2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
/// Unit tests for libsolidity/analysis/FunctionCallGraph.h
#include <libsolidity/analysis/FunctionCallGraph.h>
#include <test/Common.h>
#include <test/libsolidity/util/SoltestErrors.h>
#include <libsolutil/CommonData.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/CompilerStack.h>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <range/v3/action/sort.hpp>
#include <range/v3/algorithm/all_of.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range/conversion.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/join.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/map.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/remove_if.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/set_algorithm.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using namespace solidity::langutil;
using namespace solidity::frontend;
using EdgeMap = map<
2021-02-23 08:31:09 +00:00
set<CallGraph::Node, CallGraph::CompareByID>,
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
using EdgeNames = set<tuple<string, string>>;
2021-02-23 08:31:09 +00:00
using CallGraphMap = map<string, CallGraph const*>;
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> parseAndAnalyzeContracts(string _sourceCode)
ReadCallback::Callback fileReader = [](string const&, string const&)
soltestAssert(false, "For simplicity this test suite supports only files without imports.");
return ReadCallback::Result{true, ""};
auto compilerStack = make_unique<CompilerStack>(fileReader);
compilerStack->setSources({{"", _sourceCode}});
// NOTE: The code in test cases is expected to be correct so we can keep error handling simple
// here and just assert that there are no errors.
bool success = compilerStack->parseAndAnalyze();
soltestAssert(success, "");
[](auto const& _node){ return !dynamic_cast<ImportDirective const*>(_node.get()); }
"For simplicity this test suite supports only files without imports."
return compilerStack;
EdgeNames edgeNames(EdgeMap const& _edgeMap)
EdgeNames names;
for (auto const& [edgeStart, allEnds]: _edgeMap)
for (auto const& edgeEnd: allEnds)
names.emplace(toString(edgeStart), toString(edgeEnd));
return names;
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> collectGraphs(CompilerStack const& _compilerStack)
soltestAssert(!_compilerStack.hasError(), "");
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs;
for (string const& fullyQualifiedContractName: _compilerStack.contractNames())
soltestAssert(get<0>(graphs).count(fullyQualifiedContractName) == 0 && get<1>(graphs).count(fullyQualifiedContractName) == 0, "");
// This relies on two assumptions: (1) CompilerStack received an empty string as a path for
// the contract and (2) contracts used in test cases have no imports.
soltestAssert(fullyQualifiedContractName.size() > 0 && fullyQualifiedContractName[0] == ':', "");
string contractName = fullyQualifiedContractName.substr(1);
2021-02-23 09:21:13 +00:00
get<0>(graphs).emplace(contractName, _compilerStack.contractDefinition(fullyQualifiedContractName).annotation().creationCallGraph->get());
get<1>(graphs).emplace(contractName, _compilerStack.contractDefinition(fullyQualifiedContractName).annotation().deployedCallGraph->get());
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
return graphs;
void checkCallGraphExpectations(
CallGraphMap const& _callGraphs,
map<string, EdgeNames> const& _expectedEdges,
map<string, set<string>> const& _expectedCreatedContractSets = {},
map<string, set<string>> const& _expectedEmittedEventSets = {}
auto getContractName = [](ContractDefinition const* _contract){ return _contract->name(); };
2021-02-23 08:31:09 +00:00
auto eventToString = [](EventDefinition const* _event){ return toString(CallGraph::Node(_event)); };
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
auto notEmpty = [](set<string> const& _set){ return !_set.empty(); };
2021-05-07 13:42:17 +00:00
(_expectedCreatedContractSets | ranges::views::values | ranges::views::remove_if(notEmpty)).empty(),
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
"Contracts that are not expected to create other contracts should not be included in _expectedCreatedContractSets."
2021-05-07 13:42:17 +00:00
(_expectedEdges | ranges::views::keys | ranges::to<set>()) == (_callGraphs | ranges::views::keys | ranges::to<set>()) &&
(ranges::views::set_difference(_expectedCreatedContractSets | ranges::views::keys, _expectedEdges | ranges::views::keys)).empty(),
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
"Contracts listed in expectations do not match contracts actually found in the source file or in other expectations."
