mirror of
synced 2023-10-03 13:03:40 +00:00
[SMTChecker] Fix super and virtual
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,9 +101,13 @@ void BMC::analyze(SourceUnit const& _source, map<ASTNode const*, set<Verificatio
bool BMC::shouldInlineFunctionCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contract)
bool BMC::shouldInlineFunctionCall(
FunctionCall const& _funCall,
ContractDefinition const* _scopeContract,
ContractDefinition const* _contextContract
auto [funDef, contextContract] = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, _contract);
auto funDef = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, _scopeContract, _contextContract);
if (!funDef || !funDef->isImplemented())
return false;
@ -508,8 +512,8 @@ void BMC::visitAddMulMod(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
void BMC::inlineFunctionCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
solAssert(shouldInlineFunctionCall(_funCall, m_currentContract), "");
auto [funDef, contextContract] = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, m_currentContract);
solAssert(shouldInlineFunctionCall(_funCall, currentScopeContract(), m_currentContract), "");
auto funDef = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, currentScopeContract(), m_currentContract);
solAssert(funDef, "");
if (visitedFunction(funDef))
@ -541,7 +545,7 @@ void BMC::inlineFunctionCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
void BMC::internalOrExternalFunctionCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
auto const& funType = dynamic_cast<FunctionType const&>(*_funCall.expression().annotation().type);
if (shouldInlineFunctionCall(_funCall, m_currentContract))
if (shouldInlineFunctionCall(_funCall, currentScopeContract(), m_currentContract))
else if (isPublicGetter(_funCall.expression()))
@ -74,7 +74,13 @@ public:
std::vector<std::string> unhandledQueries() { return m_interface->unhandledQueries(); }
/// @returns true if _funCall should be inlined, otherwise false.
static bool shouldInlineFunctionCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contract);
/// @param _scopeContract The contract that contains the current function being analyzed.
/// @param _contextContract The most derived contract, currently being analyzed.
static bool shouldInlineFunctionCall(
FunctionCall const& _funCall,
ContractDefinition const* _scopeContract,
ContractDefinition const* _contextContract
/// AST visitors.
@ -254,16 +254,17 @@ void CHC::endVisit(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
// Query placeholders for constructors are not created here because
// of contracts without constructors.
// Instead, those are created in endVisit(ContractDefinition).
if (!_function.isConstructor())
if (
!_function.isConstructor() &&
_function.isPublic() &&
auto sum = summary(_function);
auto ifacePre = smt::interfacePre(*m_interfaces.at(m_currentContract), *m_currentContract, m_context);
if (_function.isPublic())
auto txConstraints = m_context.state().txConstraints(_function);
m_queryPlaceholders[&_function].push_back({txConstraints && sum, errorFlag().currentValue(), ifacePre});
connectBlocks(ifacePre, interface(), txConstraints && sum && errorFlag().currentValue() == 0);
auto txConstraints = m_context.state().txConstraints(_function);
m_queryPlaceholders[&_function].push_back({txConstraints && sum, errorFlag().currentValue(), ifacePre});
connectBlocks(ifacePre, interface(), txConstraints && sum && errorFlag().currentValue() == 0);
m_currentFunction = nullptr;
@ -622,7 +623,8 @@ void CHC::internalFunctionCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
solAssert(m_currentContract, "");
auto [function, contract] = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, m_currentContract);
auto scopeContract = currentScopeContract();
auto function = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, scopeContract, m_currentContract);
if (function)
if (m_currentFunction && !m_currentFunction->isConstructor())
@ -633,7 +635,7 @@ void CHC::internalFunctionCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
// Libraries can have constants as their "state" variables,
// so we need to ensure they were constructed correctly.
