mirror of
synced 2023-10-03 13:03:40 +00:00
Merge pull request #10097 from ethereum/develop
Merge develop into breaking.
This commit is contained in:
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ jobs:
- run:
- run:
name: Build
name: Build
command: |
command: |
- store_artifacts:
- store_artifacts:
path: emscripten_build/libsolc/soljson.js
path: emscripten_build/libsolc/soljson.js
destination: soljson.js
destination: soljson.js
@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
# TravisCI configuration file for solidity.
# The documentation for solidity is hosted at:
# http://solidity.readthedocs.org
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of solidity.
# solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# (c) 2016-2017 solidity contributors.
language: cpp
# We need to whitelist the branches which we want to have "push" automation,
# this includes tags (which are treated as branches by travis).
# Pull request automation is not constrained to this set of branches.
- develop
- release
- /^v[0-9]/
- ENCRYPTION_LABEL="6d4541b72666"
# FIXME: Pushing solcjson.js to solc-bin disabled until we fix the cause of #9261
- MAKEFLAGS="-j 4"
- os: linux
dist: trusty
sudo: required
compiler: gcc
- ZIP_SUFFIX=ubuntu-trusty
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:mhier/libboost-latest
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install -qq g++-8 gcc-8
- sudo apt-get install -qq libboost1.67-dev
- sudo apt-get install -qq libleveldb1
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8 90
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 90
- os: linux
dist: trusty
sudo: required
compiler: clang
- ZIP_SUFFIX=ubuntu-trusty-clang
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:mhier/libboost-latest
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install -qq g++-8 gcc-8
- sudo apt-get install -qq libboost1.67-dev
- sudo apt-get install -qq libleveldb1
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8 90
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 90
# Docker target, which generates a statically linked alpine image
- os: linux
dist: trusty
sudo: required
- docker
# Emscripten target, which compiles 'solc' to javascript and uploads the resulting .js
# files to https://github.com/ethereum/solc-bin. These binaries are used in Browser-Solidity
# and in other Ethereum web-based development contexts.
- os: linux
dist: trusty
sudo: required
compiler: gcc
- "10"
- docker
- nvm install 10
- nvm use 10
- docker pull solbuildpackpusher/solidity-buildpack-deps@sha256:23dad3b34deae8107c8551804ef299f6a89c23ed506e8118fac151e2bdc9018c
- ZIP_SUFFIX=emscripten
# Travis doesn't seem to support "dynamic" cache keys where we could include
# the hashes of certain files. Our CircleCI configuration contains the hash of
# relevant emscripten files.
# It is important to invalidate the cache with each emscripten update, because
# dependencies, such as boost, might be broken otherwise.
# This key here has no significant on anything, apart from caching. Please keep
# it in sync with the version above.
# OS X Mavericks (10.9)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS_X_Mavericks
# Disabled because of problems on travis.
# - os: osx
# osx_image: beta-xcode6.2
# env:
# - ZIP_SUFFIX=osx-mavericks
# OS X Yosemite (10.10)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS_X_Yosemite
# - os: osx
# osx_image: xcode7.1
# env:
# # Workaround for "macOS - Yosemite, El Capitan and Sierra hanging?"
# # https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/894
# - ZIP_SUFFIX=osx-yosemite
# OS X El Capitan (10.11)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS_X_El_Capitan
# - os: osx
# osx_image: xcode7.3
# env:
# # The use of Debug config here ONLY for El Capitan is a workaround for "The Heisenbug"
# # See https://github.com/ethereum/webthree-umbrella/issues/565
# # Workaround for "macOS - Yosemite, El Capitan and Sierra hanging?"
# # https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/894
# - ZIP_SUFFIX=osx-elcapitan
# macOS Sierra (10.12)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacOS_Sierra
# - os: osx
# osx_image: xcode8
# env:
# # Look like "The Heisenbug" is occurring here too, so we'll do the same workaround.
# # See https://travis-ci.org/ethereum/solidity/jobs/150240930
# # Workaround for "macOS - Yosemite, El Capitan and Sierra hanging?"
# # https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/894
# - ZIP_SUFFIX=macos-sierra
depth: 2
ccache: true
- boost_1_70_0_install
- $HOME/.local
- test $SOLC_INSTALL_DEPS_TRAVIS != On || (scripts/install_deps.sh)
- test "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" != "linux" || (sudo scripts/install_cmake.sh)
# Disable tests unless run on the release branch, on tags or with daily cron
- if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != release -a -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" -a "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" != cron ]; then SOLC_TESTS=Off; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = release -o -n "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then echo -n > prerelease.txt; else date -u +"nightly.%Y.%-m.%-d" > prerelease.txt; fi
- echo -n "$TRAVIS_COMMIT" > commit_hash.txt
- test $SOLC_EMSCRIPTEN != On || (scripts/build_emscripten.sh)
- test $SOLC_DOCKER != On || (scripts/docker_build.sh)
- test $SOLC_RELEASE != On || (scripts/build.sh $SOLC_BUILD_TYPE -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF && scripts/create_source_tarball.sh)
- test $SOLC_EMSCRIPTEN != On -o $SOLC_TESTS != On || (scripts/test_emscripten.sh)
- test $SOLC_TESTS != On || (cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR && scripts/tests.sh)
- test $SOLC_STOREBYTECODE != On || (cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR && scripts/bytecodecompare/storebytecode.sh)
# This is the deploy target for the Emscripten build.
# It publishes the JS file which was compiled as part of the earlier 'build_emscripten.sh'
# step to https://github.com/ethereum/solc-bin/tree/gh-pages/bin.
# Both the build and deploy steps for Emscripten are only run within the Ubuntu
# configurations (not for macOS). That is controlled by conditionals within the bash
# scripts because TravisCI doesn't provide much in the way of conditional logic.
- provider: script
script: test $SOLC_PUBLISH_EMSCRIPTEN != On || $SOLC_EMSCRIPTEN != On || (scripts/release_emscripten.sh)
skip_cleanup: true
- develop
- release
# This is the deploy target for the dockerfile. If we are pushing into a develop branch, it will be tagged
# as a nightly and appended the commit of the branch it was pushed in. If we are pushing to master it will
# be tagged as "stable" and given the version tag as well.
- provider: script
script: test $SOLC_DOCKER != On || (scripts/docker_deploy.sh)
skip_cleanup: true
- develop
- release
- /^v\d/
# This is the deploy target for the native build (Linux and macOS)
# which generates the source tarball.
# This runs for each tag that is created and adds the corresponding files.
- provider: releases
secure: 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
overwrite: true
file_glob: true
file: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/upload/*
skip_cleanup: true
all_branches: true
tags: true
@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ AST Changes:
### 0.7.5 (unreleased)
### 0.7.5 (unreleased)
Compiler Features:
* SMTChecker: Add division by zero checks in the CHC engine.