2021-05-07 13:42:17 +00:00
for (string const& contractName: _expectedEdges | ranges::views::keys)
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
2021-05-07 13:42:17 +00:00
(ranges::views::set_difference(valueOrDefault(_expectedCreatedContractSets, contractName, {}), _expectedEdges | ranges::views::keys)).empty(),
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
"Inconsistent expectations: contract expected to be created but not to be present in the source file."
map<string, EdgeNames> edges;
map<string, set<string>> createdContractSets;
map<string, set<string>> emittedEventSets;
2021-05-07 13:42:17 +00:00
for (string const& contractName: _expectedEdges | ranges::views::keys)
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
soltestAssert(_callGraphs.at(contractName) != nullptr, "");
2021-02-23 08:31:09 +00:00
CallGraph const& callGraph = *_callGraphs.at(contractName);
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
edges[contractName] = edgeNames(callGraph.edges);
2021-03-11 14:22:33 +00:00
if (!callGraph.bytecodeDependency.empty())
2021-05-07 13:42:17 +00:00
createdContractSets[contractName] = callGraph.bytecodeDependency |
ranges::views::keys |
ranges::views::transform(getContractName) |
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
if (!callGraph.emittedEvents.empty())
2021-05-07 13:42:17 +00:00
emittedEventSets[contractName] = callGraph.emittedEvents |
ranges::views::transform(eventToString) |
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edges, _expectedEdges);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(createdContractSets, _expectedCreatedContractSets);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(emittedEventSets, _expectedEmittedEventSets);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& _out, EdgeNames const& _edgeNames)
2021-03-12 10:19:37 +00:00
for (auto const& [from, to]: _edgeNames)
_out << " " << from << " -> " << to << endl;
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
return _out;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& _out, set<string> const& _set)
2021-05-07 13:42:17 +00:00
_out << "{" << (_set | ranges::views::join(", ") | ranges::to<string>()) << "}";
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
return _out;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& _out, map<string, EdgeNames> const& _edgeSets)
// Extra newline for error report readability. Otherwise the first line does not start at the first column.
_out << endl;
for (auto const &[contractName, edges]: _edgeSets)
_out << contractName << ":" << endl;
_out << edges;
return _out;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& _out, map<string, set<string>> const& _map)
// Extra newline for error report readability. Otherwise the first line does not start at the first column.
_out << endl;
for (auto const &[key, value]: _map)
_out << key << ": " << value << endl;
return _out;
} // namespace
namespace boost::test_tools::tt_detail
2021-06-13 13:53:16 +00:00
// Boost won't find the << operator unless we put it in the std namespace which is illegal.
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
// The recommended solution is to overload print_log_value<> struct and make it use our operator.
struct print_log_value<EdgeNames>
void operator()(std::ostream& _output, EdgeNames const& _edgeNames) { ::operator<<(_output, _edgeNames); }
struct print_log_value<set<string>>
void operator()(std::ostream& _output, set<string> const& _set) { ::operator<<(_output, _set); }
struct print_log_value<map<string, EdgeNames>>
void operator()(std::ostream& _output, map<string, EdgeNames> const& _edgeSets) { ::operator<<(_output, _edgeSets); }
struct print_log_value<map<string, set<string>>>
void operator()(std::ostream& _output, map<string, set<string>> const& _map) { ::operator<<(_output, _map); }
} // namespace boost::test_tools::tt_detail
namespace solidity::frontend::test
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free() {}
library L {
function ext() external {}
function pub() public {}
function inr() internal {}
function prv() private {}
contract C {
function ext() external {}
function pub() public {}
function inr() internal {}
function prv() private {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"L", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function C.pub()"},
{"L", {
{"Entry", "function L.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function L.pub()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free() {}
library L {
function ext() external { pub(); inr(); }
function pub() public { inr(); }
function inr() internal { prv(); }
function prv() private { free(); free(); }
contract C {
function ext() external { pub(); }
function pub() public { inr(); prv(); free(); }
function inr() internal { prv(); L.inr(); }
function prv() private { free(); free(); }
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"L", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function C.pub()"},
{"function C.ext()", "function C.pub()"},
{"function C.pub()", "function C.inr()"},
{"function C.pub()", "function C.prv()"},
{"function C.pub()", "function free()"},
{"function C.inr()", "function C.prv()"},
{"function C.inr()", "function L.inr()"},
{"function C.prv()", "function free()"},
{"function L.inr()", "function L.prv()"},
{"function L.prv()", "function free()"},
{"L", {
{"Entry", "function L.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function L.pub()"},
{"function L.ext()", "function L.pub()"},
{"function L.ext()", "function L.inr()"},
{"function L.pub()", "function L.inr()"},
{"function L.inr()", "function L.prv()"},
{"function L.prv()", "function free()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
library L {
function ext() external { C(address(0x0)).ext(); }
function pub() public {}
