Example ERC20 contract in Yul.

This commit is contained in:
chriseth 2020-04-16 11:57:07 +02:00
parent 1bb07e268b
commit 38486f47a7

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@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ less-than comparison.
} }
} }
At the :ref:`end of the section <erc20yul>`, a complete implementation of
the ERC-20 standard can be found.
@ -1087,3 +1089,198 @@ d `VarDeclInitializer`
Some steps depend on properties ensured by `BlockFlattener`, `FunctionGrouper`, `ForLoopInitRewriter`. Some steps depend on properties ensured by `BlockFlattener`, `FunctionGrouper`, `ForLoopInitRewriter`.
For this reason the Yul optimizer always applies them before applying any steps supplied by the user. For this reason the Yul optimizer always applies them before applying any steps supplied by the user.
.. _erc20yul:
Complete ERC20 Example
.. code-block:: yul
object "Token" {
code {
// Store the creator in slot zero.
sstore(0, caller())
// Deploy the contract
datacopy(0, dataoffset("runtime"), datasize("runtime"))
return(0, datasize("runtime"))
object "runtime" {
code {
// Protection against sending Ether
// Dispatcher
switch selector()
case 0x70a08231 /* "balanceOf(address)" */ {
case 0x18160ddd /* "totalSupply()" */ {
case 0xa9059cbb /* "transfer(address,uint256)" */ {
transfer(decodeAsAddress(0), decodeAsUint(1))
case 0x23b872dd /* "transferFrom(address,address,uint256)" */ {
transferFrom(decodeAsAddress(0), decodeAsAddress(1), decodeAsUint(2))
case 0x095ea7b3 /* "approve(address,uint256)" */ {
approve(decodeAsAddress(0), decodeAsUint(1))
case 0xdd62ed3e /* "allowance(address,address)" */ {
returnUint(allowance(decodeAsAddress(0), decodeAsAddress(1)))
case 0x40c10f19 /* "mint(address,uint256)" */ {
mint(decodeAsAddress(0), decodeAsUint(1))
default {
revert(0, 0)
function mint(account, amount) {
addToBalance(account, amount)
emitTransfer(0, account, amount)
function transfer(to, amount) {
executeTransfer(caller(), to, amount)
function approve(spender, amount) {
setAllowance(caller(), spender, amount)
emitApproval(caller(), spender, amount)
function transferFrom(from, to, amount) {
decreaseAllowanceBy(from, caller(), amount)
executeTransfer(from, to, amount)
function executeTransfer(from, to, amount) {
deductFromBalance(from, amount)
addToBalance(to, amount)
emitTransfer(from, to, amount)
/* ---------- calldata decoding functions ----------- */
function selector() -> s {
s := div(calldataload(0), 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
function decodeAsAddress(offset) -> v {
v := decodeAsUint(offset)
if iszero(iszero(and(v, not(0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)))) {
revert(0, 0)
function decodeAsUint(offset) -> v {
let pos := add(4, mul(offset, 0x20))
if lt(calldatasize(), add(pos, 0x20)) {
revert(0, 0)
v := calldataload(pos)
/* ---------- calldata encoding functions ---------- */
function returnUint(v) {
mstore(0, v)
return(0, 0x20)
function returnTrue() {
/* -------- events ---------- */
function emitTransfer(from, to, amount) {
let signatureHash := 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef
emitEvent(signatureHash, from, to, amount)
function emitApproval(from, spender, amount) {
let signatureHash := 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925
emitEvent(signatureHash, from, spender, amount)
function emitEvent(signatureHash, indexed1, indexed2, nonIndexed) {
mstore(0, nonIndexed)
log3(0, 0x20, signatureHash, indexed1, indexed2)
/* -------- storage layout ---------- */
function ownerPos() -> p { p := 0 }
function totalSupplyPos() -> p { p := 1 }
function accountToStorageOffset(account) -> offset {
offset := add(0x1000, account)
function allowanceStorageOffset(account, spender) -> offset {
offset := accountToStorageOffset(account)
mstore(0, offset)
mstore(0x20, spender)
offset := keccak256(0, 0x40)
/* -------- storage access ---------- */
function owner() -> o {
o := sload(ownerPos())
function totalSupply() -> supply {
supply := sload(totalSupplyPos())
function mintTokens(amount) {
sstore(totalSupplyPos(), safeAdd(totalSupply(), amount))
function balanceOf(account) -> bal {
bal := sload(accountToStorageOffset(account))
function addToBalance(account, amount) {
let offset := accountToStorageOffset(account)
sstore(offset, safeAdd(sload(offset), amount))
function deductFromBalance(account, amount) {
let offset := accountToStorageOffset(account)
let bal := sload(offset)
require(lte(amount, bal))
sstore(offset, sub(bal, amount))
function allowance(account, spender) -> amount {
amount := sload(allowanceStorageOffset(account, spender))
function setAllowance(account, spender, amount) {
sstore(allowanceStorageOffset(account, spender), amount)
function decreaseAllowanceBy(account, spender, amount) {
let offset := allowanceStorageOffset(account, spender)
let currentAllowance := sload(offset)
require(lte(amount, currentAllowance))
sstore(offset, sub(currentAllowance, amount))
/* ---------- utility functions ---------- */
function lte(a, b) -> r {
r := iszero(gt(a, b))
function gte(a, b) -> r {
r := iszero(lt(a, b))
function safeAdd(a, b) -> r {
r := add(a, b)
if or(lt(r, a), lt(r, b)) { revert(0, 0) }
function calledByOwner() -> cbo {
cbo := eq(owner(), caller())
function revertIfZeroAddress(addr) {
function require(condition) {
if iszero(condition) { revert(0, 0) }