* SMTChecker: Support ``selector`` for expressions with value known at compile-time.
* SMTChecker: Fix lack of reporting potential violations when using only the CHC engine.
* SMTChecker: Fix internal error on conversion from string literal to byte.
* Code generator: Fix missing creation dependency tracking for abstract contracts.
### 0.7.4 (2020-10-19)
### 0.7.4 (2020-10-19)
@ -434,6 +434,21 @@ string YulUtilFunctions::updateByteSliceFunctionDynamic(size_t _numBytes)
string YulUtilFunctions::maskBytesFunctionDynamic()
string functionName = "mask_bytes_dynamic";
return m_functionCollector.createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
return Whiskers(R"(
function <functionName>(data, bytes) -> result {
let mask := not(<shr>(mul(8, bytes), not(0)))
result := and(data, mask)
("functionName", functionName)
("shr", shiftRightFunctionDynamic())
string YulUtilFunctions::roundUpFunction()
string YulUtilFunctions::roundUpFunction()
string functionName = "round_up_to_mul_of_32";
string functionName = "round_up_to_mul_of_32";
@ -1237,12 +1252,11 @@ string YulUtilFunctions::shortByteArrayEncodeUsedAreaSetLengthFunction()
function <functionName>(data, len) -> used {
function <functionName>(data, len) -> used {
// we want to save only elements that are part of the array after resizing
// we want to save only elements that are part of the array after resizing
// others should be set to zero
// others should be set to zero
let mask := <shl>(mul(8, sub(32, len)), <ones>)
data := <maskBytes>(data, len)
used := or(and(data, mask), mul(2, len))
used := or(data, mul(2, len))
("functionName", functionName)
("functionName", functionName)
("shl", shiftLeftFunctionDynamic())
("maskBytes", maskBytesFunctionDynamic())
("ones", formatNumber((bigint(1) << 256) - 1))
@ -101,6 +101,11 @@ public:
/// signature: (value, shiftBytes, toInsert) -> result
/// signature: (value, shiftBytes, toInsert) -> result
std::string updateByteSliceFunctionDynamic(size_t _numBytes);
std::string updateByteSliceFunctionDynamic(size_t _numBytes);
/// Function that sets all but the first ``bytes`` bytes of ``value`` to zero.
/// @note ``bytes`` has to be small enough not to overflow ``8 * bytes``.
/// signature: (value, bytes) -> result
std::string maskBytesFunctionDynamic();
/// @returns the name of a function that rounds its input to the next multiple
/// @returns the name of a function that rounds its input to the next multiple
/// of 32 or the input if it is a multiple of 32.
/// of 32 or the input if it is a multiple of 32.
/// signature: (value) -> result
/// signature: (value) -> result
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ using namespace solidity::frontend;
pair<string, string> IRGenerator::run(
pair<string, string> IRGenerator::run(
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
map<ContractDefinition const*, string const> const& _otherYulSources
map<ContractDefinition const*, string_view const> const& _otherYulSources
string const ir = yul::reindent(generate(_contract, _otherYulSources));
string const ir = yul::reindent(generate(_contract, _otherYulSources));
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ pair<string, string> IRGenerator::run(
string IRGenerator::generate(
string IRGenerator::generate(
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
map<ContractDefinition const*, string const> const& _otherYulSources
map<ContractDefinition const*, string_view const> const& _otherYulSources
auto subObjectSources = [&_otherYulSources](std::set<ContractDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& subObjects) -> string
auto subObjectSources = [&_otherYulSources](std::set<ContractDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& subObjects) -> string
@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ public:
/// (or just pretty-printed, depending on the optimizer settings).
/// (or just pretty-printed, depending on the optimizer settings).
std::pair<std::string, std::string> run(
std::pair<std::string, std::string> run(
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::string const> const& _otherYulSources
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::string_view const> const& _otherYulSources
std::string generate(
std::string generate(
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::string const> const& _otherYulSources
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::string_view const> const& _otherYulSources
std::string generate(Block const& _block);
std::string generate(Block const& _block);
@ -716,6 +716,13 @@ void BMC::checkOverflow(BMCVerificationTarget& _target, smtutil::Expression cons
void BMC::checkDivByZero(BMCVerificationTarget& _target)
void BMC::checkDivByZero(BMCVerificationTarget& _target)
solAssert(_target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::DivByZero, "");
solAssert(_target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::DivByZero, "");
if (
m_solvedTargets.count(_target.expression) &&
_target.constraints && (_target.value == 0),
_target.constraints && (_target.value == 0),
@ -533,18 +533,9 @@ void CHC::visitAssert(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
void CHC::visitAddMulMod(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
void CHC::visitAddMulMod(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
auto previousError = errorFlag().currentValue();
solAssert(_funCall.arguments().at(2), "");
solAssert(_funCall.arguments().at(2), "");
smtutil::Expression target = expr(*_funCall.arguments().at(2)) == 0 && errorFlag().currentValue() == newErrorId(_funCall);
m_context.addAssertion((errorFlag().currentValue() == previousError) || target);
addVerificationTarget(_funCall, VerificationTarget::Type::DivByZero, expr(*_funCall.arguments().at(2)) == 0);
@ -643,13 +634,7 @@ void CHC::makeArrayPopVerificationTarget(FunctionCall const& _arrayPop)
auto symbArray = dynamic_pointer_cast<SymbolicArrayVariable>(m_context.expression(memberAccess->expression()));
auto symbArray = dynamic_pointer_cast<SymbolicArrayVariable>(m_context.expression(memberAccess->expression()));
solAssert(symbArray, "");
solAssert(symbArray, "");
auto previousError = errorFlag().currentValue();
addVerificationTarget(_arrayPop, VerificationTarget::Type::PopEmptyArray, symbArray->length() <= 0);
addVerificationTarget(&_arrayPop, VerificationTarget::Type::PopEmptyArray, errorFlag().currentValue());
smtutil::Expression target = (symbArray->length() <= 0) && (errorFlag().currentValue() == newErrorId(_arrayPop));
m_context.addAssertion((errorFlag().currentValue() == previousError) || target);
pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> CHC::arithmeticOperation(
pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> CHC::arithmeticOperation(
