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This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
#include <test/libsolidity/util/TestFunctionCall.h>
#include <libdevcore/AnsiColorized.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <regex>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
using namespace dev;
using namespace solidity;
using namespace dev::solidity::test;
using namespace std;
static regex s_boolType{"(bool)"};
static regex s_uintType{"(uint\\d*)"};
static regex s_intType{"(int\\d*)"};
static regex s_bytesType{"(bytes\\d+)"};
static regex s_dynBytesType{"(\\bbytes\\b)"};
static regex s_stringType{"(string)"};
/// Translates Solidity's ABI types into the internal type representation of
/// soltest.
auto contractABITypes(string const& _type) -> vector<ABIType>
vector<ABIType> abiTypes;
if (regex_match(_type, s_boolType))
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::Boolean, ABIType::AlignRight, 32});
else if (regex_match(_type, s_uintType))
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::UnsignedDec, ABIType::AlignRight, 32});
else if (regex_match(_type, s_intType))
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::SignedDec, ABIType::AlignRight, 32});
else if (regex_match(_type, s_bytesType))
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::Hex, ABIType::AlignRight, 32});
else if (regex_match(_type, s_dynBytesType))
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::UnsignedDec, ABIType::AlignRight, 32});
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::UnsignedDec, ABIType::AlignRight, 32});
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::HexString, ABIType::AlignLeft, 32});
else if (regex_match(_type, s_stringType))
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::UnsignedDec, ABIType::AlignRight, 32});
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::UnsignedDec, ABIType::AlignRight, 32});
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::String, ABIType::AlignLeft, 32});
abiTypes.push_back(ABIType{ABIType::None, ABIType::AlignRight, 0});
return abiTypes;
string TestFunctionCall::format(
ErrorReporter& _errorReporter,
string const& _linePrefix,
bool const _renderResult,
bool const _highlight
) const
using namespace soltest;
using Token = soltest::Token;
stringstream stream;
bool highlight = !matchesExpectation() && _highlight;
auto formatOutput = [&](bool const _singleLine)
string ws = " ";
string arrow = formatToken(Token::Arrow);
string colon = formatToken(Token::Colon);
string comma = formatToken(Token::Comma);
string comment = formatToken(Token::Comment);
string ether = formatToken(Token::Ether);
string newline = formatToken(Token::Newline);
string failure = formatToken(Token::Failure);
/// Formats the function signature. This is the same independent from the display-mode.
stream << _linePrefix << newline << ws << m_call.signature;
if (m_call.value > u256(0))
stream << comma << ws << m_call.value << ws << ether;
if (!m_call.arguments.rawBytes().empty())
string output = formatRawParameters(m_call.arguments.parameters, _linePrefix);
stream << colon;
if (_singleLine)
stream << ws;
stream << output;
/// Formats comments on the function parameters and the arrow taking
/// the display-mode into account.
if (_singleLine)
if (!m_call.arguments.comment.empty())
stream << ws << comment << m_call.arguments.comment << comment;
stream << ws << arrow << ws;
stream << endl << _linePrefix << newline << ws;
if (!m_call.arguments.comment.empty())
stream << comment << m_call.arguments.comment << comment;
stream << endl << _linePrefix << newline << ws;
stream << arrow << ws;
/// Format either the expected output or the actual result output
string result;
if (!_renderResult)
bytes output = m_call.expectations.rawBytes();
bool const isFailure = m_call.expectations.failure;
result = isFailure ?
failure :
AnsiColorized(stream, highlight, {dev::formatting::RED_BACKGROUND}) << result;
bytes output = m_rawBytes;
bool const isFailure = m_failure;
result = isFailure ?
failure :
matchesExpectation() ?
formatRawParameters(m_call.expectations.result) :
if (isFailure)
AnsiColorized(stream, highlight, {dev::formatting::RED_BACKGROUND}) << result;
stream << result;
/// Format comments on expectations taking the display-mode into account.
if (_singleLine)
if (!m_call.expectations.comment.empty())
stream << ws << comment << m_call.expectations.comment << comment;
if (!m_call.expectations.comment.empty())
stream << endl << _linePrefix << newline << ws;
stream << comment << m_call.expectations.comment << comment;
formatOutput(m_call.displayMode == FunctionCall::DisplayMode::SingleLine);
return stream.str();
string TestFunctionCall::formatBytesParameters(
ErrorReporter& _errorReporter,
bytes const& _bytes,
string const& _signature,
dev::solidity::test::ParameterList const& _params,
bool _highlight
) const
using ParameterList = dev::solidity::test::ParameterList;
stringstream os;
string functionName{_signature.substr(0, _signature.find("("))};
auto sizeFold = [](size_t const _a, Parameter const& _b) { return _a + _b.abiType.size; };
size_t encodingSize = std::accumulate(_params.begin(), _params.end(), size_t{0}, sizeFold);
/// Infer type from Contract ABI. Used to generate values for
/// auto-correction during interactive update routine.