function inr() internal {}
function prv() private {}
contract C {
function ext() external {}
function pub() public {}
function inr() internal {}
function prv() private {}
function ext2() external { this.ext(); this.pub(); L.ext(); L.pub(); }
function pub2() public { this.ext(); this.pub(); L.ext(); L.pub(); }
function pub3() public { C(address(0x0)).ext(); }
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"L", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.pub()"},
{"Entry", "function C.pub2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.pub3()"},
{"L", {
{"Entry", "function L.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function L.pub()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free() returns (uint) {}
library L {
function ext() external {}
contract C {
constructor() { this.ext(); inr(); L.ext(); free(); }
function ext() external {}
function inr() internal {}
contract D {
uint a = this.ext();
uint b = inr();
uint c = free();
function ext() external returns (uint) {}
function inr() internal returns (uint) {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"constructor of C", "function C.inr()"},
{"constructor of C", "function free()"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function D.inr()"},
{"Entry", "function free()"},
{"L", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.ext()"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function D.ext()"},
{"L", {
{"Entry", "function L.ext()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free() { new D(); }
library L {
function ext() external { new C(); new D(); inr(); }
function inr() internal { new C(); new D(); free(); }
contract C {
constructor() { new D(); }
function ext() external { new D(); inr(); }
function inr() internal { new D(); free(); }
contract D {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"D", {}},
{"L", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.ext()"},
{"function C.ext()", "function C.inr()"},
{"function C.inr()", "function free()"},
{"D", {}},
{"L", {
{"Entry", "function L.ext()"},
{"function L.ext()", "function L.inr()"},
{"function L.inr()", "function free()"},
map<string, set<string>> expectedCreatedContractsAtCreation = {
{"C", {"D"}},
map<string, set<string>> expectedCreatedContractsAfterDeployment = {
{"C", {"D"}},
{"L", {"C", "D"}},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges, expectedCreatedContractsAtCreation);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges, expectedCreatedContractsAfterDeployment);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free() {}
library L {
function ext() external { inr(); }
function inr() internal { free(); }
contract C {
constructor() { inrC(); free(); }
function extC() external returns (uint) { inrC(); }
function inrC() internal returns (uint) { free(); }
contract D {
constructor() { L.ext(); }
contract E is C {
uint e2 = this.extE();
uint i2 = inrE();
function extE() external returns (uint) { inrE(); }
function inrE() internal returns (uint) { free(); }
contract F is C, D(), E {
uint e3 = this.extF();
uint i3 = inrF();
constructor() E() C() {}
function extF() external returns (uint) { inrF(); }
function inrF() internal returns (uint) { free(); }
contract G is E() {
function extG() external returns (uint) { new F(); }
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"constructor of C", "function C.inrC()"},
{"constructor of C", "function free()"},
{"function C.inrC()", "function free()"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "constructor of D"},
{"E", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"Entry", "function E.inrE()"},
{"constructor of C", "function C.inrC()"},
{"constructor of C", "function free()"},
{"function C.inrC()", "function free()"},
{"function E.inrE()", "function free()"},
{"F", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"Entry", "constructor of D"},
{"Entry", "constructor of F"},
{"Entry", "function E.inrE()"},
{"Entry", "function F.inrF()"},
{"constructor of C", "function C.inrC()"},
{"constructor of C", "function free()"},
{"function C.inrC()", "function free()"},
{"function E.inrE()", "function free()"},
{"function F.inrF()", "function free()"},
{"G", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"Entry", "function E.inrE()"},
{"constructor of C", "function C.inrC()"},
{"constructor of C", "function free()"},
{"function C.inrC()", "function free()"},
{"function E.inrE()", "function free()"},
{"L", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.extC()"},
{"function C.extC()", "function C.inrC()"},
{"function C.inrC()", "function free()"},
{"D", {}},
{"E", {
{"Entry", "function C.extC()"},
{"Entry", "function E.extE()"},
{"function C.extC()", "function C.inrC()"},
{"function E.extE()", "function E.inrE()"},
{"function C.inrC()", "function free()"},
{"function E.inrE()", "function free()"},
{"F", {
{"Entry", "function C.extC()"},
{"Entry", "function E.extE()"},
{"Entry", "function F.extF()"},
{"function C.extC()", "function C.inrC()"},
{"function E.extE()", "function E.inrE()"},
{"function F.extF()", "function F.inrF()"},
{"function C.inrC()", "function free()"},
{"function E.inrE()", "function free()"},
{"function F.inrF()", "function free()"},
{"G", {
{"Entry", "function C.extC()"},
{"Entry", "function E.extE()"},
{"Entry", "function G.extG()"},
{"function C.extC()", "function C.inrC()"},
{"function E.extE()", "function E.inrE()"},
{"function C.inrC()", "function free()"},
{"function E.inrE()", "function free()"},
{"L", {
{"Entry", "function L.ext()"},
{"function L.ext()", "function L.inr()"},
{"function L.inr()", "function free()"},
map<string, set<string>> expectedCreatedContractsAtCreation = {};
map<string, set<string>> expectedCreatedContractsAfterDeployment = {