@ -660,6 +645,9 @@ pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> CHC::arithmeticOperation(
frontend::Expression const& _expression
frontend::Expression const& _expression
if (_op == Token::Mod || _op == Token::Div)
addVerificationTarget(_expression, VerificationTarget::Type::DivByZero, _right == 0);
auto values = SMTEncoder::arithmeticOperation(_op, _left, _right, _commonType, _expression);
auto values = SMTEncoder::arithmeticOperation(_op, _left, _right, _commonType, _expression);
IntegerType const* intType = nullptr;
IntegerType const* intType = nullptr;
@ -673,46 +661,19 @@ pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> CHC::arithmeticOperation(
if (_op == Token::Mod || (_op == Token::Div && !intType->isSigned()))
if (_op == Token::Mod || (_op == Token::Div && !intType->isSigned()))
return values;
return values;
auto previousError = errorFlag().currentValue();
VerificationTarget::Type targetType;
unsigned errorId = newErrorId(_expression);
optional<smtutil::Expression> target;
if (_op == Token::Div)
if (_op == Token::Div)
addVerificationTarget(_expression, VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow, values.second > intType->maxValue());
targetType = VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow;
target = values.second > intType->maxValue() && errorFlag().currentValue() == errorId;
else if (intType->isSigned())
else if (intType->isSigned())
unsigned secondErrorId = newErrorId(_expression);
addVerificationTarget(_expression, VerificationTarget::Type::Underflow, values.second < intType->minValue());
targetType = VerificationTarget::Type::UnderOverflow;
addVerificationTarget(_expression, VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow, values.second > intType->maxValue());
target = (values.second < intType->minValue() && errorFlag().currentValue() == errorId) ||
(values.second > intType->maxValue() && errorFlag().currentValue() == secondErrorId);
else if (_op == Token::Sub)
else if (_op == Token::Sub)
addVerificationTarget(_expression, VerificationTarget::Type::Underflow, values.second < intType->minValue());
targetType = VerificationTarget::Type::Underflow;
target = values.second < intType->minValue() && errorFlag().currentValue() == errorId;
else if (_op == Token::Add || _op == Token::Mul)
else if (_op == Token::Add || _op == Token::Mul)
addVerificationTarget(_expression, VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow, values.second > intType->maxValue());
targetType = VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow;
target = values.second > intType->maxValue() && errorFlag().currentValue() == errorId;
solAssert(false, "");
solAssert(false, "");
m_context.addAssertion((errorFlag().currentValue() == previousError) || *target);
return values;
return values;
@ -1158,7 +1119,7 @@ void CHC::addVerificationTarget(
if (!source->annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeature::SMTChecker))
if (!source->annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeature::SMTChecker))
m_verificationTargets.emplace(_scope, CHCVerificationTarget{{_type, _from, _constraints}, _errorId});
m_verificationTargets[_scope].push_back(CHCVerificationTarget{{_type, _from, _constraints}, _errorId});
void CHC::addVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, VerificationTarget::Type _type, smtutil::Expression _errorId)
void CHC::addVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, VerificationTarget::Type _type, smtutil::Expression _errorId)
@ -1175,6 +1136,18 @@ void CHC::addVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, VerificationTarget::Type
void CHC::addVerificationTarget(frontend::Expression const& _scope, VerificationTarget::Type _type, smtutil::Expression const& _target)
auto previousError = errorFlag().currentValue();
addVerificationTarget(&_scope, _type, errorFlag().currentValue());
errorFlag().currentValue() == previousError ||
(_target && errorFlag().currentValue() == newErrorId(_scope))
void CHC::addAssertVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, smtutil::Expression _from, smtutil::Expression _constraints, smtutil::Expression _errorId)
void CHC::addAssertVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, smtutil::Expression _from, smtutil::Expression _constraints, smtutil::Expression _errorId)
addVerificationTarget(_scope, VerificationTarget::Type::Assert, _from, _constraints, _errorId);
addVerificationTarget(_scope, VerificationTarget::Type::Assert, _from, _constraints, _errorId);
@ -1182,76 +1155,72 @@ void CHC::addAssertVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, smtutil::Expression
void CHC::checkVerificationTargets()
void CHC::checkVerificationTargets()
for (auto const& [scope, target]: m_verificationTargets)
for (auto const& [scope, targets]: m_verificationTargets)
if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Assert)
for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
checkAssertTarget(scope, target);
string satMsg;
auto const& target = targets[i];
string satMsgUnderflow;
string satMsgOverflow;
string unknownMsg;
ErrorId errorReporterId;
ErrorId underflowErrorId = 3944_error;
ErrorId overflowErrorId = 4984_error;
if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::PopEmptyArray)
if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Assert)
checkAssertTarget(scope, target);
solAssert(dynamic_cast<FunctionCall const*>(scope), "");
satMsg = "Empty array \"pop\" detected here.";
unknownMsg = "Empty array \"pop\" might happen here.";
errorReporterId = 2529_error;
else if (
target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Underflow ||
target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow ||
target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::UnderOverflow
auto const* expr = dynamic_cast<Expression const*>(scope);
solAssert(expr, "");
auto const* intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const*>(expr->annotation().type);
if (!intType)
intType = TypeProvider::uint256();
satMsgUnderflow = "Underflow (resulting value less than " + formatNumberReadable(intType->minValue()) + ") happens here.";
satMsgOverflow = "Overflow (resulting value larger than " + formatNumberReadable(intType->maxValue()) + ") happens here.";
if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Underflow)
satMsg = satMsgUnderflow;
errorReporterId = underflowErrorId;
else if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow)
satMsg = satMsgOverflow;
errorReporterId = overflowErrorId;
else if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::DivByZero)
satMsg = "Division by zero happens here.";
errorReporterId = 4281_error;
solAssert(false, "");
auto it = m_errorIds.find(scope->id());
solAssert(it != m_errorIds.end(), "");
unsigned errorId = it->second;
if (target.type != VerificationTarget::Type::UnderOverflow)
