compiler.lastContractName() :
return obj.bytecode;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#pragma once
#include <libsolidity/interface/CompilerStack.h>
#include <libyul/AssemblyStack.h>
#include <liblangutil/Exceptions.h>
#include <liblangutil/SourceReferenceFormatter.h>
#include <libdevcore/Keccak256.h>
namespace dev
namespace test
namespace abiv2fuzzer
class SolidityCompilationFramework
explicit SolidityCompilationFramework(langutil::EVMVersion _evmVersion = {});
Json::Value getMethodIdentifiers()
return m_compiler.methodIdentifiers(m_compiler.lastContractName());
dev::bytes compileContract(
std::string const& _sourceCode,
std::string const& _contractName = {}
dev::solidity::CompilerStack m_compiler;
langutil::EVMVersion m_evmVersion;
dev::solidity::OptimiserSettings m_optimiserSettings = dev::solidity::OptimiserSettings::full();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
syntax = "proto2";
// Flattened specification of array dimension
// If is_static is false, and this array dimension is contained
// inside another dimension e.g., x[][2] ([2] being the outer dimension)
// then `length` for this dimension is the length of the first dynamically
// sized array. The other (n-1) lengths are unspecified
message ArrayDimensionInfo {
required uint32 length = 1;
required bool is_static = 2;
// TODO: Add more base types
// See https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/6749
message ArrayType {
oneof base_type_oneof {
IntegerType inty = 1;
FixedByteType byty = 2;
AddressType adty = 3;
StructType stty = 4;
repeated ArrayDimensionInfo info = 5;
// uint8...256, int8...256
message IntegerType {
required bool is_signed = 1;
required uint32 width = 2;
// bytes1, bytes2,..., bytes32
message FixedByteType {
required uint32 width = 1;
// address, address payable
message AddressType {
required bool payable = 1;
message ValueType {
oneof value_type_oneof {
IntegerType inty = 1;
FixedByteType byty = 2;
AddressType adty = 3;
// bytes/string
message DynamicByteArrayType {
enum DType {
BYTES = 0;
required DType type = 1;
message NonValueType {
oneof nonvalue_type_oneof {
DynamicByteArrayType dynbytearray = 1;
ArrayType arrtype = 2;
StructType stype = 3;
message Type {
oneof type_oneof {
ValueType vtype = 1;
NonValueType nvtype = 2;
// TODO: This must not reference itself either directly or indirectly
message StructType {}
message VarDecl {
required Type type = 1;
message TestFunction {
required VarDecl local_vars = 1;
message Contract {
required VarDecl state_vars = 1;
required TestFunction testfunction = 2;
package dev.test.abiv2fuzzer;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/abiV2FuzzerCommon.h>
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/protoToAbiV2.h>
#include <src/libfuzzer/libfuzzer_macro.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace dev::test::abiv2fuzzer;
using namespace dev;
using namespace std;
DEFINE_PROTO_FUZZER(Contract const& _input)
string contract_source = ProtoConverter{}.contractToString(_input);
if (const char* dump_path = getenv("PROTO_FUZZER_DUMP_PATH"))
// With libFuzzer binary run this to generate the solidity source file x.sol from a proto input:
// PROTO_FUZZER_DUMP_PATH=x.sol ./a.out proto-input
ofstream of(dump_path);
of << contract_source;
// Raw runtime byte code generated by solidity
dev::bytes byteCode;
std::string hexEncodedInput;
// Compile contract generated by the proto fuzzer
SolidityCompilationFramework solCompilationFramework;
std::string contractName = ":Factory";
byteCode = solCompilationFramework.compileContract(contract_source, contractName);
Json::Value methodIdentifiers = solCompilationFramework.getMethodIdentifiers();
// We always call the function test() that is defined in proto converter template
hexEncodedInput = methodIdentifiers["test()"].asString();
catch (...)
cout << contract_source << endl;
// TODO: Call evmone wrapper here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
#include <regex>
#include <numeric>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/protoToAbiV2.h>
#include <libsolidity/codegen/YulUtilFunctions.h>
#include <libdevcore/Whiskers.h>
#include <liblangutil/Exceptions.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace dev::solidity;
using namespace dev::test::abiv2fuzzer;
// Create a new variable declaration and append said variable to function parameter lists
// of coder functions.
