Count instructions without metadata hash.

This commit is contained in:
chriseth 2016-12-01 16:02:54 +01:00
parent f1907bbb12
commit 5098e1eb15

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@ -79,17 +79,13 @@ public:
bytes nonOptimizedBytecode = compileAndRunWithOptimizer(_sourceCode, _value, _contractName, false);
m_nonOptimizedContract = m_contractAddress;
bytes optimizedBytecode = compileAndRunWithOptimizer(_sourceCode, _value, _contractName, true);
size_t nonOptimizedSize = 0;
solidity::eachInstruction(nonOptimizedBytecode, [&](Instruction, u256 const&) {
size_t optimizedSize = 0;
solidity::eachInstruction(optimizedBytecode, [&](Instruction, u256 const&) {
size_t nonOptimizedSize = numInstructions(nonOptimizedBytecode);
size_t optimizedSize = numInstructions(optimizedBytecode);
nonOptimizedSize > optimizedSize,
"Optimizer did not reduce bytecode size."
optimizedSize < nonOptimizedSize,
string("Optimizer did not reduce bytecode size. Non-optimized size: ") +
std::to_string(nonOptimizedSize) + " - optimized size: " +
m_optimizedContract = m_contractAddress;
@ -173,6 +169,22 @@ public:
/// @returns the number of intructions in the given bytecode, not taking the metadata hash
/// into account.
size_t numInstructions(bytes const& _bytecode)
BOOST_REQUIRE(_bytecode.size() > 5);
size_t metadataSize = (_bytecode[_bytecode.size() - 2] << 8) + _bytecode[_bytecode.size() - 1];
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(metadataSize == 0x29, "Invalid metadata size");
BOOST_REQUIRE(_bytecode.size() >= metadataSize + 2);
bytes realCode = bytes(_bytecode.begin(), _bytecode.end() - metadataSize - 2);
size_t instructions = 0;
solidity::eachInstruction(realCode, [&](Instruction, u256 const&) {
return instructions;
Address m_optimizedContract;
Address m_nonOptimizedContract;