checkAndReportTarget(scope, target, errorId, errorReporterId, satMsg, unknownMsg);
auto specificTarget = target;
string satMsg;
specificTarget.type = VerificationTarget::Type::Underflow;
string satMsgUnderflow;
checkAndReportTarget(scope, specificTarget, errorId, underflowErrorId, satMsgUnderflow, unknownMsg);
string satMsgOverflow;
string unknownMsg;
ErrorId errorReporterId;
ErrorId underflowErrorId = 3944_error;
ErrorId overflowErrorId = 4984_error;
if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::PopEmptyArray)
solAssert(dynamic_cast<FunctionCall const*>(scope), "");
satMsg = "Empty array \"pop\" detected here.";
unknownMsg = "Empty array \"pop\" might happen here.";
errorReporterId = 2529_error;
else if (
target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Underflow ||
target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow
auto const* expr = dynamic_cast<Expression const*>(scope);
solAssert(expr, "");
auto const* intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const*>(expr->annotation().type);
if (!intType)
intType = TypeProvider::uint256();
satMsgUnderflow = "Underflow (resulting value less than " + formatNumberReadable(intType->minValue()) + ")";
satMsgOverflow = "Overflow (resulting value larger than " + formatNumberReadable(intType->maxValue()) + ")";
if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Underflow)
satMsg = satMsgUnderflow + " happens here.";
unknownMsg = satMsgUnderflow + " might happen here.";
errorReporterId = underflowErrorId;
else if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow)
satMsg = satMsgOverflow + " happens here.";
unknownMsg = satMsgOverflow + " might happen here.";
errorReporterId = overflowErrorId;
else if (target.type == VerificationTarget::Type::DivByZero)
satMsg = "Division by zero happens here.";
unknownMsg = "Division by zero might happen here.";
errorReporterId = 4281_error;
solAssert(false, "");
auto it = m_errorIds.find(scope->id());
solAssert(it != m_errorIds.end(), "");
solAssert(it != m_errorIds.end(), "");
specificTarget.type = VerificationTarget::Type::Overflow;
solAssert(i < it->second.size(), "");
checkAndReportTarget(scope, specificTarget, it->second, overflowErrorId, satMsgOverflow, unknownMsg);
unsigned errorId = it->second[i];
checkAndReportTarget(scope, target, errorId, errorReporterId, satMsg, unknownMsg);
@ -1265,9 +1234,10 @@ void CHC::checkAssertTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, CHCVerificationTarget const&
auto it = m_errorIds.find(assertion->id());
auto it = m_errorIds.find(assertion->id());
solAssert(it != m_errorIds.end(), "");
solAssert(it != m_errorIds.end(), "");
unsigned errorId = it->second;
solAssert(!it->second.empty(), "");
unsigned errorId = it->second[0];
checkAndReportTarget(assertion, _target, errorId, 6328_error, "Assertion violation happens here.");
checkAndReportTarget(assertion, _target, errorId, 6328_error, "Assertion violation happens here.", "Assertion violation might happen here.");
@ -1461,7 +1431,7 @@ unsigned CHC::newErrorId(frontend::Expression const& _expr)
// because error id zero actually means no error in the CHC encoding.
// because error id zero actually means no error in the CHC encoding.
if (errorId == 0)
if (errorId == 0)
errorId = m_context.newUniqueId();
errorId = m_context.newUniqueId();
m_errorIds.emplace(_expr.id(), errorId);
return errorId;
return errorId;
@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ private:
void addVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, VerificationTarget::Type _type, smtutil::Expression _from, smtutil::Expression _constraints, smtutil::Expression _errorId);
void addVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, VerificationTarget::Type _type, smtutil::Expression _from, smtutil::Expression _constraints, smtutil::Expression _errorId);
void addVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, VerificationTarget::Type _type, smtutil::Expression _errorId);
void addVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, VerificationTarget::Type _type, smtutil::Expression _errorId);
void addVerificationTarget(frontend::Expression const& _scope, VerificationTarget::Type _type, smtutil::Expression const& _target);
void addAssertVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, smtutil::Expression _from, smtutil::Expression _constraints, smtutil::Expression _errorId);
void addAssertVerificationTarget(ASTNode const* _scope, smtutil::Expression _from, smtutil::Expression _constraints, smtutil::Expression _errorId);
void checkVerificationTargets();
void checkVerificationTargets();
@ -277,7 +278,9 @@ private:
smtutil::Expression errorId;
smtutil::Expression errorId;
std::map<ASTNode const*, CHCVerificationTarget, IdCompare> m_verificationTargets;
/// Verification targets corresponding to ASTNodes. There can be multiple targets for a single ASTNode,
/// e.g., divByZero and Overflow for signed division.
std::map<ASTNode const*, std::vector<CHCVerificationTarget>, IdCompare> m_verificationTargets;
/// Targets proven safe.
/// Targets proven safe.
std::map<ASTNode const*, std::set<VerificationTarget::Type>> m_safeTargets;
std::map<ASTNode const*, std::set<VerificationTarget::Type>> m_safeTargets;
@ -294,9 +297,8 @@ private:
std::map<ASTNode const*, std::set<Expression const*>, IdCompare> m_functionAssertions;
std::map<ASTNode const*, std::set<Expression const*>, IdCompare> m_functionAssertions;
/// Maps ASTNode ids to error ids.
/// Maps ASTNode ids to error ids.
/// A multimap is used instead of map anticipating the UnderOverflow
/// There can be multiple errorIds associated with a single ASTNode.
/// target which has 2 error ids.
std::map<unsigned, std::vector<unsigned>> m_errorIds;
std::multimap<unsigned, unsigned> m_errorIds;
/// The current block.
/// The current block.
smtutil::Expression m_currentBlock = smtutil::Expression(true);
smtutil::Expression m_currentBlock = smtutil::Expression(true);
@ -782,7 +782,6 @@ void SMTEncoder::visitAddMulMod(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
auto x = expr(*args.at(0));
auto x = expr(*args.at(0));
auto y = expr(*args.at(1));
auto y = expr(*args.at(1));
auto k = expr(*args.at(2));
auto k = expr(*args.at(2));
m_context.addAssertion(k != 0);
auto const& intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(*_funCall.annotation().type);
auto const& intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(*_funCall.annotation().type);
if (kind == FunctionType::Kind::AddMod)
if (kind == FunctionType::Kind::AddMod)
@ -874,10 +873,8 @@ void SMTEncoder::visitTypeConversion(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
if (argSize == castSize)
if (argSize == castSize)
// If sizes are the same, it's possible that the signs are different.