// Declared name is x_<i>; parameterized name is c_<i>
// where <i> is a monotonically increasing integer.
void ProtoConverter::createDeclAndParamList(
std::string const& _type,
DataType _dataType,
std::string& _varName,
std::string& _paramName
auto varNames = newVarNames(getNextVarCounter());
_varName = varNames.first;
_paramName = varNames.second;
// Declare array
appendVarDeclToOutput(_type, _varName, getQualifier(_dataType));
// Add typed params for calling public and external functions with said type
((m_varCounter == 1) ? Delimiter::SKIP : Delimiter::ADD)
((m_varCounter == 1) ? Delimiter::SKIP : Delimiter::ADD)
void ProtoConverter::visitArrayType(std::string const& _baseType, ArrayType const& _x)
std::string type = arrayTypeAsString(_baseType, _x);
std::string varName, paramName;
createDeclAndParamList(type, DataType::ARRAY, varName, paramName);
// Resize-initialize array and add checks
resizeInitArray(_x, _baseType, varName, paramName);
void ProtoConverter::visitType(
DataType _dataType,
std::string const& _type,
std::string const& _value
std::string varName, paramName;
createDeclAndParamList(_type, _dataType, varName, paramName);
addCheckedVarDef(_dataType, varName, paramName, _value);
void ProtoConverter::appendVarDeclToOutput(
std::string const& _type,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _qualifier
// One level of indentation for state variable declarations
// Two levels of indentation for local variable declarations
m_output << Whiskers(R"(
<?isLocalVar> </isLocalVar><type><?qual> <qualifier></qual> <varName>;)"
("isLocalVar", !m_isStateVar)
("type", _type)
("qual", !_qualifier.empty())
("qualifier", _qualifier)
("varName", _varName)
void ProtoConverter::appendChecks(
DataType _type,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _rhs
std::string check = {};
switch (_type)
case DataType::STRING:
check = Whiskers(R"(!bytesCompare(bytes(<varName>), <value>))")
("varName", _varName)
("value", _rhs)
case DataType::BYTES:
check = Whiskers(R"(!bytesCompare(<varName>, <value>))")
("varName", _varName)
("value", _rhs)
case DataType::VALUE:
check = Whiskers(R"(<varName> != <value>)")
("varName", _varName)
("value", _rhs)
case DataType::ARRAY:
solUnimplemented("Proto ABIv2 fuzzer: Invalid data type.");
// Each (failing) check returns a unique value to simplify debugging.
m_checks << Whiskers(R"(
if (<check>) return <returnVal>;)"
("check", check)
("returnVal", std::to_string(m_returnValue++))
void ProtoConverter::addVarDef(std::string const& _varName, std::string const& _rhs)
std::string varDefString = Whiskers(R"(
<varName> = <rhs>;)"
("varName", _varName)
("rhs", _rhs)
// State variables cannot be assigned in contract-scope
// Therefore, we buffer their assignments and
// render them in function scope later.
if (m_isStateVar)
m_statebuffer << varDefString;
m_output << varDefString;
void ProtoConverter::addCheckedVarDef(
DataType _type,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _paramName,
std::string const& _rhs)
addVarDef(_varName, _rhs);
appendChecks(_type, _paramName, _rhs);
// Runtime check for array length.
