- [ ] On the release page, select the ``release`` branch as new target and set tag to the new version (e.g. `v0.5.4`) (make sure you only `SAVE DRAFT` instead of `PUBLISH RELEASE` before the actual release)
- [ ] Wait for the tests for the commit on ``release``, create a release in Github, creating the tag (click the `PUBLISH RELEASE` button on the release page.)
- [ ] Wait for the CI runs on the tag itself (travis and appveyor should push artifacts onto the Github release page).
- [ ] Run ``scripts/create_source_tarball.sh`` while being on the tag to create the source tarball. Make sure to create ``prerelease.txt`` before: (``echo -n > prerelease.txt``). This will create the tarball in a directory called ``upload``.
- [ ] Take the tarball from the upload directory (its name should be ``solidity_x.x.x.tar.gz``, otherwise ``prerelease.txt`` was missing in the step before) and upload the source tarball to the release page.
### PPA
- [ ] Change ``scripts/release_ppa.sh`` to match your key's email and key id.
- [ ] Wait for the ``~ethereum/ubuntu/ethereum-static`` PPA build to be finished and published for *all platforms*. SERIOUSLY: DO NOT PROCEED EARLIER!!! *After* the static builds are *published*, copy the static package to the ``~ethereum/ubuntu/ethereum`` PPA for the destination series ``Trusty`` and ``Xenial`` while selecting ``Copy existing binaries``.