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synced 2023-10-03 13:03:40 +00:00
Merge pull request #7 from chriseth/moreInfoForCommandlineOptions
More information for help screen, some fixes for argument parsing.
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity;
using namespace std;
char const* dev::solidity::VersionNumber = "0.1.1";
char const* dev::solidity::VersionNumber = "0.1.2";
extern string const dev::solidity::VersionString =
string(dev::solidity::VersionNumber) +
"-" +
@ -121,48 +121,29 @@ void CommandLineInterface::handleBinary(string const& _contract)
if (m_args.count(g_argBinaryStr))
if (m_args.count("output-dir"))
stringstream data;
data << toHex(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract));
createFile(_contract + ".bin", data.str());
createFile(_contract + ".bin", toHex(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract)));
cout << "Binary: " << endl;
cout << toHex(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract)) << endl;
if (m_args.count(g_argCloneBinaryStr))
if (m_args.count("output-dir"))
stringstream data;
data << toHex(m_compiler->getCloneBytecode(_contract));
createFile(_contract + ".clone_bin", data.str());
createFile(_contract + ".clone_bin", toHex(m_compiler->getCloneBytecode(_contract)));
cout << "Clone Binary: " << endl;
cout << toHex(m_compiler->getCloneBytecode(_contract)) << endl;
cout << "Binary: " << endl;
cout << toHex(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract)) << endl;
void CommandLineInterface::handleOpcode(string const& _contract)
if (m_args.count("output-dir"))
stringstream data;
data << eth::disassemble(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract));
createFile(_contract + ".opcode", data.str());
createFile(_contract + ".opcode", eth::disassemble(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract)));
cout << "Opcodes: " << endl;
@ -190,11 +171,7 @@ void CommandLineInterface::handleSignatureHashes(string const& _contract)
out += toHex(it.first.ref()) + ": " + it.second->externalSignature() + "\n";
if (m_args.count("output-dir"))
stringstream data;
data << out;
createFile(_contract + ".signatures", data.str());
createFile(_contract + ".signatures", out);
cout << "Function signatures: " << endl << out;
@ -234,11 +211,7 @@ void CommandLineInterface::handleMeta(DocumentationType _type, string const& _co
if (m_args.count(argName))
if (m_args.count("output-dir"))
stringstream data;
data << m_compiler->getMetadata(_contract, _type);
createFile(_contract + suffix, data.str());
createFile(_contract + suffix, m_compiler->getMetadata(_contract, _type));
cout << title << endl;
@ -301,55 +274,79 @@ void CommandLineInterface::createFile(string const& _fileName, string const& _da
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
// create directory if not existent
fs::path p(m_args["output-dir"].as<string>());
fs::path p(m_args.at("output-dir").as<string>());
ofstream outFile((p / _fileName).string());
string pathName = (p / _fileName).string();
ofstream outFile(pathName);
outFile << _data;
if (!outFile)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(FileError() << errinfo_comment("Could not write to file: " + _fileName));
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(FileError() << errinfo_comment("Could not write to file: " + pathName));
bool CommandLineInterface::parseArguments(int _argc, char** _argv)
// Declare the supported options.
po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
po::options_description desc(
R"(solc, the Solidity commandline compiler.
Usage: solc [options] [input_file...]
Compiles the given Solidity input files (or the standard input if none given) and
outputs the components specified in the options at standard output or in files in
the output directory, if specified.
Example: solc --bin -o /tmp/solcoutput contract.sol
Allowed options)",
po::options_description::m_default_line_length - 23);
("help", "Show help message and exit")
("version", "Show version and exit")
("optimize", po::value<bool>()->default_value(false), "Optimize bytecode")
("optimize-runs", po::value<unsigned>()->default_value(200), "Estimated number of contract runs for optimizer.")
("add-std", po::value<bool>()->default_value(false), "Add standard contracts")
("input-file", po::value<vector<string>>(), "input file")
("output-dir,o", po::value<string>(), "Output directory path")
("help", "Show help message and exit.")
("version", "Show version and exit.")
("optimize", "Enable bytecode optimizer.")
"Estimated number of contract runs for optimizer tuning."
(g_argAddStandard.c_str(), "Add standard contracts.")
"If given, creates one file per component and contract/file at the specified directory."
po::value<string>()->value_name(boost::join(g_combinedJsonArgs, ",")),
"Output a single json document containing the specified information, can be combined."
"Output a single json document containing the specified information."
(g_argAstStr.c_str(), "Outputs the AST of the contract.")