void ProtoConverter::checkResizeOp(std::string const& _paramName, unsigned _len)
appendChecks(DataType::VALUE, _paramName + ".length", std::to_string(_len));
/* Input(s)
* - Unsigned integer to be hashed
* - Width of desired uint value
* Processing
* - Take hash of first parameter and mask it with the max unsigned value for given bit width
* Output
* - string representation of uint value
std::string ProtoConverter::uintValueAsString(unsigned _width, unsigned _counter)
(_width % 8 == 0),
"Proto ABIv2 Fuzzer: Unsigned integer width is not a multiple of 8"
return maskUnsignedIntToHex(_counter, _width/4);
/* Input(s)
* - counter to be hashed to derive a value for Integer type
* - Width of desired int value
* Processing
* - Take hash of first parameter and mask it with the max signed value for given bit width
* Output
* - string representation of int value
std::string ProtoConverter::intValueAsString(unsigned _width, unsigned _counter)
(_width % 8 == 0),
"Proto ABIv2 Fuzzer: Signed integer width is not a multiple of 8"
return maskUnsignedIntToHex(_counter, ((_width/4) - 1));
std::string ProtoConverter::addressValueAsString(unsigned _counter)
return Whiskers(R"(address(<value>))")
("value", uintValueAsString(160, _counter))
std::string ProtoConverter::fixedByteValueAsString(unsigned _width, unsigned _counter)
(_width >= 1 && _width <= 32),
"Proto ABIv2 Fuzzer: Fixed byte width is not between 1--32"
// Masked value must contain twice the number of nibble "f"'s as _width
unsigned numMaskNibbles = _width * 2;
// Start position of substring equals totalHexStringLength - numMaskNibbles
// totalHexStringLength = 64 + 2 = 66
// e.g., 0x12345678901234567890123456789012 is a total of 66 characters
// |---------------------^-----------|
// <--- start position---><--numMask->
// <-----------total length --------->
// Note: This assumes that maskUnsignedIntToHex() invokes toHex(..., HexPrefix::Add)
unsigned startPos = 66 - numMaskNibbles;
// Extracts the least significant numMaskNibbles from the result of "maskUnsignedIntToHex",
// and replaces "0x" with "hex\"...\"" string.
// This is needed because solidity interprets a 20-byte 0x prefixed hex literal as an address
// payable type.
return Whiskers(R"(hex"<value>")")
("value", maskUnsignedIntToHex(_counter, numMaskNibbles).substr(startPos, numMaskNibbles))
std::string ProtoConverter::integerValueAsString(bool _sign, unsigned _width, unsigned _counter)
if (_sign)
return intValueAsString(_width, _counter);
return uintValueAsString(_width, _counter);
std::string ProtoConverter::bytesArrayTypeAsString(DynamicByteArrayType const& _x)
switch (_x.type())
case DynamicByteArrayType::BYTES:
return "bytes";
case DynamicByteArrayType::STRING:
return "string";
std::string ProtoConverter::structTypeAsString(StructType const&)
// TODO: Implement this
return {};
void ProtoConverter::visit(IntegerType const& _x)
integerValueAsString(isIntSigned(_x), getIntWidth(_x), getNextCounter())
void ProtoConverter::visit(AddressType const& _x)
void ProtoConverter::visit(FixedByteType const& _x)
fixedByteValueAsString(getFixedByteWidth(_x), getNextCounter())
void ProtoConverter::visit(ValueType const& _x)
switch (_x.value_type_oneof_case())
case ValueType::kInty:
case ValueType::kByty:
case ValueType::kAdty:
void ProtoConverter::visit(DynamicByteArrayType const& _x)
(_x.type() == DynamicByteArrayType::BYTES) ? DataType::BYTES : DataType::STRING,
// TODO: Implement struct visitor
void ProtoConverter::visit(StructType const&)
std::string ProtoConverter::arrayDimInfoAsString(ArrayDimensionInfo const& _x)
unsigned arrLength = getArrayLengthFromFuzz(_x.length());
if (_x.is_static())
return Whiskers(R"([<length>])")
("length", std::to_string(arrLength))
return R"([])";
void ProtoConverter::arrayDimensionsAsStringVector(
ArrayType const& _x,
std::vector<std::string>& _vecOfStr)
solAssert(_x.info_size() > 0, "Proto ABIv2 Fuzzer: Array dimensions empty.");
for (auto const& dim: _x.info())
ProtoConverter::VecOfBoolUnsigned ProtoConverter::arrayDimensionsAsPairVector(
ArrayType const& _x
VecOfBoolUnsigned arrayDimsPairVector = {};
for (auto const& dim: _x.info())
solAssert(!arrayDimsPairVector.empty(), "Proto ABIv2 Fuzzer: Array dimensions empty.");
return arrayDimsPairVector;
std::string ProtoConverter::getValueByBaseType(ArrayType const& _x)
switch (_x.base_type_oneof_case())
case ArrayType::kInty:
return integerValueAsString(isIntSigned(_x.inty()), getIntWidth(_x.inty()), getNextCounter());
case ArrayType::kByty:
return fixedByteValueAsString(getFixedByteWidth(_x.byty()), getNextCounter());
case ArrayType::kAdty:
return addressValueAsString(getNextCounter());
// TODO: Implement structs.
case ArrayType::kStty:
solAssert(false, "Proto ABIv2 fuzzer: Invalid array base type");
// Adds a resize operation for a given dimension of type `_type` and expression referenced
// by `_var`. `_isStatic` is true for statically sized dimensions, false otherwise.