if (function->annotation().contract->isLibrary())
@ -665,7 +667,7 @@ void CHC::externalFunctionCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
solAssert(kind == FunctionType::Kind::External || kind == FunctionType::Kind::BareStaticCall, "");
solAssert(m_currentContract, "");
auto [function, contextContract] = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, m_currentContract);
auto function = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, currentScopeContract(), m_currentContract);
if (!function)
@ -721,7 +723,7 @@ void CHC::externalFunctionCallToTrustedCode(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
solAssert(kind == FunctionType::Kind::External || kind == FunctionType::Kind::BareStaticCall, "");
solAssert(m_currentContract, "");
auto [function, contextContract] = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, m_currentContract);
auto function = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, currentScopeContract(), m_currentContract);
if (!function)
@ -959,7 +961,8 @@ void CHC::defineInterfacesAndSummaries(SourceUnit const& _source)
auto const& iface = *m_nondetInterfaces.at(contract);
addRule(smtutil::Expression::implies(errorFlag().currentValue() == 0, smt::nondetInterface(iface, *contract, m_context, 0, 0)), "base_nondet");
for (auto const* function: contractFunctions(*contract))
auto const& resolved = contractFunctions(*contract);
for (auto const* function: contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual(*contract))
for (auto var: function->parameters())
@ -970,7 +973,7 @@ void CHC::defineInterfacesAndSummaries(SourceUnit const& _source)
m_summaries[contract].emplace(function, createSummaryBlock(*function, *contract));
if (!function->isConstructor() && function->isPublic())
if (!function->isConstructor() && function->isPublic() && resolved.count(function))
auto state1 = stateVariablesAtIndex(1, *contract);
auto state2 = stateVariablesAtIndex(2, *contract);
@ -1215,7 +1218,8 @@ smtutil::Expression CHC::predicate(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
solAssert(kind == FunctionType::Kind::Internal || kind == FunctionType::Kind::External || kind == FunctionType::Kind::BareStaticCall, "");
solAssert(m_currentContract, "");
auto [function, contextContract] = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, m_currentContract);
auto scopeContract = currentScopeContract();
auto function = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, scopeContract, m_currentContract);
if (!function)
return smtutil::Expression(true);
@ -1232,13 +1236,13 @@ smtutil::Expression CHC::predicate(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
auto const* contract = function->annotation().contract;
auto const& hierarchy = m_currentContract->annotation().linearizedBaseContracts;
solAssert(kind != FunctionType::Kind::Internal || contract->isLibrary() || contains(hierarchy, contextContract), "");
solAssert(kind != FunctionType::Kind::Internal || contract->isLibrary() || contains(hierarchy, contract), "");
/// If the call is to a library, we use that library as the called contract.
/// If the call is to a contract not in the inheritance hierarchy, we also use that as the called contract.
/// Otherwise, the call is to some contract in the inheritance hierarchy of the current contract.
/// In this case we use current contract as the called one since the interfaces/predicates are different.
auto const* calledContract = contains(hierarchy, contract) ? contextContract : contract;
auto const* calledContract = contains(hierarchy, contract) ? m_currentContract : contract;
solAssert(calledContract, "");
bool usesStaticCall = function->stateMutability() == StateMutability::Pure || function->stateMutability() == StateMutability::View;
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
#include <libsmtutil/SMTPortfolio.h>
#include <libsmtutil/Helpers.h>
#include <range/v3/view.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ bool SMTEncoder::visit(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
// the constructor.
// Constructors are visited as part of the constructor
// hierarchy inlining.
for (auto const* function: contractFunctions(_contract))
for (auto const* function: contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual(_contract))
if (!function->isConstructor())
@ -776,6 +778,7 @@ void SMTEncoder::initFunction(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
m_arrayAssignmentHappened = false;
clearIndices(m_currentContract, &_function);
m_checked = true;
@ -2534,6 +2537,14 @@ bool SMTEncoder::visitedFunction(FunctionDefinition const* _funDef)
return false;
ContractDefinition const* SMTEncoder::currentScopeContract()
for (auto&& f: m_callStack | ranges::views::reverse | ranges::views::keys)
if (auto fun = dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition const*>(f))
return fun->annotation().contract;
return nullptr;
SMTEncoder::VariableIndices SMTEncoder::copyVariableIndices()
VariableIndices indices;
@ -2678,7 +2689,11 @@ string SMTEncoder::extraComment()
return extra;
pair<FunctionDefinition const*, ContractDefinition const*> SMTEncoder::functionCallToDefinition(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contract)
FunctionDefinition const* SMTEncoder::functionCallToDefinition(
FunctionCall const& _funCall,
ContractDefinition const* _scopeContract,
ContractDefinition const* _contextContract
if (*_funCall.annotation().kind != FunctionCallKind::FunctionCall)
return {};