(g_argAstJson.c_str(), "Outputs the AST of the contract in JSON format.")
(g_argAsmStr.c_str(), "Outputs the EVM assembly of the contract.")
(g_argAsmJsonStr.c_str(), "Outputs the EVM assembly of the contract in JSON format.")
(g_argOpcodesStr.c_str(), "Outputs the Opcodes of the contract.")
(g_argBinaryStr.c_str(), "Outputs the contract in binary (hexadecimal).")
(g_argCloneBinaryStr.c_str(), "Output the clone contract in binary (hexadecimal).")
(g_argAbiStr.c_str(), "Outputs the contract's JSON ABI interface.")
(g_argSolInterfaceStr.c_str(), "Outputs the contract's Solidity interface.")
(g_argSignatureHashes.c_str(), "Outputs the contract's functions' signature hashes.")
(g_argGas.c_str(), "Outputs an estimate for each function's maximal gas usage.")
(g_argNatspecUserStr.c_str(), "Outputs the contract's Natspec user documentation.")
(g_argNatspecDevStr.c_str(), "Outputs the contract's Natspec developer documentation.");
(g_argGas.c_str(), "Print an estimate of the maximal gas usage for each function.");
po::options_description outputComponents("Output Components");
(g_argAstStr.c_str(), "AST of all source files.")
(g_argAstJson.c_str(), "AST of all source files in JSON format.")
(g_argAsmStr.c_str(), "EVM assembly of the contracts.")
(g_argAsmJsonStr.c_str(), "EVM assembly of the contracts in JSON format.")
(g_argOpcodesStr.c_str(), "Opcodes of the contracts.")
(g_argBinaryStr.c_str(), "Binary of the contracts in hex.")
(g_argCloneBinaryStr.c_str(), "Binary of the clone contracts in hex.")
(g_argAbiStr.c_str(), "ABI specification of the contracts.")
(g_argSolInterfaceStr.c_str(), "Solidity interface of the contracts.")
(g_argSignatureHashes.c_str(), "Function signature hashes of the contracts.")
(g_argNatspecUserStr.c_str(), "Natspec user documentation of all contracts.")
(g_argNatspecDevStr.c_str(), "Natspec developer documentation of all contracts.");
po::options_description allOptions = desc;
allOptions.add_options()("input-file", po::value<vector<string>>(), "input file");
// All positional options should be interpreted as input files
po::positional_options_description filesPositions;
filesPositions.add("output-dir", 1);
filesPositions.add("input-file", -1);
// parse the compiler arguments
po::store(po::command_line_parser(_argc, _argv).options(desc).positional(filesPositions).allow_unregistered().run(), m_args);
po::command_line_parser cmdLineParser(_argc, _argv);
po::store(cmdLineParser.run(), m_args);
catch (po::error const& _exception)
@ -357,6 +354,18 @@ bool CommandLineInterface::parseArguments(int _argc, char** _argv)
return false;
if (m_args.count("help"))
cout << desc;
return false;
if (m_args.count("version"))
return false;
if (m_args.count("combined-json"))
vector<string> requests;
@ -369,18 +378,6 @@ bool CommandLineInterface::parseArguments(int _argc, char** _argv)
if (m_args.count("help"))
cout << desc;
return false;
if (m_args.count("version"))
return false;
return true;
@ -414,13 +411,13 @@ bool CommandLineInterface::processInput()
m_sourceCodes[infile] = dev::contentsString(infile);
m_compiler.reset(new CompilerStack(m_args["add-std"].as<bool>()));
m_compiler.reset(new CompilerStack(m_args.count(g_argAddStandard) > 0));
for (auto const& sourceCode: m_sourceCodes)
m_compiler->addSource(sourceCode.first, sourceCode.second);
// TODO: Perhaps we should not compile unless requested
bool optimize = m_args["optimize"].as<bool>();
bool optimize = m_args.count("optimize") > 0;
unsigned runs = m_args["optimize-runs"].as<unsigned>();
m_compiler->compile(optimize, runs);
@ -561,7 +558,8 @@ void CommandLineInterface::handleAst(string const& _argStr)
postfix += "_json";
createFile(sourceCode.first + postfix + ".ast", data.str());
boost::filesystem::path path(sourceCode.first);
createFile(path.filename().string() + postfix + ".ast", data.str());
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
#include "CommandLineInterface.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/exception/all.hpp>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
@ -29,7 +33,15 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 1;
if (!cli.processInput())
return 1;
catch (boost::exception const& _exception)
cerr << "Exception during output generation: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception) << endl;
return 1;
return 0;
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