// `_arrayLen` is equal to length of statically sized array dimension. For dynamically
// sized dimension, we use `getArrayLengthFromFuzz()` and a monotonically increasing
// counter to obtain actual length. Function returns dimension length.
unsigned ProtoConverter::resizeDimension(
bool _isStatic,
unsigned _arrayLen,
std::string const& _var,
std::string const& _param,
std::string const& _type
unsigned length;
if (_isStatic)
length = _arrayLen;
length = getArrayLengthFromFuzz(_arrayLen, getNextCounter());
// If local var, new T(l);
// Else, l;
std::string lhs, rhs;
if (m_isStateVar)
lhs = _var + ".length";
rhs = Whiskers(R"(<length>)")
("length", std::to_string(length))
lhs = _var;
rhs = Whiskers(R"(new <type>(<length>))")
("type", _type)
("length", std::to_string(length))
// If local var, x = new T(l);
// Else, x.length = l;
addVarDef(lhs, rhs);
// if (c.length != l)
checkResizeOp(_param, length);
return length;
void ProtoConverter::resizeHelper(
ArrayType const& _x,
std::vector<std::string> _arrStrVec,
VecOfBoolUnsigned _arrInfoVec,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _paramName
// Initialize value expressions if we have arrived at leaf node,
// (depth-first) recurse otherwise.
if (_arrInfoVec.empty())
// expression name is _var
// value is a value of base type
std::string value = getValueByBaseType(_x);
// add assignment and check
addCheckedVarDef(DataType::VALUE, _varName, _paramName, value);
auto& dim = _arrInfoVec.back();
std::string type = std::accumulate(
unsigned length = resizeDimension(dim.first, dim.second, _varName, _paramName, type);
// Recurse one level dimension down.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++)
_varName + "[" + std::to_string(i) + "]",
_paramName + "[" + std::to_string(i) + "]"
// This function takes care of properly resizing and initializing ArrayType.
// In parallel, it adds runtime checks on array bound and values.
void ProtoConverter::resizeInitArray(
ArrayType const& _x,
std::string const& _baseType,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _paramName
VecOfBoolUnsigned arrInfoVec = arrayDimensionsAsPairVector(_x);
std::vector<std::string> arrStrVec = {_baseType};
arrayDimensionsAsStringVector(_x, arrStrVec);
resizeHelper(_x, arrStrVec, arrInfoVec, _varName, _paramName);
// Returns array type from it's base type (e.g., int8) and array dimensions info contained in
// ArrayType.
std::string ProtoConverter::arrayTypeAsString(std::string const& _baseType, ArrayType const& _x)
std::vector<std::string> typeStringVec = {_baseType};
arrayDimensionsAsStringVector(_x, typeStringVec);
return std::accumulate(
void ProtoConverter::visit(ArrayType const& _x)
// Bail out if input contains too few or too many dimensions.
if (_x.info_size() == 0 || _x.info_size() > (int)s_maxArrayDimensions)
string baseType = {};
switch (_x.base_type_oneof_case())
case ArrayType::kInty:
baseType = getIntTypeAsString(_x.inty());
case ArrayType::kByty:
baseType = getFixedByteTypeAsString(_x.byty());
case ArrayType::kAdty:
baseType = getAddressTypeAsString(_x.adty());
case ArrayType::kStty:
visitArrayType(baseType, _x);
void ProtoConverter::visit(NonValueType const& _x)
switch (_x.nonvalue_type_oneof_case())
case NonValueType::kDynbytearray:
case NonValueType::kArrtype:
case NonValueType::kStype:
void ProtoConverter::visit(Type const& _x)
switch (_x.type_oneof_case())
case Type::kVtype:
case Type::kNvtype:
void ProtoConverter::visit(VarDecl const& _x)
std::string ProtoConverter::equalityChecksAsString()
return m_checks.str();
std::string ProtoConverter::delimiterToString(Delimiter _delimiter)
switch (_delimiter)
case Delimiter::ADD:
return ", ";
case Delimiter::SKIP:
return "";
/* When a new variable is declared, we can invoke this function
* to prepare the typed param list to be passed to callee functions.
