Fix local and globals wast functions.

This commit is contained in:
chriseth 2019-10-31 17:29:21 +01:00
parent d932f2d0c2
commit 04c62e2dc3
2 changed files with 53 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ string EWasmToText::operator()(wasm::StringLiteral const& _literal)
string EWasmToText::operator()(wasm::LocalVariable const& _identifier)
return "(get_local $" + + ")";
return "(local.get $" + + ")";
string EWasmToText::operator()(wasm::GlobalVariable const& _identifier)
return "(get_global $" + + ")";
return "(global.get $" + + ")";
string EWasmToText::operator()(wasm::BuiltinCall const& _builtinCall)
@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ string EWasmToText::operator()(wasm::FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
string EWasmToText::operator()(wasm::LocalAssignment const& _assignment)
return "(set_local $" + _assignment.variableName + " " + visit(*_assignment.value) + ")\n";
return "(local.set $" + _assignment.variableName + " " + visit(*_assignment.value) + ")\n";
string EWasmToText::operator()(wasm::GlobalAssignment const& _assignment)
return "(set_global $" + _assignment.variableName + " " + visit(*_assignment.value) + ")\n";
return "(global.set $" + _assignment.variableName + " " + visit(*_assignment.value) + ")\n";
string EWasmToText::operator()(wasm::If const& _if)

