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2017-07-05 10:28:15 +00:00
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
import "./announcementTypes.sol";
import "./module.sol";
import "./moduleHandler.sol";
import "./safeMath.sol";
contract schellingVars {
Common enumerations and structures of the Schelling and Database contract.
enum voterStatus {
struct _rounds {
uint256 totalAboveWeight;
uint256 totalBelowWeight;
uint256 reward;
uint256 blockHeight;
bool voted;
struct _voter {
uint256 roundID;
bytes32 hash;
voterStatus status;
bool voteResult;
uint256 rewards;
contract schellingDB is safeMath, schellingVars {
Schelling database contract.
address private owner;
function replaceOwner(address newOwner) external returns(bool) {
require( owner == 0x00 || msg.sender == owner );
owner = newOwner;
return true;
modifier isOwner { require( msg.sender == owner ); _; }
function schellingDB() {
rounds.length = 2;
rounds[0].blockHeight = block.number;
currentSchellingRound = 1;
mapping(address => uint256) private funds;
function getFunds(address _owner) constant returns(bool, uint256) {
return (true, funds[_owner]);
function setFunds(address _owner, uint256 _amount) isOwner external returns(bool) {
funds[_owner] = _amount;
return true;
_rounds[] private rounds;
function getRound(uint256 _id) constant returns(bool, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, bool) {
if ( rounds.length <= _id ) { return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false); }
else { return (true, rounds[_id].totalAboveWeight, rounds[_id].totalBelowWeight, rounds[_id].reward, rounds[_id].blockHeight, rounds[_id].voted); }
function pushRound(uint256 _totalAboveWeight, uint256 _totalBelowWeight, uint256 _reward, uint256 _blockHeight, bool _voted) isOwner external returns(bool, uint256) {
return (true, rounds.push(_rounds(_totalAboveWeight, _totalBelowWeight, _reward, _blockHeight, _voted)));
function setRound(uint256 _id, uint256 _totalAboveWeight, uint256 _totalBelowWeight, uint256 _reward, uint256 _blockHeight, bool _voted) isOwner external returns(bool) {
rounds[_id] = _rounds(_totalAboveWeight, _totalBelowWeight, _reward, _blockHeight, _voted);
return true;
function getCurrentRound() constant returns(bool, uint256) {
return (true, rounds.length-1);
mapping(address => _voter) private voter;
function getVoter(address _owner) constant returns(bool success, uint256 roundID,
bytes32 hash, voterStatus status, bool voteResult, uint256 rewards) {
roundID = voter[_owner].roundID;
hash = voter[_owner].hash;
status = voter[_owner].status;
voteResult = voter[_owner].voteResult;
rewards = voter[_owner].rewards;
success = true;
function setVoter(address _owner, uint256 _roundID, bytes32 _hash, voterStatus _status, bool _voteResult, uint256 _rewards) isOwner external returns(bool) {
voter[_owner] = _voter(
return true;
Schelling Token emission
mapping(uint256 => uint256) private schellingExpansion;
function getSchellingExpansion(uint256 _id) constant returns(bool, uint256) {
return (true, schellingExpansion[_id]);
function setSchellingExpansion(uint256 _id, uint256 _expansion) isOwner external returns(bool) {
schellingExpansion[_id] = _expansion;
return true;
Current Schelling Round
uint256 private currentSchellingRound;
function setCurrentSchellingRound(uint256 _id) isOwner external returns(bool) {
currentSchellingRound = _id;
return true;
function getCurrentSchellingRound() constant returns(bool, uint256) {
return (true, currentSchellingRound);
contract schelling is module, announcementTypes, schellingVars {
Schelling contract
module callbacks
function replaceModule(address addr) external returns (bool) {
require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) );
require( db.replaceOwner(addr) );
return true;
function transferEvent(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool) {
Transaction completed. This function can be called only by the ModuleHandler.
If this contract is the receiver, the amount will be added to the prize pool of the current round.
@from From who
@to To who
@value Amount
@bool Was the transaction succesfull?
require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) );
if ( to == address(this) ) {
var currentRound = getCurrentRound();
var round = getRound(currentRound);
round.reward += value;
setRound(currentRound, round);
return true;
modifier isReady {
var (_success, _active) = super.isActive();
require( _success && _active );
Schelling database functions.