* We independently prepare this list for "public" and "external"
* callee functions.
void ProtoConverter::appendTypedParams(
CalleeType _calleeType,
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter
switch (_calleeType)
case CalleeType::PUBLIC:
appendTypedParamsPublic(_isValueType, _typeString, _varName, _delimiter);
case CalleeType::EXTERNAL:
appendTypedParamsExternal(_isValueType, _typeString, _varName, _delimiter);
// Adds the qualifier "calldata" to non-value parameter of an external function.
void ProtoConverter::appendTypedParamsExternal(
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter
std::string qualifiedTypeString = (
_isValueType ?
_typeString :
_typeString + " calldata"
m_typedParamsExternal << Whiskers(R"(<delimiter><type> <varName>)")
("delimiter", delimiterToString(_delimiter))
("type", qualifiedTypeString)
("varName", _varName)
// Adds the qualifier "memory" to non-value parameter of an external function.
void ProtoConverter::appendTypedParamsPublic(
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter
std::string qualifiedTypeString = (
_isValueType ?
_typeString :
_typeString + " memory"
m_typedParamsPublic << Whiskers(R"(<delimiter><type> <varName>)")
("delimiter", delimiterToString(_delimiter))
("type", qualifiedTypeString)
("varName", _varName)
std::string ProtoConverter::typedParametersAsString(CalleeType _calleeType)
switch (_calleeType)
case CalleeType::PUBLIC:
return m_typedParamsPublic.str();
case CalleeType::EXTERNAL:
return m_typedParamsExternal.str();
// Function that is called by the factory contract
void ProtoConverter::visit(TestFunction const& _x)
m_output << R"(
function test() public returns (uint) {
// Define state variables in function scope
m_output << m_statebuffer.str();
// TODO: Support more than one but less than N local variables
m_output << Whiskers(R"(
uint returnVal = this.coder_public(<parameter_names>);
if (returnVal != 0)
return returnVal;
return (uint(1000) + this.coder_external(<parameter_names>));
("parameter_names", YulUtilFunctions::suffixedVariableNameList(s_varNamePrefix, 0, m_varCounter))
void ProtoConverter::writeHelperFunctions()
m_output << R"(
function bytesCompare(bytes memory a, bytes memory b) internal pure returns (bool) {
if(a.length != b.length)
return false;
for (uint i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
// These are callee functions that encode from storage, decode to
// memory/calldata and check if decoded value matches storage value
// return true on successful match, false otherwise
m_output << Whiskers(R"(
function coder_public(<parameters_memory>) public view returns (uint) {
return 0;
function coder_external(<parameters_calldata>) external view returns (uint) {
return 0;
("parameters_memory", typedParametersAsString(CalleeType::PUBLIC))
("equality_checks", equalityChecksAsString())
("parameters_calldata", typedParametersAsString(CalleeType::EXTERNAL))
void ProtoConverter::visit(Contract const& _x)
m_output << R"(pragma solidity >=0.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract Factory {
function test() external returns (uint) {
C c = new C();
return c.test();
contract C {
// TODO: Support more than one but less than N state variables
m_isStateVar = false;
// Test function
m_output << "\n}";
string ProtoConverter::contractToString(Contract const& _input)
return m_output.str();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
#pragma once
#include <libdevcore/FixedHash.h>
#include <libdevcore/Keccak256.h>
#include <libdevcore/Whiskers.h>
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/abiV2Proto.pb.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
* Template of the solidity test program generated by this converter is as follows:
* pragma solidity >=0.0;
* pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
* contract Factory {
* // Factory test function. Called by EVM client
* function test() external returns (uint) {
* C c = new C();
* return c.test();
* }
* }
* contract C {
* // State variable
* string x_0;
* // Test function. Called by Factory test function
* function test() public returns (uint) {
* // Local variable
* bytes x_1 = "1";
* x_0 = "044852b2a670ade5407e78fb2863c51de9fcb96542a07186fe3aeda6bb8a116d";
* uint returnVal = this.coder_public(x_0, x_1);
* if (returnVal != 0)
* return returnVal;
* // Since the return codes in the public and external coder functions are identical
* // we offset error code by a fixed amount (1000) for differentiation.