// If sizes are the same, it's possible that the signs are different.
if (smt::isNumber(*funCallType))
if (smt::isNumber(*funCallType) && smt::isNumber(*argType))
solAssert(smt::isNumber(*argType), "");
// castIsSigned && !argIsSigned => might overflow if arg > castType.max
// castIsSigned && !argIsSigned => might overflow if arg > castType.max
// !castIsSigned && argIsSigned => might underflow if arg < castType.min
// !castIsSigned && argIsSigned => might underflow if arg < castType.min
// !castIsSigned && !argIsSigned => ok
// !castIsSigned && !argIsSigned => ok
@ -1143,6 +1140,16 @@ bool SMTEncoder::visit(MemberAccess const& _memberAccess)
return false;
return false;
else if (
auto const* functionType = dynamic_cast<FunctionType const*>(exprType);
functionType &&
_memberAccess.memberName() == "selector" &&
defineExpr(_memberAccess, functionType->externalIdentifier());
return false;
@ -1207,9 +1214,10 @@ void SMTEncoder::endVisit(IndexAccess const& _indexAccess)
auto arrayVar = dynamic_pointer_cast<smt::SymbolicArrayVariable>(array);
auto arrayVar = dynamic_pointer_cast<smt::SymbolicArrayVariable>(array);
solAssert(arrayVar, "");
solAssert(arrayVar, "");
TypePointer baseType = _indexAccess.baseExpression().annotation().type;
defineExpr(_indexAccess, smtutil::Expression::select(
defineExpr(_indexAccess, smtutil::Expression::select(
expr(*_indexAccess.indexExpression(), keyType(baseType))
@ -1241,17 +1249,19 @@ void SMTEncoder::indexOrMemberAssignment(Expression const& _expr, smtutil::Expre
auto const& base = indexAccess->baseExpression();
auto const& base = indexAccess->baseExpression();
if (dynamic_cast<Identifier const*>(&base))
if (dynamic_cast<Identifier const*>(&base))
TypePointer baseType = base.annotation().type;
auto indexExpr = expr(*indexAccess->indexExpression(), keyType(baseType));
auto symbArray = dynamic_pointer_cast<smt::SymbolicArrayVariable>(m_context.expression(base));
auto symbArray = dynamic_pointer_cast<smt::SymbolicArrayVariable>(m_context.expression(base));
solAssert(symbArray, "");
solAssert(symbArray, "");
auto baseType = symbArray->type();
toStore = smtutil::Expression::tuple_constructor(
toStore = smtutil::Expression::tuple_constructor(
smtutil::Expression(make_shared<smtutil::SortSort>(smt::smtSort(*baseType)), baseType->toString(true)),
smtutil::Expression(make_shared<smtutil::SortSort>(smt::smtSort(*baseType)), baseType->toString(true)),
{smtutil::Expression::store(symbArray->elements(), expr(*indexAccess->indexExpression()), toStore), symbArray->length()}
{smtutil::Expression::store(symbArray->elements(), indexExpr, toStore), symbArray->length()}
defineExpr(*indexAccess, smtutil::Expression::select(
defineExpr(*indexAccess, smtutil::Expression::select(
lastExpr = &indexAccess->baseExpression();
lastExpr = &indexAccess->baseExpression();
@ -1527,8 +1537,6 @@ pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> SMTEncoder::arithmeticOperation(
if (_op == Token::Div || _op == Token::Mod)
if (_op == Token::Div || _op == Token::Mod)
m_context.addAssertion(_right != 0);
// mod and unsigned division never underflow/overflow
// mod and unsigned division never underflow/overflow
if (_op == Token::Mod || !intType->isSigned())
if (_op == Token::Mod || !intType->isSigned())
return {valueUnbounded, valueUnbounded};
return {valueUnbounded, valueUnbounded};
@ -1739,13 +1747,15 @@ pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> SMTEncoder::divModWithSlacks(
m_context.addAssertion(((d.currentValue() * _right) + r.currentValue()) == _left);
m_context.addAssertion(((d.currentValue() * _right) + r.currentValue()) == _left);
if (_type.isSigned())
if (_type.isSigned())
(_left >= 0 && 0 <= r.currentValue() && r.currentValue() < smtutil::abs(_right)) ||
(_left >= 0 && 0 <= r.currentValue() && (_right == 0 || r.currentValue() < smtutil::abs(_right))) ||
(_left < 0 && (0 - smtutil::abs(_right)) < r.currentValue() && r.currentValue() <= 0)
(_left < 0 && ((_right == 0 || 0 - smtutil::abs(_right) < r.currentValue()) && r.currentValue() <= 0))
else // unsigned version
else // unsigned version
m_context.addAssertion(0 <= r.currentValue() && r.currentValue() < _right);
m_context.addAssertion(0 <= r.currentValue() && (_right == 0 || r.currentValue() < _right));
return {d.currentValue(), r.currentValue()};
auto divResult = smtutil::Expression::ite(_right == 0, 0, d.currentValue());
auto modResult = smtutil::Expression::ite(_right == 0, 0, r.currentValue());
return {divResult, modResult};
void SMTEncoder::assignment(
void SMTEncoder::assignment(
@ -2235,6 +2245,19 @@ Expression const* SMTEncoder::leftmostBase(IndexAccess const& _indexAccess)
return base;
return base;
TypePointer SMTEncoder::keyType(TypePointer _type)
if (auto const* mappingType = dynamic_cast<MappingType const*>(_type))
return mappingType->keyType();
if (
dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(_type) ||
dynamic_cast<ArraySliceType const*>(_type)
return TypeProvider::uint256();
solAssert(false, "");
Expression const* SMTEncoder::innermostTuple(Expression const& _expr)
Expression const* SMTEncoder::innermostTuple(Expression const& _expr)
auto const* tuple = dynamic_cast<TupleExpression const*>(&_expr);
auto const* tuple = dynamic_cast<TupleExpression const*>(&_expr);
@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ public:
/// @returns the leftmost identifier in a multi-d IndexAccess.
/// @returns the leftmost identifier in a multi-d IndexAccess.
static Expression const* leftmostBase(IndexAccess const& _indexAccess);
static Expression const* leftmostBase(IndexAccess const& _indexAccess);
/// @returns the key type in _type.
/// _type must allow IndexAccess, that is,
/// it must be either ArrayType or MappingType
static TypePointer keyType(TypePointer _type);
/// @returns the innermost element in a chain of 1-tuples if applicable,
/// @returns the innermost element in a chain of 1-tuples if applicable,
/// otherwise _expr.