@ -2690,32 +2705,27 @@ pair<FunctionDefinition const*, ContractDefinition const*> SMTEncoder::functionC
calledExpr = innermostTuple(*calledExpr);
auto resolveVirtual = [&](auto const* _ref) -> pair<FunctionDefinition const*, ContractDefinition const*> {
auto resolveVirtual = [&](auto const* _ref) -> FunctionDefinition const* {
VirtualLookup lookup = *_ref->annotation().requiredLookup;
solAssert(_contract || lookup == VirtualLookup::Static, "No contract context provided for function lookup resolution!");
solAssert(_contextContract || lookup == VirtualLookup::Static, "No contract context provided for function lookup resolution!");
auto funDef = dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition const*>(_ref->annotation().referencedDeclaration);
if (!funDef)
return {funDef, _contract};
ContractDefinition const* contextContract = nullptr;
return funDef;
switch (lookup)
case VirtualLookup::Virtual:
funDef = &funDef->resolveVirtual(*_contract);
contextContract = _contract;
return &(funDef->resolveVirtual(*_contextContract));
case VirtualLookup::Super:
auto super = _contract->superContract(*_contract);
solAssert(_scopeContract, "");
auto super = _scopeContract->superContract(*_contextContract);
solAssert(super, "Super contract not available.");
funDef = &funDef->resolveVirtual(*_contract, super);
contextContract = super;
return &funDef->resolveVirtual(*_contextContract, super);
case VirtualLookup::Static:
contextContract = funDef->annotation().contract;
return funDef;
return {funDef, contextContract};
solAssert(false, "");
if (Identifier const* fun = dynamic_cast<Identifier const*>(calledExpr))
@ -2810,11 +2820,12 @@ ModifierDefinition const* SMTEncoder::resolveModifierInvocation(ModifierInvocati
return modifier;
vector<FunctionDefinition const*> const& SMTEncoder::contractFunctions(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& SMTEncoder::contractFunctions(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
if (!m_contractFunctions.count(&_contract))
vector<FunctionDefinition const *> resolvedFunctions = _contract.definedFunctions();
auto const& functions = _contract.definedFunctions();
set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> resolvedFunctions(begin(functions), end(functions));
for (auto const* base: _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts)
if (base == &_contract)
@ -2836,7 +2847,7 @@ vector<FunctionDefinition const*> const& SMTEncoder::contractFunctions(ContractD
if (!overridden)
m_contractFunctions.emplace(&_contract, move(resolvedFunctions));
@ -2844,6 +2855,22 @@ vector<FunctionDefinition const*> const& SMTEncoder::contractFunctions(ContractD
return m_contractFunctions.at(&_contract);
set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& SMTEncoder::contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
if (!m_contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual.count(&_contract))
auto allFunctions = contractFunctions(_contract);
for (auto const* base: _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts)
for (auto const* baseFun: base->definedFunctions())
if (!baseFun->isConstructor())
m_contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual.emplace(&_contract, move(allFunctions));
return m_contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual.at(&_contract);
SourceUnit const* SMTEncoder::sourceUnitContaining(Scopable const& _scopable)
for (auto const* s = &_scopable; s; s = dynamic_cast<Scopable const*>(s->scope()))
@ -2926,9 +2953,9 @@ set<FunctionCall const*> SMTEncoder::collectABICalls(ASTNode const* _node)
return ABIFunctions(_node).abiCalls;
void SMTEncoder::createReturnedExpressions(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contract)
void SMTEncoder::createReturnedExpressions(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contextContract)
auto [funDef, contextContract] = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, _contract);
auto funDef = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, currentScopeContract(), _contextContract);
if (!funDef)
@ -2954,9 +2981,9 @@ void SMTEncoder::createReturnedExpressions(FunctionCall const& _funCall, Contrac
defineExpr(_funCall, currentValue(*returnParams.front()));
vector<smtutil::Expression> SMTEncoder::symbolicArguments(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contract)
vector<smtutil::Expression> SMTEncoder::symbolicArguments(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contextContract)
auto [funDef, contextContract] = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, _contract);
auto funDef = functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, currentScopeContract(), _contextContract);
solAssert(funDef, "");
vector<smtutil::Expression> args;
@ -70,7 +70,19 @@ public:
/// @returns the FunctionDefinition of a FunctionCall
/// if possible or nullptr.
static std::pair<FunctionDefinition const*, ContractDefinition const*> functionCallToDefinition(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contract = nullptr);
/// @param _scopeContract is the contract that contains the function currently being
/// analyzed, if applicable.
/// @param _contextContract is the most derived contract currently being analyzed.
/// The difference between the two parameters appears in the case of inheritance.
/// Let A and B be two contracts so that B derives from A, and A defines a function `f`
/// that `B` does not override. Function `f` is visited twice:
/// - Once when A is the most derived contract, where both _scopeContract and _contextContract are A.