{"G", {"F"}},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges, expectedCreatedContractsAtCreation);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges, expectedCreatedContractsAfterDeployment);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function fD() returns (uint) {}
function fE() returns (uint) {}
function fFD() returns (uint) {}
function fFE() returns (uint) {}
function fG() returns (uint) {}
function fVarC() returns (uint) {}
function fVarD() returns (uint) {}
function fVarE() returns (uint) {}
function fVarF() returns (uint) {}
contract C {
uint c = fVarC();
constructor (uint) {}
contract D is C(fD()) {
uint d = fVarD();
constructor (uint) {}
abstract contract E is C {
uint e = fVarE();
constructor (uint) {}
contract F is D(fFD()), E {
uint f = fVarF();
constructor (uint) E(fFE()) {}
contract G is D(fG()), E(fG()) {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"Entry", "function fVarC()"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"Entry", "constructor of D"},
{"Entry", "function fVarC()"},
{"Entry", "function fVarD()"},
{"constructor of D", "function fD()"},
{"E", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"Entry", "constructor of E"},
{"Entry", "function fVarC()"},
{"Entry", "function fVarE()"},
{"F", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"Entry", "constructor of D"},
{"Entry", "constructor of E"},
{"Entry", "constructor of F"},
{"Entry", "function fVarC()"},
{"Entry", "function fVarD()"},
{"Entry", "function fVarE()"},
{"Entry", "function fVarF()"},
{"constructor of D", "function fD()"},
{"constructor of F", "function fFD()"},
{"constructor of F", "function fFE()"},
{"G", {
{"Entry", "constructor of C"},
{"Entry", "constructor of D"},
{"Entry", "constructor of E"},
// G, unlike F, has no constructor so fG() gets an edge from Entry.
{"Entry", "function fG()"},
{"Entry", "function fVarC()"},
{"Entry", "function fVarD()"},
{"Entry", "function fVarE()"},
{"constructor of D", "function fD()"},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
{"E", {}},
{"F", {}},
{"G", {}},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
contract C {
function f() internal {}
function g() internal virtual {}
function h() internal virtual {}
function ext() external virtual {}
contract D {
function h() internal virtual {}
function ext() external virtual {}
contract E is C, D {
function g() internal override {}
function h() internal override(C, D) {}
function i() internal {}
function ext() external override(C, D) {}
function callF() external { f(); }
function callG() external { g(); }
function callH() external { h(); }
function callI() external { i(); }
function callCF() external { C.f(); }
function callCG() external { C.g(); }
function callCH() external { C.h(); }
function callDH() external { D.h(); }
function callEI() external { E.i(); }
function callSuperF() external { super.f(); }
function callSuperG() external { super.g(); }
function callSuperH() external { super.h(); }
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
{"E", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.ext()"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function D.ext()"},
{"E", {
{"Entry", "function E.callF()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callG()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callH()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callI()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callCF()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callCG()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callCH()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callDH()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callEI()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callSuperF()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callSuperG()"},
{"Entry", "function E.callSuperH()"},
{"Entry", "function E.ext()"},
{"function E.callF()", "function C.f()"},
{"function E.callG()", "function E.g()"},
{"function E.callH()", "function E.h()"},
{"function E.callI()", "function E.i()"},
{"function E.callCF()", "function C.f()"},
{"function E.callCG()", "function C.g()"},
{"function E.callCH()", "function C.h()"},
{"function E.callDH()", "function D.h()"},
{"function E.callEI()", "function E.i()"},
{"function E.callSuperF()", "function C.f()"},
{"function E.callSuperG()", "function C.g()"},
{"function E.callSuperH()", "function D.h()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
enum E {E1, E2, E3}
function free() {}
function free(uint) {}
function free(bytes memory) {}
function free(E) {}
contract C {
function f(E) internal {}
function f(bool) external {}
contract D is C {
function ext1() external { free(); free(123); free("123"); }
function ext2() external { f(); f(123); f("123"); }
function ext3() external { free(E.E2); f(E.E2); }
function ext4() external { this.f(false); }
function f() internal {}
function f(uint) internal {}
function f(bytes memory) internal {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.f(bool)"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function C.f(bool)"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext3()"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext4()"},
{"function D.ext1()", "function free()"},
{"function D.ext1()", "function free(uint256)"},
{"function D.ext1()", "function free(bytes)"},
{"function D.ext2()", "function D.f()"},
{"function D.ext2()", "function D.f(uint256)"},
{"function D.ext2()", "function D.f(bytes)"},
{"function D.ext3()", "function free(enum E)"},
{"function D.ext3()", "function C.f(enum E)"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
library L {
modifier m() { g(); _; }
function f() m internal {}
function g() internal {}
contract C {
modifier m1() virtual { _; }
function q() m1 internal virtual { L.f(); }
contract D is C {