* return (uint(1000) + this.coder_external(x_0, x_1));
* }
* // Utility functions
* function bytesCompare(bytes memory a, bytes memory b) internal pure returns (bool) {
* ...
* }
* // Public function that is called by test() function. Accepts one or more arguments and returns
* // a uint value (zero if abi en/decoding was successful, non-zero otherwise)
* function coder_public(string memory c_0, bytes memory c_1) public view returns (uint) {
* if (!bytesCompare(bytes(c_0), "044852b2a670ade5407e78fb2863c51de9fcb96542a07186fe3aeda6bb8a116d"))
* return 1;
* if (!bytesCompare(c_1, "1"))
* return 2;
* return 0;
* }
* // External function that is called by test() function. Accepts one or more arguments and returns
* // a uint value (zero if abi en/decoding was successful, non-zero otherwise)
* function coder_external(string calldata c_0, bytes calldata c_1) external view returns (uint) {
* if (!stringCompare(c_0, "044852b2a670ade5407e78fb2863c51de9fcb96542a07186fe3aeda6bb8a116d"))
* return 1;
* if (!bytesCompare(c_1, "1"))
* return 2;
* return 0;
* }
* }
namespace dev
namespace test
namespace abiv2fuzzer
class ProtoConverter
ProtoConverter(ProtoConverter const&) = delete;
ProtoConverter(ProtoConverter&&) = delete;
std::string contractToString(Contract const& _input);
using VecOfBoolUnsigned = std::vector<std::pair<bool, unsigned>>;
enum class Delimiter
enum class CalleeType
enum class DataType
void visit(IntegerType const&);
void visit(FixedByteType const&);
void visit(AddressType const&);
void visit(ArrayType const&);
void visit(DynamicByteArrayType const&);
void visit(StructType const&);
void visit(ValueType const&);
void visit(NonValueType const&);
void visit(Type const&);
void visit(VarDecl const&);
void visit(TestFunction const&);
void visit(Contract const&);
std::string getValueByBaseType(ArrayType const&);
void resizeInitArray(
ArrayType const& _x,
std::string const& _baseType,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _paramName
unsigned resizeDimension(
bool _isStatic,
unsigned _arrayLen,
std::string const& _var,
std::string const& _param,
std::string const& _type
void resizeHelper(
ArrayType const& _x,
std::vector<std::string> _arrStrVec,
VecOfBoolUnsigned _arrInfoVec,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _paramName
// Utility functions
void appendChecks(DataType _type, std::string const& _varName, std::string const& _rhs);
void addVarDef(std::string const& _varName, std::string const& _rhs);
void addCheckedVarDef(
DataType _type,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _paramName,
std::string const& _rhs
void appendTypedParams(
CalleeType _calleeType,
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter
void appendTypedParamsPublic(
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter = Delimiter::ADD
void appendTypedParamsExternal(
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter = Delimiter::ADD
void appendVarDeclToOutput(
std::string const& _type,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _qualifier
void checkResizeOp(std::string const& _varName, unsigned _len);
void visitType(DataType _dataType, std::string const& _type, std::string const& _value);
void visitArrayType(std::string const&, ArrayType const&);
void createDeclAndParamList(
std::string const& _type,
DataType _dataType,
std::string& _varName,
std::string& _paramName
std::string equalityChecksAsString();
std::string typedParametersAsString(CalleeType _calleeType);
void writeHelperFunctions();
// Function definitions
// m_counter is used to derive values for typed variables
unsigned getNextCounter()
return m_counter++;
// m_varCounter is used to derive declared and parameterized variable names
unsigned getNextVarCounter()
return m_varCounter++;
// Accepts an unsigned counter and returns a pair of strings
// First string is declared name (s_varNamePrefix<varcounter_value>)
// Second string is parameterized name (s_paramPrefix<varcounter_value>)
auto newVarNames(unsigned _varCounter)
return std::make_pair(
s_varNamePrefix + std::to_string(_varCounter),
s_paramNamePrefix + std::to_string(_varCounter)
// String and bytes literals are derived by hashing a monotonically increasing
// counter and enclosing the said hash inside double quotes.
