legacy-no-optimize # Tests crash on a machine with 8 GB of RAM in CI "FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory"
#ir-no-optimize # Compilation fails with "YulException: Variable var__value_775 is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack."
#ir-optimize-evm-only # Compilation fails with "YulException: Variable var__value_10 is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack"
legacy-optimize-evm-only # NOTE: This requires >= 4 GB RAM in CI not to crash
legacy-optimize-evm+yul # NOTE: This requires >= 4 GB RAM in CI not to crash
# Disable tests that won't pass on the ir presets due to Hardhat heuristics. Note that this also disables
# them for other presets but that's fine - we want same code run for benchmarks to be comparable.
# TODO: Remove this when Hardhat adjusts heuristics for IR (https://github.com/nomiclabs/hardhat/issues/2115).
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('reverts'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.6/BasicConsumer.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('has a reasonable gas cost \[ @skip-coverage \]'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.6/BasicConsumer.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(describe\)\(('#add[^']*'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.6/Chainlink.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('throws'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.6/SignedSafeMath.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('reverts when not enough LINK in the contract'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.*/VRFD20.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('errors while parsing invalid cron strings'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/Cron.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('reverts if the amount passed in data mismatches actual amount sent'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/KeeperRegistrar.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('reverts if the sender passed in data mismatches actual sender'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/KeeperRegistrar.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('reverts if the admin address is 0x0000...'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/KeeperRegistrar.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('reverts if not called with more or less than 32 bytes'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/KeeperRegistry.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(context\)\(('when permissions are not set'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/KeeperRegistry.test.ts
# In some cases Hardhat does not detect revert reasons properly via IR.
# TODO: Remove this when https://github.com/NomicFoundation/hardhat/issues/2453 gets fixed.
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('does not allow the specified address to start new rounds'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.6/FluxAggregator.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(describe\)\(('when called by a stranger'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.6/FluxAggregator.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(describe\)\(('if the access control is turned on'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.*/Flags.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('respects the access controls of #getFlag'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.*/Flags.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(describe\)\(('setting 0 authorized senders'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.7/AuthorizedForwarder.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('cannot add an authorized node'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.7/AuthorizedForwarder.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('should disallow reads on AggregatorV2V3Interface functions when consuming contract is not whitelisted'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/dev/ArbitrumSequencerUptimeFeed.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('should not be callable by non-owners'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/dev/CrossDomainOwnable.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('should not be callable by non pending-owners'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/dev/CrossDomainOwnable.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('cannot add a consumer to a nonexistent subscription'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/dev/VRFCoordinatorV2Mock.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('cannot remove a consumer from a nonexistent subscription'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/dev/VRFCoordinatorV2Mock.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('cannot remove a consumer after it is already removed'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/dev/VRFCoordinatorV2Mock.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('fails to fulfill without being a valid consumer'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/dev/VRFCoordinatorV2Mock.test.ts
# Disable tests with hard-coded gas expectations.
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('not use too much gas \[ @skip-coverage \]'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.6/FluxAggregator.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('has a large enough gas overhead to cover upkeeps that use all their gas \[ @skip-coverage \]'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.*/KeeperRegistry*.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('only pays .\+'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.*/KeeperRegistry*.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(it\)\(('uses a specific amount of gas \[ @skip-coverage \]'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/ValidatorProxy.test.ts
sed -i "s|\(describe\)\(('Gas costs'\)|\1.skip\2|g" test/v0.8/dev/ArbitrumSequencerUptimeFeed.test.ts