Ensuring UTF-8 encoding for MSVC builds

This commit is contained in:
Shelly Grossman 2019-01-26 15:30:17 +02:00
parent 9836f90e70
commit 3b5f446018

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@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ elseif (DEFINED MSVC)
add_compile_options(/wd4800) # disable forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) (4800)
add_compile_options(-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600) # declare Windows Vista API requirement
add_compile_options(-DNOMINMAX) # undefine windows.h MAX && MIN macros cause it cause conflicts with std::min && std::max functions
add_compile_options(/utf-8) # enable utf-8 encoding (solves warning 4819)
# disable empty object file warning