modifier m2() { q(); _; new C(); }
function p() m2 internal { C.q(); }
function q() m2 internal override virtual {}
contract E is D {
modifier m1() override { _; }
modifier m3() { p(); _; }
constructor() D() m1 E.m3 {}
function ext() external m1 E.m3 { inr(); }
function inr() internal m1 E.m3 { L.f(); }
function q() internal override {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
{"L", {}},
{"E", {
{"Entry", "constructor of E"},
{"constructor of E", "modifier E.m1"},
{"constructor of E", "modifier E.m3"},
{"function C.q()", "modifier E.m1"},
{"function C.q()", "function L.f()"},
{"function D.p()", "modifier D.m2"},
{"function D.p()", "function C.q()"},
{"function L.f()", "modifier L.m"},
{"modifier L.m", "function L.g()"},
{"modifier D.m2", "function E.q()"},
{"modifier E.m3", "function D.p()"},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
{"L", {}},
{"E", {
{"Entry", "function E.ext()"},
{"function C.q()", "modifier E.m1"},
{"function C.q()", "function L.f()"},
{"function D.p()", "modifier D.m2"},
{"function D.p()", "function C.q()"},
{"function L.f()", "modifier L.m"},
{"function E.ext()", "function E.inr()"},
{"function E.ext()", "modifier E.m1"},
{"function E.ext()", "modifier E.m3"},
{"function E.inr()", "modifier E.m1"},
{"function E.inr()", "modifier E.m3"},
{"function E.inr()", "function L.f()"},
{"modifier L.m", "function L.g()"},
{"modifier D.m2", "function E.q()"},
{"modifier E.m3", "function D.p()"},
map<string, set<string>> expectedCreatedContractsAtCreation = {{"E", {"C"}}};
map<string, set<string>> expectedCreatedContractsAfterDeployment = {{"E", {"C"}}};
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges, expectedCreatedContractsAtCreation);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges, expectedCreatedContractsAfterDeployment);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free() { emit L.Ev(); }
library L {
event Ev();
event Ev(bytes4, string indexed);
function ext() external { emit Ev(); }
function inr() internal { emit Ev(0x12345678, "a"); emit L.Ev(); }
contract C {
event EvC(uint) anonymous;
modifier m() { emit EvC(1); _; }
contract D is C {
event EvD1(uint);
event EvD2(uint);
function ext() m external { emit D.EvD1(1); emit EvC(f()); inr(); }
function inr() m internal { emit EvD1(1); emit C.EvC(f()); L.inr(); free(); EvD2; }
function f() internal returns (uint) {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
{"L", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function D.ext()"},
{"function D.ext()", "function D.inr()"},
{"function D.ext()", "modifier C.m"},
{"function D.ext()", "function D.f()"},
{"function D.inr()", "function L.inr()"},
{"function D.inr()", "function free()"},
{"function D.inr()", "modifier C.m"},
{"function D.inr()", "function D.f()"},
{"L", {
{"Entry", "function L.ext()"},
map<string, set<string>> expectedCreationEvents = {};
map<string, set<string>> expectedDeployedEvents = {
{"D", {
"event D.EvD1(uint256)",
"event C.EvC(uint256)",
"event L.Ev(bytes4,string)",
"event L.Ev()",
{"L", {
"event L.Ev()",
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges, {}, expectedCreationEvents);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges, {}, expectedDeployedEvents);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free1() { free1(); }
function free2() { free3(); }
function free3() { free2(); }
library L {
function inr1() internal { inr1(); }
function inr2() internal { inr3(); }
function inr3() internal { inr2(); }
contract C {
function virt() internal virtual { virt(); }
contract D is C {
function init() external { this.ext1(); inr1(); inr2(); L.inr1(); L.inr2(); free1(); free2(); virt(); }
function ext1() external { this.ext1(); }
function ext2() external { this.ext3(); }
function ext3() external { this.ext2(); }
function inr1() internal { inr1(); }
function inr2() internal { inr3(); }
function inr3() internal { inr2(); }
function inr3(uint) internal {}
function virt() internal override { C.virt(); }
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"L", {}},
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"L", {}},
{"C", {}},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function D.init()"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext3()"},
{"function D.init()", "function D.inr1()"},
{"function D.init()", "function D.inr2()"},
{"function D.init()", "function D.virt()"},
{"function D.init()", "function L.inr1()"},
{"function D.init()", "function L.inr2()"},
{"function D.init()", "function free1()"},
{"function D.init()", "function free2()"},
{"function D.inr1()", "function D.inr1()"},
{"function D.inr2()", "function D.inr3()"},
{"function D.inr3()", "function D.inr2()"},
{"function D.virt()", "function C.virt()"},
{"function C.virt()", "function D.virt()"},
{"function L.inr1()", "function L.inr1()"},
{"function L.inr2()", "function L.inr3()"},
{"function L.inr3()", "function L.inr2()"},
{"function free1()", "function free1()"},
{"function free2()", "function free3()"},
{"function free3()", "function free2()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
interface I {
event Ev(uint);
modifier m() virtual;
function ext1() external;
function ext2() external;
interface J is I {
function ext2() external override;
function ext3() external;
abstract contract C is J {
function ext3() external override virtual;
function ext4() external { inr2();}
function inr1() internal virtual;
function inr2() m internal { inr1(); this.ext1(); this.ext2(); this.ext3(); }
contract D is C {
function ext1() public override { emit I.Ev(1); inr1(); inr2(); }
function ext2() external override { I(this).ext1(); }
function ext3() external override {}
function inr1() internal override {}
modifier m() override { _; }
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"I", {}},
{"J", {}},
