Drop hex literals from the Yul documentation

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Alex Beregszaszi 2020-08-12 23:59:37 +01:00
parent acb1e8c280
commit 18eed44688

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@ -476,9 +476,8 @@ which are explained in their own chapter.
TypeName = Identifier
TypedIdentifierList = Identifier ( ':' TypeName )? ( ',' Identifier ( ':' TypeName )? )*
Literal =
(NumberLiteral | StringLiteral | HexLiteral | TrueLiteral | FalseLiteral) ( ':' TypeName )?
(NumberLiteral | StringLiteral | TrueLiteral | FalseLiteral) ( ':' TypeName )?
NumberLiteral = HexNumber | DecimalNumber
HexLiteral = 'hex' ('"' ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})* '"' | '\'' ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})* '\'')
StringLiteral = '"' ([^"\r\n\\] | '\\' .)* '"'
TrueLiteral = 'true'
FalseLiteral = 'false'
@ -688,8 +687,6 @@ We will use a destructuring notation for the AST nodes.
L'[$parami] = vi and L'[$reti] = 0 for all i.
Let G'', L'', mode = E(Gn, L', block)
G'', Ln, L''[$ret1], ..., L''[$retm]
E(G, L, l: HexLiteral) = G, L, hexString(l),
where hexString decodes l from hex and left-aligns it into 32 bytes
E(G, L, l: StringLiteral) = G, L, utf8EncodeLeftAligned(l),
where utf8EncodeLeftAligned performs a utf8 encoding of l
and aligns it left into 32 bytes