View File

@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
(local $hi i64)
(local $y i64)
(local $hi_1 i64)
(set_local $_1 (i64.const 0))
(set_local $pos (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (i64.const 64)))
(set_local $_2 (i64.const 65280))
(set_local $hi (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (get_local $_1) (i64.const 8)) (get_local $_2)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (get_local $_1) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))) (i64.const 16)) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (get_local $_1) (i64.const 16)))) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $y (i64.or (get_local $hi) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (get_local $_1) (i64.const 32)))))
( (get_local $pos) (get_local $y))
( (i64.add (get_local $pos) (i64.const 8)) (get_local $y))
( (i64.add (get_local $pos) (i64.const 16)) (get_local $y))
(set_local $hi_1 (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (i64.const 64) (i64.const 8)) (get_local $_2)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))) (i64.const 16)) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 16)))) (i64.const 32)))
( (i64.add (get_local $pos) (i64.const 24)) (i64.or (get_local $hi_1) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 32)))))
(call $eth.revert (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1)) (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1)))
(local.set $_1 (i64.const 0))
(local.set $pos (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (i64.const 64)))
(local.set $_2 (i64.const 65280))
(local.set $hi (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (local.get $_1) (i64.const 8)) (local.get $_2)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (local.get $_1) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))) (i64.const 16)) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (local.get $_1) (i64.const 16)))) (i64.const 32)))
(local.set $y (i64.or (local.get $hi) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (local.get $_1) (i64.const 32)))))
( (local.get $pos) (local.get $y))
( (i64.add (local.get $pos) (i64.const 8)) (local.get $y))
( (i64.add (local.get $pos) (i64.const 16)) (local.get $y))
(local.set $hi_1 (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (i64.const 64) (i64.const 8)) (local.get $_2)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))) (i64.const 16)) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 16)))) (i64.const 32)))
( (i64.add (local.get $pos) (i64.const 24)) (i64.or (local.get $hi_1) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 32)))))
(call $eth.revert (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1)) (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1)))
(func $u256_to_i32
@ -30,20 +30,20 @@
(param $x4 i64)
(result i64)
(local $v i64)
(if ( (get_local $v) (i64.or (i64.or (get_local $x1) (get_local $x2)) (get_local $x3))) (then
(if ( (local.get $v) (i64.or (i64.or (local.get $x1) (local.get $x2)) (local.get $x3))) (then
(if ( (get_local $v) (i64.shr_u (get_local $x4) (i64.const 32))) (then
(if ( (local.get $v) (i64.shr_u (local.get $x4) (i64.const 32))) (then
(set_local $v (get_local $x4))
(get_local $v)
(local.set $v (local.get $x4))
(local.get $v)
(func $endian_swap_16
(param $x i64)
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(set_local $y (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (get_local $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 65280)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (get_local $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))))
(get_local $y)
(local.set $y (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (local.get $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 65280)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))))
(local.get $y)
(func $endian_swap_32
@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(local $hi i64)
(set_local $hi (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_16 (get_local $x)) (i64.const 16)))
(set_local $y (i64.or (get_local $hi) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (get_local $x) (i64.const 16)))))
(get_local $y)
(local.set $hi (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_16 (local.get $x)) (i64.const 16)))
(local.set $y (i64.or (local.get $hi) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 16)))))
(local.get $y)
@ -81,32 +81,32 @@
(local $_7 i64)
(local $_8 i64)
(local $_9 i64)
(set_local $_1 (i64.const 0))
(set_local $pos (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (i64.const 64)))
(set_local $hi (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (get_local $_1) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 65280)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (get_local $_1) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))) (i64.const 16)) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (get_local $_1) (i64.const 16)))) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $y (i64.or (get_local $hi) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (get_local $_1) (i64.const 32)))))
( (get_local $pos) (get_local $y))
( (i64.add (get_local $pos) (i64.const 8)) (get_local $y))
( (i64.add (get_local $pos) (i64.const 16)) (get_local $y))
(set_local $hi_1 (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.const 64)) (i64.const 16)))
(set_local $hi_2 (i64.shl (i64.or (get_local $hi_1) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 16)))) (i64.const 32)))
( (i64.add (get_local $pos) (i64.const 24)) (i64.or (get_local $hi_2) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 32)))))
(local.set $_1 (i64.const 0))
(local.set $pos (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (i64.const 64)))
(local.set $hi (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.shl (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (local.get $_1) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 65280)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (local.get $_1) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))) (i64.const 16)) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (local.get $_1) (i64.const 16)))) (i64.const 32)))
(local.set $y (i64.or (local.get $hi) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (local.get $_1) (i64.const 32)))))
( (local.get $pos) (local.get $y))
( (i64.add (local.get $pos) (i64.const 8)) (local.get $y))
( (i64.add (local.get $pos) (i64.const 16)) (local.get $y))
(local.set $hi_1 (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.const 64)) (i64.const 16)))
(local.set $hi_2 (i64.shl (i64.or (local.get $hi_1) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 16)))) (i64.const 32)))
( (i64.add (local.get $pos) (i64.const 24)) (i64.or (local.get $hi_2) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (i64.const 64) (i64.const 32)))))
(set_local $_2 (datasize \"C_2_deployed\"))
(set_local $_3 (get_global $global_))
(set_local $_4 (get_global $global__1))
(set_local $_5 (get_global $global__2))
(local.set $_2 (datasize \"C_2_deployed\"))
(local.set $_3 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $_4 (global.get $global__1))
(local.set $_5 (global.get $global__2))
(set_local $_6 (dataoffset \"C_2_deployed\"))
(set_local $_7 (get_global $global_))
(set_local $_8 (get_global $global__1))
(set_local $_9 (get_global $global__2))
(local.set $_6 (dataoffset \"C_2_deployed\"))
(local.set $_7 (global.get $global_))
(local.set $_8 (global.get $global__1))
(local.set $_9 (global.get $global__2))
(call $eth.codeCopy (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1)) (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_6) (get_local $_7) (get_local $_8) (get_local $_9)) (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_2) (get_local $_3) (get_local $_4) (get_local $_5)))
(call $eth.finish (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1) (get_local $_1)) (call $u256_to_i32 (get_local $_2) (get_local $_3) (get_local $_4) (get_local $_5)))
(call $eth.codeCopy (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1)) (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_6) (local.get $_7) (local.get $_8) (local.get $_9)) (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_2) (local.get $_3) (local.get $_4) (local.get $_5)))
(call $eth.finish (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1)) (call $u256_to_i32 (local.get $_2) (local.get $_3) (local.get $_4) (local.get $_5)))
(func $u256_to_i32
@ -116,20 +116,20 @@
(param $x4 i64)
(result i64)
(local $v i64)
(if ( (get_local $v) (i64.or (i64.or (get_local $x1) (get_local $x2)) (get_local $x3))) (then
(if ( (local.get $v) (i64.or (i64.or (local.get $x1) (local.get $x2)) (local.get $x3))) (then
(if ( (get_local $v) (i64.shr_u (get_local $x4) (i64.const 32))) (then
(if ( (local.get $v) (i64.shr_u (local.get $x4) (i64.const 32))) (then
(set_local $v (get_local $x4))
(get_local $v)
(local.set $v (local.get $x4))
(local.get $v)
(func $endian_swap_16
(param $x i64)
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(set_local $y (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (get_local $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 65280)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (get_local $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))))
(get_local $y)
(local.set $y (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (local.get $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 65280)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))))
(local.get $y)
(func $endian_swap_32
@ -137,9 +137,9 @@
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(local $hi i64)
(set_local $hi (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_16 (get_local $x)) (i64.const 16)))
(set_local $y (i64.or (get_local $hi) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (get_local $x) (i64.const 16)))))
(get_local $y)
(local.set $hi (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_16 (local.get $x)) (i64.const 16)))
(local.set $y (i64.or (local.get $hi) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 16)))))
(local.get $y)