2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
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/** @file transaction.cpp
* @ author Dmitrii Khokhlov < winsvega @ mail . ru >
2015-01-22 23:48:15 +00:00
* @ date 2015
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
* Transaaction test functions .
# include "TestHelper.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace json_spirit ;
using namespace dev ;
using namespace dev : : eth ;
namespace dev { namespace test {
void doTransactionTests ( json_spirit : : mValue & _v , bool _fillin )
for ( auto & i : _v . get_obj ( ) )
cerr < < i . first < < endl ;
mObject & o = i . second . get_obj ( ) ;
2015-01-23 14:04:45 +00:00
if ( _fillin = = false )
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " rlp " ) > 0 ) ;
Transaction txFromRlp ;
2015-02-12 20:43:57 +00:00
bytes stream = importByteArray ( o [ " rlp " ] . get_str ( ) ) ;
RLP rlp ( stream ) ;
txFromRlp = Transaction ( rlp . data ( ) , CheckSignature : : Sender ) ;
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
if ( ! txFromRlp . signature ( ) . isValid ( ) )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION ( Exception ( ) < < errinfo_comment ( " transaction from RLP signature is invalid " ) ) ;
catch ( . . . )
2015-02-12 20:43:57 +00:00
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( o . count ( " transaction " ) = = 0 , " A transaction object should not be defined because the RLP is invalid! " ) ;
2015-02-23 07:29:56 +00:00
continue ;
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " transaction " ) > 0 ) ;
mObject tObj = o [ " transaction " ] . get_obj ( ) ;
2015-02-07 11:23:17 +00:00
Transaction txFromFields ( createRLPStreamFromTransactionFields ( tObj ) . out ( ) , CheckSignature : : Sender ) ;
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
//Check the fields restored from RLP to original fields
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . data ( ) = = txFromRlp . data ( ) , " Data in given RLP not matching the Transaction data! " ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . value ( ) = = txFromRlp . value ( ) , " Value in given RLP not matching the Transaction value! " ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . gasPrice ( ) = = txFromRlp . gasPrice ( ) , " GasPrice in given RLP not matching the Transaction gasPrice! " ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . gas ( ) = = txFromRlp . gas ( ) , " Gas in given RLP not matching the Transaction gas! " ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . nonce ( ) = = txFromRlp . nonce ( ) , " Nonce in given RLP not matching the Transaction nonce! " ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . receiveAddress ( ) = = txFromRlp . receiveAddress ( ) , " Receive address in given RLP not matching the Transaction 'to' address! " ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . sender ( ) = = txFromRlp . sender ( ) , " Transaction sender address in given RLP not matching the Transaction 'vrs' signature! " ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields = = txFromRlp , " However, txFromFields != txFromRlp! " ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " sender " ) > 0 ) ;
Address addressReaded = Address ( o [ " sender " ] . get_str ( ) ) ;
2015-01-23 14:04:45 +00:00
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . sender ( ) = = addressReaded | | txFromRlp . sender ( ) = = addressReaded , " Signature address of sender does not match given sender address! " ) ;
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
2015-01-23 14:04:45 +00:00
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " transaction " ) > 0 ) ;
mObject tObj = o [ " transaction " ] . get_obj ( ) ;
//Construct Rlp of the given transaction
2015-02-06 22:13:02 +00:00
RLPStream rlpStream = createRLPStreamFromTransactionFields ( tObj ) ;
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
o [ " rlp " ] = " 0x " + toHex ( rlpStream . out ( ) ) ;
2015-01-23 13:55:18 +00:00
Transaction txFromFields ( rlpStream . out ( ) , CheckSignature : : Sender ) ;
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
if ( ! txFromFields . signature ( ) . isValid ( ) )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION ( Exception ( ) < < errinfo_comment ( " transaction from RLP signature is invalid " ) ) ;
o [ " sender " ] = toString ( txFromFields . sender ( ) ) ;
catch ( . . . )
o . erase ( o . find ( " transaction " ) ) ;
} //for
} //doTransactionTests
} } // Namespace Close
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE ( TransactionTests )
2015-01-23 14:04:45 +00:00
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( TransactionTest )
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " ttTransactionTest " , " /TransactionTests " , dev : : test : : doTransactionTests ) ;
2015-02-23 07:29:56 +00:00
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( ttWrongRLPTransaction )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " ttWrongRLPTransaction " , " /TransactionTests " , dev : : test : : doTransactionTests ) ;
2015-01-23 14:04:45 +00:00
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( tt10mbDataField )
2015-01-22 23:48:15 +00:00
2015-02-25 06:54:59 +00:00
for ( int i = 1 ; i < boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argc ; + + i )
string arg = boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i ] ;
if ( arg = = " --bigdata " | | arg = = " --all " )
auto start = chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) ;
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " tt10mbDataField " , " /TransactionTests " , dev : : test : : doTransactionTests ) ;
auto end = chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) ;
auto duration ( chrono : : duration_cast < chrono : : milliseconds > ( end - start ) ) ;
cnote < < " test duration: " < < duration . count ( ) < < " milliseconds. \n " ;
2015-01-22 23:48:15 +00:00
2015-01-05 22:39:02 +00:00
for ( int i = 1 ; i < boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argc ; + + i )
string arg = boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i ] ;
if ( arg = = " --createtest " )
if ( boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argc < = i + 2 )
cnote < < " usage: ./testeth --createtest <PathToConstructor> <PathToDestiny> \n " ;
return ;
cnote < < " Populating tests... " ;
json_spirit : : mValue v ;
string s = asString ( dev : : contents ( boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i + 1 ] ) ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE ( s . length ( ) > 0 , " Content of " + ( string ) boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i + 1 ] + " is empty. " ) ;
json_spirit : : read_string ( s , v ) ;
dev : : test : : doTransactionTests ( v , true ) ;
writeFile ( boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i + 2 ] , asBytes ( json_spirit : : write_string ( v , true ) ) ) ;
catch ( Exception const & _e )
BOOST_ERROR ( " Failed transaction test with Exception: " < < diagnostic_information ( _e ) ) ;
catch ( std : : exception const & _e )
BOOST_ERROR ( " Failed transaction test with Exception: " < < _e . what ( ) ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( userDefinedFileTT )
dev : : test : : userDefinedTest ( " --ttTest " , dev : : test : : doTransactionTests ) ;