/// - Once when B is the most derived contract, where _scopeContract is A and _contextContract is B.
static FunctionDefinition const* functionCallToDefinition(
FunctionCall const& _funCall,
ContractDefinition const* _scopeContract,
ContractDefinition const* _contextContract
static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> stateVariablesIncludingInheritedAndPrivate(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> stateVariablesIncludingInheritedAndPrivate(FunctionDefinition const& _function);
@ -339,12 +351,12 @@ protected:
/// Creates symbolic expressions for the returned values
/// and set them as the components of the symbolic tuple.
void createReturnedExpressions(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contract);
void createReturnedExpressions(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contextContract);
/// @returns the symbolic arguments for a function call,
/// taking into account bound functions and
/// type conversion.
std::vector<smtutil::Expression> symbolicArguments(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contract);
std::vector<smtutil::Expression> symbolicArguments(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contextContract);
/// @returns a note to be added to warnings.
std::string extraComment();
@ -384,12 +396,21 @@ protected:
bool isRootFunction();
/// Returns true if _funDef was already visited.
bool visitedFunction(FunctionDefinition const* _funDef);
/// @returns the contract that contains the current FunctionDefinition that is being visited,
/// or nullptr if the analysis is not inside a FunctionDefinition.
ContractDefinition const* currentScopeContract();
/// @returns FunctionDefinitions of the given contract (including its constructor and inherited methods),
/// taking into account overriding of the virtual functions.
std::vector<FunctionDefinition const*> const& contractFunctions(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& contractFunctions(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
/// Cache for the method contractFunctions.
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::vector<FunctionDefinition const*>> m_contractFunctions;
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID>> m_contractFunctions;
/// @returns FunctionDefinitions of the given contract (including its constructor and methods of bases),
/// without taking into account overriding of the virtual functions.
std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
/// Cache for the method contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual.
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID>> m_contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual;
/// Depth of visit to modifiers.
/// When m_modifierDepth == #modifiers the function can be visited
@ -60,11 +60,9 @@ void VariableUsage::endVisit(IndexAccess const& _indexAccess)
void VariableUsage::endVisit(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
if (m_inlineFunctionCalls(_funCall, m_currentContract))
if (
auto [funDef, contextContract] = SMTEncoder::functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, m_currentContract);
auto scopeContract = m_currentFunction->annotation().contract;
if (m_inlineFunctionCalls(_funCall, scopeContract, m_currentContract))
if (auto funDef = SMTEncoder::functionCallToDefinition(_funCall, scopeContract, m_currentContract))
if (find(m_callStack.begin(), m_callStack.end(), funDef) == m_callStack.end())
@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ public:
std::set<VariableDeclaration const*> touchedVariables(ASTNode const& _node, std::vector<CallableDeclaration const*> const& _outerCallstack);
/// Sets whether to inline function calls.
void setFunctionInlining(std::function<bool(FunctionCall const&, ContractDefinition const*)> _inlineFunctionCalls) { m_inlineFunctionCalls = _inlineFunctionCalls; }
void setFunctionInlining(std::function<bool(FunctionCall const&, ContractDefinition const*, ContractDefinition const*)> _inlineFunctionCalls) { m_inlineFunctionCalls = _inlineFunctionCalls; }
void setCurrentContract(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { m_currentContract = &_contract; }
void setCurrentFunction(FunctionDefinition const& _function) { m_currentFunction = &_function; }
void endVisit(Identifier const& _node) override;
@ -56,8 +57,9 @@ private:
std::vector<CallableDeclaration const*> m_callStack;
CallableDeclaration const* m_lastCall = nullptr;
ContractDefinition const* m_currentContract = nullptr;
FunctionDefinition const* m_currentFunction = nullptr;
std::function<bool(FunctionCall const&, ContractDefinition const*)> m_inlineFunctionCalls = [](FunctionCall const&, ContractDefinition const*) { return false; };
std::function<bool(FunctionCall const&, ContractDefinition const*, ContractDefinition const*)> m_inlineFunctionCalls = [](FunctionCall const&, ContractDefinition const*, ContractDefinition const*) { return false; };
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ contract Der is Base {
// ====
// SMTIgnoreCex: yes
// ----
// Warning 4984: (base:100-103): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
// Warning 4984: (der:101-109): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (der:113-126): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4984: (base:100-103): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
// Warning 2661: (base:100-103): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 2661: (base:100-103): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 2661: (der:101-109): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 2661: (base:100-103): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
uint x;
function f() internal virtual {
assert(x == 0); // should fail
assert(x == 2); // should hold
function v() internal virtual {