/// otherwise _expr.
static Expression const* innermostTuple(Expression const& _expr);
static Expression const* innermostTuple(Expression const& _expr);
@ -525,6 +525,7 @@ bool CompilerStack::compile(State _stopAfter)
// Only compile contracts individually which have been requested.
// Only compile contracts individually which have been requested.
map<ContractDefinition const*, shared_ptr<Compiler const>> otherCompilers;
map<ContractDefinition const*, shared_ptr<Compiler const>> otherCompilers;
for (Source const* source: m_sourceOrder)
for (Source const* source: m_sourceOrder)
for (ASTPointer<ASTNode> const& node: source->ast->nodes())
for (ASTPointer<ASTNode> const& node: source->ast->nodes())
if (auto contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(node.get()))
if (auto contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(node.get()))
@ -1160,11 +1161,15 @@ void CompilerStack::compileContract(
if (m_hasError)
if (m_hasError)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Called compile with errors."));
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Called compile with errors."));
if (_otherCompilers.count(&_contract) || !_contract.canBeDeployed())
if (_otherCompilers.count(&_contract))
for (auto const* dependency: _contract.annotation().contractDependencies)
for (auto const* dependency: _contract.annotation().contractDependencies)
compileContract(*dependency, _otherCompilers);
compileContract(*dependency, _otherCompilers);
if (!_contract.canBeDeployed())
Contract& compiledContract = m_contracts.at(_contract.fullyQualifiedName());
Contract& compiledContract = m_contracts.at(_contract.fullyQualifiedName());
shared_ptr<Compiler> compiler = make_shared<Compiler>(m_evmVersion, m_revertStrings, m_optimiserSettings);
shared_ptr<Compiler> compiler = make_shared<Compiler>(m_evmVersion, m_revertStrings, m_optimiserSettings);
@ -1227,21 +1232,20 @@ void CompilerStack::generateIR(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
if (m_hasError)
if (m_hasError)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Called generateIR with errors."));
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Called generateIR with errors."));
if (!_contract.canBeDeployed())
map<ContractDefinition const*, string const> otherYulSources;
Contract& compiledContract = m_contracts.at(_contract.fullyQualifiedName());
Contract& compiledContract = m_contracts.at(_contract.fullyQualifiedName());
if (!compiledContract.yulIR.empty())
if (!compiledContract.yulIR.empty())
string dependenciesSource;
string dependenciesSource;
for (auto const* dependency: _contract.annotation().contractDependencies)
for (auto const* dependency: _contract.annotation().contractDependencies)
otherYulSources.emplace(dependency, m_contracts.at(dependency->fullyQualifiedName()).yulIR);
if (!_contract.canBeDeployed())
map<ContractDefinition const*, string_view const> otherYulSources;
for (auto const& pair: m_contracts)
otherYulSources.emplace(pair.second.contract, pair.second.yulIR);
IRGenerator generator(m_evmVersion, m_revertStrings, m_optimiserSettings);
IRGenerator generator(m_evmVersion, m_revertStrings, m_optimiserSettings);
tie(compiledContract.yulIR, compiledContract.yulIROptimized) = generator.run(_contract, otherYulSources);
tie(compiledContract.yulIR, compiledContract.yulIROptimized) = generator.run(_contract, otherYulSources);
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ fi
docker run -v $(pwd):/root/project -w /root/project \
docker run -v $(pwd):/root/project -w /root/project \
./scripts/travis-emscripten/build_emscripten.sh $BUILD_DIR
./scripts/ci/build_emscripten.sh $BUILD_DIR
@ -17,9 +17,7 @@
@ -42,8 +42,18 @@ fi
echo -en 'travis_fold:start:compiling_solidity\\r'
# shellcheck disable=SC2166
if [[ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" = release || -n "$CIRCLE_TAG" || -n "$FORCE_RELEASE" || "$(git tag --points-at HEAD 2>/dev/null)" == v* ]]
echo -n >prerelease.txt
if [ -n "$CIRCLE_SHA1" ]
echo -n "$CIRCLE_SHA1" >commit_hash.txt
mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR
mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR
cmake \
cmake \
@ -67,5 +77,3 @@ cp $BUILD_DIR/libsolc/soljson.js ./
OUTPUT_SIZE=`ls -la soljson.js`
OUTPUT_SIZE=`ls -la soljson.js`
echo "Emscripten output size: $OUTPUT_SIZE"
echo "Emscripten output size: $OUTPUT_SIZE"
echo -en 'travis_fold:end:compiling_solidity\\r'
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -e
# Scratch image
docker build -t ethereum/solc:build -f scripts/Dockerfile .
tmp_container=$(docker create ethereum/solc:build sh)
mkdir -p upload
docker cp ${tmp_container}:/usr/bin/solc upload/solc-static-linux
# Alpine image
docker build -t ethereum/solc:build-alpine -f scripts/Dockerfile_alpine .
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -e
docker tag "$image:$1" "$image:$2"
docker push "$image:$2"
echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin
version=$($(dirname "$0")/get_version.sh)
if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "develop" ]
tag_and_push build nightly
tag_and_push build nightly-"$version"-"$TRAVIS_COMMIT"
tag_and_push build-alpine nightly-alpine
tag_and_push build-alpine nightly-alpine-"$version"-"$TRAVIS_COMMIT"
elif [ "$TRAVIS_TAG" = v"$version" ]
tag_and_push build stable
tag_and_push build "$version"
tag_and_push build-alpine stable-alpine
tag_and_push build-alpine "$version"-alpine
echo "Not publishing docker image from branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH or tag $TRAVIS_TAG"
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ def examine_id_coverage(top_dir, source_id_to_file_names, new_ids_only=False):
old_source_only_ids = {
old_source_only_ids = {
"1123", "1133", "1218", "1220", "1584", "1823", "1950",
"1123", "1133", "1218", "1220", "1584", "1823", "1950",
"1988", "2418", "2461", "2512", "2592", "2657", "2800", "2842", "2856",
"1988", "2418", "2461", "2512", "2592", "2657", "2800", "2842", "2856",
"3263", "3356", "3441", "3682", "3876",
"3046", "3263", "3356", "3441", "3682", "3876",
"3893", "4010", "4281", "4802", "4805", "4828",
"3893", "4010", "4281", "4802", "4805", "4828",
"4904", "4990", "5052", "5073", "5170", "5188", "5272", "5347", "5473",
"4904", "4990", "5052", "5073", "5170", "5188", "5272", "5347", "5473",
"5622", "6041", "6052", "6272", "6708", "6792", "6931", "7110", "7128", "7186",
"5622", "6041", "6052", "6084", "6272", "6708", "6792", "6931", "7110", "7128", "7186",
"7589", "7593", "7653", "7812", "7885", "8065", "8084", "8140",
"7589", "7593", "7653", "7812", "7885", "8065", "8084", "8140",
"8261", "8312", "8592", "8758", "9011",
"8261", "8312", "8592", "8758", "9011",
"9085", "9390", "9440", "9547", "9551", "9615", "9980"
"9085", "9390", "9440", "9547", "9551", "9615", "9980"
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Bash script which calls the Emscripten "publish binary" script on Ubuntu
# and does nothing on macOS. We should probably merge these two scripts in
# the near future.
# The documentation for solidity is hosted at:
# https://solidity.readthedocs.org
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of solidity.
# solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# (c) 2016 solidity contributors.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" != "darwin"* ]]; then
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Bash script for publishing Solidity Emscripten binaries to Github.
# The results are committed to https://github.com/ethereum/solc-bin.
# The documentation for solidity is hosted at:
# http://solidity.readthedocs.io/
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of solidity.
# solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# (c) 2016 solidity contributors.
set -e
VER=$(cat CMakeLists.txt | grep 'set(PROJECT_VERSION' | sed -e 's/.*set(PROJECT_VERSION "\(.*\)".*/\1/')
test -n "$VER"
COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD)
DATE=$(date --date="$(git log -1 --date=iso --format=%ad HEAD)" --utc +%Y.%-m.%-d)
openssl aes-256-cbc -K $ENCRYPTED_KEY -iv $ENCRYPTED_IV -in scripts/travis-emscripten/deploy_key.enc -out deploy_key -d
chmod 600 deploy_key
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add deploy_key
git clone --depth 2 git@github.com:ethereum/solc-bin.git
cd solc-bin
git config user.name "travis"
git config user.email "chris@ethereum.org"
git checkout -B gh-pages origin/gh-pages
git clean -f -d -x
if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = release ]
# We only want one file with this version
if ls ./bin/soljson-"$VER+"*.js
echo "Not publishing, we already published this version."
exit 0
elif [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = develop ]
# We only want one release per day and we do not want to push the same commit twice.
if ls ./bin/soljson-"$VER-nightly.$DATE"*.js || ls ./bin/soljson-*"commit.$COMMIT.js"
echo "Not publishing, we already published this version today."
exit 0
echo "Not publishing, wrong branch."
exit 0
# Prepare for update script
npm install
# This file is assumed to be the product of the build_emscripten.sh script.
cp ../soljson.js ./bin/"$NEWFILE"
# For releases, add a symlink to the wasm directory.
[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = release ] && ln -sf ../bin/"$NEWFILE" ./wasm/"$NEWFILE"
# Run update script
npm run update
# Publish updates
git add ./bin/"$NEWFILE"
[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = release ] && git add ./wasm/"$NEWFILE"
git commit -a -m "Added compiler version $FULLVERSION"
git push origin gh-pages
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ if [ -d jsoncpp ]; then
set +e
set +e
set -e
set -e
mkdir -p upload
mkdir -p upload
@ -1505,6 +1505,96 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(stopAfter_ast_output)
char const* input = R"(
"language": "Solidity",
"sources": {
"BlockRewardAuRaBase.sol": {
"content": " contract Sacrifice { constructor() payable {} } abstract contract BlockRewardAuRaBase { function _transferNativeReward() internal { new Sacrifice(); } function _distributeTokenRewards() internal virtual; } "
"BlockRewardAuRaCoins.sol": {
"content": " import \"./BlockRewardAuRaBase.sol\"; contract BlockRewardAuRaCoins is BlockRewardAuRaBase { function transferReward() public { _transferNativeReward(); } function _distributeTokenRewards() internal override {} } "
"settings": {
"outputSelection": {
"BlockRewardAuRaCoins.sol": {
"BlockRewardAuRaCoins": ["ir", "evm.bytecode.sourceMap"]
Json::Value parsedInput;
BOOST_REQUIRE(util::jsonParseStrict(input, parsedInput));
solidity::frontend::StandardCompiler compiler;
Json::Value result = compiler.compile(parsedInput);
BOOST_REQUIRE(result["contracts"].size() == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(result["contracts"]["BlockRewardAuRaCoins.sol"].size() == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(result["sources"].size() == 2);
char const* input = R"(
"language": "Solidity",
"sources": {
"A.sol": {
"content": "contract A {} contract B {} contract C { constructor() { new B(); } } contract D {}"
"settings": {
"outputSelection": {
"A.sol": {
"C": ["ir"]
Json::Value parsedInput;
BOOST_REQUIRE(util::jsonParseStrict(input, parsedInput));
solidity::frontend::StandardCompiler compiler;
Json::Value result = compiler.compile(parsedInput);
BOOST_REQUIRE(result["contracts"].size() == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(result["contracts"]["A.sol"].size() == 1);
const string& irCode = result["contracts"]["A.sol"]["C"]["ir"].asString();
// Make sure C and B contracts are deployed
BOOST_REQUIRE(irCode.find("object \"C") != string::npos);
BOOST_REQUIRE(irCode.find("object \"B") != string::npos);
// Make sure A and D are NOT deployed as they were not requested and are not
// in any dependency
BOOST_REQUIRE(irCode.find("object \"A") == string::npos);
BOOST_REQUIRE(irCode.find("object \"D") == string::npos);
BOOST_REQUIRE(result["sources"].size() == 1);
} // end namespaces
} // end namespaces
@ -11,5 +11,7 @@ contract D {
return test();
return test();
// ====
// compileViaYul: true
// ----
// ----
// f() -> true
// f() -> true
@ -11,5 +11,7 @@ contract D {
return test();
return test();
// ====
// compileViaYul: true
// ----
// ----
// f() -> 2
// f() -> 2
@ -24,8 +24,11 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 1218: (168-184): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 1218: (168-184): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 6328: (168-184): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 1218: (305-321): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 1218: (305-321): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 6328: (305-321): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 1218: (448-464): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 1218: (448-464): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 6328: (448-464): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (673-689): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (673-689): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (168-184): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (168-184): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (305-321): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (305-321): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -46,8 +46,11 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 1218: (726-745): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 1218: (726-745): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 6328: (726-745): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 1218: (749-768): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 1218: (749-768): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 6328: (749-768): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 1218: (772-791): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 1218: (772-791): CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
// Warning 6328: (772-791): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (795-814): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (795-814): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (726-745): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (726-745): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (749-768): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (749-768): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract A {
function f() external {}
function g(uint256) external {}
contract B {
function f() external returns (uint256) {}
function g(uint256) external returns (uint256) {}
contract C {
function test1() external pure returns(bytes4, bytes4, bytes4, bytes4) {
return (A.f.selector, A.g.selector, B.f.selector, B.g.selector);
function test2() external pure returns(bytes4, bytes4, bytes4, bytes4) {
A a; B b;
return (a.f.selector, a.g.selector, b.f.selector, b.g.selector);
// ====
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract C {
uint256 public x;
function f() public pure returns (bytes4) {
return this.f.selector;
function g() public view returns (bytes4) {
function () pure external returns (bytes4) fun = this.f;
return fun.selector;
function i() public pure returns (bytes4) {
return this.x.selector;
function check() public view {
assert(f() == 0x26121ff0);
assert(g() == 0x26121ff0);
assert(i() == 0x0c55699c);
assert(i() == 0x26121ff0);
// ----
// Warning 6328: (470-495): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (540-565): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6031: (261-267): Internal error: Expression undefined for SMT solver.