function getFunds(address addr) internal returns (uint256) {
var (a, b) = db.getFunds(addr);
require( a );
return b;
function setFunds(address addr, uint256 amount) internal {
require( db.setFunds(addr, amount) );
function setVoter(address owner, _voter voter) internal {
require( db.setVoter(owner,
) );
function getVoter(address addr) internal returns (_voter) {
var (a, b, c, d, e, f) = db.getVoter(addr);
require( a );
return _voter(b, c, d, e, f);
function setRound(uint256 id, _rounds round) internal {
require( db.setRound(id,
) );
function pushRound(_rounds round) internal returns (uint256) {
var (a, b) = db.pushRound(
require( a );
return b;
function getRound(uint256 id) internal returns (_rounds) {
var (a, b, c, d, e, f) = db.getRound(id);
require( a );
return _rounds(b, c, d, e, f);
function getCurrentRound() internal returns (uint256) {
var (a, b) = db.getCurrentRound();
require( a );
return b;
function setCurrentSchellingRound(uint256 id) internal {
require( db.setCurrentSchellingRound(id) );
function getCurrentSchellingRound() internal returns(uint256) {
var (a, b) = db.getCurrentSchellingRound();
require( a );
return b;
function setSchellingExpansion(uint256 id, uint256 amount) internal {
require( db.setSchellingExpansion(id, amount) );
function getSchellingExpansion(uint256 id) internal returns(uint256) {
var (a, b) = db.getSchellingExpansion(id);
require( a );
return b;
Schelling module
uint256 private roundBlockDelay = 720;
uint8 private interestCheckRounds = 7;
uint8 private interestCheckAboves = 4;
uint256 private interestRate = 300;
uint256 private interestRateM = 1e3;
bytes1 public aboveChar = 0x31;
bytes1 public belowChar = 0x30;
schellingDB private db;
function schelling(address _moduleHandler, address _db, bool _forReplace) {
Installation function.
@_moduleHandler Address of ModuleHandler.
@_db Address of the database.
@_forReplace This address will be replaced with the old one or not.
@_icoExpansionAddress This address can turn schelling runds during ICO.
db = schellingDB(_db);
if ( ! _forReplace ) {
require( db.replaceOwner(this) );
function configure(announcementType a, uint256 b) external returns(bool) {
Can be called only by the ModuleHandler.
@a Sort of configuration
@b Value
require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) );
if ( a == announcementType.schellingRoundBlockDelay ) { roundBlockDelay = b; }
else if ( a == announcementType.schellingCheckRounds ) { interestCheckRounds = uint8(b); }
else if ( a == announcementType.schellingCheckAboves ) { interestCheckAboves = uint8(b); }
else if ( a == announcementType.schellingRate ) { interestRate = b; }
else { return false; }
return true;
function prepareVote(bytes32 votehash, uint256 roundID) isReady noContract external {
Initializing manual vote.
Only the hash of vote will be sent. (Envelope sending).
The address must be in default state, that is there are no vote in progress.
Votes can be sent only on the actually Schelling round.
@votehash Hash of the vote
@roundID Number of Schelling round
var currentRound = getCurrentRound();
var round = getRound(currentRound);
_voter memory voter;
uint256 funds;
require( roundID == currentRound );
voter = getVoter(msg.sender);
funds = getFunds(msg.sender);
require( funds > 0 );
require( voter.status == voterStatus.base );
voter.roundID = currentRound;
voter.hash = votehash;
voter.status = voterStatus.afterPrepareVote;
setVoter(msg.sender, voter);
round.voted = true;
setRound(currentRound, round);
function sendVote(string vote) isReady noContract external {
Check vote (Envelope opening)
Only the sent envelopes can be opened.
Envelope opening only in the next Schelling round.
If the vote invalid, the deposit will be lost.
If the envelope was opened later than 1,5 Schelling round, the vote is automatically invalid, and deposit can be lost.
Lost deposits will be 100% burned.
@vote Hash of the content of the vote.
var currentRound = getCurrentRound();
_rounds memory round;
_voter memory voter;
uint256 funds;
bool lostEverything;
voter = getVoter(msg.sender);
round = getRound(voter.roundID);
funds = getFunds(msg.sender);
require( voter.status == voterStatus.afterPrepareVote );
require( voter.roundID < currentRound );
if ( keccak256(vote) == voter.hash ) {
2017-07-05 10:28:15 +00:00
delete voter.hash;
if (round.blockHeight+roundBlockDelay/2 >= block.number) {
if ( bytes(vote)[0] == aboveChar ) {
voter.status = voterStatus.afterSendVoteOk;
round.totalAboveWeight += funds;
voter.voteResult = true;
} else if ( bytes(vote)[0] == belowChar ) {
voter.status = voterStatus.afterSendVoteOk;
round.totalBelowWeight += funds;
} else { lostEverything = true; }
} else {
voter.status = voterStatus.afterSendVoteBad;
} else { lostEverything = true; }
if ( lostEverything ) {
require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).burn(address(this), funds) );
delete funds;
delete voter.status;
setVoter(msg.sender, voter);
setRound(voter.roundID, round);
setFunds(msg.sender, funds);
function checkVote() isReady noContract external {
Checking votes.
Vote checking only after the envelope opening Schelling round.
Deposit will be lost, if the vote wrong, or invalid.
The right votes take share of deposits.
var currentRound = getCurrentRound();
_rounds memory round;
_voter memory voter;
uint256 funds;
voter = getVoter(msg.sender);
round = getRound(voter.roundID);
funds = getFunds(msg.sender);
require( voter.status == voterStatus.afterSendVoteOk ||
voter.status == voterStatus.afterSendVoteBad );
if ( round.blockHeight+roundBlockDelay/2 <= block.number ) {
if ( isWinner(round, voter.voteResult) && voter.status == voterStatus.afterSendVoteOk ) {
voter.rewards += funds * round.reward / getRoundWeight(round.totalAboveWeight, round.totalBelowWeight);
} else {
require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).burn(address(this), funds) );
delete funds;
delete voter.status;
delete voter.roundID;
} else { throw; }
setVoter(msg.sender, voter);
setFunds(msg.sender, funds);
function getRewards(address beneficiary) isReady noContract external {
Redeem of prize.