std::string bytesArrayValueAsString()
return "\"" + toHex(hashUnsignedInt(getNextCounter()), HexPrefix::DontAdd) + "\"";
std::string getQualifier(DataType _dataType)
return ((isValueType(_dataType) || m_isStateVar) ? "" : "memory");
// Static declarations
static std::string structTypeAsString(StructType const& _x);
static std::string intValueAsString(unsigned _width, unsigned _counter);
static std::string uintValueAsString(unsigned _width, unsigned _counter);
static std::string integerValueAsString(bool _sign, unsigned _width, unsigned _counter);
static std::string addressValueAsString(unsigned _counter);
static std::string fixedByteValueAsString(unsigned _width, unsigned _counter);
static std::vector<std::pair<bool, unsigned>> arrayDimensionsAsPairVector(ArrayType const& _x);
static std::string arrayDimInfoAsString(ArrayDimensionInfo const& _x);
static void arrayDimensionsAsStringVector(
ArrayType const& _x,
static std::string bytesArrayTypeAsString(DynamicByteArrayType const& _x);
static std::string arrayTypeAsString(std::string const&, ArrayType const&);
static std::string delimiterToString(Delimiter _delimiter);
// Static function definitions
static bool isValueType(DataType _dataType)
return _dataType == DataType::VALUE;
static unsigned getIntWidth(IntegerType const& _x)
return 8 * ((_x.width() % 32) + 1);
static bool isIntSigned(IntegerType const& _x)
return _x.is_signed();
static std::string getIntTypeAsString(IntegerType const& _x)
return ((isIntSigned(_x) ? "int" : "uint") + std::to_string(getIntWidth(_x)));
static unsigned getFixedByteWidth(FixedByteType const& _x)
return (_x.width() % 32) + 1;
static std::string getFixedByteTypeAsString(FixedByteType const& _x)
return "bytes" + std::to_string(getFixedByteWidth(_x));
static std::string getAddressTypeAsString(AddressType const& _x)
return (_x.payable() ? "address payable": "address");
// Convert _counter to string and return its keccak256 hash
static u256 hashUnsignedInt(unsigned _counter)
return keccak256(h256(_counter));
static u256 maskUnsignedInt(unsigned _counter, unsigned _numMaskNibbles)
return hashUnsignedInt(_counter) & u256("0x" + std::string(_numMaskNibbles, 'f'));
// Requires caller to pass number of nibbles (twice the number of bytes) as second argument.
// Note: Don't change HexPrefix::Add. See comment in fixedByteValueAsString().
static std::string maskUnsignedIntToHex(unsigned _counter, unsigned _numMaskNibbles)
return toHex(maskUnsignedInt(_counter, _numMaskNibbles), HexPrefix::Add);
static unsigned getArrayLengthFromFuzz(unsigned _fuzz, unsigned _counter = 0)
return ((_fuzz + _counter) % s_maxArrayLength) + 1;
static std::pair<bool, unsigned> arrayDimInfoAsPair(ArrayDimensionInfo const& _x)
return std::make_pair(_x.is_static(), getArrayLengthFromFuzz(_x.length()));
/// Contains the test program
std::ostringstream m_output;
/// Temporary storage for state variable definitions
std::ostringstream m_statebuffer;
/// Contains a subset of the test program. This subset contains
/// checks to be encoded in the test program
std::ostringstream m_checks;
/// Contains typed parameter list to be passed to callee functions
std::ostringstream m_typedParamsExternal;
std::ostringstream m_typedParamsPublic;
/// Predicate that is true if we are in contract scope
bool m_isStateVar;
unsigned m_counter;
unsigned m_varCounter;
/// Monotonically increasing return value for error reporting
unsigned m_returnValue;
static unsigned constexpr s_maxArrayLength = 2;
static unsigned constexpr s_maxArrayDimensions = 10;
/// Prefixes for declared and parameterized variable names
static auto constexpr s_varNamePrefix = "x_";
static auto constexpr s_paramNamePrefix = "c_";