// Warning 7650: (284-296): Assertion checker does not yet support this expression.
// Warning 7650: (284-296): Assertion checker does not yet support this expression.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
interface ERC165 {
/// @notice Query if a contract implements an interface
/// @param interfaceID The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165
/// @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165. This function
/// uses less than 30,000 gas.
/// @return `true` if the contract implements `interfaceID` and
/// `interfaceID` is not 0xffffffff, `false` otherwise
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external view returns (bool);
interface Simpson {
function is2D() external returns (bool);
function skinColor() external returns (string memory);
interface PeaceMaker {
function achieveWorldPeace() external;
contract Homer is ERC165, Simpson {
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) public pure override returns (bool) {
interfaceID == this.supportsInterface.selector || // ERC165
interfaceID == this.is2D.selector ^ this.skinColor.selector; // Simpson
function is2D() external pure override returns (bool) {
return true;
function skinColor() external pure override returns (string memory) {
return "yellow";
function check() public pure {
// ----
// Warning 6328: (1373-1428): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract C {
function f() public pure {
assert(msg.sig == this.f.selector);
// ----
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract C {
function g() external pure {
function f() public pure {
assert(msg.sig == this.g.selector);
// ----
// Warning 6328: (125-159): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract C {
int public x;
int public y;
function f() public pure {
assert(this.x.selector != this.y.selector);
assert(this.x.selector == this.y.selector);
// ----
// Warning 6328: (175-217): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ contract Der is Base {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 4984: (der:101-109): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (der:113-126): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (der:113-126): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 2661: (base:100-103): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 2661: (base:100-103): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 2661: (der:101-109): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 2661: (der:101-109): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ contract Simple {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6328: (187-201): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 4661: (187-201): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (187-201): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ contract C
// ====
// ====
// SMTSolvers: z3
// SMTSolvers: z3
// ----
// ----
// Warning 4984: (176-181): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (189-203): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (189-203): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 2661: (176-181): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 2661: (176-181): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ contract C
// ----
// ----
// Warning 4984: (176-181): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
// Warning 2661: (176-181): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 2661: (176-181): BMC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) happens here.
@ -20,5 +20,6 @@ contract LoopFor2 {
// ====
// ====
// SMTSolvers: z3
// SMTSolvers: z3
// ----
// ----
// Warning 4984: (244-249): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (373-392): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (373-392): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (396-415): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (396-415): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ contract LoopFor2 {
// ====
// ====
// SMTSolvers: z3
// SMTSolvers: z3
// ----
// ----
// Warning 4984: (237-242): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
@ -20,5 +20,6 @@ contract LoopFor2 {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 4984: (229-234): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 2**256 - 1) might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (290-309): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (290-309): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (313-332): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (313-332): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 3046: (141-166): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (141-166): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 3046: (263-278): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 6328: (170-184): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4281: (263-278): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
@ -22,5 +22,7 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6321: (253-260): Unnamed return variable can remain unassigned. Add an explicit return with value to all non-reverting code paths or name the variable.
// Warning 6321: (253-260): Unnamed return variable can remain unassigned. Add an explicit return with value to all non-reverting code paths or name the variable.
// Warning 3046: (94-109): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (94-109): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 3046: (180-195): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 6328: (113-126): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4281: (180-195): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 6328: (199-212): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 3046: (141-166): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (141-166): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 3046: (263-278): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 6328: (170-184): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4281: (263-278): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6328: (174-212): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6328: (166-183): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6328: (173-192): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 7812: (173-192): BMC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 7812: (173-192): BMC: Assertion violation might happen here.
@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6328: (157-172): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 7812: (157-172): BMC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 7812: (157-172): BMC: Assertion violation might happen here.
@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ contract C {
uint x = 2 / z;
uint x = 2 / z;
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6084: (69-74): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (69-74): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 3046: (111-116): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (111-116): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6328: (163-180): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract C {
function f(bytes calldata b) external pure {
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6328: (221-253): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (257-289): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (293-326): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 4661: (221-253): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (221-253): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (257-289): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (257-289): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (293-326): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (293-326): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 6328: (157-189): CHC: Assertion violation might happen here.
// Warning 6328: (193-225): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 6328: (193-225): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (157-189): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
// Warning 4661: (157-189): BMC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 4281: (110-115): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4984: (110-115): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 0x80 * 2**248 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 4984: (110-115): CHC: Overflow (resulting value larger than 0x80 * 2**248 - 1) happens here.
// Warning 3046: (110-115): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 3046: (110-115): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (110-115): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 3046: (113-118): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (113-118): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 3046: (113-118): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (113-118): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract C {
mapping (byte => uint) map;
function f() public {
map[""] = 2;
uint x = map[""];
byte b = "";
assert(x == map[b]);
assert(x == map["x"]);
function g(byte b) internal pure {}
// ----
// Warning 6328: (182-203): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
pragma experimental SMTChecker;
contract SMT {
bytes32 constant internal NULL_BYTES32 = bytes32('');
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ contract C {
// ----
// ----
// Warning 3046: (117-120): BMC: Division by zero happens here.
// Warning 4281: (117-120): CHC: Division by zero happens here.
Reference in New Issue
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