The prizes will be collected here, and with this function can be transferred to the account of the user.
Optionally there can be an address of a beneficiary added, which address the prize will be sent to. Without beneficiary, the owner is the default address.
Prize will be sent from the Schelling address without any transaction fee.
@beneficiary Address of the beneficiary
var voter = getVoter(msg.sender);
var funds = getFunds(msg.sender);
address _beneficiary = msg.sender;
if (beneficiary != 0x0) { _beneficiary = beneficiary; }
uint256 reward;
require( voter.rewards > 0 );
require( voter.status == voterStatus.base );
reward = voter.rewards;
delete voter.rewards;
require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).transfer(address(this), _beneficiary, reward, false) );
setVoter(msg.sender, voter);
function checkReward() public constant returns (uint256 reward) {
Withdraw of the amount of the prize (its only information).
@reward Prize
var voter = getVoter(msg.sender);
return voter.rewards;
function nextRound() internal returns (bool) {
Inside function, checks the time of the Schelling round and if its needed, creates a new Schelling round.
var currentRound = getCurrentRound();
var round = getRound(currentRound);
_rounds memory newRound;
_rounds memory prevRound;
var currentSchellingRound = getCurrentSchellingRound();
if ( round.blockHeight+roundBlockDelay > block.number) { return false; }
newRound.blockHeight = block.number;
if ( ! round.voted ) {
newRound.reward = round.reward;
uint256 aboves;
for ( uint256 a=currentRound ; a>=currentRound-interestCheckRounds ; a-- ) {
if (a == 0) { break; }
prevRound = getRound(a);
if ( prevRound.totalAboveWeight > prevRound.totalBelowWeight ) { aboves++; }
uint256 expansion;
if ( aboves >= interestCheckAboves ) {
expansion = getTotalSupply() * interestRate / interestRateM / 100;
setSchellingExpansion(currentSchellingRound, expansion);
require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).broadcastSchellingRound(currentSchellingRound, expansion) );
return true;
function addFunds(uint256 amount) isReady noContract external {
Deposit taking.
Every participant entry with his own deposit.
In case of wrong vote only this amount of deposit will be burn.
The deposit will be sent to the address of Schelling, charged with transaction fee.
@amount Amount of deposit.
var voter = getVoter(msg.sender);
var funds = getFunds(msg.sender);
var (a, b) = moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).isICO();
require( b && b );
require( voter.status == voterStatus.base );
require( amount > 0 );
require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).transfer(msg.sender, address(this), amount, true) );
funds += amount;
setFunds(msg.sender, funds);
function getFunds() isReady noContract external {
Deposit withdrawn.
If the deposit isnt lost, it can be withdrawn.
By withdrawn, the deposit will be sent from Schelling address to the users address, charged with transaction fee..
var voter = getVoter(msg.sender);
var funds = getFunds(msg.sender);
require( funds > 0 );
require( voter.status == voterStatus.base );
setFunds(msg.sender, 0);
require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).transfer(address(this), msg.sender, funds, true) );
function getCurrentSchellingRoundID() public constant returns (uint256) {
Number of actual Schelling round.
@uint256 Schelling round.
return getCurrentSchellingRound();
function getSchellingRound(uint256 id) public constant returns (uint256 expansion) {
Amount of token emission of the Schelling round.
@id Number of Schelling round
@expansion Amount of token emission
return getSchellingExpansion(id);
function getRoundWeight(uint256 aboveW, uint256 belowW) internal returns (uint256) {
Inside function for calculating the weights of the votes.
@aboveW Weight of votes: ABOVE
@belowW Weight of votes: BELOW
@uint256 Calculatet weight
if ( aboveW == belowW ) {
return aboveW + belowW;
} else if ( aboveW > belowW ) {
return aboveW;
} else if ( aboveW < belowW) {
return belowW;
function isWinner(_rounds round, bool aboveVote) internal returns (bool) {
Inside function for calculating the result of the game.
@round Structure of Schelling round.
@aboveVote Is the vote = ABOVE or not
@bool Result
if ( round.totalAboveWeight == round.totalBelowWeight ||
( round.totalAboveWeight > round.totalBelowWeight && aboveVote ) ) {
return true;
return false;
function getTotalSupply() internal returns (uint256 amount) {
Inside function for querying the whole amount of the tokens.
@uint256 Whole token amount
var (_success, _amount) = moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).totalSupply();
require( _success );
return _amount;
function getTokenBalance(address addr) internal returns (uint256 balance) {
Inner function in order to poll the token balance of the address.
@addr Address
@balance Balance of the address.
var (_success, _balance) = moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).balanceOf(addr);
require( _success );
return _balance;
modifier noContract {
Contract cant call this function, only a natural address.
require( msg.sender == tx.origin ); _;