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"I", {
{"Entry", "function I.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function I.ext2()"},
{"J", {
{"Entry", "function I.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function J.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function J.ext3()"},
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function I.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function J.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext3()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext4()"},
{"function C.ext4()", "function C.inr2()"},
{"function C.inr2()", "function C.inr1()"},
{"function C.inr2()", "modifier I.m"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function D.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function D.ext3()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext4()"},
{"function C.ext4()", "function C.inr2()"},
{"function C.inr2()", "function D.inr1()"},
{"function C.inr2()", "modifier D.m"},
{"function D.ext1()", "function D.inr1()"},
{"function D.ext1()", "function C.inr2()"},
map<string, set<string>> expectedCreationEvents = {};
map<string, set<string>> expectedDeployedEvents = {
{"D", {
"event I.Ev(uint256)",
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges, {}, expectedCreationEvents);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges, {}, expectedDeployedEvents);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free1() {}
function free2() {}
function free3() {}
library L {
function ext() external {}
function inr1() internal {}
function inr2() internal {}
function inr3() internal {}
function access() public {
function expression() public {
contract C {
function ext1() external {}
function ext2() external {}
function ext3() external {}
function inr1() internal {}
function inr2() internal {}
function inr3() internal {}
function access() public {
function expression() public {
contract D is C {
constructor() {
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"L", {}},
{"C", {}},
{"D", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"Entry", "constructor of D"},
{"constructor of D", "function C.access()"},
{"constructor of D", "function C.expression()"},
{"function C.expression()", "InternalDispatch"},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"L", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free2()"},
{"Entry", "function L.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function L.access()"},
{"Entry", "function L.expression()"},
{"function L.expression()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"C", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext3()"},
{"Entry", "function C.access()"},
{"Entry", "function C.expression()"},
{"function C.expression()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"D", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext3()"},
{"Entry", "function C.access()"},
{"Entry", "function C.expression()"},
{"function C.expression()", "InternalDispatch"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free1() {}
function free2() {}
function free3() {}
library L {
function inr1() internal {}
function inr2() internal {}
function inr3() internal {}
function callPtrs(
function () external e,
function () internal i,
function () internal f,
function () internal l
) internal
contract C {
function ext1() external {}
function ext2() external {}
function ext3() external {}
function inr1() internal {}
function inr2() internal {}
function inr3() internal {}
function getPtrs2() internal returns (
function () external,
function () internal,
function () internal,
function () internal
return (this.ext2, inr2, free2, L.inr2);
function testLocalVars() public {
(function () external e, function () i, function () f, function () l) = getPtrs2();
L.callPtrs(e, i, f, l);
contract D is C {
function () external m_e = this.ext1;
function () internal m_i = inr1;
function () internal m_f = free1;
function () internal m_l = L.inr1;
function () internal immutable m_imm = inr1;
function callStatePtrs() internal {
function updateStatePtrs(
function () external e,
function () internal i,
function () internal f,
function () internal l
) internal
m_e = e;
m_i = i;
m_f = f;
m_l = l;
function testStateVars() public {
(function () external e, function () i, function () f, function () l) = getPtrs2();
updateStatePtrs(e, i, f, l);
function testImmutablePtr() public {
constructor() {
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"L", {}},
{"C", {}},
{"D", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free2()"},
{"Entry", "constructor of D"},
{"constructor of D", "function C.testLocalVars()"},
{"constructor of D", "function D.testStateVars()"},
{"function C.testLocalVars()", "function C.getPtrs2()"},
{"function C.testLocalVars()", "function L.callPtrs(function () external,function (),function (),function ())"},
{"function D.testStateVars()", "function C.getPtrs2()"},
{"function D.testStateVars()", "function D.updateStatePtrs(function () external,function (),function (),function ())"},
{"function D.testStateVars()", "function D.callStatePtrs()"},
{"function D.callStatePtrs()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"function L.callPtrs(function () external,function (),function (),function ())", "InternalDispatch"},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"L", {}},
{"C", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext3()"},
{"Entry", "function C.testLocalVars()"},
{"function C.testLocalVars()", "function C.getPtrs2()"},
{"function C.testLocalVars()", "function L.callPtrs(function () external,function (),function (),function ())"},
{"function L.callPtrs(function () external,function (),function (),function ())", "InternalDispatch"},