x = 0;
contract B is A {
function f() internal virtual override {
contract C is B {
function g() public {
x = 1;
function v() internal override {
x = 2;
// ----
// Warning 6328: (97-111): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()\n B.f() -- internal call\n A.f() -- internal call\n C.v() -- internal call
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
uint x;
function f() internal virtual {
assert(x == 0); // should fail
assert(x == 2); // should hold
function v() internal virtual {
x = 0;
contract A1 is A {
function f() internal virtual override {
contract B is A {
function f() internal virtual override {
contract C is B, A1 {
function g() public {
x = 1;
function f() internal override(B, A1) {
function v() internal override {
x = 2;
// ----
// Warning 6328: (97-111): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()\n C.f() -- internal call\n A1.f() -- internal call\n B.f() -- internal call\n A.f() -- internal call\n C.v() -- internal call
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
uint x;
function f() internal virtual {
assert(x == 0); // should hold
assert(x == 2); // should fail
function v() internal virtual {
x = 0;
contract B is A {
function f() internal virtual override {
contract C is B {
function g() public {
x = 1;
function v() internal override {
x = 2;
// ----
// Warning 6328: (130-144): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()\n B.f() -- internal call\n A.f() -- internal call\n C.v() -- internal call\n A.v() -- internal call
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
uint x;
function f() internal virtual {
assert(x == 2); // should hold
function v() internal virtual {
x = 0;
function g() public virtual {
assert(x == 2); // should fail
contract B is A {
function f() internal virtual override {
contract C is B {
function g() public override {
x = 1;
function v() internal override {
x = 2;
// ----
// Warning 6328: (216-230): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nA.g()\n A.v() -- internal call
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
uint x;
function f() internal {
assert(x == 0); // should fail
assert(x == 2); // should hold
function v() internal virtual {
x = 0;
contract C is A {
function g() public {
x = 1;
function v() internal override {
x = 2;
// ----
// Warning 6328: (89-103): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nC.g()\n A.f() -- internal call\n C.v() -- internal call
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
abstract contract A {
uint x;
function f() public view {
assert(x == 2);
contract C is A {
function g() public {
x = 2;
x = 0;
// ----
// Warning 6328: (94-108): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nA.f()
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
uint x;
function f() public virtual {
assert(x == 0); // should fail when C is the most derived contract
assert(x == 2); // should fail when A is the most derived contract
function v() internal virtual {
x = 0;
contract B is A {
function f() public virtual override {
contract C is B {
function g() public {
x = 1;
function v() internal override {
x = 2;
// ----
// Warning 6328: (164-178): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 0\n\nTransaction trace:\nA.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nA.f()\n A.v() -- internal call
// Warning 6328: (95-109): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 2\n\nTransaction trace:\nC.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nB.f()\n A.f() -- internal call\n C.v() -- internal call
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
function f() public virtual returns (uint256 r) {
return 1;
contract B is A {
function f() public virtual override returns (uint256 r) {
return super.f() + 2;
contract C is A {
function f() public virtual override returns (uint256 r) {
return super.f() + 4;
contract D is B, C {
function f() public override(B, C) returns (uint256 r) {
r = super.f() + 8;
assert(r == 15); // should hold
assert(r == 13); // should fail
// ----
// Warning 6328: (469-484): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nr = 15\n\nTransaction trace:\nD.constructor()\nD.f()\n C.f() -- internal call\n B.f() -- internal call\n A.f() -- internal call
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
function f() public virtual returns (uint256 r) {
return 1;
contract B is A {
function f() public virtual override returns (uint256 r) {
return super.f() + 2;
contract C is A {
function f() public virtual override returns (uint256 r) {
return 2 * (super.f() + 4);
contract D is B, C {
function f() public override(B, C) returns (uint256 r) {
r = super.f() + 8;
assert(r == 22); // should hold
assert(r == 20); // should fail
assert(r == 18); // should fail
// ----
// Warning 6328: (475-490): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nr = 22\n\nTransaction trace:\nD.constructor()\nD.f()\n C.f() -- internal call\n B.f() -- internal call\n A.f() -- internal call
// Warning 6328: (509-524): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\n\nr = 22\n\nTransaction trace:\nD.constructor()\nD.f()\n C.f() -- internal call\n B.f() -- internal call\n A.f() -- internal call
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
int public x;
function f() public virtual {
x = 1;
contract B is A {
function f() public virtual override {
x += 100;
contract C is B {
function f() public virtual override {
x += 10;
contract D is B {
contract E is C,D {
function f() public override(C,B) {
assert(x == 111); // should hold
assert(x == 13); // should fail
// ----
// Warning 6328: (412-427): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\nx = 111\n\nTransaction trace:\nE.constructor()\nState: x = 0\nE.f()\n C.f() -- internal call\n B.f() -- internal call\n A.f() -- internal call
Reference in New Issue
Block a user