ParameterList abiParams;
for (auto const& function: m_contractABI)
if (function["name"] == functionName)
for (auto const& output: function["outputs"])
auto types = contractABITypes(output["type"].asString());
for (auto const& type: types)
abiParams.push_back(Parameter{bytes(), "", type, FormatInfo{}});
/// If parameter count does not match, take types defined by ABI, but only
/// if the contract ABI is defined (needed for format tests where the actual
/// result does not matter).
ParameterList preferredParams;
if (m_contractABI && (_params.size() != abiParams.size()))
"Encoding does not match byte range. The call returned " +
to_string(_bytes.size()) + " bytes, but " +
to_string(encodingSize) + " bytes were expected."
preferredParams = abiParams;
preferredParams = _params;
/// If output is empty, do not format anything.
if (_bytes.empty())
return {};
/// Format output bytes with the given parameters. ABI type takes precedence if:
/// - size of ABI type is greater
/// - given expected type does not match and needs to be overridden in order
/// to generate a valid output of the parameter
auto it = _bytes.begin();
auto abiParam = abiParams.begin();
size_t paramIndex = 1;
for (auto const& param: preferredParams)
size_t size = param.abiType.size;
if (m_contractABI)
size = std::max((*abiParam).abiType.size, param.abiType.size);
long offset = static_cast<long>(size);
auto offsetIter = it + offset;
bytes byteRange{it, offsetIter};
/// Override type with ABI type if given one does not match.
auto type = param.abiType;
if (m_contractABI)
if ((*abiParam).abiType.type > param.abiType.type)
type = (*abiParam).abiType;
"Type of parameter " + to_string(paramIndex) +
" does not match the one inferred from ABI."
/// Prints obtained result if it does not match the expectation
/// and prints the expected result otherwise.
/// Highlights parameter only if it does not match.
if (byteRange != param.rawBytes)
) << formatBytesRange(byteRange, type);
os << param.rawString;
if (abiParam != abiParams.end())
it += offset;
if (&param != &preferredParams.back())
os << ", ";
return os.str();
string TestFunctionCall::formatBytesRange(
bytes const& _bytes,
ABIType const& _abiType
) const
stringstream os;
switch (_abiType.type)
case ABIType::UnsignedDec:
// Check if the detected type was wrong and if this could
// be signed. If an unsigned was detected in the expectations,
// but the actual result returned a signed, it would be formatted
// incorrectly.
if (*_bytes.begin() & 0x80)
os << u2s(fromBigEndian<u256>(_bytes));
os << fromBigEndian<u256>(_bytes);
case ABIType::SignedDec:
if (*_bytes.begin() & 0x80)
os << u2s(fromBigEndian<u256>(_bytes));
os << fromBigEndian<u256>(_bytes);
case ABIType::Boolean:
u256 result = fromBigEndian<u256>(_bytes);
if (result == 0)
os << "false";
else if (result == 1)
os << "true";
os << result;
case ABIType::Hex:
string hex{toHex(_bytes, HexPrefix::Add)};
boost::algorithm::replace_all(hex, "00", "");
os << hex;
case ABIType::HexString:
os << "hex\"" << toHex(_bytes) << "\"";
case ABIType::String:
os << "\"";
bool expectZeros = false;
for (auto const& v: _bytes)
if (expectZeros && v != 0)
return {};
if (v == 0) expectZeros = true;
if (!isprint(v) || v == '"')
return {};
os << v;
os << "\"";
case ABIType::Failure:
case ABIType::None:
return os.str();
string TestFunctionCall::formatRawParameters(
dev::solidity::test::ParameterList const& _params,
std::string const& _linePrefix
) const
stringstream os;
for (auto const& param: _params)
if (param.format.newline)
os << endl << _linePrefix << "// ";
os << param.rawString;
if (&param != &_params.back())
os << ", ";
return os.str();
void TestFunctionCall::reset()
m_rawBytes = bytes{};
m_failure = true;
bool TestFunctionCall::matchesExpectation() const
return m_failure == m_call.expectations.failure && m_rawBytes == m_call.expectations.rawBytes();