{"D", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function L.inr2()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free1()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function free2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext1()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext2()"},
{"Entry", "function C.ext3()"},
{"Entry", "function C.testLocalVars()"},
{"Entry", "function D.testStateVars()"},
{"Entry", "function D.testImmutablePtr()"},
{"function C.testLocalVars()", "function C.getPtrs2()"},
{"function C.testLocalVars()", "function L.callPtrs(function () external,function (),function (),function ())"},
{"function D.testStateVars()", "function C.getPtrs2()"},
{"function D.testStateVars()", "function D.updateStatePtrs(function () external,function (),function (),function ())"},
{"function D.testStateVars()", "function D.callStatePtrs()"},
{"function D.testImmutablePtr()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"function D.callStatePtrs()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"function L.callPtrs(function () external,function (),function (),function ())", "InternalDispatch"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
contract C {
function f() internal virtual {}
contract D is C {
function f() internal override {}
function getF() internal returns (function ()) {
return C.f;
function getSuperF() internal returns (function ()) {
return super.f;
function test1() public {
function test2() public {
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.f()"},
{"Entry", "function D.test1()"},
{"Entry", "function D.test2()"},
{"function D.test1()", "function D.getF()"},
{"function D.test1()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"function D.test2()", "function D.getSuperF()"},
{"function D.test2()", "InternalDispatch"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
interface I {
function f() external;
abstract contract C is I {
function g() internal virtual;
function getF() internal returns (function () external) { return this.f; }
function getG() internal returns (function () internal) { return g; }
function testInterface() public {
function testBadPtr() public {
function () ptr;
contract D is C {
function f() public override {}
function g() internal override {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"I", {}},
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"I", {
{"Entry", "function I.f()"},
{"C", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.g()"},
{"Entry", "function C.testInterface()"},
{"Entry", "function C.testBadPtr()"},
{"Entry", "function I.f()"},
{"function C.testInterface()", "function C.getF()"},
{"function C.testInterface()", "function C.getG()"},
{"function C.testInterface()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"function C.testBadPtr()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"D", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function D.g()"},
{"Entry", "function C.testInterface()"},
{"Entry", "function C.testBadPtr()"},
{"Entry", "function D.f()"},
{"function C.testInterface()", "function C.getF()"},
{"function C.testInterface()", "function C.getG()"},
{"function C.testInterface()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"function C.testBadPtr()", "InternalDispatch"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
contract C {
function f() public returns (bool ret) {
return f == f;
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.f()"},
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.f()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
contract C {
function () ptr = f;
function f() internal { ptr(); }
function test() public {
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.f()"},
{"function C.f()", "InternalDispatch"},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function C.f()"},
{"Entry", "function C.test()"},
{"function C.test()", "InternalDispatch"},
{"function C.f()", "InternalDispatch"},
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
struct S {
uint x;
library L {
function ext(S memory _s) external {}
function inr(S memory _s) internal {}
contract C {
using L for S;
function test() public {
S memory s = S(42);
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"L", {}},
{"C", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"L", {
{"Entry", "function L.ext(struct S)"},
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.test()"},
{"function C.test()", "function L.inr(struct S)"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
contract C {
uint public variable;
uint[][] public array;
mapping(bytes => bytes) public map;
function test() public {
this.array(1, 2);
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {{"Entry", "function C.test()"}}},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
contract C {
function ext() external {}
function inr() internal {}
fallback() external {
receive() external payable {
contract D {
fallback(bytes calldata) external returns (bytes memory) {}
function test() public {
(bool success, bytes memory result) = address(this).call("abc");
contract E is C {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
{"E", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.ext()"},
{"Entry", "receive of C"},
{"Entry", "fallback of C"},
{"fallback of C", "function C.inr()"},
{"receive of C", "function C.inr()"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function D.test()"},
{"Entry", "fallback of D"},
{"E", {
{"Entry", "function C.ext()"},
{"Entry", "fallback of C"},
{"Entry", "receive of C"},
{"fallback of C", "function C.inr()"},
{"receive of C", "function C.inr()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
contract C {
fallback() external virtual {}
receive() external payable virtual {}
contract D is C {}
contract E is D {
fallback() external virtual override {}
receive() external payable virtual override {}
contract F is E {
fallback() external override {}
receive() external payable override {}
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"C", {}},
{"D", {}},
{"E", {}},
{"F", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"C", {
{"Entry", "receive of C"},
{"Entry", "fallback of C"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "receive of C"},
{"Entry", "fallback of C"},
{"E", {
{"Entry", "receive of E"},
{"Entry", "fallback of E"},
{"F", {
{"Entry", "receive of F"},
{"Entry", "fallback of F"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
interface I {}
contract C {
function accessBuiltin() public payable {
2021-08-11 10:19:10 +00:00
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
function callBuiltin() public payable {
bytes memory data;
abi.decode(data, (uint));
ecrecover(0x0, 0, 0, 0);
addmod(1, 2, 3);
mulmod(1, 2, 3);
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"I", {}},
{"C", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"I", {}},
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.accessBuiltin()"},
{"Entry", "function C.callBuiltin()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
interface I {}
enum E {A, B, C}
struct S {
uint a;
E b;
contract C is I {
uint[] u;
function convert() public payable {
bytes memory b;
function create() public payable {
S(1, E.A);
uint[3] memory u3;
uint[](new uint[](3));
function pushPop() public payable {
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"I", {}},
{"C", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"I", {}},
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function C.convert()"},
{"Entry", "function C.create()"},
{"Entry", "function C.pushPop()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
2021-02-25 12:26:39 +00:00
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free() pure returns (uint) { return 42; }
contract Base {
function ext() external pure returns (uint) { free(); }
function inr() internal pure returns (uint) { free(); }
contract C is Base {
uint immutable extImmutable = this.ext();
uint immutable inrImmutable = inr();
contract D is Base {
uint immutable extImmutable;
uint immutable inrImmutable;
constructor () {
extImmutable = this.ext();
inrImmutable = inr();
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"Base", {}},
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function Base.inr()"},
{"function Base.inr()", "function free()"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "constructor of D"},
{"constructor of D", "function Base.inr()"},
{"function Base.inr()", "function free()"},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"Base", {
{"Entry", "function Base.ext()"},
{"function Base.ext()", "function free()"},
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function Base.ext()"},
{"function Base.ext()", "function free()"},
{"D", {
{"Entry", "function Base.ext()"},
{"function Base.ext()", "function free()"},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
unique_ptr<CompilerStack> compilerStack = parseAndAnalyzeContracts(R"(
function free() pure {}
bytes4 constant extFreeConst = Base.ext.selector;
bytes4 constant pubFreeConst = Base.pub.selector;
contract Base {
function ext() external pure { free(); extFreeConst; }
function pub() public pure { free(); pubFreeConst; }
contract C is Base {
bytes4 constant extConst = Base.ext.selector;
bytes4 constant pubConst = Base.pub.selector;
contract D is Base {
bytes4 immutable extImmutable = Base.ext.selector;
bytes4 immutable pubImmutable = Base.pub.selector;
contract E is Base {
bytes4 extVar = Base.ext.selector;
bytes4 pubVar = Base.pub.selector;
contract F is Base {
function f() public pure returns (bytes4, bytes4) {
return (Base.ext.selector, Base.pub.selector);
library L {
bytes4 constant extConst = Base.ext.selector;
bytes4 constant pubConst = Base.pub.selector;
tuple<CallGraphMap, CallGraphMap> graphs = collectGraphs(*compilerStack);
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedCreationEdges = {
{"Base", {}},
{"C", {}},
{"D", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function Base.pub()"},
{"function Base.pub()", "function free()"},
{"E", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function Base.pub()"},
{"function Base.pub()", "function free()"},
{"F", {}},
{"L", {}},
map<string, EdgeNames> expectedDeployedEdges = {
{"Base", {
{"Entry", "function Base.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function Base.pub()"},
{"function Base.ext()", "function free()"},
{"function Base.pub()", "function free()"},
{"C", {
{"Entry", "function Base.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function Base.pub()"},
{"function Base.ext()", "function free()"},
{"function Base.pub()", "function free()"},
{"D", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function Base.pub()"},
{"Entry", "function Base.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function Base.pub()"},
{"function Base.ext()", "function free()"},
{"function Base.pub()", "function free()"},
{"E", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function Base.pub()"},
{"Entry", "function Base.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function Base.pub()"},
{"function Base.ext()", "function free()"},
{"function Base.pub()", "function free()"},
{"F", {
{"InternalDispatch", "function Base.pub()"},
{"Entry", "function Base.ext()"},
{"Entry", "function Base.pub()"},
{"Entry", "function F.f()"},
{"function Base.ext()", "function free()"},
{"function Base.pub()", "function free()"},
{"L", {}},
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<0>(graphs), expectedCreationEdges);
checkCallGraphExpectations(get<1>(graphs), expectedDeployedEdges);
2021-01-28 20:11:30 +00:00
} // namespace solidity::frontend::test